WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6,1977, PAGE 13 F UR N1T UR E 2-pco. CHESTERFIELD SUITE - green, $100; 5-pce. kitchen suite, $50; oak coffee table, $50; two oak end tables, $30 each; oak book shelve, $30; Frigidaire electric clothes dryer, $50. Caîl 668-9880. 54" BOX SPRING - $25; 54" mattress, slat spring with legs, $25; Bissell carpet sweeper, $5; Kenmore washer spin dryer, $80; cernent double Iaundry tub and taps with stand, $20; wooden door, back entrance, with door knob lock and key, 80 x 32", $15. Cali1 579-3094. Console WESTINGHOUSE 0" COLOUR TV - $150; Hutch, 3 shelves & 3 drawers, $100; Loyeseat, antique, hand carved, settler, floral scotchguard cushions, $300. CalI 668-0633. CHESTERFIELD CHAIR - matching recliner, blue tweed, $75; 54" box springs with head board, $25; single bed, $15; pole lamp, $10; end tables, $5 pair; Whirl-away portable dishwasher, brand new, $25; ail excellent for a cottage. Cal 668-3189 af ter 5 p.m. Antique MAPLE TABLE - excellent condition, refinished, $1 25. Ca11 666-1 203. SINGLE BED - $60; Cal 728-1224. SOLID WOODEN OFFICE CHAIR-$28. Caîl 579-2939. 3 pce. CHESTERFIELD - $1 50; 2 pce. Chesterfield, $85; 7 pce. dinette suite, $65; 5 pce. dînette suite, $45; swîvel rocker, $25; platform rocker, $25. Cal 728-61 71. Sears Solid State COLOUF TV - 1 '2 years old, 1 2", $275 Cal 655-3287. . 4 WOODEN CHAIRS - $5 each; one kitchen stool with swing out step, $5; coffee table, $5; wooden table, $12; vanity bench, o $5; Cali 668-9009. ANTIQUES - pine sideboard, refinished, $300; old butchers block, $175; humped trunk refinished, $150; Duncan Phyffi table, $30; old English Jizibeai si deboard with bevelled mirror $300; Tiger maple and butternui dresser, $1 25. Calîl 668-5830. YOUTH BED - $30. Cal 668-4193. CHROME KITCHEN SET - 5 piece, $45; chesterfield chair $10; bath ideal for cottage Cal668-8267, Two ANTIQUE KITCHEIr CUPBOARDS - one smal partially finished, $350; on( large--:- as is $450.lCl 655776. light colour, $450; Bell Uprigi PIANO, antique, $400. Ci r723-2701. 5 piece SECTIONAL - suec look in Arbutus rust, new, $90, 3 piece walnut walI unit, wil smo ked glass doors & b compartment, new, $700; Ci 668-4317. 7 pce. DINING ROC SUITE - black, good conditîc $150. Cali 668-7564. Chrome KITCHEN SET 5 piece, $45; Chesterfield chai $10; bath ideal for cottaç Caîl 668-8267. HELP WANTED Persan ta aperate Modern Beef Farm. State experience with machinery and livestock in the f irst letter. Apply ta Boz 206, Whitby. HELP AVAl LABLE DAYCARE - in my home, farmhouse near Braugham. Cali 683-3631. FOR RENT SER VI( CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES- Cali 668-4686 WANTED SUPERIN-, TENDENT Position, F LE"R S CO responsible couple, seek O U FULLERHCO smnali apartmnent in Whitby FRVUR FUER area. References. Avail I REQUIREMDET able anytime bef ore Sept. CALLFA99DRE 3Oth. Caîl 668-0155 6891 weekdays or 1-698-7013 -_________ evenings and weekends.WA TD BU POOLS dishes, glass, china, dolîs, SWIMMING PO LS docks, jewelry, etc. Must TO RENT - eod al6805 Will lease and install for home- be oid Ci 668-0559 owriers, family size aluminum dayis.ad 6861 rswimming pool with patio.eenns Chaice of styles meeting ail fencing regulations on a one, two or three year rentai basis with CUSTOM option ta own. Try before you HAN' CUTTI NG, buyl Cali cotlect any.time ÇONDITIONING 1-416-663-9508. AND BALING Ajax - Apartment, $314 per month, 2 bedroom and den, G reenwood, Brooki1iflarea. 2 bathrooms, broadloom, air conditioned, underground park- ing, immediate possession. Phone Wells Pehiernann Mrs. Henderson 965-1698 or 655-3579 Mm. Finch 965-9257. Ontirio evenings Motgage Camp, Tomaonto.________________ FOR SALE PRIZE WINNERS HOUSE FOR SALE PRIZE WINNERS, Order of Priced ta seli $45.900. 1l/2 years Eastern Star, Whitby Chapter, aid, spatless 2-storey semi- Birthday Draw, June 23/77. detached, fully broadioomed, lst Prize, C. Archibald, Weston, 1 Y2 baths, finished ec room with 2nd, W. Alexander, Oshawa, summer kitchen, walkout into 3rd, A. Szuzur, Whitby, large patio and compîeteîy 4th, J. Guthrie, Whitby. fenced yard. Cali 579-5487. _______________ The winnicr of the coloured TV GIANT YlARD SALE set of the raffle held by the July 6!h and 7th Pee Wee Soccer Club to help S financing for the trip to Mexico 156 Harmany Rd. S., Oshawa this Friday, was Mrs. DeVine of e Funiture, dishes, avon containers, 1 5-26 Michael Blvd., Whitby. n tays, smail appliances, pictures The draw was held on Sunday, and laqus. 28-604.JuIy 3rd at 2 p.m. at Peel Park t n lqe. 2-24 and the winning ticket was drawn _______________________by Mrs. Marie Crosson, of 801 Burns St. W., Whitby. Ticket FOR SALE No. 0610. Lic. 212587. Macrame Crafts, Pot Hoiders, Animai Art. Cai 6686046 anytime. J eLIA eF SWIMMING POOLS - 1977 modeis slîghtly scatched in transport. Fully warraited, _______________ camplete with pump motor, f ilter, Sfencing, walkway and deck. ýe Suggested retail price, $2295. ail 1 !'11 Availabe at in-seasan special af $1288. Cali now for eariy e installation. Cali collect n, anytime, 1-416-663-9508. h te- WA9 E HOUSEKEEPING BOOM - for single abstainer, isopS FABLES y with use af garage or workshop WERE WRI1-rEN BY A 5. for hobby purposes, by Juiy GREEK SLAVE CiRCA 600 n.28th. Cali 668-6988. S.C.,At4D COLLECTEP BY OEMETRIUS PN.ALEREUS, _PETS &SUPPLIES 200OYEARS LATER.J e, SAUIERKRAUTr -s, PSBE RCDBC n. LOST - One Sealpoint iH(SVIBEEN TT,-rnACEDAC Il ICES HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old gtuns, clocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendlly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa FRESH PRODUCE ready week of JuIy llth Please cali 655-3513 Buying Used Paperbacks PIum HoIIow Books 135 Brock St. South 668-1221 AUCTION SALE Furniiture and antiques. The property of A. R. Thompson, 11/4 miles of Oxnarrovv Bridge, on Hwy. 35, approx. 22 miles north of Minden. Saturday, July 9th at, 12 noon. Terms cash, no reserve. Lunch available. Lontents of old log home. Plan to attend. Auctioneers, Earl Gauslin and Norm Faulkner. AUCTION SALE Prince Albert Hall, July 1 3 at 6:30 p.m., Deacon's Berch, band saw, ceramics, lawn furniture pool table, 9 x 12 tent, chester- field set, pup tent, harvest table, drop leaf tables, 7 hp Hahn echipse riding lawnmower, floor lamps, matching single beds and dresser, beds, two rolîs of tar paper, skies, cribs, carriago, baby furnishings, Hibachi, hedge trim- mer, black & white TV, floor polisher, small appliances, antique shutters, garden tools, cabinet and sink, pine cupboard and shelves, plant stand, plus many more items. Terms cash, or cheque. Lunch available. John Pearce, Auctioneer. TENDER ROOFING CONTRACTORS Roaf repairs to Administration Building, C Wing, East Infirmary and Cottages,9, 15 & 16 at the Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. LIN-77-065 - P67444 C..,ma *,,nnpr u iI h9 received until 2:.00 P.M. LOCAL TîME, JULY 20, 1977. Tender Documents may be obtained from'the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 KEnt Office, 322 Kent Street West, p.O0. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For furthier infoarma- tion regamding this tender, please cali Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above addmess. Telephane: (705) 324-9188. The iawest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontarîo 1975 4 DR. AUTO RABBIT, JYR 576. 1975 MUSTANG Il Iow miles. KLB 871. 1976'COROLLA STATION WAGON '1600 Good family car. JXP 728. $3495. $2995. MACH 1, auto., V-B, $3295. 1974 COROLLA 5 SPD. TRANS., 2 door coupe. JLR 377. $2195. 1972 COROLLA 1200, only 38,000 miles, Sharp. FBB 450. $1 495. THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK'! WHITBY TOYOTA 1025 Dundas St. W. 668 m 4792 IpMU LOOKING FOR A JOB? Your Canada Manpawer Centre s Standing By To HeIp You! And we are more than Îust a placement agency. Find out how you may benefit from the Canada Manpower Train ing Program, the Mobility Program, Creative Job Search Techniques, and our many other services. Why not drap into aur office, or give us a cail by telephone. But remember, starting il Juiy, 1977, the Oshawa Cana.da Manpower Centre telephane number will be: 579-9402 Your Canada Manpower Centre . . . Helping Industry and Labour Buiid a Better Canada for Everyone. BUD CULLEN,MINISTER BUD CULLEN, MINISTRE 44 Bond St. W. 0 shawa Ajax 683-1273 Whitby 668-6848 Ministry of Government Services ASONABLE PRICES GAS- DIESEL FUEL -MOTO R DIL Prompt Delivery Out of town please caîl collect P~WHITBY 668-3381 'J.*1 'J SPECIA Lý --- __A M