WHJTBY FREEI PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBIR 1. 1177. l>AGl;Il 1 Minor hockey season is with us again, and there was plenWy of exhibition action i ail division in the past week. JUVENILE On Oct. 8 the CBC Juvenile teami defeated Bay Ridges 5-3 in an exhibition garne at Iroquois Park Arena, with two goals by Dan Kermp, and one each by Rich Byford, AI McDonald, and Peter La wson. On Oct. 12 Oshawa Legion defeated the CBCs 5-2 atIlroquois Park in ianother exhibition gainé, ieff White scored three goals for Whitby and Kevin Beaton and Lynn Spencer had one each. The nexi league game at 1Iroquois Park is on Oct. 26 against Cobourg. NOVICE Bowmanville shut out te OPSEU Warriors at Bowmanville t; 8 Lipco ming le ague garmes are Oct. 22 at Lindsay and Oct. 23 at Brooklin arena, against Bay Ridges. MAJOR MIDGET Ajax defeated Ferrco Engineering 6-2 ai Iroquois Park Arena Oct. 8. Goals were scored by Ed Haydeni aind Keith Wilsoi. BANTAM NO 2 in an exhibition gaine ai Iroquois Park, Whitby walloped Pickering Village 15- 2 withi three goals by Scott Burns, and two each by Steve Cole, Calvin Avison, Ron Mulligan, and Don Mowat. Singles were scored by Jim Forbes, Ron Maguire., Ed Suetek and Scott Dezan. Upcomning league games are Oct. 22 ai Brooklin againsi Stouffville, and Oct. 26 at Pickering. MINOR BANTAM The Optimist Inter- national teani defeated Bay Ridges 4-1 in an exhibition ganie atIlroquois Park, withi goals by Wayne Misselbrook Paul R ich, Kelly Ozikewich' and Charlie Mason. In an exhibition game Oct. 9 ai Donovan Arena in Oshawa, the Optiniists shut oui the Oshawa LNHIL Trailen Sa les 6-0, with two goals by Wayne Misselbrook, and Paul Rich, and one eachi by Kui Lynde and Derek Kotyltik. Goalie Chris Joncs got the shut-otut. Upcorning gaines are Oct. 25 ai Brookliin againsi Markhaini, and Oct. 26 at 1Hampion againsi Bowmianville PEE WEE In an exhibition gamne ai Iroqitois Park Oct. 1 0, the SUPER SKATER GERRY Councilor Gerry Emm had a youngster in tow on each hand when lie participated ini the Whitby Kinsmen Club's Skatathon Saturday at Iroquois Park Arena. Councillor Emm's young partners are John and Paul Windover of 7 Lynde Court. The Skatathoîî was the Whitby Kinsmen's major fund-raising project this year, to rai.se money for local projeets and Cystic Fibrosis research. Free Press Photo. Humane S on the weekend of Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, 10() pupils for seven Whiby eIe-î nîentany sehools and 48 fnomn four Ajax and Pickerinig schools bnavcd the nain to tag for the homneles aiiiinals m shcltered by the Ontario I lîuinanile Society. Vi tii a little hieip froin ciglit intrepid adultts and lialf a cozen other youtno peuple, this y'ea's goal was achieved. In Whitby. the scliuul w'inrlers \vere the pupils of Florence M. Ileard School T~ with an average of S8 .62 pernt pupil, closely folluwed ny R.A. 1-utchisrîn Sehiool wiih C $8.32 per pupil, ande Palmerston with $7.51 in third place.y Mike Burgess, presideni of the Whitby-AjaxPickerilig branch of the OHS wishes to thank the residents of Whitbv,' PAY TELEPHONES The cost of pay telephofles bas risen 130 percent smnce the nickel cati days of the early 1950's. There are more than a million and a half pay phones in this country today. The first pýtent for a telephone booth was issued in 1883, seven years after Dr. Bell invented the telephone. . eiety meets its goal Ajax and Pickering îiiost The'11 procccd. of* die taý,g warnily for Itheir gcîîerosity, la inilÇmî1Siii he ali ticsar and in particuilar NIiss M N e rci111of t "ll"c s il)'er m 'Tiic sî Sîssons wiho landled t(le oper-O l le lero Fiiks ai ion. od Ask us about you Corne and tell us what you-re looking for in a job. Tell us wvhat you are today and what yoti want to be omorrow. Ask us if weî can offer opportuflities and challenges to match 1YOur needs. No obligations onl either side. We'll be glad to talk. And we may have just Nhat you're looking for. But you'll neyer know until you ask. Visit our Mobile Recruitilng Unit Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA 19, 26 Oct. '77 10: 00 am 0 3:00 p.m. 1 ARMED F O C ............... ville 2-2. The two Whitby LNHL Kirks Spur 4-3 with goals were by Andre Cadieux. two goals by Gary Robets, On Oct. i12, the Steelers and one each by Joey trounced Oshiawa Dines 8.2 Nicuwenidyk <and Dave with three goals by Andre Sachkoupcoiiîng league gam< Cadieux, two by Paul are Oct. 23 at Bnooklin areni Ilanley and Stuart Broîl. Next legue game is Oct. 22 at Brooklirî against Uxbridge. Un exhiibition the Ladie's Auxiliary team' a TU'DA DANCE When members of India's Toda people take part in their major religious ceremonies, only the men dance. They move around and about in a circle, iheir arms tightly linked, maintaining their tempo by shouting. Minor hockey exhibitonationbegins A rr~~ 'L...,,.. + a funn- nrr -,i ei!pr(iÇI Ohawa ~77 '~UT 1 111I7 And Peter opened his mouth . Ind scid: Truly 1 perceive that God shows no partial- ity, but in every nation any one who fears hirn and does what is right is acceptable ta him. /4cts 10: 34, 35 Faim, 1 OHASENIOR "A"" HOCKEY . SUNDAY OCTOBER 23 7:30 P.M* IROQUOIS PARK ARENA CAM BRIDGE HORNETS vs WHITBY IROQUOIS ADMISSION ADULTS SENIOR CITIZENS & STUDENTS CHI LDREN --$2.00 -.$1,00O '0 50 Obtain your season tickets now -- $25 Write Box 566, Whitby, Ont., LIN 5V3 Always first with the news WHITBY FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER CARRI ERS Your newspap er carrier Sbrings yaur paper ta yau as le,' soon as it is off the presses. NewspaPer carriers, bath boys and girls, make home deliverY possible. If you would like io be a Whitby Free Press news carrier, coul the Free Press circulation iepartimeft at 668-6 111 m AT IL