Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, iULY 27, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in This year's County Town Carnival is really shapig up beautifully'. A few days backI saw a band playiîg on the sidewalk near the four corners in Whitby and numerous sidewalk sales in progress. The effeet was lively and colourful. The heart of the town really 'came alive'. Many people fron this northern area of towni will be involved in Carnival activities and some very excitîng cvents will be happening right here in Brooklil. The Whitby Fire Department will sponsor a dance ut the arena in Brooklin on Fridny July 29, 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. The D.J. will be Don Osborne. On Saturday, the 3th, the big bed race will start at 11:00 a.m. (the design juidging lasts until 12:30 p.m.') The actual races will get started I BRÃ"NÀ'S BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT NOMINALBGD CHARGE 3BIGD l 1 r urouind 1 p.nîi. and should finish ut 3:30 p.mn. They will take place on Winchester Street adjacent to the arena. The, Beer Garden.will be openl in the Brooklin arbua fromî 1 2:30 p.nî. on Saturday, the 3t, and will feature local erîtertainiment. Should bc a very interesting Saturday afternoon! In thc cvening another dance will be held in the Brooklil arena, again with D.i., Don Osborne. The final event of' Saturday will bc the Giant Pyjama Parade throughi Brookla ut I1i p.m.i This you have got to see if not participate in it is just too funny altogether. It will leave the arenu at 11I p.nî. -- the exact route mnay be subject to change. If you wishi to see it, check with the Whitby Fire Departmient for latest details. Somie Brooklin area soccer players, boys and girls will be playing soccer against teamis fromn Whitby's twin town Longueuil, Qucbec. Brookîja will play host to some of these out-of-town children during the week-end. This kind of comipetition is really good for our kids and they have the opportunity to get to know soi-ne new friends. Hope they A enjoy themselves. The "Travelling Puppet Show" to be held at the Brooklin Commlunity Centre is sure - to be a big; hit with area children. The production will be professional and very funny. The tirne is 10:30 to 11:30 a-in. Your public library is sponsoring this event - try to get there early! During Uhc month of August the public library in Brooklin will be offering a story hour and craft sessions on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and movies on Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. A special event coming Up at the library will be a Masquerade Party to be held on Tuesday August 9 ut 2:30 p.m. The objeet is to put together the zaniest or most unusual' costume possible. If it looks absolutely silly or downriglit strange - so muich the better! Put on your costume - bring a miask and join the fun. There will be prizes, garnes and refreshments. Younger and older children alike should enjoy this fun e vent. The Brooklin 1-orticultural Society will be very busy during County Town Carnival week. They will present flowcr arranging demnonstrations at their booth in the Iroquois Park arena, courtesy of Andrew Antenna Co. Ltd., during the Trade Fuir, July 25, 26, and 27. Thîe special Flower Show, sponsored by the Horticuitural Society in conjuniction with County Town Carnival will really be worth secing. It will be hield in the new Whitby Municipal Building, a beautiful setting for the flower show, on July 30 and 31. The competition is open to ail. Detai ls are available ut Public Libraries, Banks of Commerce and the Whitby Chamber of Commerce office, 416 Centre St., Whitby, or you may caîl the President, M. Davis ut 655-4825. 1 hope that ail of you are able to enjoy sonie aspect of the County Town Garni ia1 celebrations this week -have fun. Valerie 655-43 17. Keith Norman Rivett killed m iaccident technician ut CKLB Radio in Oshawa, was killed -in a traffic accident Thursday night on Highway 12, a haîf mile north of Thickson Road. Son of Edward C. and Edna Rivett, he lived at 312 Walnut Street West, Whitby. Aged 24, he was boru on FOO*DMASTER lys HNONE 655m45'21 STORE HOURS O)PEN SIX IDAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.ni. EXCETTHURS & FR1 NIGIIIS 'l IL 9 P-111. Thurs. JuIy 28. to Sat. JuIy 30 r CAMA» Grlq£A" 2 là to 3-. AvOsgO3 FOCH ABCENARSE FOR THE GILL - CHICIEN CHIC K EN S LEGS or 1BREASTS 9fér11. IIIBCKS remnI b ACKSBATTACUSO8 l MEON UN!-B. p9<10%MAMI IASIBOZ PAC"GAO SAI1SAGEro. 89 SKINLESS WIENERS 85 MAPLI LUF .GrOmlDEN Amuc COIL MAIJ LuSi5559550041 -BIERWURST .SALAMI e si spO IS SJAUSAIGE 992c JUMBO RI SAUSAGE 1.99 RINDLESS BACON $1-5'9 MLNCH13MATSAAG riFIN TENDER CIICREN ROLOGNA -LUNCION -PICKI 89C 1 es 1«1% LIVFR 59 C 1 PIME10 -MAC SCHEIS! </ýcort$Y~ Value r EAT SALE BeI's Fresh Corn (Daily) Green Beans, Tomtoes, Peppers, Ne w Crop Apples, Peaches, Plums, etc. bI W -HOM - C hicken of t e S u foil Wrap '~99CCun fueSe AjaxaCeanser 35 R E LI SH ESa GARBAGE BugLgh Mutad ~ ASSORTED 6Qc TUNATIN ELAVON SNACKS FOR DOGS ,B.Z PACKCAGE 1m 'ozTN A 1 CLUB IkBon 55< 12FLOZ JAR 49akaeof1 Pepo 16m9 JOLLY MILLER CHEESE Singles _________ CLUB 140595 13-i' BOTILI R N EIAAIN RCS ParSley Flakes 69<) FIeOW &yStOlScKR Fc WELCH CONCENTRATED lo r gUN arCH E i 5 5 CK 3/ 1/4.02 Pacag 8-oz PacaeG R A P E JU C 12-oz 7 yin B!CJLA - WEE DRNK OWOES ENVELOFS KooI-Ald S549' KLEENEX TOWELS Got uAn $111 PAPER Dl Soap 391 2-Rail Pckage 9 9c LADfYPAuTCIA M CM M T îe2lIN ILEENEX FACIAL Noir spray sl'0'9 TISSUE 20012 PIy 59C ANmI PERSPIRA1 SOS TIN CACA A Are Agents For B IU E 5 PUBITAN BIEF Or IRISH 4 Fi01 îc 'FIlESTEW S 2 IOsTn99< TENDER VITLEB POP PURINA 12-az. Pkg. 75e 24-10 oz.Diet -2.29 24-10 oz. Regular- 2.57 12-30 oz. Regular- 2.99 Ref undable Deposit for Bottle;s & case 3.00, LIBBY'S BI DEEP BROWNEO with Park ln Tomata Sauce 19-FL-OZ TINS EANS É%7c SAVARIN ASSOBISO Dinnersli-oz Sze 69c LUNCIiRON MEAT 15laotit i Ipop%*U'~ ROY AL 75 RUENTCOD Z PACKAGE ROYmA L 75c Fish &chlusl 09 ALLENS ASSORT!O BzOSYIN __ F U T Dri*nks4 51L.0.1MIT LACI CURRANT FR uIT << lA M 59-oz Jar 59C Vaponla $1.99 PERFECT FOI SUMMER MEALS MId F1CNICS MAPLE LEAF - BONELESS SMOKED - FULLY COOKED Dinner Pok Shoulders $1 e79< open-Mon.Ag.itCicHoda Mr. Rivett was a graduate of the New Liskard Agricul- tural College and the Career Canada Scbool of Broadcast- ing. He attended public and high schooi in Whitby - Mr. Rivett was a member of the Whitby Baptist Church. He is survived by his parents Edward C. and Edna *Rivett of Whitby; grand- mother Mrs. J. Linton of Whitby; one sister, Nancy at home; and four brothers, Edward M. of Courtice; Marvyn of Alliston, Dean C. of Lindsay, and Vernon P. of Owen Sound. A private service was held at W. C. Town Funeral Chapel Saturday, conducted by 'Rev. Robert Hamilton. The service was followed- by cremation and burial at Bowmlanvile Cemnetery. If desired, contributions to the Circle "R" Boys Ranch for emotionally disturbed boys would be appreciated. Edrie Louise Mowat des at 88 ,niember of an old Whitby faumily, died July 19 at Best- view Lodge, Oshawa ai the age'of 88. Mrs.Mowat, whose maiden name was Campbell, resided ut 4 Athol Street. Daughter of Matthew Campbell and Harriet Blanchard, she was born at Whitby on April 7, 1889. Mrs. Mowat was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyte rian Churcli and belonged to a number of church groups gt St. Andrew's. She was also a mernber of the Whitby Womnen's Institute. Mrs. Mowat was prede- ceased by her husband, James Blair Mowat, who died about 10 years ago. She is survived by one son, Warren J. Mowat, a former Whitby Mayor and Pire Chief; one daughter, Mrs. Frank Mackey (Elizabeth) of Oshawa; and one sister, Mrs.. Frank Underwood (Phyllis') of Whitby. Mrs. Mowat is also survived by six grand-. children and five *great grand- children. The funeral was lîeld Itîly 21 ut the W.C. Towvn Fule ral Chapeil-0, the servicc bcing conductcd by -Rcv. W. J. S. McClure. ,nternienît lfollowved iu Grovesidr -Celietery. Brooklin. axamm FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs to Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Condition ing 20 QUEEN' STREET i ___ 1 1 1

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