Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1977, p. 3

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n- ,%ii., %TLUQ AVJ Tl I n I 10-717 WUYTRV PULV DfV. Y. Some cite sewagre dangfer, but only two complaints received Despite concerfi by the North Ward and iBrooklin Commnunity Association about i t serlous sewage polution from septie tanks in Brooklfi, only two complaifits have been A CARI No mileago charge? 668-8000 opposite Brewers Retail I received in the past eight months, says an officiai ýof ithe Durham Region Health Unit. Dr. J. E. Watt, director of environmental health, report- ed last week that he had checked into the situation in Brooklin, following reports from residents that the ground has becomne saturated with raw sewage. 0f the two complàirlts received, one was flot legitimate, he says. "There could be problems there that, for one reason or another people are flot comn- plaining about", said Dr. Watt. "But 1 really think the whole thin*g has been vastly over- emphisised". Dr. Watt reported that there have been problemns with septie tanks in the subdivision northwest of Highways 7 and 1 2. "The soul in there isn't the best and 1 think there have been somne failures", he said. Dr. Watt also reported he had a health inspector take water samples frorn Lynde Creek, but they have not yet been analysed. Bill Manning, President of the North Ward and Brooklin IRENT1 Community- Association said recently that sewage was entering the creek and farmers downstream have complained the water is unfit for their livestock to drink. Hie said the residents are "6sitting on a 'powder keg" waiting for the extension of water' mains and sewers to Brooklin. North Ward Councillor Bob Carson bas joined Mr. Manning in expressing concern about the septic tanks. "People can't use their back- yards, basements are smelly and sewage flows into the river", he says. Councîllor Carson said there is even raw sewage in the creek in the spring. Hie expiains that saturated ground won't absorb any more sewage in somne places, and it pereolates out. Sump pumps pick it up from tile beds it up to the surface where it is a hazard for children, says Councillor Carson. Councillor Carson has dis- counted reports that rats.have been seen in Brooklin as a result of the sewage problern. He said he had checked a local hardware store and it was flot selling rat traps in any volume.- Also he said he had personallyheard no complaints about rats and considered themn to be an "isolated problem". Mayor Jim Ujartsflore says his counicil is flot going to be "stampeded" iînto rushing a decision on Brooklin develop- ment because of reports of severe water and sewage problemns. Although there have beeri Anderson C ollegiate has 25,l new Ontarl*o Seholars Twenty.five Grade I13 students at Anderson Colle- giate were recently named Ontario Scholars, having achievdéd an over-alI 80 per cent or better average on their final examinations. The Ontario Scholars are: Linda Arsenault, Andrew Bos, L-aura Bryson, Susan Croxaîl, Susan Fry, Robert Gay, Julie ileaslip, Russell Hopper, Carol -ngleton, John Jacobs, Bryan Kelling, Yvonne Kiefert, Giselle Larish, Peter Oster- tag, Ray Pardon, Joe Pengelly, Fred Prinze n,j Christine Richardson, Curt' Schrnid. David Simnpson, Sol A sl( Wc:, pur e xa the: tak wil'1 the Adi V1iii Ba i Bo! By Glc Dii Dc Fo Ga se( iGreaves, Beverley Harding, Beth Harvey, Julie Heaslip, Russell Hopper, David Howard, Carol Ingleton, John Jacobs, Debbie Jackson, Robert Johansen, Andrew Kadykalo, Bryan Kelling, Yvonne Kiefert, Margie Kleins, Richard Klingler, Giselle Larish, Owen Lund, Wayne Morton, Kevin Murphy, Patti O'Connor, Cam 0'Donnell, Shelley Ormiston, Peter Ostertag, Joanne Palacka, Ray Pardon, Joe Pengelly, Cheryl Petrie, Fred Prinzen, Karen Rennie, Christine Richardson, Curt Schmid, Ralph Schroth, Doug Shaw, Gary Short, David Simnpson, Solomon Siu, Frank Snyder, Roxanne Steeves," Peter Strickiand, Susan Szczur, Charlotte Tenody,' Jean Townrow, Henry Van Den Hoogan, Tony Vanderwal, John Wall, Diane Wesseis, Elisabeth Westhues, Patty Wood, Nancy Yanai, Verena Zbyrovski. Vewm an heads commnittee omion Siu, Peter Strick- Former Whitby Mayor Des d, Susan Szezur, Elizabeth Newmian has been appointed sthues and Patty Wood. as chairman of a committee Principal Mike Pelesehak to study alternatives for the announced that 196 continuing operation of the pih6 passed their Grade 1 2 Ajax ,ndustriah'Steam Phant. mrinations and 74 earned The comrnittee, set up by ir Grade I13 diplorna. Ajax Mayor Chark Mason three Graduation exereises wihh months ago, represents about e place. on Saturday, Oct. 60 major steani plant ,when prizes and awards customiers, and is expeeted 10 I be given. begin its study in iiid, Thle fohowing is a hist of August. Grade 13 grduates: Mr. Newmian's comimit tee rmien -Adebar, Perry lias received proposais froîn ch a r. Brenda Alain, four engineering firms on ida Arsenauît, Roland short and mieditum-terni 1-10w, D)cinis Bidon, Anchrcw solutions on a fuel-cost ý, U, tira Bryson, Nina l)robletn at the steani plant. kiv, Kathleen Cartwrighit, The cost of steanm fromi the crn Coker, Susan Croxaîl, plant lias risen close to 200 anne Dclaney, Sue-Lane per cent in the past threc or >zan, Dan Dzikewich, Peter four years due to the high kel, Johin Fleming, Marlene cost of' bunker oul. ran, Susan Fry, Christine A consultants report bias 11la s, Robe rt Gay, Jeff suggested the plant be shut .nIrts, Sandra Gilbert, down by 1981 , and its owner, ýott Goochwin , Elizabeth Aliance Building Cori). wants T A DIA! iftlMflhI DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668 - 7797 Hours Mon--Sat. & Evo.nings hy Appoifltmellt Only to discontinue its operation. Mr. Newman's committee is expeeted to file its report. with Ajax counicil by the end of 1977. Home grant, Mayor Jini Gartshore reeeived hast week a cheque for S$100,000 as part of the Ontario Governr-nent's homfe rene'wal prograrn. Under the termns of the prograrn, the munieipality admiinisters the money pro- vided by tu-e province to aid honieowners in their home repair projeets. Eligibility is determined by the applieant's incomne, and grants are deterinined aeeorclinghy. Both owned and rented houses are permit- ted ini the program. Aceor ding to Town Treasurer Forbes MeEwen, the grants are designed to heh p people repair older homes. He said the nioney can often aid those on fixed ineomes to extend the life- tiine of homes which other- wise mniglit be demiolished. The grants are part forgive- able and partly at low interest rates. Applications for home renewal grants may be sub- rnitted to the treasury depart- menit at the municipal building. Steak & Eggs Corn Beef & Ecqgs Choppedl Steak & Eggs Ham & Eggs LBIGý Bacon & Eggs Wheat Cakes French Toast our Cof fee only 26 oentsi NIC YOURSalePA MPricG $1 39.0 1973 MAVERICK, 4 dr., 6 cyl., 50 8 L I Se.,raial o.198,008. e$47 UwUUU aut.,ra, N.y144,008e. I~ cost $ 310.00 Interest 13.5% Over 36 Months 68 -54 683-5540_______683-5840 _____ 1974 MAVERICK, 2 'dr., 6 cyl, auto., radio, white walls, very verv clean. Lic. JLS 805. $2399. 1974 COUGAR XR7, must be seen. Lic. HPX 213. $2999. M" . ft 2 Iepuâmi4 * 31GI NIC "Wednesday Spec-ial" 11 Bic NIC -HAMBURGER, FRIESandSOFI DRINK! ONLYl .05 with a shake, '1.45 eAlso Special Breakfast Menu f rom 6 a.m. to il a.m. Daily 1028 Brock St. S. WHITBY, ONTARIO 1970 CH EV, fully reconditioned, 2 year warranty. Lic. DYO 653. $1099. 1972 CHEV WAGON, spotless throughout, only 56,000 miles. Lic. AKO 299. $1699. 1972 PINTO SQUIRE WAGON,, automyatic, wood side panelling. Lic. AZP 239. ?? - w 9 the. pres's, he said, he is not aware of a "criticalProblern as described in a recent neWS- pape'r article'. The mayor said that phase two of the Brooklin study .by Donovan Pinker will not be completed until December, and he does not want to "rush to'process". While Mr. Manning and Councillor Carson are saying the septic tank situation in Brooklin is 'serlous, Dr. Watt says there are greater sewage problems in Sunderland, 25 miles north of Brooklin, and Sunderland bas a higher priority when it cornes to dealing with this problem. According to Dr. Watt, "there is a lot of misinforma- tion flyîng around" and the situation "-is blown out of perspective". 1- , ý 1, ý-v 7 1

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