Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1977, p. 4

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PA&GE 4, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS W ahi t b Voice of. the County Town MEk iERVING OVER 28,000 READERSr ,,e Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor ine oUiIIJVIIIJiinwspjJ.aperiAiiupilcsl UIÇUIUuru - -&p774g& -Brian Wînter Commuflity Edotor -Jim Quai' Publishedevery Wednesday Çontributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promoqtional by M.B.M. Publishingi Manager and Photography InflC.Çîassif led Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 'Ci rculation Manager Mailinlg Permit The Free Press Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chambero -Marie Burgess -Robin Lydfl -Marlefle Byrom -Sharon LYofl t No. 460 rof the: ureau of Torrnto ofCec Congratulations CBC Builders; You represented our town well The Whitby CBC' Builders Junior A Lacrosse Team deserves a hearty vote of congratulations for a fine effort in the Minto Cup lacrosse series lield during the past two weeks at Iroquois Park Arena. Although the Builders did not win thé, cup, they have nothing to be ashamed of. They represented Whitby well and provided honietown fans withi some exciting.tacrosse action. It takes a lot of hardwork and effort for a teamn to reach the Minto Cup final, and few teanis can do this. The BuilIders should feel hionored that they were the first Whitby team to play ini this important series. They brought. out capacity crowds to Iroquois Park, and the final gaine was even filmned by Channel 19 television. The naine of Whitby wvas heard across Canada during the series. We know that the CBC Builders will be back again next year and aiming for'- the Minto Cup again. Keep up the good work boys: we'll be watching you next year. Metric "fiasco " Dear Sir: The latest government nonsense is the changing of our highways frorn miles to metric., Like the temperature change to metric it has no valid relationship to other measurements. The cost in Ontario just for high- way change-somne $600 ,000. The cost for the entire metrie fiasco about $100 4e'ILLION, and to what-end? We were bold that it would increase trade... yet over 70 per cent of ail our exports go to the U.S. who have voted down the metric system. Over 90 per cent were against changing the high- ways to metric. Canada's largest news- paper the Toronto Star in a stinging editorial called "Metric Madness on the Hîghways" says quote "NOY ONE HAS SHOWN ANY PRACTI- CAL BENEFIT" The whole business has been a triumph of official pedantry over common sense. The annoyance and confusion particularily to older drivers is jilst one example of both the Trudeau and Ontario governments disregard foi the rights of the people. No one asked the people If they wanted it...it was ,forced. on us. he U. S. asked its people and eveni Britain as part of the cornron market showed both miles and rnetric until their people becarne familiar to it. Not Ontario. ..one day its miles-the next its metric, and with it a $10 ticket becomes a $16 ticket in metric .. .an increase of 60 per cent. The pompus attitude of Highways Minister Show and Solicitor General Mac- Beth when questioned on the sudden increase in metric fines sounded as confuised as the systemi they had introduced. The arrogant rernarks by MacBeth left mutch to be desired. Millions of Americans drive to Canada each year and are flot being inforrned at the border about the change and many are being unfairly fined. This insensitive attitude can only further drive away our U.S. tourists. We have.a tourist dôllar deficit with the U.S. of $1,240,000,000 (billion)' plus an auto trade deficit of $1 .7 BILLION in the first seven months of this year-up $400 million over same period last ryear. SThe Canadian dollar continues its downward slide making ail imports, and especially U.S. goods costs taxpayers $10OO million says1 reader (food etc) more expen- sive. Sonie experts say ouir dollar coulcl fali to a low of 70 cents. Adding to theburden isthealmiost DOUBLE increase, of Canadian hourly wages over - our U.S. cou nter- part. Figures for the lst quarter of 1976 showed Cainadianl wages increased by 13.8% while U.S. wages rose only 7.6% furthier pricing ourselves out of the market, and mnost importiint the loss While Ottawa fiddles with metrie and bilingual- isrn Canada burns. Our dollar grows weaker and our unemploymeflt increases. Inflation and a threat of a serious depres- Youirs sincerely, Dean J. Kelly, President, Association of Dedicated Canadians, Box 1000, Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO i Oth anniversary for Fanshawe Dear Editor: Fanshawe College (serving the four counities of Middlesex, Oxford, Elgin and Norfolk) is cele- brating its Tenth Anni- versary during 1977. Three special Decen- nial events will take place during late Septemiber and early October. I'rn sure your readers-mnany of whomn have had ani association withFanshiawe -would be interested fin hearing more about themi. Fanshawe's first Home- coming ,will be held fromi September 29 - October 2. The Homnecomning Comnmittee and the newly formned Alumini Associa- tion have put together a wide programn of events ranging from an Alurnii vs Varsity hockey game and a Dan ce-Coffee flouse 10 an Alumnni Brunch. Our- second event is the Main Campus' Open H4ouse from September 29 - October 1. This will be, a fine opportunity to discover the Fourthp largest Co mî'nunity Co llege ini Ontario. Featuired will in be displays, exhiibitions y and special events. Whien the colloge first opened its doors in 1967 thiere were 740 fuill-time stuidents at thie Main Campuis. (Oxford St. East, London). On Sep'stemlber 29 with thée officiaI openiing of thie new main Camnpus facilities thiere will be over 6,000 fuill-tiinie stuidents at thie Main Campus. (Fan- shiawe's enroilment fore- cast for 19 7 7/7 8 is approx- imiately 1I-2,000 full tirne stLldents. In addition, we will receive some 30,000 registrations -for contin- uing education). All of us at Fanshawe College are looking forward to hiaving you and your readers join uis fromn Septemnber 29 -.October 2. For further information please cail Fanshawe College Inform ation Services .45 1-7270, -ext.'ý Thank you1 iiterest. Vours sincerely, Letters tthe Editor Write: Box 206, Whitby or deliver to, oui' offices at 121 Brock St,09N., Whitby 7IE LAUOF5PPA/' fo r your Co-Chairperson Decennial Cornrnittee ated bv 'Whitbv residents for Whitby eesidents.

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