Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1977, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS The 19 7 7soccer season draws wo a close The Oshawa andi District leapue soccer olav-offs got underway this week and the foilowing are tbe resuits in the IWhitby Figure Skating Club~ Saturdal September 17 10 arn to 1 Pm iroquois Park Friday, September 23 7 Pm to q PMn Whitby Municipal Bulding Rossland Rd. E. Saturday, Septomber 24 9 arn to 12 noon Brooklin Arena B3ROOKLINI TOWN 0F WHUTBY PROCLAMATION JAYCEE WEEK TAKE NOTICE that the week of Septemnber l8th, to September 24th, 1977 is proclaimed as "Jaycee Week" in and for the Towni of Whitby. Dated at Whitby this l4th day of Septamber, A.D.,;l1977. J.C. Gartshore, MAYOR The Town of Whitby 575 Rosstand Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario___ w - HITBY à At t lie a n nîailNewîa r ke t totilinaieiii tlor, Atuîi liuiisc' ieagîîe t ea iîis Coach l)ave NMcA ne îîevy (a le iiiber uof thLe ('rown l iicdiSi.st eaili) look bis Kînsîîîienls teaito t lie fîîjji i)bt l st to Aiiniordale 4-0. CoauciliAlneîiey saici t lia t atiu Iî is teanli 1ulayed very weli. inthie tinîal, bucit uîd iîot get1 the better ut'thie opîpositionIidesici tai wIs pliysicai ly bigger. iiuNvever for ilîcir etftorts t lie îîeinîbers of' ilue Kiiisiien sicic camîe away w iiii a ci-est tcr îa n ici pal iîg aiiîd a cr-est aîîci iîîciviciîiai finalists. In thie prelinifinary rounds Kinsn eiîdfeatcd Riclinîond HilV'by tbe score of 7-0 bebiîîd two goal performances by Brad Beer, Kenny Santala and RobbyDclcngand a single by Chiris Lelirnan. li thiesecond gaine. whicb fic -finaýisîhe Kiiisînieli 1tl I thc Ncwnhiarket No. 2 10c1n1 8-0 witb Brad Bcer scorilig5 and Robby I)cig scorig Mike Fluke hiandled the goal- teniding duties of Kiinme.. Congratulaitions lu Kîns- men on ai good effort. The Free Press Vikings are off to a shaky start ýn* Bilatli îdivision:- --WXhitby Crown Iîduislrials- overWestshiore-by vir lue of the fact that Westshore withdrcw due to itîsufficient players. - Ajax over H.V.S. StcdeIers by a score of 4 to 2 and Oshawa Lions defeated W ha t evte r your Money problem Whatevcr you necd ini mioney service --a lban, a rnortgage, high interest savings, estate excecutor- ship. personal estate mîanagemenît --brîing yotir prohlemi to speejalisis Who kcep uip date on1 swiftly chianging flnancial prohlerns. In allnîoncy niatters look to Victoria, and Grcy l'or four generations the prefcrrcd -homîe haised- fînancIal biouse. [0GREY TRUST COMPANI b Ne t g1089 KE1TH LAWES Manager 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668-9a24 R EG ISTRATIO N PLACE: GROO KLIN COM.MUNITY CENTRl FEES: 1 PLAYER - $45.0 iROQUOIS PARK AR ENA 2 PLAVERS - $85.00 DATES: SATURDAV, SEPT. 10 AND SEPT. 17 FAMILY - $100.00 TIME: 10: 00 A.M. TO 1: 00 P.M. REPRESENTATIVE (ALL-STAR) PLAYERS 0 S25.00 EXTRA ALI PLAVERS WISHING TO PLAY ON REPRESENTATIVE (ALL-STAR) TEAMS MUST HAVE A SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER. ÇOST: $2.00 PER SESSION (EACH SESSION APPROXîMATELY 1 HOURt AIL PLAYERS TRYING OUT FOR REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS MUST BE REGISTERED FIRST. RECEIPIS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TRYOUTS. lrntTTINMAY' RE MADE AT THE ART THOMPSON ARENA PRtOR TO THE TRYOUTS). NOVICE MINOR ATOM MAJOR ATOM MINOR PEEWEE MAJOR PEEWEE MINOR BANTAM MAJOR BANTAM MINOR MIDGET MAJOR MIDGET JU VEN îLE FRIDAY SEPT. 16 5:35 p.m. 7:35 p.m. 6:05 p.mn. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.ni. 8:05 p.m. SATURI)AY SEPT. 17 4:35 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 5:30 p.mn. 6:00 p.mn. 6:35 p.m.. 7.05 p.m. 9:35 p.mn. 9:.00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. SUNI)AY SEPT. 18 1:05 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:40 p.m. 4:50 p.m. 6:00 p.rn 3:10 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 5:30 p.m. SATUR DAY SEPT. 24 3:05 prri. 4:00 p.m. 5:10 p. 6:20 p.m. 7:30 p.m. <PLACE: ART THOMPSON ARENA (PICKERI NG) PEEWEE No. 2 BANTAM No. 2 MON DAY SEPT. 26 5:00 p.m. 5:55 p.m. WEDNESDAY SEPT. 28 5:00 p. m. 5:55 p.m. MON DAY OCT. 3 5:00 p.m.. 5:55 p.rn. PLACE- IROIQUOIS PARK BOTH MINOR AND MAJOR AGE GROUP PLAYER SMAY TRY OUT FOR NO. 2 REPRESENTATI VE TEAMS HOUSELEAGUE CONVEMERS, COACHES, MANAGERS'AND REFEREES ARE NEEDED. PLEASE CONTACT OICK SANORELLI <668-5492) OR BILL BEER (668-6679) IF INTER ESTED.. PLEASE CLIP DUT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Both thèse gaines were played1 on Wednesday, Septeniber 7 Pickering received a bye into 1 the second round.1 ln the second round,-to be1 played today, Ajax wiIl travel1 to Pickering I-igbi Scbooi to take on Pickering - kick-off1 6:00 p.rn.iiiand Crown industrials of Whitby wili play Oshiawa Lions ai Peel Park starting ,it 8 p.nli. The wîviers in tiiese gamnes wiiI then play eachi other for the chanipionsbip. Due t0 the canceliation of the Whiitby versus West shore gai-ne thie Crown Induistrial teani, hiaving already defeaîted the Whiitby Oldimers by the score of 4-3, again went againsi die Oldtijîers at Peel Park on Ttiesday, Septenliber 6 aind tibis limle thie Oldtlmers, behind absolitly superb goal tending by Martin Bloyce, bande d t lie ban ta nis a 2-1i set back. Nineleen inuiLtes intothie gaine ldy i iibbert fouinc il opei îng mnd Crovn i ndust riais were unecldown buiit wo mlinuites before thle inite-vi Mark I ioogka i il evelne ci thiîîgs tif. Ilu(lie second Il.iaf witlî ('rownI n cliusti iein Clg fiel d off thle soeor by Biuyce Raýy ('alli,,an scored wli.it lîruvec t o be thle w i iiiier. ('oinîg îîli aiso in iiie scliecilile foi.(rî\vîlu ii I n i s is thee Eu si Annulal (abbage- tlc)Vi Bo x iliîg a1n)ci Yoctii1 (Cintre flic. toiri-muent \wiîichl wil il iae place om ii d an d Siidayi\. Sc pi ember i17 and 18 -il 131adviewv Y anid RiverdaI.le Parik (east ) Fields ii) luneri Cilty Torontîo. Wb i tby wîll lie in a rouidc robini sect ionî it i Tor-on IiiOlyi pics, St. ('alariîîes iand Rex\dale. i1O the \Vilby G iris Athletic Associat ionî Scii ris liîad liîi uIaj.yofts. The gaines started iii9: 30a.ni. andtiweiît ou uin l 5 P.iii. 111 thle firsl ga ilies WVesterin (iii defealeci Arcdenî19-1 8. Rotary ('iib took Mr. Rent Ail 10-4. Ini thie second gaties Western Ou def*ealeci Rotai y Clcîb 1 0-5 and Ardeni eliiiiaîec Mr. Ren I Ail. The ueîcxt gaine Ardien ea riie'd tfbiir posi t ion bi lv Arden theiî scrprised Western Oul by a score of i15-4. This put Westernî Ou in a dîfficit position but tbey then took die tille by a score of 23-3. WVestern Oul earlier thiis year captcîred tuie league ciîaiîpioni- siip willî a 9 win 2 loss season. Rotary Club* wa s 2nd wilb 6 wins aîîd 5 losses. Mr. Reîîl AIl was tbird with 4 wins, i tie, 5 losses followed by Arden witlî 2 ins, i tic, 8 losses. M EM BER SHIPS e Openings for meni and womeni *Men's Curling 6z Curling ClInic *Women's Curling (inquire at club office re babysitting) e Business & Professonai Girls &, New Competitive Mixed * High Schooî - Films - Speakers - Question and Answier Session - Everyone welcome s For applicationls and information contact Manager Tom Gresham - Saturday, Oct. 15 668-5021 - i0a.m. to 5p.m. - Free instruction Vikings, tle iew entry in the Scarbrocîgli Kiwanis Football association got off ho a sbaky stai in tlîeir borne opener Saturiiday ai iHenry St. Higli Sciiool field. Playing in tlieir firsi ever gaine tbe boys feul victirn 10 eariy jitters and feu bebind 19-0 b)y quai ter limne; lîowever tliîey raliied cefensively to lioid '1t(le Scarbcrougli Ti-Cats scoreiess fc)rthie rest of the gaie. Bob Shiermiani and John Becking turîîed iii fine MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION E4itby Curling club 815 ,Brock Street North, P.O. Box 34 Whitby,Onltaro(416) 668SO021 1 - seventy five yards eacbi, bcît due tri costly fumbles the Vikings wcre unlable to push the bail over the goal uine. Rick Wood, Peter Beaudry, Jeff Westenhoeffi2r and-Brian MacFarlane turned in good gaines defensivelY niakiiig many tackles, often for a .big loss. The Vikings travel to Scarboroîigb Wednesday and returni to action at Henry Street next Saturday. Western Oil wins m Squirt divis ion

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