Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1977, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNE SDAY, JULY 13, 1977,s PAGE 9 coming for CountyTow the Fire Fighters' pyjama dance, aI the arena, with Don Osborne again providing the music. At il p.m. the pyjama parade will wend ils way through the streets of Brooklin, providiflg one of the memnorable spectacles of the carnival. Aug. 1 at 10 p.rn. the fire fighters will be setting off the grand finale of the carnival-- the fire works display. This display, courtesy of Lake Ontario Steel Co., will be set off in the fields soutFi of Iroquoi§ Park.1 Advance tickets are avail- able at the fire hall at Brock and Colborne Streets for the îwo dances. Trade fi July 25 Frank Sinatra's "Tender Trap", and Miss Moyle wvill sing "Evergreen". Folk Singers Mary Roney and Anna.Davis, who appeared in last year's Talent Showcase, will also be back. The popular Connolly Dancers will again be a part of the show, and sea and army cadets will march on stage to the beat of drums, wilh colors flying. Talent Showcase '77 opens with "A Wonderful Day Like Today", and closes with the finale number, a salute to Canada, donsisting of such numbers as "This Land Is Your Land", the Centennial Song, "Can-a-da" and "Canada Our Heritage". air' and directs the show and acts as mnaster of ceremonies, says 2 7 the accent is on variety and bringing new 'talent before Whitby audiences. About 30 businesses, industries and service organiza- lions wîll be participating again this year in the Whitby Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair at the Count.y lown Carnival. The t rade fair is open from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.mn. July 25 to 27 at the Iroquois Park Arena. Admission is free. Special events aI the trade fair will be a dog obedience show by the Oshawa Obedience Association July 25, and a children's pet and inuIt show July 26. The trade fair is a popular carnival event of recent years, atlracting large crowds. With a theme of "Whiîby Covers the World", the trade fair shows 10 the town's cilizens whal ils business comrnunity has 10 offer. Talent showcase salutes Whitby A salute 10 Whitby will be the themne of Bert Heaver's "Talent Showcase '77" aI the County Town Carnival.- Admission is free 10 Ibis variely show featuring local talent, which will be held aI 7:30 p.rn. July 23 aI the Iroquois Park arena. A nine-piece band under the direction of Bey Smith will provide the background music 10 a numnber of singers and dancers, and will provide a lively medley of Dixieland lunes and a tribute 10 the big bands in the traditional Glenn Miller style. The Whitby Brass Band will also be parîicipatiflg, playing South Rampart Street and other numbers. There will also be a medley of Beatles lunes arranged by Bob Mitchell of Bey Smilh's band. Two new singers this year are Barb Taylor, who will sing "People"; and Normn Kitney, who will sing a number of Roger Whittaker songs. Agneý Coghill, who appe ai- ed in the spring revue will sing "The Way We Were". Two favourite singers from pasl carnival variely shows, Phil Trudelle and Jenny Moyle will be in this year's show, Mr. Trudelle will sing Couneil grant.s $1,ooo to COMRA rescue boat After much debate, the town council bas decided to gran t S ,000 toward the operation of the COMRA rescue boat. The City of Oshawa Marine Rescue Association approach- cd couincil in May, asking l'or funds, and stated Ihat il vas already receiving a subsidy froin Newcastle. Private negotîalions were carried on between COMRA officiaIs and the town council, but when the grant was agreed upon, there were still doubîs in some councillors' minds. Bob Attersley said he hesitated to give COMRA a grant when the Whitby Sailing School lias helped rescue people froîn Whitby harbor without lown financ- ing. Also, he noted Ihat the town was helping an Oshawa group and flot the Ajax- Pickering rescue group. Il happens 10 be a regional malter by mny definilion of regional govern- ment, and il shouldn't be Up 10 the town of Whitby 10 support these things", he said. "Il should bc up 10 the region 10 fund these things". "You can bel your bottorn dollar if anything goes regional, the price will go up ten limes", commented Regional Councillor Gerry Emin. Dunk the celebrity The popular "Dunk The Celebrity" game, sponsored by the Whitby Optimist Club, will again be a special event at the County Town Carnival. The Optiînists will be setting up the dunking booth at Iroquois Park near the rides and games. For a small fée, carnival-goers can 1055 balîs at a target, and if they hit the target, some unlucky celebrity gets a dip. Times for the dunk the celebrity game are: July 24 ail day *uy 5t 29, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.mn., and July 30 to Aug. 1 ail day. The dunk the celebrity gaine is a major fund-raising project for the Optimist Club, with proceeds going to com- over. '1here is aiso roller skating at the samie time July 28. Whit1by area residents are invited to corne out and parti- cipate in this popular spcrt. Carnival rides MIIIIILLy A gala arrayof rides and Young people. Agl ra frdsad games will be offered again, Roller skating this year at the County Town Public roller skating at the Knights of Columbus. Iroquois Park arena is one of The rides and games will the many features of this be located in Iroquois Park, year's County Town Carnival. and will be operating al Skating for ages 14 and eveniflg till 11:30 p.rh. July over will be from 7:30 p.ml. 10 25 to 28. From July 29 to 10:30 p.m. July 18. July 21 Aug. 1, the rides will he at the same timie, there will operaliflg from noon to be skating for ages 18 and 11:30 p.m. Councillor Emrn added that Lake Ontario is really a federal and not a regiona] waterway. However, he conceded thal if il saves eve.ni one life, COMRA will be proving ils worlh. The COMRA 31 -fool fibreglass duel engine boat patrols froin Newcastle t10 the Picke ring nuclear station from May 10 November 10 assist, boals in dislress. Carnival RENT A CAR! $1495 adaY 668-8000 opposiffe Brewers Retail -1 - ! - -1-- --11-.

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