Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby, si Voice of the County Town The only Whitby newspaperi independently Mike ERVUNG OVER 28,000 READERSc r Publislied every Wednesday c by M.B.M. PublishingF and Photograpiy ne.c. Phone 668-6111l c The Free Press Building, ýe Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor 121 Brock Street North, P.0, Box 206. Whitby, Ont. ~ommunity Editor Contributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promiotional Mianager Classifiled Ad Manager circulation Manager -Bn Wilter Jim uail -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyofl -Mariene EByromn -Sharon Lyonl Mailing Permit No. 460 Member of the: Better Business Bureau of Toronto Whitby Chambr ofComerce Carnival It 's that timne agaili, or coming close to it! The County Town Carnival is less than two 'weeks away, and already there are opportunities available to enter the various carnival events. This year's carnival features Whitbyitself as its therne. With a theme of "Whitby: Our Tip Top Town", the carnival is boosting our town and g ivinig us, an opI)ortufiity ta show off aur civie pride. We hiave a lot going for us. Let's show it. Entry formis are avail- able now ta join the County Town Carniival Queeîî Contest and t(> nomlinate an outstanding citizen for the Peter Perry Award. Details about these aiid all atlher carnival events will appear ini the Free Press fromi now titi the end of the Carniva'. The 1977 County Town Carnival opens iuly 1 7 with the crown- ing of the Carnival Queen and closes Aug. 1 withi the grand fireworks display. Most of the popular events of past years are ba2k, plus a bic specia-l attraction that is new this year-Puck's Canadian Travelling Circus. The carnival nîay be in its l2th year, but there is always sornething new iin our big annual event. There's lots of activity for everyane, so, lets get ready to celebrate carnival time and boost "Whitby: Our Tip Top Town". Parents at fauli for children playing in street Dear Edit or: With regard ta your editorial jlne 29thi entitled '"Wlat llappene(l ta the Safety Rules'?" 1 wauld like ta say the following: It is very encauraging ta sec suchi an article printed and ta know that thiere are still peaple around wlho feel as! do, "Oneness "for Canada EDITOR'S NOTE The following is a letter presented by C:rnada's Oneness-leart Coast-to- Coast Relay Running Team, ta M.:yor Jîi Gartshare, when I16 mcm- bers of the tearn passed through Whitby last Wednesday. The run was an event ta promote Canada Day, which received a grant from the Secretary of State' in Ottawa. Dear Fellow Mayors and Fellaw Canadians: Oneness. A sentiment of Canadian thoughtful- ness and understanding we ail should feel, and 1 hope do- feel, throughout the year. But it is somne- thing upon which wc should especially con cen- trate oîr, attention and energies during Canada Week leading Llp ta JulY 1, CANADA DAY, tHie birthiday of aur cou ntry. 1 amn pleased ta extencl ta yau and your coi- nîunities warm greetings and best wislies as we all celebrate Canada's 11I Oth Birt hd ay. The "Canada's Orie- ness-Heart" Relay Race challenges each and every ance of uis ta inspire awareness and mnapifesta- tion of the deeper, end un ngq ualîies inherent ta the very sou! ao' Canada. Yours faithifully, Jack Volricll Presidetnt, Federation of Canladitain Municipalities, (Mayor of Vanlc'îuver). regarding childrenl play ing off the street. We live on :i Court in West Lynde and samne days it is liard to tell whether the street is for vehicles or a day nursery. There are children and tays scattered [raini anci endi af it ta the ather. The niothers, when they are ta be seen, are gassip- ing on their lawns or verand alis. A persan trying ta make his way thraugli Lions CluJ EI)ITOR'S NOTE The following is a let ter I rani the president of the Whlitby Lions Club clarify ing at report wh iclh appeared ini the Oshiawa Mines regarding a propoall by the club ita donate a van ta the tawn for the Lise of senior citizeils. The report stated that the Lions suggested a charge ai' 25 cents a ride for the vani.I stated tlîat lawi er Farbes mýanagcd ta cauincil's operati m ittee ta I appr() val a'1 suggest i ig it become a elepliatit". nl TreaLsur- Mlv cweni pers îade ions Ca ni- thie van, mnighit "&white thiis maze is given the dirtiest of' loaks, as iuchel as ta say you are trespas- sing on iny chiild's playgrautnd actaa Thie parentsar oly at fault for tis cdafgerr)us upibringing and it doesn't end witlijust the toddlers. We alsa hiave the "bays" whao niake aur Court a haockey arena, with thie pa re it s, blessings. JuLit try and get into yaur driveway. They refus,-e ta niove thiemselvcs or thieir nets and hieavenl hlp youi if you touch ëither of themn. By mîy cornments yau nîighit thiink that we don't hiave children. We have thiree but, thiey are young adluits now. Thiey were hiowever, br-ought up by the old fashiioned rules -"Thie roads are for vehlicles, NOT for cildren ta play an". Somieday, tliere lis gaing to bc a tragedy in West Lynde because of this careless attitude and my heart goes out ta the maotarist. If the parents an aur Court are any indication, he'lf'be ini for a mnighty roughi tiîne. Thank you for reading my letter. It lias helped ta speak out ta sameone else wha cares and warries. Yours very truly, Shirley MacDonald, 3 Belton Crt., Whiitby. clarifys issue of a van for seniors Th'le recreatian Directai af' the Towi of Wliitby approachied the Lions Club suggesting that we pay l'or the finishing of the- dawnstairs area of the Seniors Activity Centre as a club project. We agreed ta do so. It later becanie appar- ent that this assistance was not reluired from the Lions Club, and in response ta a subsequent re(luest by the Recreation Director, we agreed ta 1lie said, according ta the report, that the Lions Club shoLild operate the vain on a trial basis for thrcemonths. Lions President, Bill Sorichletti hias asked the Free Press ta print bis Mrpas t hecuni iii this week's issue. Ulis Worship the Mayor aind The Cati neil of the Town af Whiitby, 605 Rassland Road East, Wliitby, Ontario Dear Sirs: We wish ta clarify aur position witlî respect ta the 1)ropo5al of the pur- chase of a vani by the Lions Club of Whitby, ifor the Seniors Activity Centre. It was reported in the Oshawa Times, June 21lst 1977, that the Lions Club iintended that a charge be made for fares of 25 cents per ride for the use of the van, whichl was not aur intention. Seniors Activity Centre on the express understand- ing that the club involve- ment would be the simple donation of a new van and that we would flot be further involved cither in supplying drivers or further maintenance. We do not have the mianpawer ta treat the van as a cantinuîng pro- jeet and we would appreciate the Town Counicil advising uis whether they are pre- pared ta -permit uis ta donate the van ta- the Seniors Activity Cenitre an this basis. Yours very truly, W. Sorichietti Presidenlt. (Ov ïo &oLJE7/i ~ O ,/a19bDJ owned and operated by Wliitby residents for WhitbY residents.

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