PAGE 12,WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10,,1977, WHITBYFREEPRESS _ ],Fie Press Emporii Cai668-6111_ 1969MUSTANG FASTBACK - 1957 BUS CAMPER - tion, $15. C,111 OOO-53U. 302, automatic, headers, chrome 20,000 miles on engine, watl to WASHING MACHINE - $10; trac bars, mags, tinted windows, h ru stove built into odd chair, $10; Console B & W 8 track stereo, good condition, cubord s sleepstive to six TV, in working condition, $45 $900. Call 668-4654. $2, 500 or best offer. Cal i Cal 725-1211. 1964 THUNDERBIRD ~ 579-8620e RCA 30"rEfLECRCCSTOVE- rebuilt, 390 engine, air condition- A-1 condition, $65; ceiling Tles' ing, arn fm radio, good condition, CANOE - canvass coyered 4 x 12, good for cottage, $6 per asking $1,000. Call 655-3768 cedar strip, 15' long, nearly new, car ton; full size bed wt ttress or985-7718. $375. Call 655-3683. c40. Cal 725-3640utseb.eitmatte1 NLY BE ACCEPTED )WING CONDITIONS A U T O SEMPORIUM ADS WILL O SUBJECT TO THE FOLLO 1974 CHEVELLE MALIBU - PLEASE R' 4 dr., p/s, p/b, air, radio, 42,000 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK - miles, $2,900 or best offer. silver grey, 37,000, automatic Advertise FREE in the FREE PRe Cal 1668-9944 after 7 p.m. transmission, excellentcondition when you selM! There wil net be a Caiasking onîy $1,50(). Cal FREE PRESS EMPORIUM un1ess 1966 CHEV - 6 cyl,, new 668-8502. When the advertised item is sold, yc block, uncertified, $135. Cal65 THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ili 655-4776.bock unC 1965 CHEVY l - 327 \ price is stated with best offer. All -mater, automatic, tape player, on an exclusive basis with the WH' 1967 MUSTANG - 289, not certified, in good condition, at least one month if not sold. 3 speed, floor shift, good clean asking $450. Cali 668-1549. car, lady driven since purchased 1963 CHEV - 4 door Sedan, RATES (if article is sold): in 67, $675. Cali 668-3889. body in good condition, not 5% of advertised price up to $400.( 1966 BUICK LASABRE - running, as is $100. Cali 2% of balance over $400.00 good running condition, uncer- 725-3640. EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised i tified, $150. Cali 728-0642. 71 METEOR - certified, - commission due $2 1975 ASTRE - good excellent condition, $1,200 or (minimum commission is $1:50), condition, $2,000. Cali 576-7942. best offer. Cali 655-4848. Private comision Pease0 1977 4 WHEEL DRIVE, new 1970MUSTANG GRANDE A - Private adverising only! Please power steering, power brakes, p/s, p/b, asking $800. Cali Plsted as a private advertiser. radio, $600 in wheels GMC 4 668-7970. Please notify the Whitby Free Pr TON 350 STANDARD, best BATTERY . for 1970 sold se that we may delete it frim offer. Cali 655-3149. Maverick, $10. Cal 668-3679 or Acl ads net fitting the Emporium 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, 668-6920. charged per week as regular clas idea fo spae prts,$10 orsuch as: services, help wanted ideal for spare parts, $100 or BATTERY - 12 volt, for personal message type ads, or ads r st offer. Caîl 668-3675. VW, one year old, $25. Private classified ads may appea 1 973 DATSUN 510 - Cali 655-4995. under appropriate headings. radiais, best offer. C Al 576-9127 5 STUD GM TIRES - with If in doubt, call 668-6111 after 6 p.m. wheels, F78x14, $10 each. MAIL ADS TO: 1968 DODGE - $150 or best Cali 725-4339. FREE PRESS t offer. Cal 668-8634. VAN RADIO -AM, for 1975 P.O. Box 20 o 6Ford, $30. Cali 668-9193 after LN 5 1972 DATSUN - running 5 p.m THE DEADLINE FOR EM' condition, body good, seit 283 V8 and AUTOMATIC _ MONDAYPREVIOIJS TO P uncertified, $450 cash or best TRANSMISSION - complete offer. Cali 668-8623 before noon. 100 orbestoffer. Ca1l 728-5259. A P P L I A N C E S 1970 FORD - red truck, APR__S_2800_-_V-6_··-_ rew cab, mileage gaod, fairty 1974 CAPRIS 2800 - V-6, ood condition, $500 as is. AM/FM 8track stereo, excellent WESTINGHOUSE WALL Cati 655-3545. condition, inside and out, 41,000 OVEN - in good condition, r miles, $2695 or best offer. Must $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & 1966 R AMBLER Embassador - Sel. Cali 668-0082. FAN COMBINATION, four 58,000 miles, 287 cu. in., V-8, elements, 2-8", 2-6", in good body needs repair, $80 as is. TIRES - (5), H-78x1 5; condition, $100. Cali 294-1383. Cali 728-2598 or 725-2200. b/wall, heavy duty, factory AIR CON DITIONER - 1969 VOLVO - 2 door, equipment; used approx. 200 Fedders upright, excellent condi- excellent running condition, some miles, $175 set. Cati 655-4610. tion, 8,000 BTU, $175. Cali body work needed, $500. Cal Steel Disc MAG WHEELS - 668-4584. 668-4317:îset of 4, w/Tornada belted Viking clothes DRYER, good con- 1970 MERCURY DELUXE - tires, G70-14, now $316, sell for dition. $100. 668-9269. p/b and steering, V8, automatic, $200 or best offer. Cali 668-2886. rear window defroster, as is $Z;00. RCA ELECTHIC STOVE - Cali 723-6163. A-1 condition, $70 or best offer; MAVEICK- 6cyl, ~ 1975 WHASPE GO-KART -lots of ceiting tites, 12 x 12•, 1971 MAVERICK - 6 cyl., 4½2honda engine, good condition, $6 per carton, 5 cartons; fuit auto., fair condition, $500 or $675. Cal 668-0511. $ize wooden bed, $50. Call best offer. Cali 655-4388. 725-3640.a GO-KRT - excelent125-3640. 1963 CHEV - 4 door sedan, GO-KART - excellent body in good condition, as is condition, four new tires, with $100. Cali725-3640. Honda 171cc engine, $500 or best offer. Cali Rob at 668-5432. G.E. REFRIGERATOR - 1970 CHEVELLE MALI BU - 15 cu. ft., double deer, frost g 1od condition,p/s,EpVb,EneT RA L E R S free, $175; Moffat Stove, 25", body work needed, $1100 orTR heavy duty, $75; both are white bestof fer, as is. Cali 668-3495 1969 HALF TON CAMPER - and in good condition. Cali ask for Steve. With dinette, barbeque, couch 668-3889. and chair, camping area available 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,000 until May lst, $1700. Cali 8 cycle Admirai automatic miles, new parts, $450 or best 668-1490. DISHWASHER -saund insuated, offer. Cal 668-5704. 5th wheel HOUSE TRAILER - hardwoEd cuttng board tep, 1973 Transcontinental Traveliner, harvest gold, only six months old, 1969 VOLKSWAGONf- 27' complete with ail equipment, good condition, $350. Catll running condition, uncertified, loaded with cupboards, excellent 725-8967. $175. Cali 668-6210. condition. Cali 655-3006.7 1957 5-TON INTERNA- Coleman hardtop CAMPER - 30" ELECTRIC STOVE - in TIONAL STAKE TRUCK - complete with furnace, best good condition, $50; rec room $600 or best offer as is. Cal offer. Cali 655-4651. ceiling tiles, reasonable. CalI 655-4973 in the evenings and 15' CITATION HOUSE 725-3640. ask for Bill. TRAILER - fridge, stove, sink, 1969 PONTIAC - 350 sleeps six, large canopy, $1,300. PORTABLE DISHWASHER - engine, ne plates, $275; Call 668-7823. excellent condition, $110; Cali 668-1763. TENT TRAILER - two Stove, good working order, ideat 1968 VOLKSWAGON - run- double beds with mattresses, for cottage, $50; dryer, good ning condition, good for parts, carpeted f oor, new tires, $375 condition, $90. Cali 623-5715. $100. Calt 683-8467. or best offer. Catt Steve 1963 CHEV 4 DOOR SEDAN. 668-1 744. Pre-way eye level OVEN - to body in good condition, as is, TENT TRAILER-Emperor, was be built in, stainless steel & $100.9 CalDN725-3640. recanvassed last year, used one chrome, matching burner base, 19b69 DODGE V AN - 6 auto ' week after, Coleman lantern, stove excellent condition, $115. Cali 4 bucket seats, navy blue broad-d 1-263-2294. loom throughout, 8 track, am water pack, heater pots & pans and -263-2294. radio, headphone jacks front & p00. 668-2164. Woodburnng corn FIRE- rear, needs body wor k, net run- R EESE TR AILItR HITCH PLCE 66-60 oagcour$20 ning due te miner repairs, as is. wiil fit 68 & up Dodge Coronet & Ci68-60 $400 or best offer. Cail Wayne Plymouth Satelite, one year old, Coleman SPACE HEATER - 668-0358. with 3" x 17/8, bail each on its good working candition, 51,000 1970 CADILLAC - needs own inserting t>ar, will selt for BTUJ, aise 45 gallon oit drum, some wor k, good boy, $1200; $125. Call 668-5060 af ter 5 p.m. wi th pump, $50. Call 655-4630. 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; 14' CAMPER FOR Y2 TON Cait 579-5451. - TRUCK - with 8' box, inctudes REFRIGERATOR-Pine Comode 1966 FORD 100 PICK-UP - steve, -propane tank and faur fridgidaire, full freezer suitable for 6 cyt., certif ied, excellent body, jacks, $850. Cati 655-4997 apt. $150. 668-7439 $600. CaIt 666-1203. af ter 5 p.m. R ANGETT E - e xcellent 1968 REBEL 2 door hard tap B' ASTRI NO oTRtC uc condition, $30. Cait 655-3961. automatic, 6 cylinder, Many new CAMPER - on 71i Te an' YokruRCODckOER- 'parts. Good runner as is $250. includes steve, f ige, prAnFM Y000 BTU, brandTonE asa Cali 579-0486. eiectric, sink, sleeps fur, AM-Mke 0 BTUz,$10 brald 668-950 wnaa radie, radiat tires, 4,50, -iepe 16.0. Ci V 6K8N-FR9 GE0 - 1975 VOLKSWAGON new. Cali 725-6106. likeîc new 7Vyears FRldGE25 BEE TLE - e xcellent condition, 16' BOAT - 35 hp mater and Call668-70 yased$15 gas heater, guadrophonic stereo, trailer, $995; hot air furnace <ail) Colati 668-4750.R22u. extra snovv tires, fuet enjected and controis, $150; hot water Cft.sp2 est Fd. E$300 22i engine, 20,000 mites, asking furnace (oul) and contrais, $350. ft GETTEar -d $300. ni- $2,400, certif ied. Cali 655-3583. Cali 668-7597. R A TEOd oni PAR OF FENDEF Oder GE REFRIGERATOR - MIRRORS -for use with trave $30; four burner Moffat electric trailer, $15 for pair. Ca stove & hood, $30; propane 579-1094. space heater, $30. All suitable 15- AMP. SERVICE BOX for cottage, $75 for all three SWITCH - & SQUARE items. Cali 655-4125 evenings, SWITCH BoX, $9. Call 668-96C 1EAD: CHROME KITCHEN SUITE - ESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY $25; high chair, $12; car bed, $7; ny charge to advertisers in the car seat, $8; baby back pack, $5; s the item advertised is sold. small bicycle, $8. Cali ou pay a commission based on 728-6204 after 6 p.m. lustrated below, regardless if MINT PLANTS - For advertisements must be placed Sale, 50 cents each. Cali qITBY FREE PRESS and run 725-1211. TWU BOYS SUITS - waist size 31, $15 each; 2 car traiter, mirror,'$15 set; canopy, green & white, 8 x 12, potes & rope included, $85. Cali 668-2422. for $50.00 CHILDS POOL TABLE - .50 3' x 6', good condition, $7.50; also many assorted jigsaw notify us if you find a retailer puzzles, 50 cents each. CalI 655-3411. ess immediately when item is POOL FILTRE - used one the following issues. season, $50; Twin tub apartment guidelines will be treated and washer, only $40. Cali 668-3889. sified ads on a pre-paid basis d, clothing, real estate, and Whitewith gold trim 24" not quoting price or quantity. BATHROOM VANITY -with ar in the Emporium section countertop, $70. Cal 725-5753. TV TRAYS - $1 each; long narrow braided RUG; $8; Cali 725-1211. EMPORIUM SHAG CARPET - approx. 6, Whitby 8'6" x 11'6", with underpad, 3 months old, half price, $60; IPORIUM ADS IS THE carpet red with pattern, 6' x 9', UIBLICATION AT NOON. 3 months old, half price, $20; electric curler set (20), excellent B 1 K E S condition, $10; electric floor polisher (G.E.), good condition, SUZUKI 350 - new tires, $10. CalI 668-3128 after Sp.m. new electrica3 system, $400. WHITE CRIB - spring and Cati and ask for Rob 668-5432. mattress, 26" x 50", $25; chrome high chair, $8; Short Wig, off black permanent curl, like new, used BOYS BIKE - green, high very little, regular $25, seil for handle bars, banana seat, sever $13, ail in good condition. Cali months old, $35. Cali 728-3762. 655-4834 ask for Mrs. Warner. OLDER WOODEN STEPS - Girls 3 spd. BICYCLE - w/24" large size, $5; round table cloth wheels, nearly new, $45; Box colourful, with cushion anc traiter, 43 x 62 x 10"d, drop tait valance te match, fits 36" rounc gate, $100. Cali 668-8432. table, $10. Ca ot 725-1211. Black b 3t ROLLEF Men's 10-speed BICYCLE - SKATES - size 11, $33; Ova excellent condition, $70. Cali chrome kitchen table, with leaf 666-1203. $25; Viking canister vacuum cleaner, $10. Cali 668-5227. 18" COLECO CARTRIDGE 1975 HONDA CB 360 T - SWIMMING POOL FILTRE - bought new in '76, 4,100 miles, with spare cartridge, $60; over the with back rest, carrier & heimet' watt skimmer, $10; new ladder for $985. Cati 655-3752. 4' pool, $35; pool vacuum, $5 Calt 668-4804. 1967 250SUZUKIHUSTLER- GOLD WEDDNG BAND ju s t re b u ilt & p a in te d , n e w n e v e r w $ C inG m rN i n battery and shop manuat, get a neyer wern, $30. Cati in morninc goed bike for $300. Cali 668-8623. 655-4423. MAGNAVOX ODYSSEY TGAME - with 12 different game 1974 HONDA - 125 and TV screen overlays, $50 moto-cross, excellent condition, Cal 668-9902. $600 or best offer.Cai Rbat BSA 22Calibre Pellet RIFLE 668-5432. very accurate, powerful, like new, will sel for $45; swing-set, BENILIE MINt-BIKE -$150. good condition, $35. Cali BNi LE MN--1KE-1$50-668-9165. Cait 668-1819. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD 1975 KAWASAKI KS125 - LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitabl Enduro, 1 300 miles, perfect for lighting patio or pool area condition, $675. Cali B. Evans $30 each. Cali 668-2832 afte at 668-5200. 5 p.m. Gendron BABY CARRIAGE MINI-BIKE Z50 HONDA - $35; Baby crib & mattress, $ traitbike, new back tire, $200. both in excellent condition Cali 579-0572. Call 668-4874. Cedar Rail FENCING 1975 350 RD YAMAHA - 8 - 10feet long, approximate excellent condition, 2,700 miles, 40 pieces at $1.00 each. Ca rode one season, $950. Cali 668-9193 after 5 p.m. 655-4286. ONE DOOR - with hardwar 1972 KAWASAKI - 125cc, like new, 30 x 73, $12. Ca Enduro trait bike, $300 or best 668-6580. offer. Cali 655-4442. Built-in OVEN and counterto 193KAWASAKI - 9cc, burners (elements> with a heai 1973 aWASAK6c Crame coloured, in excellent co $230. Cat 1-263-2294. oditin. $105. Cal 728-6719. 1976 BOMBARDIER MOPED- Brand new Jet Water PUMP 49cc, 1100 original miles, like cracked husing, asking $12! new, $200. Cal 668-5498. - Cati 683-6638. CONDTIOER -ene PAYMASTER MACHINE AIR CNTONR-oe used twice, $100, only tho summer aid, fits waIi or windew' interested cati 668-8433. 668-0050 after 6 p.m. BIKE TIRES - 26" x , $1 each; Scalectrix racing se POOL TABLE - 3½/' x 7', many extras, $12.50. Ca exceltent condition, snooker 668-5060. baits, rack, 3 eues, caver, $95; 12' CULVEFIT - $30 t~ Baby crib & mattress, $35; sets of wooden steps, 2 riser ai change table with pad, $10; 3 riser, $4 each. Cati 668-8304. balpy sled, $6; total baby item package, $45. Calt 668-0595. WEDDING DR ESS - size 1 new was $300 asking $100. C Good 25 gallon propane 668-0429. WATER HEATER - $30; Lavvn Boy LAWN MOWER Good 200-gallon propane Oit $30; 4 awnings, 50" long, 2< tank, $40. Caît 655-3688. wide, $40. Caît 668-1 261. S C E 1 L L si c 6 ,A ,g v 9s e de 1, e, rt . _. se , eII mi LAN EOUS BATHROOM SET - white, ink toiletrwalI cabinet, $60; -hid's carrier fr bicycle, $4; Nringer washer, $10. Cal 368-4760. TWIN STROLLER --excellent condition, $40. Cali 668-5272. Odd foam CUSHIONS - for chesterfield or sofa seats, $5 ea; one kitchen stool with swing out step, $5; vanity bench, $5; Call 668-9009. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT- counter stools, cash register, steam table, pop cooler, coffee urn, $450. Cali 655-3613. 16' CEDAR STRIP - 35 electric Johnston motor and trailer, $850. Cali 655-4380 evenings. Gendron CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE - excellent condi- tion, $35 or best offer. Cali 668-7371. Bissell CARPET SWEEPER - $5; wooden door, back entrance, with door knob, lock and key, 80 x 32", $15. Call 579-3094. Antique LETTER DESK - $50; Antiqµe chair, $50; electric broom, $20; Luwyt cannister vacuum, $10; Cali 668-1763. WEDDING DRESS - size 9, floor length vail & juliette haad- piece, $125 complete or will sell separately. Cali 723-0417 after 6 p.m. 1/4 ct. DIAMOND RING - white god solitare setting, appraised value $650, will sacrifice at $500. Cali 579-3094. CHILDS TEE-PEE TENT - $4; Board game, which converts into 59 games, $4; Art Lin kletter's childreris encyclopedias, eight volumes, $5. Cali 725-1211. - BABY CRADDLE - finished in solid maple, never used, 42 x 26, $100 or best offer. Call 728-2580. 12' ALUMINUM BOAT - with 9.8 hp Mercury & trailer, $800; 21" electric stove, like new, $75; boys bicycle, 8 to 12 years old, $25. Cali 668-4852. BAMBOO SHADE - approx. 9' wide, also smaller shade, $15 or best offer. Call 668-2427. Olympus CAMERA - chrome body, 1.8 lens, with case, four months old, $290; Yashica mat 124G with lens, hood & fI.ter six months oid, $125. Cal 668-0404. MUS I CAL Garrard Automatic RECORD PLAYER - and stand with dual speakers, ideal gift for $35. Long and short lined drapes, from $35-45. Cali 668-9771. Sotid State AMPLIFIERSS 50 watts, 2 speakers, BSF turntable, $350. Cali 655-3524. 9-pce. WESTBURY DRUMS - with Ludwig heads, $550. Cal 728-2812. PIONEER T6100 - reel to reel tape deck, two speed, auto- matic reverse, 2 4 track 2 channel recording heads, 30-20,000 HZ freqency, $450. Call 668-1473. GUITAR - Ventura, mod-el V10, 6 string, w/hard shell case new condition, ex/tone, $120. Cali 668-4206. STEREO - good condition asking $85. Cali 668-0836 aftet 4 p.m. PLAYER PIANO - Richtsteig century old, needs some repairing $1,000. Cali 655-4352 evertug . 2 TAPE RECORDERS - (one German & one Sanyo), reel te reel, asking $180 each or best offer. CaI g725-0848. GARRARD SL72B AUTO. TURNTABLE - with dbst covei, base & sure M75ED type twa cartridge, $85. Cali 668-409E after 6 p.m. and ask for Ken. CROWN DRUMS - five pce set, good condition, asking $1 1C Calt 668-6245 after 5 p.m. all wo ind 0, al 0', R il & D 05.