PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JUtY 13, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS New Federal Riding of 'Ontario Progressive Conservative Assn. Under the recent Federal Redistribution, the boundaries of- the Federal Riding of Ontario were redrawn to include the Municipalities of AJAX, PICKERING, UXBRIDGE and WHITBY. Accordingly, a new Association will be formed with Election of Off icers and adoption of a Constitution at a FOUNDINO MEETING W.dnosday, Jtly 20,S p.m. Hurwood S.mà ry School, Alax Harwood Avenue South of Bayly Sommer Cbor.nce IDp t. 60% /o Sauge ~îBock By Popular Dernond FO YUN OurFO YON S AiLEAl Sales Final Y\mmr»IIrt Slacks Mix& Match Hiqher Price Prevails FahiRs126 "To-;n>rrows IPas/nioiis f-da v~ Sizes 5-15 6-16 126BROK T. .,WHITBY 668-1 266 Chaqex Hous:-9-6 Mo.-St.Fri. 9-9 Mastercha.,ae SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND FINU OUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN DURHAM! Morning Reports 6:20 & 7:020 Weather 1350 ,Sports and News THE OSHAWA. STATION Anti-noise b ylaw. is p assed; further amendmnents sought. A new anti-noise bylaw prolibiling disturbing noise after 8 p.în. lias been passed by couincil. The bylaw puts a curfew on noise between 8 p.m. and 7 amn., and replaces an old bylaw which liad set the' curfew at 10O p.rn. Towrn Clerk-Administrator Bill Wallace will bring in a further report on noise restrictions for Sundays and holidays at a future council 101 Brock Street South Whitby 668-8865 Whitby - Townhouse on f irst floor with sliding doors to private patio and lawn, close to a park. Two bedrooms, separate dining room, ample storage. No stairs makes it an excellent home for retired couple. $44,900.00 - Doris Smith 668-8865 or 655-4339. Realty Limited 345 Kingston Rd. (at Altona) Pickering 284 - 6701 BUSH LOT - $120/Acre 100 acres of high rolling land near Apsley (Hastings); Excellent hardwood bush with scenic clearings. Perfect for hunting camp or retreat. patio andl sidewalk slabs meeting will be national P-C Association Secretary John MacNaughton who wvill super- vise the election of a new executive and the adoption of a constitution. The founding meeting will be held at l-arwood Secondary School in Ajax on Wednesday, July 2Oth beginning at 8 p.m. GU EST SPEAKERALLEN LAWRENCE Q.... Northumberland-Durham Everybody Welcome mnccting. The new bylaw was passed after a Thickson Road resident complained to the town about a noisy engine repair sliop next to her home operating on holidays, Saturdays and in the evenings. Since the council was not able to curb one business it passed a general bylaw amendment. Funds& volunteers needed for retarded The Aldon Sehool parent committee of the Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Associa- tion for Retarded Children is organizing a sunýrmer pro- gram for retarded chldren at Aldon School, Burcher Road, Ajax, from July 4 to Aug. 27, Monday to Friday from 9;30 a.rn to 3 p.rn. The children will be pro- vi ded with bus transportation, and activities includes arts, crafts, mnusic, drama, gamnes and swirnming, geared to the abilities of these special chuldren. A grant of $4,116 for staff' salaries lias been received frorn the 01ntario Ministry of Culture and Recreation, and the Town of Ajax lias provided $ 1,200. The parent commnittee reports it stili needs financ- ing for transportation and requires volunteers, maie and femnale aged 14 and over, to assist the staff. Donations are payable to The Summer Program for Retarded children c/o The Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Association for Retarded Chiîdren, 177 Dowty Road, Ajax. Anyone who wishes to becomne a volunteer may cal Mrs. Noreen Masters. 839-1519 or Mrs. Inez Curi, 655-3276. New P.C. group forms Federal Conservative s in the area will be meeting to form a new Association July 20 in Ajax. The recent redistr1% ibutin of fedeAJra