Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1977, p. 15

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Coming vents MONTE CARLO NIGHT The Whtitby Jaycees are holding a Monte Carlo Night at the Iroquois Park Arena Jonc I17, starting Lt 8 p.m., to raise fonds for the developinent of D'Hiîlier Park. The $2 admission price inclodes $5,000 worth of play money to play the wvheels of chance and the black jack tables. Tickets are available at Scott's Chicken Villa, Dairy Queen, Ottenbrite's Men's Wear, Mr. Submnarine and the Xhitby Free Press. '5Os DANCE A '50s dance will be held by the Whtby Jaycees at the Iroquois Park arena, June 18 starting at 8 p.ni. Everyone is invited 10 dress in the 1950s, style and there will be a prize for the m-ost authentic looking couple. There wvi1l be door prizes, a cold buffet, spot dances and music by a disc jockey. Tickets are $10 a couple available by calling 668-6111. Proceeds will go 10 the developinent of D'Hillier Park. TREASURE HUNT Anyone who wvould like t0 xin $500 is invited 10 enter the Whitby Jaycees Treasore Hlunt 10 begin June 19 at 2 p.m. at D'Hillier Park. Clue envelopes will be sold for $21 apiece which will provide information on wvhere 10 look for the $500 prize. The search will continue until the money is foond, with one dlue leading 10 another in a search throoghout the town. FAMILY FUN DAY June 19 is Father's Day, and also Family Fun Day at D'Hillier Park. Froin noon 10 4 p.m. the Whitby Jaycees will have such attrac- tions as a dunking booth, food booth, inodel airpîane demonstration, St. Johin Ambulance demonstration, karate exhibition, golc lihunt and pony rides for youing and old.. Freeballoonsand sockers wiIl be given 10 the children. OPEN HOUSE lnulhonor of their Sth wvedc1ing anniversary, the faiîy of Dan and Anne Batherson invite friends ani relatives 10 an open bouse Saturday Joue 25 froi 2- p.m. to 4 p.mn. at the WVitby Legion HlI on Byron Street South. Bost wishes only. GARDEN ROSES "ýThe 1liistory of Gardon Roses" will bc the subject Mhen Mrs. J. Brown, of tlhe Royal Botanical Gardons speaks at the Brooklin I orticultural Society meiet- ing on Jonc 22 aI Ithe Brooklin U.nited Chiurch at 8:00 p.mn. Featured also will ho a voge- table andi flower show with flower arrangements. ALUMINUM WIRING A general meeting of the We st Lynde Commounity Association will be held Jue 16 -at 8 p.m. at West Lynde Public School, where ai repre- sontative of' Ontario Hlydro, Central Regiori will discuss ELDORADO CHEESE- &f DAIRY BAR 102 CQLBQRNE ST. Whitby - 668-1621 Iocated behind Bowman and Gibsoný Cheeses direct from the- Eldorado Ch-eese Factory Hours: Mon. 10:30-6, Tues. Wed. &Thurs. 9-6 Fri. 9-9 Sat 9-6 JUTE, BEADS, WOOL CREATIVE ACCESSORIES i St Anniversary Celebration FRFF YOUR CHOICE - - - - Knitting Noodies or Pattern With the Purchase of Any Five Bails of Yarn' Up To 50% Savings on Other Marked Items BUSINESS HOURS: Offer Ends June 25, 1977 j "6yOLr house--alurninurn wiring and yoLIr I-ydro1'. Everyone is welcome t 0 attend. SPRING F LING The West Lynde Coin- munity Association's Spring Fling dance wiIl be hield at l-eydenshore Pavillon June 1 7 at 8 p.m. Tickets are avaihîble by calling 668-2244 anfd 668-1 173. LADIES' SEMINA9 An inforniaI seminar "For Ladies Only" will hco held at the Whitby Municipal Build- ing, 575 Rossland Road East Jonc I16 fromn 1:45 p.m. 10 3:15 p.m. Mayor Jirn Gart- shore and senior staff miem- bers wiII participate in a pro- gramn to explain how the municipality is operated administratively and politi- cally. Womeri's groups throuïghout Whitby have been invited to send repre- sentatives to this informa- tive seminar. MORJGAG ES 1 st and 2nd SResidential "cottages iFArms Commercal 1 nLiust.rial. Spec $;t.ae WE BUY MORIGAGES WiH'1TB668-1556 fORONTO 839-1304 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS LIMI TED RENT A CAR! No mileage charge 668-8000 opposite Brewers Retail WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1977, PAGE 15 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE The Rev. Canon Arthur Chiote, rector of St. Pilip's Chuirchi, Wcston, will be the 13 1lst anniversary preacher at St. John's Anglican iChiurch, Port Whitl6y, at 3 p.m. Junc 26. St. John's froin 1948 to 1950. The Whitby Brass Band will provide music at the anniversary service and the ACW ladies will se rve strawberry shortcake and tea at the reception which follows. Canoni Chote was rector of BROOKLIN RENTALS Equipment Rentai For Construction, Farm' & omoowner Anderson St. south of Winchester St. BROOKLIN, ONT. 655m3381 Whitby Community Bingo Kinsmnen OPtïmists $500 JACKPOTS EYERY MONDAY NIGHT Monday, June 20 Lic. No. 212586 FIRST JACKPOT AT 53 NUEMBERS 50 NUMBERS No bidren under 16 admitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEYDENSHORE PAVILION (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) 2- SECOND JACKPOT AT 7:15 p.m. a lý mulommmombie s

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