Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 5

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Ashe di*d not casi Wants besitpossi Dear Sir: During the past * two Police Station bt i did weeks one of the ques- flot cast the deciding tions more freqtiently vote. At Regional asked in Whitby is "Why Cotincil recorded votes did 1 cast a deciding vote are called alphabetically to eliminate 24 hour and with the name operation at the Whitby 'Ashe' it is obviaus that Police Station". The my name was among the question indicates a com- first called. The final plete misuinderstanding vote was close to a tie 50 of my position which 1 it is again obvious that wotuld liketo explain ta someone much further youi. down the aiphabetical 1 suipported elimina- line was in the position tion of the night time that I was accused of. operation of the Whitby Very frankly, 1 do not t deciding vote; b!le p olice se rv ice think that what I per- - Concentration ai ceived as a genuine need progr ammes of returning varies too much from in part, ta' foot patrols sc the views of your owfl that merchants, shoppers Regional Cotîncillors. visitors and others in oui What I want and what 1 core areas recagnize th( support is: - The best use of our Police facilities which in- cludes greater frequencies of patrol in order that citizens may have the reassurance of knowing that Police protection is there and is available to them. Big government bothers Bill Leslie To the Voters of Durhamn West, The reason I amr tn- ning as a candidate in this election is becatîse over the past year or so h-lave becarne very concerned abouît the growthi and power of governnient vis a vis the individual. Individtîal rîghts are dim- ishing in both the economic sphere and in liberty. With respect to liberty, 1 feel that government, has no right to pass a law to protect an individ- tial from himnself. The seat belt law (and may I say I arn not against wear- ing a seat belt) is a very dangerous precedent, in that this l1egal precedent may well be îs'ed in the futture as a basic for future laws which may inhibit individtîal liberty ftîrther and further tintil we are on otîr way ta, becoming a police state. If the rationale for this law is because we are covered under a universal, government sponsored medicare plan, then Y take the position that aside fromn the costs in economnic terms, the price paid in liberty is too high. Trotsky said; Contrai a man's livelihood and you control the man. In the economic sphere, we have seen governmenit becorne the biggest growth industry in the country, shifting econornic power from individuals to governiment. This shift has been to the detriment of the private sector. Governrnent intervention lias caused ail manner of distortions in the înarketplace. Today, to a very large degree, becauise of these government interven- tions, we have an 8% uneniployment rate, in a land of plenty. In Durham West we do not have to go far fo r examples: Dial A Bus: the fare paid by the tiser represents one third the costs; municipal taxes and provincial taxes pay the other tWo-thirds. Compliments of Mayor Ashe, a new recreation centre in PiCkering, to be built at a cost to thle taxpayer of 144l5 millions of dollars, will include restaurant, pro shop, triple gymnasiumns, indoor tennis courts, preforrning arts theatre, 50 metre swimrrning pool, major arena, bowling alley, curling rink, etc.. Are not t hese governm-ent enterprises in direct com- petition wîth private enterprise? i-lýs not governiment decided; whether you want or tise these facilities or not, yoLi SHALL have the privilege of PAY!NG for them. 1 fear unlimitcd government. Governinent is taking about 45 cents otut of every dollar and then spending it on behiaîf of the taxpayer. How iuich higher can this percentage go, before government does not choose ta live wtîtin its ineans and continually borrows. Today in Ontario, every taxpayer is paying at ieast 50 cents per day, just ta caver interest. What would 1 do if I were elected ta the legisiattîre? i would work ta redtîce gavcrn- mrent spending; tlîis could be achieved by impie- iienting sunset laws. I wotîld be very interested in ttîrning back ta private enterprise as nitich governr-nent rtîn enterprise as passible. No ane memiber can do this on his own but 1 believe there is plenty af romr in the legislattire for per- satîsion ta pramote the ideas of smali governmnent. This i wotîlcido. Bill Leslie, Independent Conseriative Candidate, Durham îWest, 813 Westshore Blvd., Pickering, Ontario. HTYFREE PRÉESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8. 1977, PAGE 5 n r officers as part of the community and the officers in turn are familiar with their needs and problems. During the night hours the Whitby Station was actually serving as what rnight almost be- des- cribed as an information booth and even 50, re- ceived an average of app- roximately 3 contacts per night - a great majority of which were for simple direction. 1 estimate conservatively (c) that the cost of providing that service is between $65 ,000 and $75,000 per year - or if yoiî wish to relate it to average uisage about $7 5.00 per contact. Quite sirnply, my position was that the funds could be better clirected to the irnpproved operations 1i mentioned previously. If the general public knew that 3 Municipal employees were hiredl to provicle direction to variocis citi- zens on an avcrage of once cvery 3 or 4 hours there woulci be a cry of outrage because *of the waste of tax payers fu n ds. .-I do support the best possible police service in Whitby. -- i do support re- tention' of the building for day tilne usage and contrary to rurnours, I know of no plan to discontinue that day timie ope ration. -- 1 have not been persuadeci that tliere are facts which would support a full 24 hour operation. George L. Ashie, Progressive Conserva tive Candidate, Durharn West. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN CFWHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE TELEPHONE CALLS '70 THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING Please' be advised that we are presently experiencing a malfunction of the telephone equipment at the Municipal Building in that certain incoming caîls are flot being reoeived by the switchboard. To the person'pîacing the caîl, the telephone wilI continue to ring and it would appear that his or her caîl was not being answered. However, the cal is flot being received on the switchboard. This problem has been' brought to the attention of the telephone company who are attempting to resoîve this problem as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you, should have occasion to contact the Municipal Office and the telephone continues to ring, the only solution at this time appears to be to hang up and replace your cal I. Until the telephone eauipment has been repaired, we w,)uld sincerely requëst your co-operation and regret any inconvenienoe that this problem may crate. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Cîerk-Admin istrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby. Consoîidated Building Corporation COMMUNITY CONCEPT CENTRE i t the corner of Baldwin and Roebuck Sts. in Brooklin We are open Tuesday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 5. anïd Wednesday and Thursday evenings frum 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The planning exercise starts Tuesday & Wednesday June 14 and 15 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and every i T u ,,-4 and W dnesdav ,tha..af ter- Drop în and p or cail - cornein and see the Plar lay us a visit %655-3391 inning Exercise. BROOKLIN RENTALS Equipment Rentai For Construction, Farm &Homeowner Anderson St. south of Winchester Ste DROOKLIN, ONT. I 655-3381 LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that Mr. Geoffrey forrnerly of Sears Beauty Salon has joined our staff MR. GEOFFREY styles hair with elegant ease. He has the Waest training in ali areas of cut-stying & perming. IL 19.GreefSte 668-9262 f CHINESE FOCrOû TAVERN GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT AND TAVERN CHINES! & CANADIAN FOOD 105- 107 URQCK ST. S. WH ITIY (JUST SOUTH 0F 4 CORNERS) Fuiiy Licericed Under The.LIB.O. GO)LDEN GT - tLAURÂKf -76' DINE IN OPEN GATEWAY TO TATERIOUT tili 2 A.M. FINE CUISINE WEDDING' Fn .Sat. for HOME DELîVERY in PARTIES tili 3 A M WHITBY. AJAX, AND BROOKLIN & OSHAWA, ,BANQUETS CALLTA OUT SERVI 6«.=AR(,L m 1 -4q 1 WHITBY ý 1 rd i LUI . r

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