WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1977, PAGE Il Jim MeCarroil, of 124 Bell Drive, was the winner of the -Whitby Council, Kndghts of Columbus annual Golf Tour- namnent, held at Sunnybrae Golf Club, Port Perry, Sept. 11. Posing with bis trophy, Mr. McCarroll is the proud winner of two prizes. He had the low gross score of 84, and he won a closest-to-the-hole competition on the par three 150 yard 6th hole. IBROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION I PRE-SEASON HOCKEY CLINIC I CONDUCTED BY JIM DEM ILLE IIROQUOIS PARK AR ENA - $2.00 PER SESSION OCT 2 8:00 A.M. - 9:25 A.M. (SUN.> 9:35 A.M. - 10:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M. - 12:.25 P.M. 12:35 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. OCT 9 8:00OA.M. - 9:25 A.M. (SUN.) 9:35 A.M. - 10: 50 A.M. 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON 6,7 & 8 yr. oîId (no stick3) 9 & 10 wr. oîd il & 12 yr. old 13,14 & 15 yr. 61d 6, 7 & 8 yr. old (no sticks> 9 & 10 yr. oîd 11, 12, 13 & 14 yr. oîd EVERYONE IS WELCOME -. FULL EQUIPMENT MANDATORY REFEREE CLINIC (B.-W.M.H.A. HOUSE LEAGUE) IROQUOIS PARK ARENA OCT 12 (WED.) 5:00 P.Ml. - 7:00 P.M. CONTACT GERRY RAVARY (668-2810) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NOTE: HOCKEY REGISTRATION Can be made Oct. 2 <8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) andI Oct. 9 (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon> at Iroquois Park Arena. Local girls win one,' to Horseheads N4ew York Whitby Firef'ightcrs Jûvenile Girls Bail tearm split two garnes wth the Horseheads teams winning 22-21 against the Elks and losing 7-6 to the Kiwanis. Losing 21 -10 in the last of the seventh inning Whitby came back to score 11I runs to tie the gane. Darla Gange i bit a double in the eighth îinning to drive in the winning run. Leading Whitby at the plate was Darla Gangemli, Sue Dusorne, Oksana Bartkiw and Laurie Ferguson with 3 biits. Gail Ravary had 2 biits. Winning pitcher was Oksana Bartkiw. Whitby lost a bieartbreaker in a welI played second gaie allowing l-lorsehcads Kiwaniis t) retain the tropbiy. Leading Whitby to tbe plate w~as Putty Laurie witb 3 bhits. Gai! Ravary, Sue Dtîsonie, Oksana Bartkiw and Darla Gangenul bad two biits eacb. Pitching vel1 in defeat wvas Sue Dusonme. SENIORS' ART A special Exhibition of cre-ative art work by Witby Sen ior Citizens will b bc ld at Whîitby Arts Station fromn October 1 to October 31, aloilg witlb "Uniexpcctcd Pleasures", a show of Seniors' work fromn Toronto. l)enion- striatiolîs of crafts cail bc viewcd on Stîndays frorn Il pmn. to 5 p.nhi. tbirotiglot the nîontlh of October. A spccial opcIlifg recepi ion is platined foir October 2 witb Courîcillor Bob At tersîey as a special guest. 1OPENING LEAGUE GAME1 SUNDAY OCTOBER 2ND 7:30 P.M. AT IROQUOIS PARK ARENA BRANTFORD ALEXANDERS vs WHITBY'IROQUOIS ADMISSION ADULIrS SENIOR CITZENS & STUDENTS IWM -.$200O -.$1600 JO Mon E s 1350 9'241,33157 62 ,6 30 3 7St5 3 j u*I5411 3 22 4ý1 48 63 Any fuil lme .Win$ Duplcale enes Shft ie uc V ne;s mut (at station 1hr 30 mmnuits and amswef question «iecil Ode coid hefr e prfbtO 0< ylac fOHIS CARO IS FR[E - NO PIJOCHASE REQIJIRE 0 5 OMLE GME I NDYI* *I BINGO YOU MAY WIN *CASH PRIZES- WITH $1P~ ADDED TO EACH GAME WITHOUT A WINNER 4' WEEKLY PRIZES- INCLUDING TOASTER - OVENS & AUTOMATIC CORN POPPERS * AND A GRAND PRIZE TRIP FOR TWO TO ACAPULCO WITH SKYLARK HOLIDAYS & CALLADINE & BALDRY 1350 BINGO CARDS ARE FREEI DETAILS & SPONSOR LOCATIONS ON 1350 OIILB