Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 9

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WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,1977, PAGE 9 Unemployment is a bigee cdot su The seven per cent unieni- ploynient rate ini Ontario roeceive dconsi de rable commiiett froni hie four Durhami West candidates for the June 9 provincial election at a forumn in thle Centennial Building Thursday. New Demnocr-atic Party Candidate Dr. Charles Godfrey said lie hoped to inaintain the jobs already ini the region as wvel1 as creating ne w jobs. He xvas critical of the governinent for not going to talk to Arniour Elevator in Pickering when it wvas in such trouble that it xvas laying off 700 employees. "Proper consultation withi hiiring agencies before they t'et into trouble is needed", lie said. Dr. Godfrey also stated that the level of unemploy- nient will continue to rise uintil 1980. He suggested that the $280 nmillion in tax concessions given by the provincial goverinment to industries to put in new machinery could be uised in ether ways. lIe suggested S180 miillion of tliîis money could be uised to provide non profit housing, capital projeets, expanided home care prograrns for senior citizens and the handicapped, upgraded comi- nîunity services in northern Ontario, home repair funds and on the job training for new job areas. The othier $1 00 million shiould bo usod as tax cuts to stimula te a demand for consumer goods, hoe said. Progressive Co nserva tive Candidate George Ashe saicl blis party belioves ini tue fr-'c eniterprise systemi. lIe statod thiat ini the first thiree nîonthis of 1977, 42,000 now jobs were created iin Ontario (7,000 miore thian the rest et Canada combine«d) wliile Manitoba lest 4,000 Jobs. Dr. Godfrey disagreod, stat ing thiat Manitoba lîad created 5,000 new jobs. Mr. Ashe said NIPPs slhould bie positive about the local comnîunity anid seli inidustries on mnoving thiero. 1le pledged to do thiis for Durhani West as hoe had douie as Mayor of Pickerinig. Ho aise pointed out duit Ontario lias created 20,000 new jobs throughi its stUdenit inicentivo programn. Liberal Candidate Jue Bugelli said in April 1977, Llnemnpioymnent wvas 7.4 por cent in Ontario up from 7.1 per cent ini Marchi. Thiis represents 300,000 people, ho said, net îincludinig 1 97,700 stUdenits wvho are graduatinig thiis year. "The real problem i s students being prepared for non existent jobs", hoe said. "The iniistry of educationi shlould %vo r k itl the nîinistry of labor to forecast. enîploymient patterns". Mr. 13ugelIi said tho Ontario Liberais voulcl sufi- sudizo 'smlalt business up tW 20 per cent ol 'ages Wo croate now jobs. Indepenidonit Conserva- tivo Candlidate Bill Leslir said tunempioyrnent is catised by p)ro fi tý controls highi taxa tioni, di sinicentlivos ho ontorpriso, tho high cost of' social wolfaro, and govorn- mont entorpriso compoting witlî prila te ontorprise. î-le oxprossod concern about nationaiz/ation being a disincentive to onterprise; govornmient centrol; regula- tien iinild harrassmnent of private entorprise, and mininmunm wage laws whichi put people out ef* work. A climiate of distrust in governmnent is beinig created, lie said, and too muILch govern- nment is the problemn and not 1 the soIlution. Ashe wants rnajority government; Godfrey says a minority does work The four Duirhanm West provincial election candidates differed ini their xiews cf whether an election was need- ed this year, Mihen they speke at an election forum at the Centennial Building Thursday. Independent Consorvative Candidate Bill Loslie said the eloction was needed because thore is tee muILChIgevernmient, tee mucl power and tee muILcl1i noney. "The taxpayers' nîoiiey is being used te perpetrate mni ini office", lie said. 'eflew long can we go on?" Hle aise criticized the increasos ini goverulmouit spending in thîe past 10 years, which lie sa id amecunted te 460 per cenit at the federal level. Liberal, candidate ice Bugelli said the olectien costs the taxpayer S2.75 a iîead or $7 per eligible voter. "Elections are sonietimos nocessary for taxpayers to do it to tho governmnent and ilot get it l'roni the goeonmnent", lie sai d. Mr. Bugelli pointed out that the peoplo said thoy did flot van t a Progressive Conservative majority governl- mont ini 1975. "Mr. Davis lafims lio necds a strong voice", lie said. "lie needs a strengor kick tlîan lie got in 197 5". Mr. Bugeili contcnded thait the province needs an honest cempromnising individual like Liboral Leader Dr. Stuart Smith ini charge of' its govern- mont. Progressive Conservative Candi date George Aslie statod the electien vas needod since 1 975. lie peinted out that NDP leader Stephien Lewis was always threatening to bring dowvn t ho governoien t, &&and thiat is n ct good govermnnt fWr this province". Mr. Ashe contended that minority govornment is the worst kind of government and a niajority gevernnient of 55 te 60 per cent was requîred. Also, elections are not held as often witlî a majority governinient, and this saves rooney, lho said. There a re important qucestions and decisions before the geveroment and a majority is needed--"not the political compromise of minority governmient",, said Mr. Asie. New Dernocratie Party canididate Dr. Charles Godfrey contended that the electien was net needed and niinerity government is goed for the province. "We had goed compro- nmises", hie said, and tie province would. not have got a rouît centrol bull without a minority gevernment. An aggressive positive approacli by the members from the Duirhami Region brought industry to the area, and this proves that rninority governmient is working, said Dr. Godfrey. "As long as government is brouglit to task imnmediately, minority goverrnment works", lie said. Premnier Davis needs il seats to get a working mnajority and that costs $2142 mnillion ecd, said Dr. Godfrey. Editor's Quote Book Thinking is so pain- fui that most of us think only when we have to. William Feather Thursday June 9th lGARDEN FRESH 848 BROCK ST. Ne (at Starr Ave.) Whitby WATERM ELOMS U.S.A. No. 1 FRESH CUCUMBERS 3/$100 FRESH CALIFORNIA. BUNCH CARROTS 3bunches f$ $100 FRESH CALIFORNIA LETTUCE 3heads '$ 10 CANADA FLORI DA NO. 1 FRESH TOMATOES 3lb./$ BANANAS CALIFORNIA NO. NEW POTATOES IL FESHCALIFORNIA SUNKIST ~~1 5l.SAIgNrIA flDANrug V Nwmoeulleau à No. 11l' 199# doz. 3 size MILk & BREAD AT COMPETITIVE PRICES prices in effect 'tii Sunday l2th June OPEN 9 aime m 9 p.m. a FRESH FROM THE TROPICS 5lIbse $j0 M $159

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