Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Po.Ce Ge< Cont'd from P. 1 At 10'17 p.mn. the winner appeared at the door and the band struck up "For He's a Jolly Good FelIow" followed by three cheers. It took some timie for Mr. rrue. Ashe to make Nis way througn the crowd of hand-shaktng, emnbracifig well-wishers, to the band's platform where he made a brief acceptance speech. "1've neyer seen such a teamn of dedicated people in 683-5541 13510 CALI NOW 10W RATE TERMS AVAILABLE 13.5% OVER 36 MOS NOTE $1,000 $ 1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 COSI $221.48 $332.40 $4432 $553.88, $664.80 MONTHLY $33.93 $50.90 $617.87 $84.83 $101.80 683-5540 74 CHEVELLE MALIBU, 8 cyi., auto., fully powered. Lic. AOW 360. $2499. 74 MONTE CARLO, factory air, fulv re-conditioned. Lic. LXJ 140?? 73 FORD LTD., 4 DR. H.T., very clean, 2 vr. warranty. Lic. ARP 420. $1 799. 74 PONTIAC WAGON, factory air, spotiess throughout. Lic. LMY 076. $2399. 70 CHEVELLE MALIBU WAGON, 9 passenger, Must be seen. Lic. BRS 954. ??? 13 0 New & Used Cars To Choose From PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL )UNE 22 177 iKINGSTONRD. L.PCKRN THE OSHAWA STATION with Joe 'Bugeili had voted for hini, and that lack of confidence in Dr. Godfrey might have hurt the incumbent, but did flot see any one issue responsible for Nis win. Mayor Jim Gartshore, who attcnded Mr. Ashe's victory party, seerned pleased with the resuits of the election. I have a good workinig relationship with George", hie said. "I-e knows what the municipality requires. Hie hias experience witb the region and wiil be on the govertnment side. 1 look forward to working with him, flot only for Wlitby but for Ashe wins Durham West 649 totes rd ng ,by IDurham Région". Bob White, President of the Whitby Progressive Conservative Association, said he was delighted that the Town of Whitby was respon- sible for getting Mr. Ashe elected. "The Town of Whitby put himn in there", he said. "The fight was to hold our own, but we did a littie bit better, We put in a man who was suited for Queen's Park. Mr. White called Mr. Ashe "4a young man who is one of our area people". 1He spoke of Mr. Ashe's record of representation on the Ontario County and Durham Regional ail my lite. Worcis can't express what 1 feel. 1 thank you ail", said Mr. Ashe. "I'rn giad it's over; 1 can tell you that", he said, as he predicted there would be an other Conservative minority goverrnment with a ncw opposition. The Pickering mnayor, who wili have to give up the office he hias heid since regfional govcrniment began in 1974, said the legisiature wili be called into session ini a couple of weeks and"I will be in there fighting for Durham West. 1 thank you from the bottom of mv heart". At 10:30 p.m. Dr. Godfrey, who represcnted Durham West since Septern- ber 1975, arrived at the com- rnunity centre and shook Mr. Ashe's hhind. Liberal Soc Bugelli was there* too to con- gratulate Mr. Ashe. The crowd seemed to be made up predomninateiy of Whitby residents, many of whom were actively working for Mr. Ashe durinig the canpaigfl. "I lost in Pickering by Iess than 300 votes; 1 think we won by a bit in Ajax, but Whitby was the place", Mr. Ashe told the Free Press. I1 had to get across sorne of the decisions 1 madle on Whitby, and the people accepted themn and voted for me", he said. There were no concession speeches, and the evening was spent by Mr. Ashe mningling with his supporters and receiv- ing congratulations late into the nighit. Mr. Ashe had placed rnuch of his campaign effort in Whitby, and it paid off by giving himn the election. He took about two thirds of the Whitby poils and such areas as West Lynde went solidly for Mlr. Ashe. lie suggested that dis- -gruntiled Liberals unhappy Cont'd from P. 1 UAW Hall'in Ajax, the place whichi was to bc the scene of victory celebrations. The hall wvas filled with the chiatter of NDP supporters and recorded country and western music. Upon his arrivai at the hall, Godfrey addressed the crowd. "It looks as thoughl 'm second", lhe announced. Dr. Godfrey tîhanked his workers, saying: "I have to point out hiow grateful 1 arn". Dr. Godfrey discussed the ramnificat ions of the election resuits fo r the New Demiocratic Party. lHe said thiat Tliursday's election wvas "possibly the toughest blow the NDP will ever have to take". 1-le added, "We can look forwa-rd to a comeback". "You lose a battle, not a war", Dr. Godfrey assured his listeners. The defeated can- didate concluded that the NDP has "a great deal more work to do here". fie asked that his supporters enjoy the evening because they deserved a celebration after their hard wo rk. Dr. Godfrey then left the stage and walked among his supporters who offered words of consolation and hope for the next time. The music resumned and sonie danced happily, while others stood in small groups, talking quietly. Joe Bugelli, the Liberal candidate, camne to the UAW Hall for a few moments. The candidate who finished third expresse'd satisfaction with the election in Durham West. "lt's beený a good, dlean campaign", he said. Dr. Godfrey and Mr. Bugelli then went to the Ajax Community Centre where Mr. Ashe's supporters were gathered. Dr. Godfrey and Mr. Bugelli spoke privately to Mr. Ashe, probably conceding to, and congratulating, the victor. Newman loses in Armourdale Formier Whitby Mayor Des Newmian lost his second bid to eniter provincial politics Thursday. Running for the Liberal party ini Toronto's Armiour- dale Riding, hie was defeatcd by 2,400 votes by Bruce McCaffcry of the Progressive Conservatives. The final vote total were 13,371 for Mr. McCaffery, 10,807 for Mr. Newman, 6,264 for Marlene Kochiler of the New Dernocratic Party, 265 for Libertarian Bruce Evoy, and 250 for indepen- dent David Wragget. Mr. Newman, who was elected treasurer of the Ontario Liberal Party carlier this year, came under sorte criticismi for being "parachut- cd" into the Armiourdale Riding by the Liberal Party who had hoped lie would easily take the seat vacated by former Toronto Mayor Phil Gi',!Pns, a strong Liberal who won easily in 1975. In the 1975, election Mr. Newman was defeated in Durhamn West Riding by Dr. Charles Godfrcy of the NDP, 1 -i - -was c'-eéeAte s1 i'. " on Thursday by Progressive Conservative George Ashe. Mr. Newman made an unsuccessfui bid for federal politics in 1I968 in Orhawa- Whiitby riding wvhen lie was defeated by Ed Broadbent of the NDP. Mr. Newman, despite losing Thursday's election, upstaged Mr. McCaffery with a dramiatic concession speech at flhc North York Commiunity 1laIl whiere hie called for unity and political activism. "I hiave lost nothiing to. night, nor has any candidate", he said as he was gree-t' i.y applause. "We have gained an understanding of the needs of this riding and province". Mr. Newman encouraged those attending Mr. McCaffery's victory party to continue their involvemnent in polities . "It is vital-.truly vital--that this nation remlains strong. Lt is imperative that we begin to assumne the responsibilities of other nations", he said. A week of break-ms A nuniber of minor thefts and break-mns occurred in Whitby cluring the past week accordirig to Durharn Regional Police. On June 8, the ntorth east door of M. and M. Sales on Taun ton Road west was pried open and a smiall amnounit of' mioney taken, police said. The following day, the residence of M. Robertson, i56 Baldwin Street in Brooklin wvas broken into, LEI- AKES-JEN -CSI CHREXMSTRCARG MECATIE 'P TOE' 321BROK S. S WHTBYPLAA 68 -346 and $2'20 in cash and three Lotto Canada tickets taken. Friday, a 30-year-old man with curly blonde hair posed as ain emnployee of Coopcr's Place, a store at 103 Brock St. S., and nmade off with $60 from thà cash register. Police said the man asked an employee of the store to go downStairs to check for a carpet. While the employee was downstairs, the man took the money, police said.___ Ashe has always taken a great interest in the community. "He was the only person in the campaign who knew and understood the local situation", he said. "A lot of peo pie in the Town of Wbitby must have believed in him, They are the ones who brought him in". SMr. White also externded his thanks to the many PC party workers who extended themselves for thr ee weeks to campaign for Mr. Ashe and won him Nis seat in the legislature.. "-9OSalePric $1 99.0 SQUIRE WAGON Co90 St re $1332.0 FuIIy re-conditioned ntest $3.5% 2 yr. warrantv. MTHY OER 36 MOS.5 Lic. ARC 9P9 TIY OE36MS FOR FAST 1 HOUR CREOIT APPROVAL Il You Qualhfy SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT I5 GOING ON IN DUIRHAM! Noon, Evenings & Night Reports 12:20 6p.m. & 1llp.m. Weather, Sports and News Godfrey loses election

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