/* PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, OCTOPER 12, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mary Bi*rch,Whiîtby resi*dent for 22 years, dies at -84> Mary Harriet Birch, of 112 Oct. 4 at the age of 84. Chestnut Street East, died.ut Ms ic a onMy1 the Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital Ms ic a onMy1 Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre, Oshawa Phone 579-8202 P.O. F3OX 800, OSHAWA, ONT. VERY PRIVATE LOT With inground heated pool. Separate dining, fireplace in livingroorn, four bedroonis including supersized ilaster- bedroom with 2 piece ensuite. Older area of tuwn (King Street) $69,900. Cail Mrs. Heron 668 - 8865 or 668 - 4844 Thos. N. Shea Ltd. Realtor WI-ITBY $53,500.000 5 New Homes: 3 Bedroom, 2 Storeys with Attachcd Garage. Cali Jo Burgess 668 - 8865 668 - 6419 3 Bedroom Brick Bungalow on landscaped lot in Whitby. Dining room - Ree Rooni - Immaculate. Only $51 ,900.000 Linda Kubota 668 - 8865 or 668 - 6285 1893, in Nottingham, England, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williami D. Mason. On Oct. 18, 1919 she mnarried Harold Birch in Enigland, and camie to Canada the tullowiiig year. Mr. Birch died Sept. 27, 1944, and his wife lived in Montrcal before coming to Whiitby 22 years ago. Slie was a mnember uf AUl Sainits' Aniglicani Church here. Mvrs. Birchi is survivcd by (,ne soni, Arthur, of1 Bois des Hloil Quebec; and two <raie Io1<)s/su w vosi ai <ur besi. 668-3621 daughiters, Mrs. William Stannett (Doris) of Whitby and Mrs. Hilda Miller of" Laval West, Quebec. Slie is also survivcd by one sister, Mrs. Harriet Sisson (Kit.ty) and onie brother Herbert Masoni of Notting- hiam, Enigland. Shie was predcased by two sisters and three brothers. Mrs. Birchi is survived by eighit granidchildren: Robert, Diatite anid Richard Birchi, Kaýthleen Stanniett, and Peter, John i, Dawn anid Gail M iller, GUIDA & DINVO INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY SPECIALIZING IN PERMS, COLOURINO,'CU1TING & Computenized Penns The funeral was held Oct. 7 Itc W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, conducted by Rev. 1. A. Rotm"'ý of Ail Saints' in Mount Lawn Cenmetery, WVhitby. QUESTION BOX, - (The following is part of a series of articles which seeks to provide answers to questions most frequently raised con- cerning Ontario's Workmen's'Compensation systeml. More- detailed informration miay be obtained by contacting the Public Affairs Division, WCBO, 2 Bloor Street East, Toron- to, Ontario). Q. Can a workmiari daimn for Ioss or dam age of personal property resulting froiii an industrial accident? A. Broadly spcaking, no, thc Act provides compensation for phiysical injuries only, su that a tori jacket or other article of clothing, or a damaged piece of working equipment personally owned by the employee wou.ld flot be covered under Workmen's Compensation. How- ever, such items as glasses, dentures or artificial pros- thetic appendages are given special consideraion and any damnage to theru, resulting from a compensable accident would be covered. The damage itemn must, of course, be being worn or in place at the 'time of the accident. Q. Ilf tw() ciuployces sLstain identical injuries, will their compensation cash benefits, and pensions if such-are eventually necessary because of the nature of the injury, be the sanie'? the accident arc a factor in deterinining both the amount of cash benefits to which hc is entitled and the pension which would bc awarded in the event there was per- mianent disability as a result of the injury. In the case of cash henefits, for ekýample, an injured employee, during the period in wliich he is unable to work, is entitled to 7 5 per cen t of gross average earnings up td $ 15,000 a year, with maxim 'um weekly paymen4- of $216.35. If average eamnings are between $90 and $120 a week,.$90 a week in benefits is payable; if average earnings are less than $90 a week, the full amount of average earnings is payable in cash benefits. In the saine way, the axnount of pension which would be awarded in the event of a permanent disability will be based, in part, on the disabled worker's gross average earnings at the time of injury. So that while two workers may suffer precisely the saine injury, be off work for the saine period of time, and eventually become disabled to precisely the saine extent, they would flot receive the saine amnount ini cash benefits or pension unless they had the saine gross average earnings at the turne of their injury. Ref: Jack Hollingworth, Public Afiairs coorclinator, runiic Aflairs Division, Workmen's Compensation Board, 2 Bloor St. E., Toronto, Ontario. M4W 3C3 Tel.: (416) 965-8722 faz~a6aat OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY AND FRUDAY OCT. 13, 14 9M - lOpm SATURDAY OCT. 15 9.a.m. - 3 p.m. COME OUT AND WATCH OUR HOUSE LEAGUE IN ACTION ON THURSDAY NIGNI fr4î Have a game on us, or bring your gear and participate in an excertise cdams wiIh our fitness director 7, 8, or 9 pm on Thursday and Friday Relax in our whirlpools and saunas - enjoy an inexpensive snack-in our Iou>mge THE SUMMER IS GONE BUT TUE ACTION LIVES ON AT 1450 HOPKINS ST.eHN 6856 EARL DIAGNOSI 15 HELPFL BLOOD PRE$SL 7T00 HIGU? YOI DOCTOR M/P RECOAMEIfl TREATMEt EFFECTIVE CONTROLS AVAILABLE TO YOLJR DOCTOR INCLUDE DIET CHANGES- DRUGS éRIEST,,$ CHANGES IN VESSELS A BACK 0F EYES YIELD IMPORTANT -CLIIES Peter Bwrker D.T. Denture Therapfist ili Du.nndcs Si., West Whitby 668-1464 Giftshop Supplies Now Tukmg Regitraio For Our Next Seîeer Course And Open Workà hop Timew/or a uzc'ls' hairsi ,lle! elegani, .v nicwItzlairsfyl 109 BYRON St. S, 668-6031 1 mmm@ý PHONE 668»5866