PAGE 6. WDNESDAY' OCI'OEK 12,19ý77, WHITIY FREEPRESS Bn4din ~ Byl mes Hi there! This column is the last thiat 1 will be writing for you. Due to the pressure of job, farnily and other responsibilities I no longer feel that I cari give your columnn the attention that it merits. However -- the great news iS that the colunin will continue - your news and views will stili have a voice. Your new colurnnist is very rnuch interested in the cornmunity of Brooklin and enthusiastic about doing this colunin. 1 shahl miss talking to those of you who caîl me regularly but 1 hope that you will cali the new colurnnist as faith-. fully as you have me. This colunin has enabled-îme to' meet and talk with s0 rnany of you that otherwise I neyer would have met. It has also been great fun to know ail about what is going on around town. Writing this colunin has been a truly gratifying experience. Thank you very much for your interest and your support. With your wholehearted support and regular con- irjbutions ole news* items and opinions this column will continue strong and healthy. It wiIl be better than ever with a new writer who brings a fresh new perspective, new ideas and is willing to devote time and energy to it. Don't let this coluînnist down-we do not want to see Brooklin's voice dirninished! Valerie Garland. SROWN 'S SROOKLIN, ONTARIO Pl NtOUTNWHITBY DÊLIVERY AT NOMINAL CHRGE 3 BIG DAYS Good Day - Starting now, I am going to be the new person writing this fine coiumn. 1 say 'fine' - due to the fact that the person before me was fine. She gave her ail for it. I arn hoping that 1 don't let lte people of this great town of Brooklin down. 1 feel if 1 cati do haîf as good as Valerie did 1 will be a success. Let's have a big hand for a terrific person for giving us wliat we have today. Bye Val and thanks! On October 23, at 7:P.M. the Meadowcrest Baptist Church, of Brookliri, will be horioured to have Lilliari R. Dickson as their -guest speaker. Mrs. Dickson is in a class of her own. The outstanding work that she lias done has made lier a 'living legend in our ture.' She is a warrn and loving person who gives hier ail iri any situation - no matter how dangerous or frighten- ing it may seern. Mrs. Dickson' is the founder of the 'Mustard Seed Mission, Inc.! The rnajority of this heroine's work is done in the South Seas. She is be- ginning t o build up offices ail over- the world. Her work is not only con- centrated on the tribes alone but anyone who is in need of help spiritually or physically. Through lier devotion and love for her work -and fellow mari she lias built up this organization to accornodate sixty projects working con- stantly in tields such as, preachirig, medical work, prison-visitation schools and orphanages, to name a few. She is the author of the book "These My People", and worked on the book 'Angel at Her Shoulder' with Dr. Kénneth Wilson. She has appeared on televisiori broadcasts across the United States. His speaker should flot be missed. You don't have to be a memnber of the church to attend - ail are welcorne -; if you are a Euchre Buff - be sure to go and play at the Ashburri Cornmunity Centres on October 21. Admission is 50 cents for Adults and 25 cents for Students - Corne one corne ail but - corne One srnall note to the ladies please bring some goodies - just things likei cookies or cakes. Friday, October 21- Euchre night - Ashbur1n Community Centre - do ri't forget your goodies!! Sunday, October 23 - Whibydur is short-texr It looks like the reopening of the waste disposai site at the Heber Down Conservation Area will provide a short- terni solution to Durham Region's egarbage dumping diffculties, but a long-term solution is stili being sought. Recently the Central *Lake Oritario Conservation Auth- ority gave permission to 're- open the Heber -Down Area laridfill site, closed at the end 1976, and preliminary engin- eering reports for the old grave] pit appear to be satis- factory. Engineering consultants are evaluating the site to deter- 'HfONE 655m45'21 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX OAYS A WEEK 8:30 amn. - 6 p.m. EX(CEPT THUR S& F R1 NIGHTý 'TIL 9 p.rn. Thurs. Oct. 13 to Sato Oct. 15 Cut From Canada Gradie A Beef BONE IN, fULL SUICE ROUND STEAKS 1.281b i.ui F~rom Canada Grade A Beef TOP CUT1 ROUND STEAK Schneders Rgular, Thick Slrced ALL Big#, DUTCH TREAT BIOLOGNA Schneiders BEEF STEAKETIES Schnesders COOKED HAM Maple Leaf i .481b 16 oz. Pkg. 96 16Goz, Pkqý 981Ib Kipenex Facial10s TISSUES 3$0 Mo narch Cake & Pastry j lb. Bag FLOUR 1.35 Kratt 1 lb. Box VELV EETA CHEESE 1.49 ratt 16 oz. Jar CHfEESE WHfIZ 1.29 AB; 1aundrv 5 lb. Box DETERGENT 1.99 uttenelle 4's BATHfROOM TISSU E 99 Heinz Fancy 40 oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE . 69M We Are Agents F or ,14 -10 ai. Regular- 2.57 12-l0 oz. Rebuler- 2.99 tswindmw Deposit f« p<.* cou -3.00' 6 oz Pkg. 1.19 16 oz. Pkq. SKILLET STRIPS 1.18 ldeal for Mcat Loaf or Burgers MAEDIUM GROUND BEEF 88'Ib Devon Small Link SAUSAGE mrBtFBd P<»x 88çIb Tasty Tender PORK LIVER 38lIb Hunt's '57M2 OZ Tin TOMATO PASTE 2/694 Fray Bestos CORNED BEEF 12 oz. Titi 1009 Habitant Pea & Vegetable 28 oz. Tins SOUP 2/11600 QuakerReady to Serve OATS il oz. Pkg. 65ç Carnation 2% Evaporated 16 oz. Tîni Partly SKIMMED MILK 35" Stokley Fancy PEAS Large Nabisco MILK BONES 14 oz. Tin 39" 32 oz. Box Del Monte Crushed or Slicedl4 oz. Tins PINAPPLE 2189" Gillette Foamv Reg. il oz. SHAVE CREAM 1, Ultra-Ban LOTION 50 Mi. ~courtes" value atisfacti yE Meaty PORK HOCKS 58'Ib fIanch Style BOLONA Scope MOUTHWASH -4941b 17 oz. biottie 1.59 L I FRZE OU Blue Water Thrif t PaK FISH FRIES McCain Straight ULIt SUPER FRIES Kellogg Pepperoni PIZZA McCain Deep & Delicious CAKES 2.49 2 lb 691 ?l oz. 2.59 1 2 Oz. 891, 7,-- Guest speaker Mfl- Lillian R. Dlckson at the Brooklin, Meadowcrest Baptist Church - an eveniflg flot to miss. M.S. 655-3061 UIp.opeflifg rm solution mine what iniasures are need- ed to contain pollution, and so far their reports areJ favorable, says Regional Public Works Comrnittee Chairman Garnet Rickard. John Aker, vice-chairman of CLOCA, says the site, which has a capacity for 500,000 tons of garbage could provide a solution for 'the region's dumping for ive years. 11e said the region is also negotiating for-,the use of Metro Toronto landfill sites in Pickering, which could also take 500,000 tons of garbage. The only other regional durnp on Ritson Road North in Oshawa is expected to reach its capacity in about 18 mion ths. A 267 acre property on the Newcastle - Scugog boundary was coiisidered as the region's mnajor future landfill si te, ujîtil the Ministry of the Enviroiment rejected it be- cause of the danger of pollut- ing nearby strearfis. According to the Councillor Riekard, the region is also lookig at alternative nie- tlhods of disposing of garbage. sticl as recycling. but studies say recyching is toi) expensive. lie says. Wanda Dorothy Bogunil dies Oct. 4 Wanda Dorothy Bogumil, of 840 Brock Street North, died at the Toronto General her i>usband, Robert,- of Whitby; one son, Henry of Toronto; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masternack, of Toronto; one sister, Mrs. H. Fredrickson (Jean). and one brother, Louis Master- nack, both of Toronto. The funeral was lieldOct.6 at St.' John -ýthel Evangehist Chiurch, foliowed by inter- muent ini Resirrectiosi FOODMASTER Meaty - Boreless SNANK STEWING BEEF 8l -Cu t i- rom Canada Grade A Beef BONELESS RUMP, OR BO1TOM ROUND ROASTS 1 .381b -ausiEFqis n[uE Nol CHIQU UTA BRAND BANANAS 231b ONTARIO Nol CAULIFLOWER 59'l ENGLISH SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS MOU. Shs 1