Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 7

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Bîiîî Vinter's H stori j~Whitb 1897 JVBILEE Anyv celebratiens ci Qucen 1 Iia,betlI's Silver Ittl)ilee thlis year \vll bie but pale imitations of' the grea test royal i bl)ce of thieîu ail, Queen Vic îoria's Diamnond J ubile iiiI1897. \Vhitby. as County Towvn of Ontario (bunlt. venit ail-out in its' celebrations oft this historic event , spending bet\veen $ý500 and 5600 on the jubilm e. a considerabie sumv ot muoney i t hese da\'s. The Diam-ond J ubilee celebrations began un J une 20, I897 with two speciail chîîricli services. A Joint union ser-vice was lheld in the Me thodist Tabernacle (niow St. NIark's United Chiurch) by the Me thodists, IPrcsb)vteian-ýis and Baptists. withi speeches of thanksgiving and Ioyalty delivercd the iisters of these churiches. The Sons cf England leinet Socie ty or-ganiied a Jubilee ser-vLe in Alil Saints' Anglican Chtircli, \vhtichl \vas aI tencied bv, the Town Cou ncil , tie volu nteer il iitia, and( aIl the fraternal and social societies ut the towîî. The service started ai 4 p.mi. (thtle saine limie as a siînilar service in Lon don Eol d),a nd as t he be Ils i n the tower rang, th1 c îngrega t ion sang (4)G1 Save t he Queenl". Thiese ser-vices wvere onIly a preltude te the (great Jubilee day celebra lions hleld on Tuieslda\ J une _22, wvhen a grcat parade marched thronghi town frein t he Collegiate Instilute ( later Coîborne Sîreet School) t othie exhibitioni groonids. The exhibi tioni grounds iunI1897 were on die cast side of Garden Street, opposite the site of t1e preserit Whitby Senior Public Schcol. The parade started off wvith ilie firing oft a 500 ponnd camnon aI the exhibition grounds, anid Ibis cannon was fired off regularlv îhroughout t1e day. It \vas said it ccci Id be hieard fer 25 miles. and would shatter wýinidows i f set up toc near homes. * Capers Provincial Election '77 An extreinwly successful 'Ali Candida tes ['orini' look place at the Ceutennial Buiilding( last week. Thie 'st:in ingiiL rccmi only' crcwvd indicates tlie interest tbis eleciion bias genierated amiong the constil ucîlîs cf Whitby. The Sociaiist and Free Enterprise pelicies have beeni expounded. Thanks tu the man)y people who corresponded or telephoned in answer te miy previous dquestions- 'l)oes Free Enterprise work? Cari ve afford more sociialistic programis? The resuits were 1 84 te I in favour cf the continuation cf the 'free enlerprise' systeili. lronically, many cf the people \vho cornmnicated xithlune xvere descendants fremi the British Isles and European couintries. Leadership, National Unity, Eiiuployilient are of vital importance. It is a privilege we enjcy iu Ontario, to vote for the person or Party cf or choice. Exercise that privilege by casting your ballot wisely to-miorrowv. VOTE AS YOU LIKE, BUT VOTE Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp. Glen Wallis, cf I138 Thickson Rd. N.. wvas chioseni as lie JUBILEE PARADE ON BROCK STREET, JUNE 22,) 1897 'Flh e scio Ci l i' Ithle 10 wn , led by a butgle band, maiýrchecd throLîght lhe main streets cf town, aiong withi the milii ia. thle irale rn ai socie ties, andcial LII le r o rga nizal ions iin Whithy. M rs. JosI iuLa Richiardsoni, une o f the o idest resiie n ts cf t he towni, playe d tlie pait io f Q necn victoria, a1n1(i was co nveyc d th rouigl t ownin i a specia I ca rriage. Blesi Recri nit' as the an îî lI Inspection o ftheW\liit by Se a (Cadet îs lst \Vedniesdaytý. Glen, wvho îi asItudenit aI the Dr. Robe rt Tho iii on School in W'u h ylas worked ext remecly hard and is worîhy of the aiwardl.(ortntiis Giant Neighbourhood Yard Sale Saturday, Jun le a gian1 yard sale wvill be held ai Il17 Nortlîview Avenue. Gamecs, dislies. ctlery.dlotlfies etc. wvill bc fea tured . A great opplor-t iily le stock up) or replenisli yeur cottage supp)lly. Doiî't miss il. Westminster Uniited Chutrcli Camping for Everyoîîe at Camip Pretoria Thie Niery Niates Camp11ing W' enid is set fo(r Jttne 25-26 at ('amp l retoria t (2 miles norilh on Ritson' Road) witlî t1e C'ON(; RLiýG ATI ONAI1. lICNIC ta kiîîg place there on Suinday, the 26t h. For camipin-. caibins are available (rent ) or bring youi ownlnt effr traider. Al elcomle , aid , if interested, check with Eli/.abethi or Ray 1 latter il576-82 18. The Anlual CONGREGATIONAL PICNIC The Chiurch service will bce held a t ('amp Pretor ia ai CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO STOP UP AND CLOSE A SECTION 0F JONES AVENUE Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Vhitby intends to pass a by-law to stop up and close and seli to the adjoining owners, that portion of Jones Avenue shown on Registered Plan 431, designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Plan 40R-3415. And further take notice that the Council of the Town of Whitby will at 8:00 p.m. on the 27th day of June, 1977, at the Meeting Hall in the Municipal Building at 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in persn or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his land will be pre- judicially affected by such by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this let day of June, 1977. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk(-Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby. After the participants had marched ente the traek at the exhibitieni grounds, in front cf t1e grandstaud, Chiaries Kinig of Whiitby, Warden cf Ontario Conty, cpened the officiai proceedings. lie could oct seem te avcid- bringing poliîics into his speech, suggesting the Jubilee could be commenierated by the coonty building a hom-e for the poor in Whiitbv. (contintied next week) 11I :00 a.m. foliowed by the picnie (admission, 50 ce nts per person) with food, races, fu and feliewship. Please bring your own dishes, ind cutlery. Tea and coffee will be provi dedc. Have a gcod week. Be sure te exercise your veting pri'ileges to-nicrrow, Thursday Jue 9th. M. McEa.chern 725-8967. patio andi suilwdewlalk slabs r'rý MM% MOP

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