Whitby Free Press, 29 Jun 1977, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Counsellorprogram is offered by YMCA blc9eid einn uy sria.Porm ilb if you are one of the personis wvho is not failiar with the suiimier activities of the Durham Regfion Famnily YMCA, then you miight be interested îu knowv- ing about the C-1 .L.T. prograni. C..L.T. is the abbreviation for Courticillor- Iii-Leadersliip-Traitiing. This programi was developed to give people between the ages of 14-16 the opportunity to gain insight into the field or camnp counselling. The THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1970 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER 0F theproposed expropriation of land by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, being in the Town of Whitby, in' the Regional Municipality of Durham (forrnerly in the Township of lNhitby, in the County of Ontario) and being composed of Part of Lot 22, in Concession 9 of the former Township of Whitby and in the Town of Pickering, inthe Regional Municipality of Durhami (formerly in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario) and being composed of Part of Lots 9, 10 and 12 in Concession 8 of the former Township of Pickering and Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3 according to registered Plan Number 424 of the former Township of Pickering for the purpose of the reconstruction, widening and improvement of Regional Road Number 5 frorn Highway Number 12 to Regional Roadi Number 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Application has been made for approval to expropriate the land described as folîows: NAME0F OWNER Ephrem Albert Joan Albert Hubert Grier Earl Mary F. Gallie Muriel Fairty Edward H. Simmons LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 0F PROPERTY The most Southerîy 17.0 feet in perpendi- cular width of Lots 1, 2 and 3 according to Registered Plan Number 424 in the former Township of Pickering now in the Town of Pickering. That part of Lot 22, Concession 9 in the Town of Whitby designated as Part 10 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry 0f*teice for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40> as Number 40R-2875. That part of Lot 9, Concession 8 i 1 the Town of Pickering designated as Parts 4 and 5 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40> as Number 40R-3423. That part of Lot 10, Concession 8 in the Town of Pickering designated as Part 10 on a Plan of Reference desposited in the Reqistrv Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40> as Number 40R-3423. That part of Lot 12, Concession 8, in the Town of Pickering designated as Part 19 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Du,ira (Nc. 40> as Number 40R-3423. A copy of the Plans of Survey bearing Numbers 40R-2875 and 40R-3423 may be seen in the Office of the Regional Soictr, 605 Rossland Roa-:d East, Whitby. ANY OWNER of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires -i inquiry into wNhether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the ichevement of the objectives of the expropriating iuthority shaîl so notify the approving authority in writing. (a> In the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. (>In the case of an owner who is not a registered thirty days after the f irst publication of the notice. olwner, within THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS: The Council of the Regional Municipaîity of D'urham, 605 Rossl.ind Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LUN 6A3. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY F DURHAM "C.W. LUNDY" C.W. LUNDY, Clerk NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act, R.S.O., 1970 provides that: (a> Where an inquiry is, requested, it shaîl be conducted by an inquiry off icer appointed by the Minister of J.istice and Attorney General; directors of the C.I.L.T. programn for 1977 will bc Susan Waddell anid Mark Millar. Mark lias worked the past thrce summilers as a staff nmember with the YMCA Day Camp. Alonig with his abi1irty as a couniscilor, lie will liell) manage thc business end of this program-. Susan is a graduate of the North York Parks and Recreation C.I.T. progranm aud Caiioeing I nstructor at Camp Mi A-Kon-Da the past summier. Sue hias been iiivolved \vith the Genieva Park YMCA, the Ontario Leadership Centre for the last seven years. The C.î.L.T. programn is :aughit in four two week 4, until August 26. The cost for the two week block is $25.00, and an option cost for registration to the Emiergency First Aid course. Sitice thecourse is continuous throughout the summier one would benefit from register- ing for more than one two- week block. This year the C.I.L.T. programi is divided into three areas of'concentration: l) Leadership trairning 2) Camnp- ing skills 3) Counselling skills. During July andl Auigust an Emergency First Aid Course will be taughit by St. Johin Ambulance stand- ards. Camp skills will involve packing, tripping, fire mak- ing, tenting, axemanship and further developed, based on the needs and abilities of the pàrticipating Counsellors-In- Leadership-Traininlg. The C.I.L.T. will gain practical experience in camp by acting in the capacity of a counsellor at certain times during the course. The main objective of the Counscilor - In -Leadership- Training course is to train lotentiatl camp counsellors who will have the opportun- ities open to them ta serve in the YMCA or private camps with such training. For more information please cali the Durham Region Family YMCA at 668-6868. FORMER MINISTER RETURNS TO ST. JOHIN'S Re-i. Canon Arthur Chote <,second fromn the leit) wvas the special guest preacher at the 131lst anniversary of St. John's Anglican Church Sunday. ioining Mr. Chote in the out- door service on the chutrch lawn were (leit to rightC Parish Lay Reader Earl Leake; Canon Chote; Rev. Raymnond J. Ca-rder, Rector oi St. Jolhn's; and Panish Lay Reader William Nelson. The Whitby Brass Band provided the muitsic for the service. Canon Chote was Rector of St. John's froin 1948 to 1950. Free Press Photo (b) The inqutiry off icer, (i) Shaîl give every party of the inquiry an opportunity t- present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (i i) May rec -ýmmend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fiîxed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to êxceed $200.00 and the approving l[thority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "Owner" arnd "registered owner" are defined in the Act as folîows: 10Irowner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, ?- person entitîed to a imited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate 'of a mentaîly incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom Iland is vested; ##registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the property registry, land titles or sheriff's office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll; 3. The expropriating authority, each .:wner who notifies the approv- ing authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands lntended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry off icer are parties to the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRSI PUBLISHED ON THE 22ND DAY 0F JUNE, 1977.

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