Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1977, p. 5

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When vou stop to think about it there are a lot worse places to spend sumimer than Whitby. Frankly, wvhat with working and often being away, I wish 1 could spend more suminer-tiime in Whitby just burnming around and getting to know the town better. But the besi part of a summiner in ýWhitby is the County Town Carnival which xviii be getting underway this mnonth. The County Town Carnival is flot only the best part of sumimer in Witby but it's the most confusing part as well. There are so inany activities going on during carnival timie that it's a very try'ing job deciding what to miss while attending sornethiig else. For the past two years because of previous committinents! have been unable to attend any of tlie carnival because I was out of tuwn, but this yearil be different. 1 hope once again this year to be able to wvalk through a normnally quiet park mnagica!ly trainsformned into a hustling, bustling carnival \vithi barkers, bright lights and a thousand noises to assault t lie ears. l'm als<) looking furward to vîsitin'g different pavilions. A few ycars ago 1 remnember visiting the Maltese Pavilion and learning a lot about tlîeir dress code aind thie food they eat. look forward to enjoying the sanic kind of' food this year and resigning mvself to cutting, clown afte r the carnival to make LIp for the weight l'H gain sampling food not only fromn the Malta Pavilion but from others as \vell. And of course o)nce again l'ni sure there will be the beer tent xvhich isl s the meeting place to get icrcqtîinitedl with fellow Whitbyites. Somnetirnes that reacquaintance takes the form of a yelling session to make yoturself hcard over the oomipah - pah band but wlîat would a heer tn bec ithout an oomnpah - pah band? 1 haven't heard it will be discontinued s0 l'mn assumning that once again we wiIl have a displ.iy of humnan flesh known as a beauty 'ontest. The previous description of the choosing of Miss County Town Carnival w'is not my description. The description came from some jealous people who neyer will be able to display the lovely curves displayed by the contestants, jealous people who forget that Miss County Town Cariiival is conlsidered for the title flot only for her good looks but for her poise and talent as well. 1 don't find the choosing of a carnival qucen any stranger than wa -tching our local firefighters parade through the streets of Whitby in the middle of the night clad in their pajamas. Actually 1 find the firefighters look rather colourfuil in pajamias compared io their stiff looking blue uniforms. 1 can recali attending somne grýeat street (lances a few years ago and not feeling tuo enbarrased about heel and toeing it with the best of themn. The atmosphiere of the street dances is aiways rclaxed and infornial and l've discovered you can meet sonie of the nicest people at a street dance. And the bonus is a long walk homne through quiet streets on a sumrmer night. It will miake you appreciate living in a town compared tu the constant hustle and noise of a city. Mmnd you as I look back 1 can alsu recaîl having to spend[ some time sitting on a narruov shelf suispended over a tank ut' water and 1watching intently while people threw hasebalîs 2at a board and hoped to have une go througli a hule which wouild trip a lever thus sending mie sliding b'ff tlie shelf and iflt( the cold water, clothes and aIl. I also recaîlI some very Wardirà's Popular 747 Service to Tampa & Miami for Winter 77/78 Now Available Day Or.ight Flights From $9900 $15900 Contact RUSSELL TRAVEL 116 BROCK ST. Soi, WHITBY 668.5000 Summer Hours Mlon-Fri 9.5 Saturday 9-12 noon vengeful people spending a lot of their money, which went to a local charity, and taking a lot of time to aim for the liile and then chee'ring gleefülly when 1 wound up in the wa te r. Although l've niissed the last two carnivals 1 still have a wealth of mernories from previous ones including parades, soap box derbies and clowns and balloons and of course fireworks. The soap box derby stands out in my mindas 1 recalrnany kids catching bell for not aîttending to the task of at final t une-up on thieir racers before the race. The hell- givers were the fathers who seerned to take it ahl too Trhe Whitby Psychiatric H ospital has been a subject of controversy for the past fexv years, with a higli rate of suicides iii 1976, and concerti hias been expresse(l in the coninmunity about wvhat hias beeni happening a t the hospîtal. At a recent press confer- ence, Minist ry of lcalth OfficiaIs and I lospital Staff expîained sonie of the changes which have takeni place in society anidpsychiiiatîic care in the last I1O years which niake the hospital's job more conîplex a n d difficult. Teni years ago there were 1 6,000 peuple in Ontario in psychiatric hospitals, said Bill Jappy, director of psychiatrie services for the ministry of hecalth. Today, there are 4,500 in hospitals, 7,600 ini homnes'-for sp)ecial care and the remainder in variuus ont-patient progranils. Whitby Hiospital Adniîs- trator Ken Sheehan says that in the past 10 years the age and sex mnix of patients at Whitby has changed. "We have mnuch yotinger and much more disturbed patients in the age grounp of 18 to 27, whereas niost of our patients used to be in their 50s and 60s", hie said. Mr. Sheehian. lie attributed the extremne youth of the patients today to stress in the coinnitinity and drugs. Dr. Samna Uslia, the hospital's niedical directur, says the young peuple iin the hospital suffer fromn "severe social nmaladjustiit . compli- HITBY FREE PRESS, &VEDNESD AY, JULY 13,1977, PAGE 5 seriously and the, builçlers of the cars were supposed to be the young drivers. One.yearI noticed a lot of very advanced epngineering on somne of the soap, boxes and 1 recal thinking how much smarter ten year olds are now ,than they were when ! was ten. But anxious parents and hurly-burly noise and dances and beauty queens and fireworks are ail a, part of the carnival flot' to mention mouth wate ring food and bake sales and treasure and trash sales. It's ail coming shortly. I'm waitig ...........impatiently. Hospi'tal!'s job in societyi hnig p.atients are younger and more disturbed B3Y NANCY BOWES Staff Writer Swilllnîing pool owners ini the Regi(nI of Durham will bc granted a rebate on the sewer portion of their water bills for 1976 and 1977. The rebate, a recommenda- tion accepted by the Durhanm Regional Council on June 29, is condilional upun lwo factors. 'f the pool does viol discharge any water int() the sanitary sewer systeni, and if the pool lias a capacity of mure tha i 10,000 gallons, the owner miay be granted a rebate. abuse". We need every Treate nt o fth rbateii intenisive sîructured inpt inreastuheseraeii mir prugramis) for thcy cdon'lt effcct at the end of 19c76 and respond to tradit inal t reat- 1977 in each miunicipality. ment", shie said. Tie value of thie rebate is Mr. Jappy notedi tha t a fixed acOcring tu thle capacilv of thle Pool. X"BIossom inL() a Beatt 1 wt h a e Hairstyle Time for a ncw hairstyle <>t compliment your new P wardrohce. Look love1>, ,r clegant, enchanting, any way yoa-' want., with a ncw hairstyle created \7 to show vou at yoiir best by our ý J professional stylists. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green St.- 6689262 very active therapy progrýam is needed so that patients will not be instittutiomllized for 30 or 40 years as they wcre 1 5 to 20 years ago. Commenting on the recent Mental Ilealtlh Metro report whiichi said the Ontario readmission rate was 60 per cent compared tu 10 per cent in Britishi Columbià, Mr. Jappy said hie 'wotild like to examine thlese figures. ~keanusionrate can be ,a positive thing", hie said. "If we can maintain peuple in the commiiiity witli two or thiree short admissions, it is better than keeping theni ini hospital aIl the tîlTe. Commenting on the suicides, mrsn, and other problems experienced at the hospital last year, Mir. Jappy said "the type of facility has somethiing tu do withi it". The huspital is not an buildings spread out, he said. He suggested it should be on similar fines to a general hospital with strong emphasis on out-patient andambulatory' facilities, rather than an in- patient facility. Mr. Sheehan issued admis- sion and discharge statistics fo r thle month of lune, xvhichi indicate the majority of admissions an d discharges are patients from Durham Region and York County. In June, there were 36 admissions from Durham Region, 42 from York, four fromn Northumberland, three fro m Victoria, two from Metro Toronto, and seven from other locations, tot'alling 94 admnissions. Discharges were: 41 from Durham Region, 31 from York, nine from Metro Toronto, two from Victoria, land and Peterborough, and six others, totally 91. At the end of June there were 457 patients in the hospital, although the count can reach as high as 500, said Mr. Sheehan. The numnber of outpatients on the books at the end of June was 399, and 1 20 assessments were corn- pleted during the month. The hiospital is Dttempting to make its role- more clearly understood by the community, and will be featuring the Oiario Gýjovernmnent role study in its booth at the Chamber of Commerce trade fair July 25 to 27 at Iroquois Park Arena. Also, the West Lynde Commnunity Associa- tion is saluiting the work of the psychiatric and Dr. Ruddy hospitals in its County Town Carnival Parade float. A Whitby residential pool owner may be granted frorr $9.20 to $21.50 for 1976, and from $9.20 to $22.50 for 1977, depending on the size of the pool. Further, pool owners who flled their pool for the first time in 1976 or 1977 will be grainted a reduction on the sewer portion of their water buis. The redluction also relates to thie capacity of the pool anid requires that the pool have a minimum capacity of 10,000 gallons. If the custo- mer lias been charged on his water bill for filling a new swirnming pool, lie may be granted a reductioni relatirig lu the sewer rate in is îiuinicipality. Thie Chairman o f the Finiance Comiiiitcec of the Pool owners will get a sewer rebate Aker, said that the measures did not allow pool owners to be subsidized by home owners. Three hundred signatures from Durham citizens promnpted the measures giving relief to pool owners. "We don't to penalize these people; nor do we want to subsidize them", said Mr. Aker. Two of Whitby's represen- tatives to regional council, Mayor Jim Gartshore and Counicillor Gerry Emm, supported the recommenda- tion. Councillor loy Thorrwson voted against the motion. Swiiimmg pool owners will be notified soon by thie Region of the steps necessary to receive a refund or rebate. COOPER'S PLACE LEASE EXPIRES J ULY 30TH EVERYTHING MUST GO Books, Fixtur.3s, China Cabinets, Rugs, Coins, Jewellry, Antiques, and much more. No reasonable offer wiII be refused. Tennis racquets reg. $1 2.98 now $ 4.98 reg. now Socks $1125 a pair .25 é a pair Thank you for your support over the Dast year. 668-18J Cooper's Place 103 Brock St. Se Open 10- 5I ,6Sot. .0-6. 1 mmm@mý - 7-5 7

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