Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1977, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977, PAGE 7 Brian Wiiter'1s Hestorical E:Whitby' THOMAS KIRKLAND School is back in session for another year, and with school commeflcifg again, it is a good time to look at the career of one of Ontario's most noted educator s, a man whose career is closely linked with Whitby. He was Thomas Kirkland, who in the I1880s and I1890s was Principal ofthe Toronto Normal Sehool, the leading teacher's college in Ontario. Mr. Kirkland was born near Tanderagee, County Armagh, Ireland on August 12, 1835. His father, Thomas Kirkland, wvas a farmer. Young Thomas attended the local parish school and at the age of 1 5lhe was appointed teacher at the Corlust National School. After one year, he was selected by the inspector for training at the Normal School in Dublin. Mr. Kirkland went on to study agriculture and civil en- gineering, but becamne serîously ill and was advised to seek a dryer climate. Archbishop Whatley, chairmian of the Comimissioners of National Education in lreland considered that Mr. Kirk- land had natural teaching abilities, and provided himi with a letter of introduction to Dr. Edgerton Ryerson, Super- Corridor Capers Corridor Capers Dance The faîl Corridor Capers Dance will be held at Heyden- shore Pavilion on Friday,October 14,8:30 p.n. to I :00a.nm. Two years ago the Ratepayers Association decided to experiment with the possibility of a yearly dance. The first gala affair was so successful, that instead of yearly, the comnmunity residents requested dances every month. We compromised and now hold the Corridor Capers sei annually. Much of the credit,,for success gocs to Lynn and and Lou Majoros, who, almost single handedly miasterinid the affairs.1 Tickets are now available from Lynn Majoros, 723-I1680, myself, or any member of the exeuutive. A fun evening has been planned for October, so reserve your tickets early. 11lth Oshawa Cubs Cub registration will take place at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, September 14, (to-night), at Thornton Community Centre. Boys between 8 and 1 1 will be welcorned. The 11lth Oshawa group did a fantastic organization job last ycar, and are ready and waiting for more interested boys to join. John Whiteside and Glenn Shortt offer a wealth of leader- ship experience, arnd have planned a productive year for thc boys. New leaders to assist Glen and John wili be welcomed. There is loads of room for all. The Brownies will also be starting their fail programme on Tuesday, September 20, from 4:30 p-m. to 6 p.mi. Lady Baden-Powell Memorial Service A memorial Service for Lady Baden-Powel will be held Thursday, September 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Kingsview United Church or St. George's Anglican Church. AIl former Guides and Brownies and members of the iPublic are invited. Âskus about you Corne and tell us what you're Iooking for in a job. Tell us what you are todlay and what you want Io he tornorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities arnd challenges to match your rieeds. Nowobligations on either side. Weil be glad to talk. And wve may have just what you're looking for. But you'll neyer know until you ask. Visit Our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 21, 28 10:00 a.mn. -- 3:-00 p.m. THE SCANADIAN SARMED FORCES. intendent ofSchools in Upper Canada. Mr. Kirkland travelled to New York in I 854, and cross- ed Lake Ontario froni Rochester to Cobourg. 1-e arrived in Oshawa by stage coach and intended to procecd to Tor- onto, but whien he was told that the assistant master of the Oshawa Central School was ill and a replacement was need- ed, hie volunteered for the job. His salary was $320, and a year he was appointed principal at $500 a year. In 1857 Mr. Kirkland taught school in Whitby, and the next year went to Barrie to be a mathemnatical instructor. During the next few years, Mr. Kirkland pursued his studies at the University of Toronto and obtained a schol- arship in mathemnatics and honours in ail his subjects. la 1863 Mr. Kirkland was appointed principal of the Whitby Highi School and served in that position until 187 1. During his principalship a number of students distingui- shed themiselves at the University of Toronto, and many went on to gain high positions la educational and other professions.- Among Mr. Kirkland's students at Whitby, one went on to become principal of the Winnipeg Normal School; an- other, principal of Upper Canada College; another, Princ- ipal of the Gaît Collegiatc Institute; and another, a profess- or at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph. On July 2Oth, 1863, the year Mr. Kirkland becamne pria- ci pal of the Whitby High Sehool, hie narried Jane Todd Thornton, eldest daugliter of Rcv. Dr. Robert Thornton, a pionieer Preshyterian mninîster ia Whitby and a promninent man in the field of education. ln 1871, Mr. Kirkland was selected by Dr. Ryersoa to filI the position of science mnaster at the Toronto Normal School, and became its principal in I1884. Mr. Kirkland was one of thc first elective miembers of the senate of the University of Toronto. and was also a More details later. Mhreby Culing Club Curling is a sport for evcryone, enjoyable for both metn and womnen - young and old. Withi the new season rapidly approaching, the Whitby Curling Club is hiavinig a memiber- ship drive. Openings are available for mcnanad \yomefl. The Whitby ('u rig Club, mne of the area's fnest clubs, offer a wide variety of activities fincluding: Bonispiels Leagues Meni's Curling Wornen's Curling (inquire at club office re: babysitting service) Business andI Professional Girls Mixed' New Competitive Mîixed J unio r l igh Schoo I Danices Fun Spiels - Special Events Several special events are plamned for the opcnîng of the new seasoni. Ani OPEN IIOUSE. is sclieduled for Friday, Sept. 30, at 8 p.m. You are invitcd to an iniformaI evening of curling films, speakers and qluestion anid aniswer session. The Curling Club is located at 81 5 Brock St. S., Whitby. Telephione 668.-5021 . For more information about Busirie.ýs Girls, contact Lorna Solly at 668-6013 after 4:30 p. Hlave a good week. NI. NMclhclerni 72-5-8967. Bad Bo-y closes The Bad Boy Store whichi openled in WWitby a year ago with suich fan fare is closing. An annotinceient Nvas niade last weck tuat ail Bad Boy appliance and furnîture stores ini On tario wl ll close immnediatcly, but the final fate of the Whiitby store is not yet known. Continously vented. Fits any soffit width. Apply directly ta framing or o',er old soff it. SOMfitFada mend Evestrouols m111aager of thec Witby store said the building lias been, closed, but lie is awaiting furthier action by Price Water- house Ltd . of Toronto, whiichi took over the company last nion th Mihen it wvent into receivcrsliip. School wl1ere he was a lecturer in botany. Mr. Kirkland wrote a number of sctiool tcxt books, part- icularly in mathem-atics, whiich were authorized for use by Departments of Education across Canada. lie also preparcd a numbcr of examination papers in arithmictic for use in Caiiadian schools, and several articles for educational periodicals. A number of Mr. Kirkland's text books are in the Whitby Historical Society's archives. - Thomas Kirkland died at Toronto on December 31, 1898 at the age of 63, and is buried in Union Cemetery in Oshawa. /YU , Andorson Collegiate SVocational Institute Adult Evening Courses 0o 7 400, Anderson St., OF E Dýý'WHITBY Spend on evening witm US. We offer courses you wil flnd interestmng, useful and creotive CALL US - 668-580 NOTE: A WELDING COURSE US OFFERED ON WEDNESDAYS. Looking for total design and construction service? YOU've got our numbori SR. B*ibesu Construct'ioït Ltd. 655-3381 *rco-Pruden meto bIlding systMMN FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized AMAIdA dealer Save energy Wbt high effl"nc-y centl air condionimg sales and itllaion Repais to ail makes of freezers, refrigerators, air conditiomers, dehumidflers W. dem« & service residemtldan md commercial air conditionirs Repairs to Ali Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditionêrs We Recharge Auto mobile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3233 Reduces maintenance& repaintiflg costs. Lîghtweight. Culs with hand saw. . COUi us for FREE ESTIMATES MITCHELL BROTHE.RS Building Supplies Ltd.' BrooklilOU-54991

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