Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 1

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Free Press photo leads to Live ammo scare ai The ghost of Jamnes Bond seemned to be inhabiting Camnp X iiast weeks as an intensive se a rh for suspected live amimunition was conducted on the site of the old World War Il spy camp. Mayor Jim Gartshore called a press conférence Monday to explain what wvas going on. The mayor reported that he had received catis about "&secret tunnels and bunkers" at the site, and one man said he had buried live ammunition there. Mayor Gartshore said he could flot reveal the namnes of any of the callers because of the 35-year government secrecy-act. The commanding officer at the Ontario Regiment and the Durham Regional Police sent a sergeant from the armny to the camp, who conducted general tests with a mnine detector, sensitive enough to detect bottie caps buried two feet under the soit said Mayor Gar tshore. Whien nothiing was found, this searchi was followed up by four or five army per- sonnel and four regional police officers doing an over-ali check of the are~a with a geiger counter. Agaun tfley could find nothing, said Mayor Gartshore. The town had put "keep out" signs up because of construction to keep people out of the area. "If there was anything in the area obviously it's rotted over a period of time", said Mayor Gartshore. "We were concerned about the bunker (underground) and the tunnels running off it", added Councillor Bob Atte rsley, chairman of recreation. "If someone wal ke d around at night, somebody could drop through a hole into one about 10 feet below". The bunker xvas the site of an old communications centre at camp X. Ihe mayor reported that the Durham Regional Police tCamp 'X will blow up the ceiling of the bunker and the tunnels. le expressed special con- cern about the live amnmuni- tion scare, and reported that the town used a bulldozer to search over 3,000 square feet of land, but could find nothing. The town also checked Ottawa's records, but the five years of 1942 to 1947 were missing. "We've done everything that can be done, and we're assured that whatever may have been there isn't there now" said Mayor Gartshore. Town offic'iais have been investigating the reports on Camp X for the past two weeks, since a picture appear- ed in the Free Press on May 1l of Whitby Scouts planting trees on the site of the old spy camp. Persons who had seen this picture called in warnings to the town hall, including the man who reported he had buried live ammunition.on thesite. Vol, 7, No. 23 Wednesday, June 8, 1977 20 Pages Candidates want review of region egional Government thlink. On a nuse wîth a Id riot bc abolished, but $5,000 assessinent, the total ,is a defiiîte nieed for a tax increase from I1972 to w of its fîuctions, thie 1977 in Witby wvas $6, not rcandidates for Durliarn couinting inflation, he said. ;t said at a provincial Mr. Ashie criticizedi the :on forum d thie Centen. tlree regional NDP members Building Thutrsday. for proposing aJ priva te inenm- iberal Candiate Joe bers bill in tlie legislat ure ;li said there slould be a whichi woul l have renmoved IpleCI reviewv of regionaýl thie three northiern nmunici- rinent so it can be palities from thie region and iti( uc added 1 3 more memnbers to ueceiiLiaiii.eUu ana as iaruy services as possible be return- cd to tire local nrrnicipalities. NIr, Bugelli cited ton nmucli bureaucracy, Ouplica. tion of services and t(tô big a share of costs for the north being paid by thc southcrn munlicipailitics as problens witil regional governien t. 1-le contendeclttia t in- creascd spending by regional goyerurnient has outpaced ail otiler goverurn-fent spcnding, and pointed out tîrat water and sewer bis cannot bc used for au Otarip tax credit beccuse thecy arc no longer on tIhe munliiPal tax bill. Progressive Con se r vati ve Candidaite George Ashe said regioual gnverment shold flot be abolislhed, but shnuld be reviewed after the first five yeairs whiclr wold bc in 1978. le poirftcd ont that the Couservative pairty mis critici',ed for going ton slow on regional goverment in the late 1960s, but pointed out tIratinl Durliarn t started toi) fast n 111973-74 and develnped &isoure inechianical problemis". I idniîthtIe sewer and writer changeover was bn tched up", he said, but pointed out thlere is ii more coni distri- buthiru of services'4 Mr, Aslie suld tl It rogloniil govnrrnrolnt tutu im nt ,rnlsed taxesis 1ir101 ris pcOIlC the regional council. Indepenclent Conservative Candidate Bill Leslie called reginnal goverr)rnent a "ýgovernmelt nmake-work projet, and "another level of nit-picking for subdivision approval. [le expressed cnnccrn about highier sewer and water costs and the creation of a "%vho1e niew bureaucracy". "There is fn necessity to abolish the region but wve shnould implernent sonie changes and vcry soon", said New Dcmncratic Patty Candi- date Dr. Charles Godfrey. Dr. Godfrey expressed cnncern about the costs of regional governr-neft, compar- ing Durham Region with London, a city in a non- regon. Before Regional Govern- mient the yearly tax expendi- titre per household in London was $601 compared to $694 in Durham, he said. In 1975, he said, il was $812 in London and $ 1,429 in Durharn . "There is a neccssity to review what is going on with tie region", hie said. Dr. Gndfrey also stated he had lheld meetings on regi(>nal governm-ent with the Witly tnwn council and the pub lic and sent out question- aires to his constituents on tire subýject. THxEFASTEST BEDS INTOWN- There were no speeding tickets for these contestants Baldwin Street. The first event of its kind ever held at the in the Brooklin Fair's bed and bathtub race, held Sunday Brooklin Fair, the bed and bathtub race drew a large on the main street of the village. At right, the Hunter crowd. For more Brooklin Fair stories and pictures, see Farms entrv crosses the finish line at the crosswalk oni Pages 6 and 12. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess. JVDP wo>uld accquire' land..........oonly if necessary The New Democratic Party would acquire land for housj*ng in Ontario only if necessary, Dr- Cha rle s Godfrey said at an election form in WhitbY Th-ursday- If the supply of land is not available for reasonably priced housing and cannot be provided by the free market, thon t]ie NDP wcould move -to acquire Iand he said. Progressive -Conservative Candidate George Ashe was asked about the fairaaess and equity of the expropriation of land for the North Picke ring Deveiopmient. Hie replied that -somne people were flot fairly treated in bis opinion, but gencraiiy the govcrnilcnt lca rd 0*m113r that the expropriated people got more for their land than those who sold their land to the provincial government. The Newv Denocratic Party's proposai for a $4 ininaum wage would mean that smiail businesses wQuld have to put up tlieir prices, NDP Can idai(,te* Dr. Cia ries election forum Thursday. The proposed rise in the minimum wages wottld add only $160 a week to the workers' pay cheque said Dr. Godfrey, xvho pointed -out that only Newfoindland lhas a iower st andard*'g rate than Ontario iii ! :t5 country. CRUSHED BETLIE Ulbis Volkswagon got the worst of it when a transport trvick 4"cruihed it like a bee tie on Iltghway,401 est of Thickson Road Mny 31. Miraculously, the driver of the bug, Judilth Wffle of 458 WelisIey Street East, Tç-ronto, received only minor injuries. Six vehieles were Involved, in the accilent, wbich occurred when the drive shaft in another cor broke, and othier vehicles swertd to miss that car. The transport truck jumped the median and hît the Volkswagon head-on a Whitby OPP spokesman said. Drainage to al velces anotfed to nearly $7,000, but there was onlv one -njurv. No charges were laid. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess- sholi thiere revit four West elect niaI BLîi coif govel A.-

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