Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29,1977, WHITBY FREE PRES! s ine Bake Shop liere in towI. Ailt(that was required was a passing report card and the free donut was theirs. The last day of school, a passing report card and a fresh delicious bakery treat - whiat more could a child ask for? Mr. and Mrs. Reveler and the -bakery staff secmr to enjoy this occasion as much as the children even though it means sorne pretty frenzied moments. A two-day yard sale is being planned for Thursday, June 30 and Friday, July I aI 30 Montgomery Street in Brooklin. Such is the variety and abundance of sale goods that two days may be required to seil it ail. Everything imaginable will be available fromn clothing to applianCeS, furniture, household utensils. There will be -items of interest to ail ages - bring your farnily and get yourselves somne real bargains! This is your local reminder to watch for the "Bake Sale in the Park", the Kinoven Rebakah Lodge bake sale in Grass Park on Thursday, June 30 from 1-5 p.m. The homne baki.ng will be fresh and tasty. Have a good week. a ri 65 - 17 The Brooklin Women 's Institute recen tly ente rtaine d eighteen. ladies from Fairview Lodge. The afternoon's entertainment incîuded Mrs. Koster who sang and accorn- panied herself on the guitar -id Grace H-arris of Port Perry who offered an accomplished monologue. A sing song gave everyone a chance to join in the fun. An excellent eveining meal was provided and at the end of the night, before leaving, each visiting lady was given a gift. The Brooklin Women's Instittute, under the direction of Ruby Sonley are to be comrnended for this thoughtfuil gesture which added a lîttle gaiety 10 the lives of others. Last week many local children took advantage of a popular local tradition, namiely, picking up a free donuit at FISHER REFRIGERA Repairs to Al Freezers - Refrigerators We Recharge Automobile 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO TIIUN SE 1Makes - Air Condili eAir Condition'i BROWN'S BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHUTBY DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE ERVIGE toners ing 655-3233 WHITE SWAN PAPER PARADE. ALCAN Foil Wrap 18-in. x 25-foot ROL 99C White Swan PAPER TOWELS 19C d Friday White Swan BATH BOOM TISSUE 4OLL PACKIAGE Block Parents have successful year Whitby's Block Parents Association has had a success- fuI year so far, with rnany achievements to ils credit. On May 20, Chairmian Judy Taylor accepted a civilian citation awardecl 10 the, Whitby Block Parents by the Durham Regional Police Commission in recog- nition of their contribution to the community. The 970 Block Parents of Whitby represent approximate- ly one third of alI Block Parents in the Durhîam Region - Recruiting prograrns for Block Parents showed success this spring. The regional police permitted the Block Parents to share their booth at the Oshawa Homne Show in April and again during Police Safety Week in May. The Brookîin Spring Fair offered opportunity 10 present the programn to the public. Block Parent organizaters also attended a provincial workshop in London,Ontario. The Whitby Jaycettes helped to promote the Block Parent program by co-ordi- nating a poster projeet in the public schools. As part of their public service work, the Jaycettes presented the Central Corninittee with three Block Parent safety filmi strips and some records to be used as educational material. Fund-raising events includ- ed a First Anniversary Dance, and a bake sale organized by the West Lynde Area Committee. n connection with Child Safety Week, Ron Hawkins of St. John Ambulance pro- vided a program for the Block Parents on emnergency first aid. More first aid courses are planned for the faîl. A felt board andpuppet show 10 promote Block Parents is ready 10 be put FOO'DMASTER PHONE 655-4521 STORE HOU RS OPEN SIX IIAYS A WEEK S 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Cuts EXCEPT THURS & FRI *Courtele Satisf actiO'0 CUT FROM CANADA CUT PROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF6 ond 7th RBS RADE"A" SEEF PRMERIB ROSS $.2 NTURAL FOR THE BARBECUE AS $ e2 à R-1 B ~THICK CUT - JUICYPRM FO HEGIL F" C",OSANK 4MISLEAF SH ORT E OIS STAS $1 38HAMI STEAKS $1.48b SMOKED-1JM i i . TAST V - TE SE R .- SON S 1H AMi P LE L[ Af SMOKE D BONE ESS - DINNE S 1 7 S T E A K SBRAISING RibS 78c PORK SHOULDER ANTI CONTAINER SMF & DRU sl.29 Deodreunt ronza 5 oz sIîZE RIGNT GUARD 1.-19 DENTAL CREME COMMAE 100 mi tub,- 99c CURAS PLASTIC p g f 2 9 B3ANDAGESpk.o256 [A MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS DEIERGENT ING SIZE SaLBBox ARCT1 POWER s2.39 DSSSLE IAPERtS - EWSORN PAMPERS p&g. of 30 s2.09 AVON C ISWIF'S _9 GREFNSO PEAS RH O 194-loz TI N 3 S &IBRYs FaNcvY c TANIG Tomato ORANGE ~JWICE 4 x31 OZ PACKAGE44oZ TIN «l UNES COD lN lATTE FARM HOUS CREM PIES 12-c -Oz. $1.15 siz 63C KELLOGG'S SUCAR 350-çme PACKAGE FROSTED FLAKES 69c YORS SMOOTHY 24BS JAS PEANUT BUTTER s.59 STAR-SIST -SOLIO ',OZ TIR UGHT MEAT TUNA. 79c 12 ENVELOPES KNOX GELATINE $1.25 CLUR DES MIUIONNAIAES SARDINES 3/2 Fl. O..T, 659 ADOLPHS INSTANT 99grn CONTAINER MEAT Tenderizer 49c CHO E GIRL AC " POT CLEANR 23c We Are Agents For pf»P Closei 24-10Ooz *Diet -2.29 24-1Ooz.- Regular- 2.57 12-30Ooz. Regular- 2.99 Refundable Deposit for Botties & Case- 3.00 GRILL 1 6-OZ Package MAPLE LEAF BEEF BURGERS 88c 2 PACKIAGE 2-OZ SIZE $1098 LUNCH MEATS CHIC KEN -BOLOGNA -MAC B CIIEESE PICKI.E a PIMENTS ýLURCHEON I 2-oz Package s TH - E.PIECE RANCH STYLE BO0LOGjNAlb, PERFECt FOR THE 5BARBECUE-F GROUND BEEF ILb LAMB CHOPS IL 894 49 c R OU LA R 68c Shoulder Cut 98C ORN 79c , $-OZ PACKAGE kg 9 MORE HOLIDAY SAVINGS --- BICK'S KISMET SWEET MIXED SOFT PICKLES MARGARINE 32-EL Oz JAR I00.. PURS 050 OIT.- - ILaTUS 99<c65 inito and fall. use during the summe'Pr at the schools in the LIILmo uml liA Sunkist Valencia Oranges 99' doz. Juicy Sweet California Nectarines (19, 1k Ç),7 M1-V.- - W te Swan ESSO BarbeCUe For the Barbecue! WHITE or ASSORTED LIGHTER CHARCOAL Serviettes Ontario No. 1 FLUID BRIQUETTES PACKAGE of W re n nTns32FL-OZ TIR -LS RAS 9 Hoidy 2 bunChes 29ç 65 c 75 c July lst Hldy Open Titurs. tili 9 p.m. Open Soturday July 2 I HEREFORD 1 2-OZ TIN ASSORTED 48-FL-OZ TIN SUPREME BRANS FANCY HIREORDALLEN'S WHOLE Kerne CI y y R c COUNTRY MAI S SUCE0 Cornd Beef9 c FRUIT Drinks 4 STRAWBERRIES Duck hunting ba nned by CLOCA No duck hunting will be allowed in the Lynde Shores Conservation Area, says 'the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority. CLOCA last week turned down a proposaI by Wayne Kinig, Vice-President of the Great La ke s Waterfowl Association to have the hunt- ing ban lifted, and was inform- ed that a Town of Whitby bylaw prevents the discharge of firearms south of Rossland Road. Mr. King contended that shooting could be a profitable venture for CLOCA, with a potential income of over $3,000. The CLDCA board mem- bers expressed concern about the Lynde Shores Area at the mnouth of Lynde Creek being an important bird sanctuary. Don Kitchen, a CLOCA board mneriber, said the area wvas a nesting ground for white swans and there was a danger of themn being shot. -Mr. King contended that if thc hunting xvas policed properly the swans woulcl be in no dinger. Les Coombes, another CLOCA inember, said: It makes mie sick. Vie spend years trying to gel Canadii geese to ncst (ancd) for the sake ot' getting the odd duck youi are goinig t take away from chifldren the enjoyrnent cf the swans ancl ducks? No a y ". CLOCA voted 6-3 to deny any waterfowl hunting in the coniservation area, and Mr. Kinig said lie il1 try to find a place for hunting in Picke ring. Fie xvas inforned that the huLnting ban extends to ail of CLOCA's conservation areas. Even pheasant huLnting is banned, now duat provincial* fonds are flot available for replaeing birds. RENT A

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