Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1977, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Ronu Hpièld retires from the YMCA afer4yas Cont'd from 1 Hupfield had paid te the parents at a night for making ti activities for their c' such a success. Dave Sneddy, who eut several years ago aý camper, and is now or staff, presented a gif, the aquatic staff Iroquois Park pool. Gord Hanna, presid the Whitby Chamb( Commerce, presente' Hupfield with i cent of appreciation frer Chamber. The ' pmevided office space Chamber for about ye ars. A special highilghlt evening was a tai Howard Chambers, a cf Mr. Hupfield froi tinie they worked tc at the Toronto Centra the 1930s. Mr. Chambers told P. humorous stories about Mr. Hupficld's early days tribuite provided a nuinher of photo- famaily graphis of hlmn at varinuis Y le Y's camps at that time. hildren 'Hup', as we called hiin, knew the woeds", said Mr. Chambers. "1He started knew the ouitdoors; lie knew s a day how te camp and how te I the y fish. Ile was always a t froni leader". it the Mr. Chambers related how Mr. Huipfield's first job lent of at the Y was washing towels, cr cf abouit 1,000 cf themi, for- d Mr. which hie reeeived 50 cents. ificate Mr. 1Hipfield cal!ed his nl the etirenent tribute "a life-lirnie e hias experience", and referred to to the the many people present thmee whom hle lhad got to know duiring his 10 ycars, in of the W~hitby. k by lic paid a spocial tri- friend buite te Jean Bridge, \vho ni the served as the Y secretary gether fer înany yeams, wvho iaci al y in returned fer the retirenient evening., 1 o e "I enjoyed ceming in at the beginning cf semiethiinu-. BARRUSTER AND SOLICITOR announces the openirig of his o/lices ai 233 Brock St. S. Whitby, Ont. 668-5500 668-;5501 patio andl sliwalk slabs having a bLîsy time and a damn good time", he said. "I think we've builit up sorniething that is geing to go a long way. 1 hope your support will continue". As for his own future, Mr. Hupfield commented: "I don't intend sitting around on a park bench. There's to( m-uch te be done". Centennial Park plan approved;e publice meeting wil be held soon Cont'd from P. 1 AIse, thero will be a line of mnaple trocs planted along Brock Street fromi Keith to Trent Street, according to the preliminary plan, and 45 perpendicular parking spaces provided along Byron Street. In the area south of Burns Street there will be the two focal points of the park, says Mr. lrwîin. At the south-wcst corner of' Byron and Burns Street, plans cali for the construction of an a(lveIIturc playgroutid, linked te the rcst of the lpark RENT A CA R!l No mileage charge 668-8000 opposite IBrewers Retail by a brick or stone walk. Reeceatien Directer Wayne DeVeau, whe was involved in designing Steryboek P,:mk in London, Ontario, will have a hand ln designing this area, said Mr. lrwin. Adjacent te the adventure play area wil1 be an open shelter trellis, washrooems, sterage buildling and a spray pa d. The informiai concert arca, surmeuinded by trees, will be located at tie north end1 cf tho park, in the forn of a circular amphicthecatre, with fo ur orzss-covercd I 8-inch clovations surreunding the stage section. Behiind the stage arca vill hc a backdrop of, sprucc trocs. The renludc r cf thle park, sou t h -o f the concert aumhetlioatre will bo a n interniail play field, and thie crntire park will be lighted at nighit te discourage vandalisin. Mr. 7rwin said hie hepes te reccive public input and idcas the Rotary Club muay net have censidered, at the public meet ing. If final approval is gained, developrnent could begin in Octeber and be completed by the surnimer cf 1978, lie said. Portions cf the cost cf the developmnent are expected to be cevered by provincial grants. The philosophy cf th~e 1972 FORD CUSTOM 3sale Price $999.00 WAGON J3 3 %" 0st $221.48 very clean, 2 yr. warranty. 1nterest 13.5% Lic. APF 229. MTHLY Over 36 moriths FOR FAST 1 HOUR CREDIT APP NOVAI If You Qualify 683-5541 CAL NDW LOW RA-FE TERIMS AVAII.ABLE 5:Jý 0 V LR 3 6 i:A 0S NOTE $1,000 $1, 500 $2,000 $2.500 $3,000 COSi $221.48 $33 2.40 $44.32 $55388 $66480 MOdéiFLY $50.9t) $6 7.87" $84.83 $101.80 683-5540 1973 MAVERICK 2 dr., 6 cyl inder, auto., 2 yr. warranty, Lic. ASA 277. $1 599. 1974 VALIANT DUSTER, 6 cylinder, auto., only 29,000 miles. Lic. KRM 331. $2499. 1975 FURY CUSTOM Hdtp., su per sharp, one owner, Lic. KFX 428. $3195. 1973 VENTURA HIATCH- BACK, 8 cylinder, auto., power equipped, road wheels, and lots more. Lic. FKA 129. 1974 FORD 112 TON PICK-UP, 8 cylinder, very clean, very reliable, Lic. T35977. $2499. developmient et' Centennial Park is "te develop something that we will be preud ef years fmom new, witheut inerdinat ly high maintenance costs' says Mr. Irwin. WEST LYNDE EXECUTIVE Pictured above are the members of the 1977 executive of the West Lynde Community Association. Standing (left to right) are Membership Director Gerry HUlI, President Jim Mitchell, and Community and Public Relations Director Alan Longfield. Seated (left to right) are Social Director Karen Kerr, and Treasurer Sharon Owens. Absent are Vice-President Tony Bates and Recreation Director Lynn McCrossan. Free Press Photo A bg dog puts a bite on the lau, On Menday, Jue 20, Officer Milîs cf the Whitby Division suffered a dog bite when approaching a Brock Street North residence for iniformnation about a break and enter case. A black, part. Labrader, part-Germiar Shepherd deg bit the efficei on the buttecks. Officei Milîs is reported te be ecovemed new. Heip Us Celebrute JuIy 1sf A Il Reg. Price M erchandise Plus 10% Off Many ln Store Speciohl Up To 50% Off IFcasIiRs 126 "'To-mýorrowvs Fashioiis ro-day Sizes 5-15 6-16 Clused Friday July 1lst Open Saturday July 2nd 126 BROCK ST. S., WHIT3Y '668-1266 Chargez x -ours: 9-6, MNln.*Snt. Fni. 99 serhre 130 New & Used Cars To Choose From 1 KIMN BD. EL. PICKkRIN PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL JULY 6/77 q mmmmý &ILd LIM * ýed", ý , e ý ee P ip 4- e_.tý ýp 'e ý eeee ý ý ý . , - ý ý ý ý e ýjj -l f a m

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