PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 24, 1977, WHItBY FIRE PRESS ~~whitby. Voice of, the Cou nty Town Mil lhe ontv Whitbv newspaper independently owned and opei SERVUNG OVER 28,000 READERSg I<e Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor .at by1 tb rsiletSto VhIDyre-nnt. c~ommunIty Editor -Brian Wiflter Published every Wednesday ci by M.B.M. Publishing I and Photograpby mec Phone 668-6111l c The Free Press Building, 121 Brock Street North, P.O. Box.206, Whitby, Ont. Contributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promotional Manager Classifiled Ad Manager Circulation Manager -Jim Quail -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyon -Marlefle Byromnn -Sharoni Lyonf, Mailing Permit No. 460 Member of the: Better Business Bureau of Toronto Whitby ChamberComece . Young fouimouthed -people product.o n discipline age, previous lettqqer is nonsense says letter to the editor Dear Sir: This is a reply- to Mr. Glen Julians' letter in your July 27 edition. (Its a littie late but I was away on holidays.) Mr. Julian states that the mental hospitals should be called drug hospitals as the young people are just put on more dnigs. First rnay I say, if some of these people (both young and older) were not put on some drug they would tear the place down. These are flot young people who were on drugs. If Mr. Julian has as he states 30 years of study and knowledge he should see that a great many of these young people, but not ail of them. Are the product of the no disci- pline age. If he would cômrpare ages with this period he would find it was the time discipline went out of the sehools and a great many homes. Most of these young people are fouI mouthed and have no respect for anyone or anythi-_g. There are stili somne fine young people who neeci help through no fault of their own. One can .us- ually pick them out by conduct and tanguage. (or lack of foui lang- uage.) Mr. Julian states that the Quakers did away with the insane anylum dungeons a century ago. May I sincerely say "Thank God for that." That unfortunately did not do away with mental illness Mr. Julian must agree 1 arn sure, that about that time they also done away with drawing and quartering. And also swinging some from the yard arm of ships but unfortunately it dîd not They certainly are not there fromi drug abuse, and some of these are read missions. Sonie of these people are only ýthere for a short period and go back home to lead productive and useful lives. Somne of these people are fine folk who just broke under pressure and needed a littie help to get back on an even keel. But a great rnany of these young people (and some older) that Mr. Julian spoke of refuse to do any work of any kind but wish to sleep titi al hours,ý drink coffee al day, receive free cigaret- tes, meals, clothi'ng etc, ail free and are quite wil- ling to live off of the establishment whioh they so despise. I feel, as a taxpayer, they should be made to earn somne of this if at ail pos- sibble. There are always some who just aren't able to,ý but if possible they should do some work. 1 think too that if parents are able to supply clothing and spending money (soinetimes both parents work) they should contribute to this, after ail O.H.I.P. pays for the hospitaliza- tion.1 Sincere ly, W. Winiacott Reader writes two poems as tribute to Elvis Dear Sir, Enclosed are a -couple of poems. My personel tribute to ELVIS PRESLEY. Could you print one in your paper for those of us who loved him so. Not as a celebrity but as a person. IHe rneant so much to me and others and this is my way of saying farewell to a man who l'Il always remember with dear and happy mernories. We've Iost a great and wond- erful human being and are very saddened by the loss. But the memories we have of him are happy ones. He'11 live forever in our hearts. Yours-truly, Diana Blackwell Townline Rd. S. Oshawa, Our hearts will ache, for qLiite awhile, But when wc thiink, of *you, we'll srnile, Youi'11 be rnuch happier, now, when you sing, Because you'I be doing it for the "King". And when "He" sm-iles, and says "Weil Done", You'Il know your life, has just begun. So l'm flot as-sad now, you've gone away, Cause I know we'l1 meet, again someday. ELVIS You had. a voice, that couîd reach the sky, Make the women, swoon and sigh. It hurt to hear, you passed away, I neyer thought, there'd be a day.' do away with crime. Your voice we'Il neyer, 1 do agree with Mr. hear again, Julian that the mental TRIBUTE TO ELVIS Deep inside, we'11 feel hospital system needs a Elvis Presley, you were the pain. shk p u esntthe King, Oh Elvis, if you only shak enbucets not 0f music, love and every- knew, tal nosene. owthjng. The years we had, with does, Mr! Julian explain We1l, miss the voice, that you were few. the older resià ents pre- soothed us so, You madé us "happy, so sad,,you had, when you did',sing, tÃ" jkÃ". Oh, 1EIviý, u' jf avê lis everything. To the 'Lord' now, you To sing for special *song4, iIb, > iead ,býis "Hlm", aabove, And share chor, ~ Yoiqrspecia Letters to the Editor Write: Box 206, Whitby or deiver to our offices at 121 Brock Sta. N., Whitby I lHjrn» 1qqu ýrated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. .