Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1977, p. 7

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WHITDY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JUNF 1. 1977,>PAGE 7 Brian wViter's ïçtcari cn1 S'Whitby 1953 CORONATION ln thiis second article iniconiiection \vitb Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee anid Royal occasions in Wbiitby, wVe look back to the celebration of tlie Queeni's coronation on Jonc 2, 1953. The coroniationi of Queen Elizabeth xvas celebrated in Whitby in niuchi the saine way as lier fatlieris Coronation xvas celebrated in 1I9-37 (see last week's coluit'). The evening before Coronation Day, a religious -and patriotic service wvas held on the grounds of tbie igh lsciool (later Coiborne Street Schiool), withi Rev. George Lttle, editor of United Church Sunday Scbiool puiblications as tbe speaker. The Whitby Ministerial Association arraniged tlbis pre- Coronation service and the pastors of local cbiuricbes took pa rt. A niassed choir was led by Kathleen Rowe, for wvhom a scliool in town xvas later nanied. Coronation Day itseif begani at 11I a.nî. witlb a Royal Canadian Le èion parade to tbie Cenotaphi were wreatbis wvere laid ini bonor of \Vitby's soldiers wbio died iii war, and in niemiory of' the late King George VI. Rev. David Marshall, chiaplini of the Legion. conducted the ceremnony, and I larold Augustus, president of tlie Legion, laid thle wrea tii Praye rs f'or thle Q ueen a nd la prayer of thanksgiving were offeredl. At 2 p.nî. tbiere wvas a Nlaniniotbi Patriotic Parade wliich mnarchied througli town fromi the higli school girounds to the town park, (nowv Cetennial Park). Featured in this parade were the Marklîanî Ladies Baud. and the Wlitby Legion Buigle Band. The \Vhitby Garden Club wvon first prize for best float. Frank Threadgold of the Legion was responsible for narshaiiing tbe parade and the celebrations comnnittee was headed by Counicillor Everett Quantrili, uow adniinistrator of Lakeview Manor, a senior citizens' home at Beaverton. After the parade arrived at the town park, Ontario County Judge F. J. MacRae deiivered an address on tlie Coronation. Ile told Ilis audience tbiat tlie Coronation cerenîony was one of the world's oldest rituals, liaving been first perforrued more than I .000 years ago. "Let tos dedicate our lives to our God, our Queen and our Caniada", lie saîd. CORONATION PARADE ON BROCK STREET, JUNE 2, 1953 \Vlitby solicitor Terrauce Moore introduced Judge MacRae, and thle Judge was tlianked by Mayor Jerniyn. Tlhe formiaI part of tbe programi was followed by various garnes and contests ini thle town park. Thîe day ended withî a firewvorks display, and a street dance on Brock Street adjacent te the park. I lu Witby Townshiip tiiere wvere also Coronation cele- brations, iiicluding a cerenmonial tree planting at tbe - memorial arena by the Brooklin Ilorticulturai Society and thîe Wollienl's Institute. Cliildren froru tbe rural sclîoois of Irookîin, Myrtie, Spencer and Dryden, took part in thîe ceremony. Thie chief speaker for tbe day xvas I-leber Down, Reeve of \Vitby Tro\wnsliip and Warden of Ontario County in 1953. Mr. Down later served on the council of the new Town ot WVhitby uhtil his death in i1972. The Iniperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire in 'Whitby took the Coronation as an opportunity to present new Unioïn JÙack flags to ail the schools in the town. Store keepers decorated their windows in honor of the Coronation and a holiday was deciared throughout the town. Somne citizens arose at 5 a.n. to hear the Coronation ceremiony on the radio. Coronation Day in 1953, like that of 1937 was a time of joyous denionstrations of loyalty and patriotism combined witli fun and gaines for ail ages, to celebrate the crowning of Britain's new Queenl who mark's her Silver Jubilee this rnontli, 24 years after ber Coronation. W'ords fom We Lyd The New Executive of' Preside nt Vice-President Treasurer Social Director Community Director Recreation Director Memhership Director W.L.C.A. consisting of: Jim Mitchell Tony Bate Sharon Owens Karen Kerr AI Longfieid Lynn McCrossan Gerry Hill put on the most successful evening in the history of the West Lynde Community Association, May, 23, Victoria Day. We liad ever 2000 people at our Fireworks Display at Jeffery and Michael Blvds. Everyonîie ejoyed Ernie and 13ig Bird and the wonderful spirit of our association and above aIl tbe 58 mnîute fireworks display. The cbiildren received a free ballon fronu W.I..A. Our street reps worked liard in collecting the $2.00 froni each fainiily wbio participated. Wayne DeVean aand the Mayor and Counicil doniated tbie park. Ouir Fire Cbief, Ed Crouicb, advised Lis of the regulations to follow. AI Shîaw supplied the Cotirtice Band. Bill Iloffînan and'son Brett Iî1offnîan, Andy anîd Elliott Owens, Dave Kerr, Greg -2arton, Girl Guides and Boy Scouits ail worked long hiours hielping the community by giving up tlieir liolidlay and their tirne uinselfislîly. Everyone had a wouiderfui timie, especiaîly the nmen wlîo set off the fireworks - Jimi Mituheil - AI Lougfieîd- Johin 1h11- Tony Bate and Gerry 1h11 - who worked long lîours for two weeks arranging everytbiiuglfor this wonderful ilighit. DON'T FORGET OUR COMMUNITY DANCE -FRIDAY lUNE i7TiV!! TICKETS-- PHONE 668-5096 or 668-2244 Athietie held on]1 The Anniual Anderson Athietie Banquet will be held on Tlbursday, June 2, at 6:30 P.11. in the Anderson Coilegiate cafeteria. The banquet will feature Dr. Frank Cosentino former Canadian Football League quarterback and presently Chairman and Director of York University's Departmnent of Phiysical Education and Athletics as guest speaker. As well as Dr. Cosentino has banquet. Phursday written books on athieties in Canada. Also the presentation of tabs wili be made to intra- mural tearn champions and tearn nienibers as welI as trophies to the outstandiug athietes of various inter- school teams and to the school's outstandinig male and fernale athlete. The evening wili begin with a banquet for guests and Anderson athietes. over the past year. ______ LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE ARE PLEASED TO ANNQUNCE that Mr. Geoffrey formerly of Seaus Beauty Salon has joined our staff MR. GEOFFREY styles hair with etegant. ease. He has the lafest training in ail areas of cut-styling & perrning. 1_119 Green t.. 663-92b2 655,4611 ECONOMY CAR SERVICE Hwy 12 - 1 mile N. of Brooklin VACATION SPECIAL Lube , oil & filter scope test, check cooling systemn, check front end and brakes $24'95 with this ad 2 icnced mochanics on duty 7 a.m. - il p.rn. f ive days 8 a.rn. - 5 p.m. sot, Corne on in - W.'d lk. to moot you. M11.11M log, M Ilà %.4 q&ý* ý&

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