Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1977, WHITBY FR] Rent controls are an issue These members of the 1977-78 executive of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 112 were installed on June 1 at the Legion Hall on Byron Street South. [n the back row are: Jack Town, trustee-, Robert Mansfield, Padre; M&v-rk Lockyer, first vice-president; George Richardson, past-president; Robert Wilkes, executive member; Pete Bird, executive member; Hugh Miller; exectitive member; Bernard Greening, public relations officer; Archie Gillîs, sergeant-at-arms; Frank Dernaeyer, trustee; and Norm Wilson, exectîtive member. In the front row (seated) are: Thelma Olford, executive metuber; Allin Hewis, trustee; Henry Perry, president; Jim Lee, third vice-president; aîd IMargaret Pen'îelly, treasurer. This year the Whitby branch of the Legion is celebrating its 5Oth anniversary. Free Press Photo Election candidates say: . at eleeti Rdnt conitruis caiused soinie conicern iu ioiig those attend- inig the provinicial eiectjil forum ut lt HIC entennII[ial Buildig Thiur-sduy. Onie resident asked wlîy Ilis reiit went uip eighit pcr ment anid Iis muges wii oiy go up four per cent. Progressive Coniservative Canidida te Gcorge Ashie replied tlat manmy conitract settlemnents had beeni for up to 15 per cent, ind this put a straini on building costs. lie stated ltowever that rent conitrols hiave kept renits up because builders are nio loniger conistructiig apartnaents. Liberal Canldidate Jue Bugelli said refit cunitrols shouild be lieid tu Anti Inflation Board standards. Indepenident Cuniservative Canldidate Bill Leslie stated tîtat lie conisidered rent cunitruls put antther bureau- cracy betweeîî the tenanit anid lundlord wnd stop two peuple ion forum Thursday froni ikirig a simple the provincial governnwflnt's contruet oni rent. failure to get a housinlg pro- New Democratic Party» grain going effective enotigli candidate Dr. Charles Gudfrey to provide public and private blaied lack of housine (in hoising. Awards presented a t De nis O'Connor A number of special achiievemnent awards were presented to students of Denis O'Conanor l-ligh School on Thiîrsday as the sehool year draxvs to a close. Jennifer VanLeeuven, a grade 13 student, received a school letter fo r having ach ieved the highest numbe r of points in lier five years at DOC. A. truphy and plaqlue for special achiievernent in dramia was uwarded to Lucy Detta Colli. The fernale musician of the year was Julie Robe rtson, and malè irusician of the year, Steve Brackenbury. The best femiale track athiete was Hilary Barber, and best maie track athiete Kelly Martel. Put O'Connor was named male athlete of the year, and Jennifer VanLeeuwen, femnale athiete of the year. Scrap airport if it's fot necessary The Pickering airport should be built j! it is con- sidereci necessary, and scrap- ped if it is not considercd necessary, thîe Durham West election candidiates saici ai a forum in thle Centenn- iai BuIiling 2Thursdav. Progressive Conse rvatiîxe Candidate George Aslîe saîdi the airport statistics should be updated anîd if' the experts slioxv thai it is still needed, it sliould proceed as a catalvst for the region. If' it is piove!ý to be îlot îîeeded. it -sliou 71 DODGE DART 0~72 Sale Price S1199. 6 cyl., auto., very dlean4 Cost S 265.92 runs perfect. Interest 135 Lic. AKA 290. MTLI OVER 36MO. FOR FAST 1 HOUR CREDIT APPROVAL Il You Quaiffy 683-5541 CALI NOW 75 FURY CUSTOM H.T., absotutelv immacutate, one owvner. Lic. KFX 428. $3095. 74 VA LIANT DUSTER, 6 cvi., auto., radio, only 29,000 miles. Lic. KRM 331. ???? 73 PINTO WAGON, spottess throuqhouî, terrifîc little car. Lic. JVH 599. ???? 683-5540 74 PONTIAC WAGON, factorv air, 2 vear wvarrantv. Lic. LWY 076. $2395. 73 FORD LTD., 4 dr. h.t., 2 yr. varranty, futtv equipped. Lic. ARP 420. $1999. 1 KINGSTN RD. E.. PICKERMN i Id flot proceed and tilzilinds should lie released, lie said. The Nort h Pic ke ring coînînunirîy xvii he a b;îlanced coninIi ty wýItjitî i 1 uxvî industry anid xviii be part of' rRENT CAR! $14 9 Ciday 668-8000 opposite Brewers Retail 76 TOYOTA STATION WVAGON 4 dr. Lic. JX9 728 76 FORD 4 wheel drive, 3/ ton pickup. 75 RABBIT 4 dr., auto. Lic. JYR 576. 74 CO ROL LA 5 SPD. 1600 Sporty gas saver. Lic. JLR 377. 72 CELLICA SPORTSCAR Lic. EBB 546. thte [)tî ia triii Regi ni, sa id Mr. Asîte. 1île also st.ited tîtat there are 4,000 moîre acres of lanîd on the North Pickering site uitder cultivatioti iîuxvthait in 1972. Newv lentocratic Canididate D)r. (liairles Godfrey said aun t nîgonig led(eval-provittcial coiînmit tee is rex'iexviig thle truxel ttenîds of iii ports anid hot hl Trantsport lîtse Jamties Su o\v atnd AgtiLottiire .MinitseiBihl Newiniîaîîdo lit %vuiîi the airliort. Di-.(odfcl!yv, iii reply to Mîr. Ashe's c îttteîtts, :isked Ilîii gixVei z iîtett cotîld cicate nexv iiîdui it-in ithe Northt Pick.erinîg ('tittttit i t . Liîcrual 'alitdidaie Joe litgel tiSa id ait agt c tien t xas îeaclîed Iheîxveetî thîe t'ederal aînd provinîcial gutxernitteît iii 19)72 t ittld an a:itpi>rtbut Premiiie r Davi s re iîîoved Ilis aigree i ntt tii supply thle $3695. Lic. P55 357. $5995. $3195. $2395. $1895. WHITBY TOYOTA On Hiighway 2 Between Whitby and Ajax. 668*4792 GODFREY & LEWIS AT FAIR Durlui West New Democratie Party Candidate Dr. Charles Godfrey was accornpanied by his provincial party leader Steplien Lewis on a whirlwind tour of the Brooklin Fair Satuirday afternon. Mr. Lewis stepped off a large bus and into a crowd of placard-carrying well-wislîers. Dr. Godfrey rode in the Brooklin Fair parade iin a car, but his sentiments were expressed in the words 011 his shirt, "I'd ratiier be waiking". Free Press Photo ANNIVERSARY S AL E!l UP TO 50% DISCOUNTS ON BRAND NAME JEWELLERY AND GIFI ITEMS JUNE lst. - 1Sth C. F. MESHER JEWELLER. 109 DUNDAS ST. W. WHTBY ALL SALES FINAL Peter Barker D.T. Denture Therapist 111 Dundas St., West Whitby 668-1464 WHITBY TOYOTA On Hwy 2 betweon Whitby & Ajux 668m4792 i

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