Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1977, p. 15

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WEDNESDAY, lUNE 29,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS PAGE 15.) Sw~~im safel oste r awards pee e Children who won prizes in thie Whitby Recreation Department's "Swimi Safely Week" poster contest received tlheir a wards froin Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau at thie Iroquois Park pool Thursday. A large number of chîldren entered the contest, a far greater num-ber than expeet- ed, said Mr. DeVeau. Prizes fron first to seventh were given out for boys and girls from each grade fromi one to eight. The first piize winners received a free swinmning pass for the summiner and a monith of free swimîning lessons, and ail prize winners received ribbons. First prize wininers were as follows: Grade One: Robert Berkers of Meadowcrest Sehool and Michielle McGreedy of West Lynde Sehool. Grade Two: Richard Macapaga and Jenifer Peltenburg, both of St. Theresa's Sehiool. Grade Three: Dwayne Parrott of Meadowcrest Sciool anid Linida Linitner of Kinig Street School. Grade Four: Nancy Stroud of West Lynde School and Gerry Paul of Kathleen Rowe School. Grade Five: Robin Burrows of Kathlecn Rowe and Michael Coomibs of Meadowcrest Sehool. Grade Six: Kevin Boneham of Dr. Robert Thornton Sehool and Minique Van Bellegharn of St. Theresa's Sehool. Grade Seven: Eric Thieunissen of St. John's Sehlool and Corinne Cormack of Meadowvcrest School. Grade Eight: Blair Jennings of St. John's Sehool. ComingEV9 à,upTBALL LEAGUE survival course at 1lieber Down The Siimriner Yoth Conservation Area in Brook- 'ogram is establishingy a co-ed lin. For 1 Y lhrs. fromn 10 p.m.. ftball league for teenagers, to 11:30 p.m. every day ,ed 1 2 to 1 6. Teamns repre- during the week of July I18 nting neighibourhoods in, interested teeniagers up to 'hitby. Brooklin anid Ash- 16 years old \ill learni the .iro will conipete ut the local skills nieeded to suirvive iii the seball diamonids. Alaines bush. The week long course iii be plaved oni Wedniesdiy il1 be followed by a super- terooiis. weather permit- vise d wee ke nd camnipou t vhe re ncg, comm enciug Jonic ?9th. the kids can put thieir new 1outli workers bave co-ordi- founci skills to practicl use. accl the schedule atnd repre- For more iniformatîin ntatives from the areas wil1 regarding Camp Self-llelp, rgaiize teamns. For iniformla- cail thie Durham Region o;i about the league or the Family Y.M.C.A. uIt ,mreoresentative ii vour 668-6868. area coptlact 668-6868. Everyone welcome! SUMMER FUN FOR YOUTH The Durham Region Family Y.M.C.A. youth group, Camp Self-I-elp will be holding a Beach Party at Whitby Beach, east of Hey- denshore Pavilion on Thurs- day June 30, from 1 p.mi. to 8 p.m. The party for kîds up to 16 yrs. of age will include volîcyball, frisbee, football, swimming, mnusic, hotdogs and drinks. Admis- sion is free but there will be slight charge for the refresh- ments. Camp Self 1-elp is financed by a federal Young Canada Works grant and the eight students working there for the sumnmer are in the process of planning a summer full of fun for Whitby's teenagers. Proposed activities include a skateboard clinic, frisbee competition, Art-in-the-park, football tournament and a softbail league. Something new this year is a week 1one woodcraft and NATURE TALKS The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will be conducting slide talks and film presentations at 9 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at Heber Down Conservation Area, Joine 25- September 4 inclusive. Directions - from Hlwy. 401: Brock Street (Hwy. 12), N. to Taunton Road (Durham Regional Rd. 4), W. one mile to Country Lane, N. one mile to Conservation Area. Nature and historical walks at various conse. vation areas to be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday even- ings, and Sunday mornings. Meet at the C--,O... office, 1650 Dundas Street E., Whitby (opposite Whitby Malt) at .6:30 p.m. for even- ing walks and 9:30 a.m. for Sunday walks. These will be held "ramn or shine". Please dress accordingly. Saturday July 2- Talk - Indians. Sunday, July 3- Talk - Pioneers; no morning hike. Monday, July 4 - No walk ents this \veek. Tuesday, Jtily 5 - Talk Life of the Pond. Wednesday, 'JuIy 6- Ilistorical wal k at H-amnptonl Conservation Area. Thursday, July 7 - TaIk Physiography of Southern Ontario. Those interestedc nuiy remain aftervards for s0 n~e in b rmai star'ga/ng. Friclay. Julv 8 - Nature \valk at Cranberry Marsh. ART EXHIBITION The annual nienubers' exhibit.ion at Whitby Arts lI-i&orporated begins at the Station Gallery on July 1. Juried and general wvorks in painting, drawing and graphies by Whitby Arts members wil be displayed. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC The Whitby Red Cross is holding its summner blood donor clinic at the Legion Hll on Byron Street JuIy 6 fromi 2 p.m. to »8 p.m.. Everyone is urged to attend and give blood. RENT A CAR! $14 95 aday 668-8000 opposie Brewers Retail Whi*tby Community Bingo Jaycees Ktwanis Knsmen Optimists 2 -$9500 JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGUT Monday, July 4 1 Lic. No. 212586 FIRST JACKPOT AT 55 NIIMERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 50 NUMBEjtS 7:15 Pm. No children under 16 admitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEX DENSHOIRE PAVILION (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) These happy children are the first prize winners in the Whitby Recreation Depart- ment's "Swim Safely Week" poster contest, who received their prizes Thursday. I the back row are Corinne Cormack, Monique Van Belleghani, Robin Burrows, and Kevin Boneham. In the middle row are Nancy Stroud, M'ichael Coombs, Gerry Paul, and Dwayne Parrott. In the front row are Linda Lintern, Richard Macapaga, Jennifer Peltenburg, Robert Berkers, and Michelle MéGreedy. Absent are Eric Theunissen and Blair Jennings. At left is Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau, and at rip-ht is Crýrolvn Allaîi, who co-ordinated the poster contest. Fr:'e Press Photo Kiwanis Club provides Heydenshore play area During tie somnmer the wilitbly Kiwaniis (Clob vill conl- Struect S7.000 wortli of creative play ap)paratus iii I leydenishore Park; sooth of the pavilion. Planis have been ajproved by tie town's recreation de- partilient, anid the club lias applicd for a Wintario grant to assist in the project. The developmnent of l-leydenshore Park lias heen an ongoing Kiwanis Club project for severai years. scl%; niadgcii, boler & co. W.A.D. Se/b y, c.a. Offices C.. 171 Kîng Street East, Oshawa 22 Walton Street. Port Hope charte red accounitants B.K. Madge tt, c. a. R. W. BoleT, c.a. C.W. Marlowe, c.a. jârigadon RESTAURANT - TAVERN BANQUET HALL HWY, 2 EAST 0F PORT UNION ROAD SCARB0ROUGH 286e1212 THE GONG SHOW cornes ta Telephones 579-5531 885-2335 Brigadooft THE BRIGADOON e Cash prizes, fun -- Iaughs ga0o1e Entertainment & Dancing COMUNG SOON Thurs. thru Sat. Our New to thePatio Lounge Sandy Heard Businessmen's Lunch Sunday Ifrunch 12 -3:00 p.m. CALL 286&1212 for reservations A Prc so0 agE ser wi wi afi tir sel tic 1 ,J. Roberts, c.a. * w4ànm clou

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