Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1977, p. 9

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29,1977, WIIITBY FREE PRESS p- -- w mi1 ' TOI rBY WN OF WHI1 GARBAGE COLLECTION AUIGUST 1ST, 1977 CIVIC DAY Garbage which would normally be picked up on MONDAY, August lst wilI be collected on TUESDAY, August 2nd, 1977. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public'Works. CHUNESE FOOD TAVERN GO0LDEN GATE RESTAURANT AND TAVERN CHINES[ & CANADIAN FOOD 103-.107 BRQCK ST. S. WHITBY JUST SOUTH OF 4 CORNERS) FulIy Lcened Under The L. L. B.0 REtURANT - DINE IN OPEN GATEWAY TO _> CA ERIOUT Mari Thurs CTRN FrSat for HOME DELIVERY in PARTIES til 3 A.M WHITBY AJAX, AND BROOKLIN & OSHAWA, .AOE CAF TK UTSRIAN. George Ashe MPP defends regional governînent EDITOR'S NOTE Durhanm We3t MPP George Ashe, as a former nîayor of Pickering and mnember of thc Durhiamr Regional Council from Jaîîuary 1 974 until his election to the Legisiature in lune 1977, is well qualified to speak on the subject of regional government. The following are remnarks on regfional government, police services, and grom. th areas voiced by Mr. Aslie in a debate on an act to amend the Ontario Uncondi- tional Grants Act of 1975. Mr. Ashe's words are taken as reported in Hansard, the daily record of speeches in the legislature, for' June 2l9. This was his first major speech in the legisiature ... REGIONAL GOVERNMENT The thing that amnazes me is how we have many experts who have really not been involved in that particularlevel of governiînent and don't really know what is going on. In actual fact they are one of the reasons there have been sonie problems with it. The attitude of some niembers in that corner of the House, out in the huntings, and out out in the areas, has been very negative. lnstead of beinig positive to hielp impie- nment it îindniake it werk, they have donc everythiing te make il difficiîlt for t he cominiit ments ofrthait level eof goevernnient. As the mcmhber 1-0r Wela n d-T or old iniiîcaited, there is ne doubt at ail that cesi s in t he regienlalized areas are semewliat ighcr thianii i the iinregieiializcd a rea s. île did indicate . an d it is fact the main reason for tl, aind 1 fiLTHIS WEEk'SL USED CAR SPECIALSI1 1977 CHEVELLE MALIBU 2 door, V-8, auto., pis, p/b, radio. Lic. LNH 554. 1976 FORD TORINO 4 door, V-8, auto., p/s, p/b, radio. Lic. KM C 251 (only 10,000 miles) 1975 CHEV IMPALA 4 door, V-8, auto., p/s, p/b, radio. Lic. JHM 434. 1974 BUICK RiViERA Loaded with options. Lic. FWC 826. 1974 GREMLIN X V-8, auto., radio. Lic. HXY 210. 1973 BUIfCK REGAL 2 flUOR V-8, auto., pis, p/b, AM/FM, factory air, vinyl 1973 HORNET SPORTABOUT WAGON 6 cyl., auto., uncertified, Lic. H OS 698. 1973 TOYOTA WAGON 4 cyl., 4 speed, radio, Lic. HD0Vý 126. 1972 PONTI AC L EMANS WAGO0N V-8, auto., p/s, p/b, radio, Lic. IHO 890 1972 GRAN TORINO WAGON V-8, auto., p/s, p/b, radio, roof rack. Lic. JXP 790. 576-1800 Qshawa 815 ,King'Street West.cat Thornton Road roof. Lic. DYZ 669. $4966. $3577. $3855. $4666. $2188. $3175. $ 999. $1677. $1488. $2188. really surprised thiat a mernber fromi thc third party would suggest that it is outside the beuîîds cf their particuliar thioughts and philosophies that aIl people within this provinice cf ours should net enjoy the samne level cf service. That, of course, is one cf thie reasons why regional governerit is generally dcingîg ts task and doing its job; albeit on the shor t terni at somnewhat higlier costs, because in equalizing the level of service tlîroughout a wide area;, expanding tlie level cf service over a wide regionalized area, there is ne doubt that there are substantial capital costs in the earlier years. Thiis is what lias been seen in most regienal areas, and 1 would suggest te you, Mr. Speaker, and te members cf the House that this is levelling eut and will level out in inost areas when it lias had tirne te operate. CONDITIONAL GRANTS Getting more specifically te Bill 6, 1 think it is an area cf course that is appreciated by ail municipalities, thids is net the greatest area cf con- cern te municipal goverrnnîent, aind I have been a party te tuai system for srnie seven and a hiaîf years up until about a couple of weeks ago. The main cenceriîs of iunici- palities lhave been te do witlî tlie conditiotial grarîts îîct the uinconditional granis, albeit tliere is ne doubt tliere lias heen an engeing difference eof epîinion as 10 tuie interpreta- Ltiionî ) f ic Edmoenton coninîitinent as wvas referrcd te bv the hion. mnîîher for \Vellind-Thoreld1. I have C A R!i We accept Chargex, Mastercharge American Express 668-5000 opposite Brewers Retail been on the oth.er side cf tlîat- particular fence toc, as. ai member cf the Provincial - Liaison Commiitice. He ist quite aware of that, and made1 reference to that fact yester-1 day. That really doesn't comneî to a great deal in Bill 6.1 Municipalities this. year1 generally were quite in faveurj cf the increases that are pro-1 posed by tlîis bill and, cfi course, their budgets were set with the particular figures inîdcated in this bill iii mmnd. POLICE GRANTS One cf the concerns-and this. also was expressed yesterday; l'm net sure whether it was by tlieprevieus speaker or by a former speaker-is the unconditional grant for police purpeses. There is ne doubt in my experience, and from hearing the experiences cf ether peo pIe who have been involved in the municipal level cf government forthe last num¶îber cf years, that the police commrissiens generally seeni te have taken upon tliemselves that when there was an increase in thie police grant in any forni, whether it be in the regionalized areas or non-regionalized areas, that thut this really was a licence to spend these extra dollars witlîin the police function. 1 would recommnîd te tlîe Treasurer and suggest that in a future year-l'mn not sug- gesting il is in tlîis particular Bill 6 at ah -pessibly the uinconditiouîal graîîts should actually 1be a total dollar grant and net specifically ideîîtified for police purposes, and possibly sornie of the areas that the police ccrnissions have been taking untc their ewn te spend these source et' fuuids iniglît be seinewhat îlot as identîifiable for the ni. CR0 WTH AREAS One of, the conicerns tha t inîunici pali tics have hiad geîierally, and 1 have expressed tlîis ini die past, coînes iii dircctly te wlîatthelhon. niemiber was referring te be- fore abou)Lt growtli areas. As I indicated before, tliere is ne doubt at ail thlai these areas are expanding thecir level of service and equalizing their level et' service hecause tlîey are acccptîng. generally speaking, groxvtl rates iii ilîcir peîîulatioîî that are in sonie instances significaîîtly h igher tItan thle provincial average . I don't think thai DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS LIMITED. Trustee in Bankruptcy Bell Cantada Buildinig Oshawa Cenltre, Oshawa Phone 579-8202 F. Alan Lawson, C.A.P. X80 Vice-President Oshawa LIH 7N 1 10% HIGH SCNOOL 10% STUDENTS WE GIVE A 10% DISCOUNT OFF PUBLUSERS LIST PRICES ON ALI TEXTBOOKS ON OR. XI# XII Md GR. XII BOOKLIST DISCOUNTS APPLY NOW TO 3Mt SEPT., J'77 R. H- THOMAS BOOKSTORE 1251 SUMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA JUST SOUTUI 0F TAUNTON RD. TeL 72"M50 the present' situation in our unconditional grards of basing g r ants on po0pulati'oný fi gures that are related to the previous nutun'iflare really' fair to those municipalitieS and those regions who have large growth going on in theni. Possibly consideration cani be given in a future amendment te this bill to recognize municipalities in growth areas so that they can get an advantage of a mnore up to date, probably average figure of what the population they serve and offer their services to might be from one year to the other. In closing, 1 think Bill 6 before us should be expedi- tiously handled by the House so that the moneys that have been indicated and programn- med and used in the budgets of the various respective municipalities, whether they be local or whether they be regional, can be implemented. Let's get on with the job. Thank you. Man kited A 21 -year-old Markham man was killed lastWýýednesday when the mnotorcyle he was riding collided with a car at Highway 7 and the Whitby- Pickering tewn line. Dead is Donald Mark Wiheeler, of 4 Rouge crest Dr., Marklianî. Ontario Provincial Police at Whitby said lie, was eastbound on highway 7 about 7:40 p.m. when hie was strtick by a car nortlibound on the town line. Police said the mnotorcycle xvas forced into the path of a westbound veliicle, wvhich it struck. Steve Weir, a comipanien of Mr. Wheeler, wlio was riding another miotorcycle, rnanaged to avoid colliding with the iîortlibound car. The driver of the north- bound car, llarold Pierson-, 74, of Hortop Street, Oshawa, lias been cliarged with careless driving. New Rotary president Gerald Robinson, Inspecter cf the I17 Division uniforrn Bramîcli of the Durini Regional Police, xvas iîîducted as president of the Whitby Rotary Club for 1977-78 at the end of June. Inspecto.r Robinson's boss, .Chief Jeu Jenkins xý7as on liaiîd te assist in his installa- tion as president cf the club cf wlîiclî lie hias beeti a miii- ber for 10 yea rs. Inpete obnsmj i WE BUY MORTGAGES -WrnTBY 668-1556 TORONTO 839-7304 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS LIMITED M iMerv St W," whtb'y

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