Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4,.WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1977, WHITBY FREE, PRESS Community Editor Published every Wednesday contributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promotional by M.B.N1. Pub1isbing. Manager and Pbotography Inc. Classif lad Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 'Circulation Manager Mailing Permi The Free Press Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamberc -Brian Wiflter -Jim Qual -marie Burgess -Robir Inor'f -Marlefle BYromI -haron Lyofl t No. 460 * of the: ireau of Toronto ofComerce Do you know of an outstanding citizen? 1Do you know of somneone in Whitby wvho lis devoted miucli of his or lier tile and energy to the betterniefit of the towvn? If such a person cornes to nîind, noîninatiiig hiin or her for the Peter Perry Award wotuld be one, way you could show your appreciation for the work tlîey have donc. The Whitby OChamnber of Commerce, ecd year, presents the Peter Perry Award to an outstanding citizen of the Town of Whitby who deserves to be hoiîored for his work. Whitby lias many outstanding citizens, people who work quictly behind the scenes to miake our town a better place in vhicIi ta live. The Chamiber of Commnerce wants you to tell it wvho they arc with your nomîination fornm, so that they niay' be considercd for the outstandiiig citizen aw,,ard. The Peter Perry Award is a people participation project, '1or it is the people of Whitby wtîo nominate candidates for the juidges to choose. This is yotir chance tr) let the Chamiber know who you think is an outstanding citizen in vouir town. You have until July 11I to ma.il a nomination form to the Chamber office iii' thc Cen tennial Building. The award wiil be presented July 22 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Nomination forms are available at banks, the Victoria and Grey Trust Company, the library and the Chaniber's information booti at the Four Corners. Let's make this ye.-r's Peter Perry Award a real participation project. Pick up a nomination formi and say who you think should be narncd Whitby's outstanding citizen of I1976. Queen S Silver Jubilee should not go unnoticed During the past monti, the children in Whitby's schools have been celebrating the Silver Jubilce of Queen Elizabeth 11, and recently Bra nch 112 of tic Royal Canadian Legion announced plans for a Silver Jubiiee dru mhcad service in September. This Saturday there will be a Silver hibile celebration at the Lynde House Museumn. Things have changcd a lot in the past 25 years. Thecrmonarchy has come under criticismn as an anachronisni, Canadians have loosencd their tics with Britaini in an attempt to assert themselves as citizens of an independent country, and the Qucen has even been removcd from the 12 cent postage stIamp. Times change and, like it or not, we nmust adjust to these changes. Yet we 'stili muist be mindful of our roots and where we came from. The success of a book and a television. series by tiat name this year has shown us that in this time of rapid change, we ail are seeking somne forin of stability. Thc Queen's Jubilce is a time for us to remember [)ear Sir:1 hl April, mny booki entitled "BI LINGUAL1 TODAY, FRENCII1 TOMORROW"ý was pub- lishied by the smiall but courageous firin, BMG 1 Publishing Lirnited, 60A Industrial Road, Rich- miond Hill1, Ontario. Public response xvas1 imimediate andi symipatlîe- tic. Thin on May i13, on anl open line radio prograru fromni Niagara .i Falls, Ontario, i was aclvised by the head of the French- Speaking Association of Ontario that every effort was gaing ta be muade ta suppress it across Canada. In anl unguarded moment this sarene an aclmitted tlîat his Association is funded by the Canadian Federal Goverrument ta the tune of thrce hund- red thousand dollars a ycar. In other words, thc Fren ch-Speak ing Association of Ontario, which has its couinter- parts in ecd of aur nine Englisi-speaking Provin- ces, is virtualiy anl exten- sion of the Federai Goverlnment, working steadily and purposefully taward Mr. Trudeaui's now abviaus goal of a French-dorninated, and eventually a French- speaking, Canada. As tic resuit of that conversation there is no doubt in iny înlind thuit every imiaginible forin 0of pressure will be brought ta bear on store-ownCrs and managers across Canada ta l)revelit my boak getting ta the Caniadian public. During my 28 years in Canada's Armi-ed Forces, I firmnly believed that Canada stoocl for freedoni of speech, includ- Welcome tb centennial 1<) thîe Editor: Gravenhurst, Ontario, was incorporated as a. village in 1877. Thig imans that we are celc- brating aur Centeninial in 1977. We knaw that former residents andl friends of aur town are scattercd across Canada and around the warld. We invite them ail ta join uis for a Grand Reunion an Frid'ay, July 1, thc begin- ning of aur (Md Homne Weck. For more informa- tion, picase write Centen- niai, Box 2132, Graven- hurst, Ontario, POCII 1GO. Thank you for the use of yaur spa ce. Yours sincerely, Cyril, Fry, Chairman, Centennial Comniittee. Under Mr. Trudceau, 'ain no longer sure. In view of the tlireat of suppres- Sion niade against my book, 1 would appreciate an opportunity ta ask those Caniadians wlho stili value their personal freedom ta drap inta thieir local book stores or book cauinters ta deter- mine for thieruselves has been put inta effeet. If it has, I wauld ask that they objeet strenuously, fo r their freedom to dissent is as threatened as mine. Yours sincerely, J. V. Andrew Lieuteniant Commander (Rctired) The oniy YfhtDy new~spperiiiuepenaeuy uwîseu au «" itu yyai Author says book is being suppreSSed should flot pass unnoticed. SERVING OVER 28,000 READERSr Ià Voice of. the Cou nty Town Mike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor "AnýmiAanlvnumA nAni-iprted hvbuWhitbv resideilts for Wlitby residents. IL-

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