Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1977, p. 1

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REl P E Vol. 7, No. 28 Wednesday, July 13, 1977 16 Pa Stu dy wil det*ernLie future of hospital JUMPING FOR SAFETY Net jumping can be fun, but it also teaches fire safety to children participating in the Whitby Fire Department's» Junior Fire Department program. The Junior Fire Departmenl is being held in two sessions throughout July, with more than 50 children partîcipating. Fre.- Press Photo by Brian Winter Downtown bylaw is considered July, On July 25, council întends te consider the third reading cf a byiaw which will designate a downtown improve- ment area. Regiton isi Witby tmd The Durham Region plan- ning and develepment committee has passed a recomn- inondation te purchase 42 acres cf land fron the ,"-NR in Whîtby for more than $636,000. The land is required fer the development of the Durham Industrial Estates, west of the Oshawa-Whiitby town Une and south cf the '4 'i Acccrding te Deputy Clerk Gary Roseblade there have been ne officiai petitions epposing the bylaw, but two individual objections have 9 purchase us trial kand CNR tvacks at Highway 401. The purchase price agreed upon by the regien is $15,200 an acre. Durham Industrial Estates includes twc major land hold- ings, the 42 acres owned by the railway and 81 . 5 acres the region purchased from JDS Developments in May. The purchase price freinJDS was $15,800 per acre. been receiveci. If one third cf business and prcfessîc persons in the downtown object te the pvoposed bylaw it can be shelved. A questionaire sent eut te businessmien in the downtown area, asking if they are in favor of the revitalization proposai and the designation cf an improvement avea bas resulted in 47 replies. According te tcwn otticiais enly three have indicated opposition te upgrading the downtewn core. Top priority for spending money in the area, according te the questionaires received is the continuation of pur- chasing land for parking. High rise developient placed fifth in terms cf importance. Duving the next five S nontlis an intensive study of S the future vole for the S Wlhitby Psychiatric H-ospital will be undertaken by a con- S sulting fivin hired by the ~-Ontarie Ministvy- cf Health. Whitby is only one part cf the study, -for it will aise j include Lakeshcore Psychiatric flHospital and Qucen Street Mental i ealth Centre in Toronto. Representatives of the consulting firm, McKinsey & Ce. Inc., and Bill Jappy, director of psychiatric services for the ministry of health called a pvess confevence iast week at the Whîitby hospita i te explain w1uat the study wvil (I. Mr. Jappy put te rest the vomeors whichi have circulateci over the past few yeavs that the Whiitby Psychiatvic iHospital would beciosev. lie said the heospital hias 1 7 been a bit of a question mark Y for the past four years, "but we ve înidîcated tbere is a *- o centinuing vole for this I hespital. Now we've going te get it downl on pape r". With Whitby being in the centre cf a POI)LIlit ionl growvth arca for the next 10 yeavs, it is mnost appropriate te have a psychiatric facility in Whitby. said Mvr. Jappy. "Wlheve de you get 25 acres <f land toerevt anot ber faciiity'?"lhe asked. Holspital adînin istrater Ken Shieehan added that the admission rate fre i the Whitby area is hiighier tha n frein the Teronto area, se the hespital is serving the Durhaîn Regien. île aise pointed eut that 1,000 peopie living frei Scaborougli te Bowmanviile work at the Whitby Hoespital. ie Ol1dest se t r Elmer Ci Elimer Albert Cooke, of 2 5 Myrie Stai, believed te be the oldest service station operator in Ontario, died Friday at the Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Hospital at the age cf the 81. Dnal Mr. (X-ike \vas bon in Mr. Jappy said that the facilities at Whitby and Lakeshore hospitals are "quite antiquated"', and with the tight money situation the government "should not build structures willy nilly without knowing what we need". 1le also pointed out that one third of the population of Ontario--three million people--are served by the three hospitals being studied. Jirn Bennett, a partner in the study team, which was chosen fvomn among I15 applicants, outlined how the study would proceed. "There is concern about the adequ,.;cy of facilities. They are clearly substandard", lie said. "The rninistry of health is reluctant to spend a lot of money until the role of the three hospitals is defîiied". The over-ail objective of the study, said Mr. Bennett, is te develop a master plan for the three hospitals, covering such areas as clinical services, teaiching and research requivemients and the neces- savy support services. The three specifie olbjec- tives, hie said are: (1>) te develop a picture cf psychiiatric cave needs, (2) te prepare a detailed profile cf wha,,t is available now, and (3) te idcntify shortages or surpiosses in the existing systemn. "Then we will recoi- niend whiat prograins there should be for the future", lie said. The sttndy xiii be broken down into three phases, cover- ing a period cf four to five mnonths, said Mr. Bennett. Phase one, taking 10O weeks, wiil determine the over-ail vole cf the thvee institutions and whieve Whitby fits into the systern, lie said. Phase two, taking four weeks, will determine what capital projects will be required te implemnent phase twe, and what they will cost, said Mr. Bennett. Throughout the study there will be close and fre- quent contact between the steering committee and the administrators of the hospitals, and the consulting firm's staff will be working at the Whitby hospital two or three days a week for 22 weekcs, he said. The steering committee consists cf the administrator of each hospital, Mv. Jappy, and other people frorn the ministvy cf health, said Mr. Bennett. Mv. Bennett said that the rninistvy cf health will make decisions on the future of the three hospitals based on the vesults of the role studv. Mv. Jappy said that the Ontario Cabinet will have te inake the final decision on timing for impiementing the vecornrendations of the study. The cost cf the vole study is Si 16,500, said Mv. Jappy, but Mv. Sheehan added that it was net a lavge amount cf noney, considering that it costs $40,000 a day te, keep the Whitby hospital epen. "This is a fairly ambiticus study", said Mr. Jappy. "This type cf study has neyer been done anywhere else te mny knowiedge". Mv. Jappy infcvmed the media representatives that the vole study report will be made public when it is completed and wil be available at governinent book stores. "We have nothing to hide", he said. ,rvice staton owner !ooke of Myrtie dies Reachi Township May 7, I1896, and resided rncst cf his life at Myrtle Station. In 1920 hie epened a service station in a former pioneer church building, and for 57 yeavs was a dealer for Highway reconstruction from Whitby to Oshawa is deiayed until spring 401 betwcen Whitby and Oshawa is expected te begin next spring instead cf this sumnier, says the Ontario Ministry cf Transportation and Commiun icat ions. Original plans had been te start construction after the Pickering-Whitby section is finished at the end of July.. A senior planner from the mlnistry says tenders for the called until this winter, with wcrk starting in the spring. It is thie intention of the rninistvy te cal public hearings in Oshawa on the pvoject before tenders are let. Officiais will show photo- graphs, diagrams and models cf highway noise barriers in thie latter, hz-lf of July, says the rinistry. Oul Companies. The service station xvas moved a couple cf timies, and for mnany years has been located on the west side cf Highway 1 2, north cf the CPR tvacks. Mv. Cooke is survived by his wife, Jessie, one son. Kenneth, cf Bvooklin, and one daughiter, Mrs. A. James (Audrey), cf Myrtle Station. He is aise survived by brothers Ray cf Port Perry, and Earl cf Oshawa, and sisters, Mrs. F. Beýadie (Blanche) cf Oshawa, Mrs. E. Cooper (Ruby) cf Toronto and Mvs. J. L-ee, (Vera) cf Greenbank. Mr. Cooke is aise suvvived by two grandchildren and two great grandchiidren. The funeral was held Sunday from the Carson Funeral Homne, Brooklin, followed by internent in Union Cernetery, Oshawa. kge@

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