Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1977, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Cahleicast listings Cablecast 10, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin. Programs, Wednesday, lune 29th to Tuesday, July 5th, 1977. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 2:00 Faithi Baptist Chorcli Service 3:00 Witby Arts Presents: 4:30O Fiesta Pavilîtin -lighligits 6:00 Sîin Off THURSDAY, JUNE 30 2:00 Conception wîtl Bill Jeanles ':0 Durhanm Diatogue witih Jim Kirkconniell 3: 00 Fiesta Week l-lighlights includinig scenoes froîn various Pavilionis indic the Fiesta Concert 6:00 Sigui Off FRIDAY, JULY 1 Closed for the Hliday MONDAY, JULY 4 2:00 Whiitby Arts Presents: '"The Gaillery's Rote" 3:30 Fiesta Parade Coverage 5:00 Conception xith Bill jeanes 5:30 Fiesta t liglîliglit s 6:00 Sign Off TUESDAY, JULY 5 200 Fiesta Concert Cov- erie,-1 hgighi(Iting the varions eniter taii et acts at the 36 Paivitions and the crowning oh Miss Fiestai '77 3:30 Fiesta Pavition -Iîgligits 5:00 Durhian Dialogue with Jim iKîrkconnett 5:30 Conception with tBill Jeanes 6:00 Sign Off NOTE: Att progranis are sobjeci to change without n oti ce. Warehous e won 't affect in terchange. w/aIlieftImruI mu SPRUCE VILLA HOiTEL *cntuto l'lie Vlîit i)y'texvn c ailc il 15 1105? arnio s to have the Thickson Road interchange on i Iîgtîway 401 rebut, but even 1 he hringing of the Liqoor Cen trot Boa rd Waro- lieuse te îiiearhy' ite xviii net speed up lie precess, says thec provinicial geveoilctt. Qoccn*' PkIîk lis itinecd the tomvfl lit ttiere arc ne plans to nîove any faster on reconstroc ting thelicniter- c'lange, despite thîe aroiotise anoinoce nient niade March 31. Plictown iwrote o theli Ninistry of Tranîsportation and (unîIunllliczîtions-on May I9 and rcceivcd a rcply st:ît- ing thuiît theiiniistry lhas coolliiited itso If to a coristruc- tion prograinî lor the uext four to five yeurs, and caîînot deviate froiîî it, cespite the incroased traffic wtiich xil result froin ttue îiew ware- F 734 Dundas St. W. SQUIREI Realty Limited 345 Kingston Rd. (at Altona> Pickering 284 - 6701 BUSH LOT - $1 20/Acre 100 acres of high roîling land near Apsley (Hastings); Excellent hardwood bush with soenic clearings. Perfect for hunting camp or retreat. WHMm IITBY MALL Dundes E. WHITIY SCENIC VACATION PROPERTIES 3 LAKEFHON*i LIttaotS side by side for 'a complete recreation centre for vour family. 2 - 3 bedroom and 1 - 2 bedroom cottage, one witli a guest cabin, safe sandy beach, in Minden area, Lake Kushog. Vendors wiII hold lst mortgage. Cali today, & have a Ioolc on'the weekend. BUILDING LOTS 4 lots i acre each avallabîe in Peterborough - Lindsay area. Asking $1 0,000 each. $65,500 Lovely Tudor Style raised bungalow broadloom end finished roc room firopluce oi pool.slzad lot., in West Lynde with with wood burning I tïoose. I lowver, thte priority of th 'lie lic ksen Road inite r- ctiangc could be alterect, depeîiding on hdho reu'îts of ninte ring of traftîc , the înînistry said. An :îreinîent has alrecady boon miade to have the Duîrhaîn region relocaýte the north service road, planîning îs essont iaily compte t' or the tltiniiate initerchango, and contract drawings xitt fol!t.w iii abou t îhroc mon tis, the coonicil was told. Negot lotions are prosently uinder way withi a property owner to obtain land for the expansion of the iiiterchange. COUNTRY LIVING $49,900.00 Lovely 3 bedroom sidesplit with ground floor famiîy room 1%a baths, fuîîy broadîoomed. Good value. PleaseLask for Margie Aukema et 668-8865 - 655-4248& Youth tries to strangle Ashburn woman in car A 27-year-old Astburn \Vonin ad the frighit of lier life lasi xeek. xvhen an I 8- year-old hitch-hikcr tried to strangle hier in lier car. Durhani Regional Potlice said Juan 'NI. Perron, of R.R. 1 Asliburn picked op a maie hitch-liiker on l)undas Street Jonc 20, and hoe began to punich lier in the face and arins. Then hoi tried to strangie licr, police said. A p)asser-by scared off the hitch.lîiiker whien the. car stoppcd at Brock and Chest- flot Streets. Police said the passer-by later began shoving a police constable at the scene who was called to investigate the assauit, and Aiphonse Douch- ette, 38 of 335 Harwood Ave., Ajax xvas charged with obstructing police and being intoxicated in a public place. MO RIGAG ES 1 st and 2nd * Residential * cottages 1 nd ustria! 'NF. UMORTGAGES 668-1556 839-7304 ANU!BI S I NVESTMENTS LIMITED The victini of the strangling attack received a fractured nioso and a bruised face and arm. The uîîidentified hitchi-hiker is stili at large. Whitby student on Dean's list Andrexv M. Sehel of Whitoy', was onu, of 28 students to be placed on the Dean's Honor List when he graduated from a class of 192 in the Master of Business Administration pro- gram at the Sehool of Business Administration, the Univer- sity of Western Ontario. This distinction is awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of the School of Business Administration to students who have achieved seholastie excellence in their courses throughout the academnie year. The gradua- tion ceremony took place June 10 at the Western campus. 25 years Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wood, of .557 Garrard Road, celebrated their 25th anniversary June 14, with a party at Seagrave, at which they were presented withi a nioney tree and anniversary dishes by their faînily and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wood were married in St. Mark's United Church in 1952 and have Iived in Wlhitby since their marriage. T,% SENIORS' APARTMENTS ARE. RISING Conistruiction is procee(lifg rapidly 011 fthe new senior citi;'enls' a partient building on the site o>f the old Coibornie Street School. The wvork xviii conitinuie throughout this year on the six-storey, 1 05-unit building, which xiii open in June 1978. This is the second multi-storey senior citizeîîs' apartmenit complex to be buit in Whitby by Ontario Hotising Corporation. Free Press Photo PRESENTS 'REVIVAL' Exotic Dancer f rom 12 to 6 Businessmen's Luncheon $150 daily DR. ALFRED HO,, Dentist Dr. Ho is pleased to announco the oponing of his general practice of dentistry. 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-6864 p Umm la

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