Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1977, WHITBY FREE l>RESS Base bal season is in fuli swing The 77 seasoniî S in fllI swingi for Whitby's clubs iin the Easte rn Ontario Base hal Association with Tyke, Poe-z Wec, Banitaîn and Midget1 clubs aIl undcnrvay. PEE WEE The Legionaires, the Whitby entry in thec 1.O.B.A. Pec-Wee series, dnopped a gine to Belleville btt won a pair fron Pceterborough. Ini e contest ith Belleville played at Peel Park vhich eventuially ended 7-I1 vth the visitors on the long end of the score, the gaine wvas a close 2-I affair until tlhe final innîniig when the rouf feîl in on the locals wvho canne apant and booted thle baIl enough to give Belleville five uinearned munIS and the ,viil. Ail this cane after the Legionaines hiad two out. Mike Laurie and Gien Camupbell picked tnp thc only Whitby hlits, while Belleville wvere able to turn five bits and a pile of Whitby errors into thoir sevOl) nunîs. The Legionaires farod nnucb better with Peterborou.gh. At Rivenside Park on Suinday, the Legionaires bested the Potes 10-4 for their first victory of the young season. Geoff Willianns on tlhe nnound for the Legionairos picked Up the xin holding Peterborouigh to five hits. Ho had sorno late inning relief help froni Shawn Sarginson to preserve t lie victory. The due conbined for ton strikeouts. Hitting for the Legionaires were Jeff Hanloy with a pair of doubles, and Gien Camupbelil, Roge r CI ugston, Tom Bi3rouiisboe\vski, Mîke L-au ries and Geortf williamis aIl wili a single each. "Tho Legionaires mnade il two in a row ovO r Pc te rborotigîi clubs wben thecy knocked off the Potes "A" eutry the n1Qxt n ighit in the returul gane lplay- ed in Whitby., In anot ber highi scoring bUi t lowv hi t ting ga 1)0t ho Legionaires camie out on tol) 14-8. They picked up six hits wvb le t ho Pote rboro ugh club touched Whiitby pitching fo r only 4 its. Geoft' Williams picked up the win, coining into the ('aile il) relief', in ' the thîrd. Both starters lhad cont roI problenîs ivitlî twenty-t\wo w a 1ks recorded. The gaine ent into the fifth scîuaned uip at 8-8 bt Tom Broisbowieski (lot the Legionaires oit in front with a base loaded triple to spear head a Witby rafly which netted theni six runs and the gaine which ended with the \Vhitby club holding a six-mun margin - Other \Vhitby hitters were Jeff flanley, Mike Laurie Glen Campbell, Dean Van Dolewveerd and Grog llicks with singles. TYKES The K of C Tykes got their season underwvay at Cobourg's Donc gan Park and wvon a close 7-5 tilt iglighIted by' an outstanding pitching chore by Raynond Ryan who biad I18 strikecouts to get the win. The K of C club camne up witbi 6 hits wichl withl the bielp. of 7 froc passes was enouigh to put thenm in front. Whitby hit tors were Grog tannla rît fi, Troy Bates, Scott McGibbon, Rayninond Ryani Gordon M uscbe tt and BillI Ca I an - The young players of thîe K of C club tasted def'eaf for (lie first tinme when tbey lost to Peterborough 24-2. The Whithy bittors were bield to four safeéties, singles by Scott McGib)bon whVIl ad a pair and une acli by Ray Ryan and Greg lannarilli. The K o)f C's journeyed to Bel leville foi' a do uh le linader and dropped hoth ends but forced the openler int extra innings lîeforo 1.)owing ouf 1 2-I1I1. The gaine \vaIs a Cree swining afftair witbi the Kuiglîf s o uthi t ting Belleville 18-14. Leading thbe hit ting parade for Wlifby xvere. l)ave McCorkell, Troy Btes, Jackie Robertson, ieff 1I lalèy. Scott McCl)ioni, Gond Muscbet t and Bill Cal Ian. lu the I13-7 nigbit-cap the bats ivere silenced a bit with Bellevillo getting 10 bits and Whitby picking tnp 6. Troy Bates, Scott NlcGil)loii, Jackie Robertson, Jeft' IHaley and 1i11 Callan wero the bitters in) the finale. MI D)G ET On thlee Midge t front. the Dunedin club gçot off. to a fly'ing start \ith a lop-sided 17-I win ovor Keens. The Dunedins got on the board \îtb a pair oI runs in the bot ton) of t hofirst , added a sinigle il) the second then carne iiî with a big seven non third to take a commiand- ing 10-l' lead. l'i' visitors pickcd up thicir lotenc i n ie osecond and thiat was it for. the Clay for- the Keette club. Both clubs conumi tted l'ive inisues but thbe Iunedins outhit t ho visitors 15-4 and this spellcd the différence. Mark MacDonald got the win. MacDonald started, Witt, Jeff Cyr coming in to the gainle in the sixth. Grog Putc l ski' a nd Dave Carie led the Whitb)y bittons with tbnree biits eatch, Mike Sorichetti, Mike Gallaghier, Johni lanrot t ecacb blad a poin and Mar-k MacDonald, Mark Tut ton, Gary Shoaron each added one. in their second gaine oi- the seaSon , pla yod a t Iroquois Park, the Duniedins hancled the Oshawva Legin iarcs ani 8-3 dofeat witb Mar-k MacDonald 1ickiug uip the second wvin of the scason with a spankling two bit porfon- man.11ce. MacDonald struck out 8 along the way and yielded four walks. The Dunedins junipod into a 3-1 load in t ho first îinning and added a pair in the second(. f[n the founth Oshawva thnoatenied \vith a pair of runs, but the rally va s cut short and thle Dunedins answered with three in their baîf of the fourtb. The Dunedins came uip with nine hits in the gamie which sawi% a total of' only f'ive errors. Mark MacDona-ýld a ided his ow4ni cause with a pair of hits and bis produLction \Vas match- cd by Grog Puchalski and Johin Parrott, wvhile Mike boriche tti, Dave Canie and Mike Gallaghcr added singles. BANTAM 'l'le Whitby Bantamn club lhad little trouble in their first two ouf ings, dropping Port I-lope 1 9-5 and 11-3. In the openon, Grog Maclsaac show- cd mnid-season forrn stikîng ount 14 and giving up only lourir its to earn tho win, going ail the way. In winning, the Whitby club hiad a whop- ping 14 hits. Rjck Dunphy and Denis Fulton each iaci round tippers, with Dunphy also getting a double and a single,MvLiur ra y NcCorkell stroked three singles, Charlie Meitner had a triple and a pair of -singles, Gran t Leitch hrid a triple and a single;Greg Rich, Greg Maclsaac each picked up -i ngles.-. ' economnic stabitity which includes competition in the world market place. Furthermore every citizen who can work should have a reasonable ex- pectation of employment. That people who worked toward their re- tirernent years are not denied a dig- nified life-style in those later years. Because, like sa, many other Canadians 1 share a deep concern that we must preserve the fabric of this nation that we inherited and which has given us an enviable position compared ta most peop les of this world. Because, I have learned *through my Municipal and Regional experience that there are no easy solutions ta the complex problems faced by govern ment today. 1 believe my experience qualifies me ta understand and deal with those problems which range f rom the personal concerns of the in- dividuals ta the broader issues such as employ ment and pollution. Because 1 arn honestly convinced that the Progressive Conservative Govern- ment believes in the same goals as 1 and is by fanrthe most competent ta realize them. aVote for stable government I have worked hard and honestty in the interests of the residents of Pickering for several years and more recently for both Pickering and the Region of Durham. If elected 1 pledge one basic promise - i' will -work just as hard for ail the residents of Durham West, if elected, as I have for those of Pickering in the past - regardless of your political persuasion. 1 respectfully ask for your support at the Poils on June 9th. Really - your future is your choice. mon~ George ASHE ci If Traveling During Christmas & March Break Register Now To Avoid Dissappointment CONT ACT RUSSELL TRAVEL 116BMMQST. S, WHffBY 668-5 SM Summer Hours Mon-Fni 9-5 Saturday 9-12 noon Youir Travel is our Business" To Durham West voters- A sincerestraightforward, personal message. During any election many persons question why candidates seek elec- tion. There are as many different reasons 'as there are candidates. My basic ones are: Because 1 derive satisfaction in work- ing with other concerned people who want to create better communities and opportunities. Because 1 share a concern, with others, that this cou ntry must achieve m

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