Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1977, p. 6

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E 6 WF)NSI)YSIilPTEN1131R 14. 1977, Wili'lilY VR mElISS Br~k1in ~ Byines The Whitby Legion recuntly hosted a very successfuil and significant Jubilee Celebratioti at Iroquois Park. Legion delegates fromn many places joined in mnaking this even t a mneniorable one. The Brooklij Legion wvas pleased to send a colour party. Reports from ail those who attended as participants and spectators indicate that it wvas colourful indeed. The beginning of a new year of Kinsmen activities was marked by the firstregular fail meeting this week. -Regular meetings will continue to be held on the 2nd and 4thi Mondays of each month. SZ THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH r,-)ero¶ A-idaers,)n & Wirichest9r 9ds., Br'v*Ikii Et.1COMES YOU TO ITS WOR~S41IP AND) FELLOWSHIP >uiday Services: >uiday Schiol: 9 a.m. ila.mn. ila.m. BROWNà'S Iriquiries tri: 9pv TQld Stwvari 655-3883. A peci;al vlcc>tie is uxi(td dfrot Ilite Kitisiciiti peoillue l > ooui lownl. HIlosu u(rstdini *oiniîtg this Cotîîtîntîulity organizfin bol' i<itî,ni iay coittaci, the tuutîîhurslîip dut irttatî Ross lBat(iu t 655-4778. A lii lu tmoru i n [or tuai bu i abhout Illte Osi awa l ta rlubc huld (iiis we ku n da t Brookilt t Aretua Par k .thuru is 'a plan ned 'Mut t Shiow' (hiat wi Il have two (I visions, ()ne for dogs, one for cais. Thulirc is only a token cntry foe. For inlormnatiotupIeuýsecul I 723-4580. Theu Oshiawa Fair D)ance will bcufield ini Brooklin Minotial Arena, SaturdLay, Sept. I17 Iroin nime p.mi. t 1 a.ni. Featured dise jockey will be Bob Andrews. Tickets aire $4,00 per pers'on or $8.00 pur couple. Advancu tickets arc avilable (655-4-21 5) and will geL holders into the fair grounds aftur 6 p.mn. on Saturday, free. Tiiere nmay yet bu sone display space available; please caîl 655-421I5 if you are interested in setting up a booth at this fair. (Setting up to bu donc Thursday). The farnilies related to Mrs. Maude Steil have planned a Open flouse to which thuy invite ail friends and relatives ôn Sunday, September 18 fromi 2-5 p.mn. Thts Open Hottse will bu field in honour of her eighitieth birthday at the Kinsale Community Centre (old Kinsalu school, corner of Hwy. No. 7 and Townline Rd.) Best wishies only please. Brooklin United Church Sunday School started last Sunday. Rally Day has been planned for September 18 on which day there will bu no usual 10 a.m. Sunday sehool. Instead everyone will attend the 1l a.m. church service. Children are urged to be there for 10:45 a.m. and all parents are invited to joiri their children for this important annual event. Remindur that SLnday school is usLtally held at 10 a.m. - only for this Sunday, the 1 8th, it wilI bu replaced by an 1l a.m. service. Registration for pre-school story hour and concrrrent Afternoon Discussion group at the Public Library will hue held next week. Sessions start Tuesday, October 1l. They are held at the Public Library in Brooklin [romin p.mn. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thure is an age lirnit (no cliild youniger than thrce) also a imnit to thé number of children (biat cai t)c plariiied for acequately, please rogister early! Lihrary teleplione numnber is 655-3191. Tfhu Public Library lias started regular Saturday story hours again. They are held from ,10:30 a.m. until il :30 a.mn. The library will be open on Saturdays fromin 1 a.m. Lintil 4 p.ni. - Watch f'or dates and places soon to be announced regarding prom-ised public meetings re: future of Brooklin. The counicil should be organizing ti-ese sometime in the near future. Thursday, September 15 - Elvis Presley filmn "Fun In Acapulco" Wh.tby Public Library, main branch, '7 p.m.-, Admission free.- Thursday, September 15- Group '74 Arts and Crafts Open House Brooklin Community Centre, 7:30 - 9 p.m.. Thursday, September 15 - 2nd Brooklin Group Commit- tee Corn Roast - 2nd Cubs, Scouts, Beavers and their famnilles welcome. Prospective members welcome. Cal 655-4378 for information and directions. Saturday, Septembér 17 - Whitby Figure Skating registration, Iroquois Park.Arena, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. SSaturday, September 17 - Oshawa Fair Dance, Brooklin Memorial Arena, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Cail 655-4215 for tickets' and information. Have a good week. Valerie 655-4317. Fair at Brookin. The Brookiin Fair grounds will bu a busy .scre of activity Friday, Saturdav and - -~ FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Pl NORTH W1IUTBY DE]LIVÈRY AT CHMIARGE3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Sepi u UM m $ 01 i DEVON SAUSAGE mun - BONUS STE WING 8BEE F 89b 986 SCèi4NioLIS 16« P ACICAti OKTODRFEST $ 1 SAUSAGE I O SCIINIDUS BBULUJImoMAR &A -01. Pkg BACK BAC',ON i, #Mo CENTS! I$1.79 W41.89 25IA1~LT4 n'-S CONf IHONE 655m45'21 STORE HOURS. OPEN SIX IDAYS A WEEK 8:.30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EX('EPT TFI UR S & F RI NIGHIS 'ITil 9 p.ni. *Court*si~ Value %Otêlmfactlýof I.15to Sat'. Sept.s17 ROASTS 85Ib CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF BLADE STEAKS 89 BLADE Rasts 98 c ROUND BEEF 88L BCwItttlX-IO OS o fMs 01C4 BUS 2..PACKAOL MAPLE LA u «tO MornSS - 0w.,> WIENERS Shiou 88 PORK Shoulder 1.79 e4e, Bu TAIng-9 39 - e 55120005s CtILI. S25-yn. ACKACE b y Fa RAISIN BRAN 99C BONNIE ~ <Fec r PEANIIT Biafer $159 PRCMT I AIS r1 S Tm Margarine Potatoes UBYI EAS 9 3 8KG BZE 1 AS VES$i*T OPIN DREAM WH 3-...69C LcYfl l Kleenex FI C-SCIIEI PaB So. RCXOX D EL Y SNAKE 1' BAKE 73c < ROMwhite Bouiqti PICXLI U ri IL Os lt T s Towels sT OBIN 2-Lb0%r.RAC1A0! S U.PG9 4o A DAIMT mme69C 1 WHR lI 2SU.RCK0 COMTE100 iso àu. 79e' Sunkist Valencia Oranges Suze 113 $1.19 doz. No. 1 Product of Ontario Carrots 2 lb.'bag 29ç Product of U.S.A. Spinich Ws Are Agents For 10 oz. bag 49" 24-100z.Diet - 2.29 24-10oz. Regu lar- 2.57 12-300oz. Roguler- 2.99 WWelund.IDeposit «o Boules 8à Cm .3.00 S.ta resstng - Kraftt MIRACLE! WHIP 69C GREEN ClAN? -SLAmONCU CANADA FACI BEANS CARNATION COFFE MATE ONUS PACK le«iNm 1.09 TANG OranflgCystals 4/ F½. ACUAC 99C ASSORTED JELLY JELL-O DESSERT POWDERS S-o PAClAGE KETCHUP 55 l-Sm uOTL 63C ;A flDENTAL CREME I i2/ 5OmIPkg -99 cf h VnININS MAXI PADI UNEW FREEDOMU Pockgeof 12.9c1 Ultra Dry Scented 6 fli-o: cont. - $1,49 ROYALE TISSUES Pockoge of 40- 49 c Self Sere Rllis SANDWICN .CIIICXA2I- uVER -BBALNSWXJOBA BACON A USES fNwE UVEBWUBtsl &M LAC1S 49Yç t - NORMAL Z2XML CONTAINER IALO SHAMPOO 99c CHU( BOY ARSOE01 II AVIOU.O BUFAROI s... ti,49c PXA on vEOLTABII 3 ilFL-ýOS Nm HABITANT s 'w. I89C mur 21 0515- INSTANT COFtrt 0.« JAR TASTERS oui..$5.99 FACIA ISSU!3 1$ AIL FUMPOSE CLEANIS s-ClBOX SPIC & SPAN $2.39 POWOLIEO 2/ z2-SPACKAGE COM T aenser 99C UIO CLLANEN 2nFI.-Oz CONIAINER ML CIBEAN $1.29 9104A mIIT DONUTS w4 of a59c ^**"pURilTAN BEEF or IRISH STEWS ad K-OS TwI 99c OId South Frozen ORANGE JUICE CONCXNTAtIw- 4.23FL-S Mi Hligh U»r Famtly SIz. FISH & CHIPS CATELLI MACARONI &SPAGHMTI 39C Canada - Fancy S..brook Fm EAÀU' 24b PACAE - ASSORTEU * FROZEN Ant Jeuinm WAFFLES le PAEO Sunday when the South Ontario Agricultural Society presents its annual fair. The [air, commonly known as the Oshawa Fair, was evicted [rom Oshawa's Alexandra Park and for two years has been without a home. The Town of Whitby this year gave its consent for the fair to bu held at Brooklin. On Thursday the fair organizers will bu busy getting Up booths and displays, including craft entries [rom ail over the province. Animal breeders and show- men from many parts of Ontario will bu participating in this rejuvenated fair. The gates are open Friday at 10 a.m. with the carnival rides starting Up and running ail weekend. Beef cattie and horse shows begin at 1 p.mn. Friday. At 8 p.tn. there will bu an old time fiddlurs' contest, the midway will bu open and there will bu a beer garden. On Saturday starting at 1 p.tn. the dairy cattle and heavy horses will bu shown, a horse draw contest will commence at 2 p.rn., and theru will bu a mutt -show in the mid-afternoon. The queun of the fair will bu selected in a coritest at the Brooklin Memiorial Arena at 7:30 p.mi., followed by a dance featuring -music by a disc jockey. Advance tickets are avail- able at $8 a couple by calling Mrs. Brown at 723-4580 and tickets will bu also available at the door. Advance tickets give admission to the fair- grounds, which otherwise costs $1 .50 for adults. An Old MacDonald's Farin pavilion will provide a show of small animais for the children. The move of the fair.to Brooklin, is of historical significance, for its marks the first time in 71 years that the South Ontario Agricultural Society has not held its [air in Oshawa. The [air was founded at Whitby i 1853, and was held in W'hitby until 1906 when it moved to Oshawa. Yard sale A yard sale will bu helci at the Lynde House Museum, Dundas Street West at D'Hilier Street, Sept. 17 [rom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Baking and vegetabies will be included, with proceeds going to the Whitby Historical Society., In the event of rai, the sale wÎ1l be E3LjYS OF THE WEEK

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