Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1977, p. 15

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WIIITBY FR17Ii ýÏPR!*SS' WlH)Nl'IiSDY, OCTOBIR 19. 1977,-l>A(;jL. 15 Coi VOLUNTEER MEETING A general meeting cf the Volunteer Association cf the Durham Centre for the Developnientally handicapped Whitby will be hield Monday October 24 at 8 p.m. at the Durham Centre. A , special film on the handicapped wilt be shown and guest speaker for the evening wil be volunteer coordinator,Rhonda Vanek. Ail volunteers and their friends are welcome. CHRISTMAS DECORATING Speaking at the regular meeting of the Brooklin Hor- ticultural Society October 26 will be Mis. Doreen He nryof the Roayl Botanical Gardens. Her subjeet will be "Decor- ating the Home for Christ- mas'ý'. The time, 8 p.m. at the Brooklin United Church. Visitors are welcome. SKATERS' DANCE The rWhitby Figure Skating Club is holding a dance at the Masonic Hall on Cochrane, Street, Nov. 5 frorn 9 pan. to 1 a.m. Tickets are available hy calling 668-8163 and 655-3891. Thiere will be music by a disc jockey, lunch and prizes. SENIORS' ART Paintings and crafts by members cf the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre are on display at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery until Oct. 23. Accompanying this exhibit by !,)cal artists, is "Unexpécted Pleasuires", an exhibit cf paintings by senior citizens, organized and circulated by the Art Gallery cf Ontario Extension Services. To complement the exhibition, a series cf demonstrations by citizens involved at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre will take place every Sunday 2 p.m. te 5 p.rn. and Wednes- day and Thiursday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. WHITBY ARTS BALL Whitby Arts Grande BaIl, "One Thousand and One Nights", will be ld at Heydenshore Pavilioîî, Nov. 4 from 9 p.m. to 2 a.mi. Report from Q ueen 's Park By George Ashe, M.P.P. Announcernents have been made by Provincial Cabliet :Ministers on a variety cf subjects during tlîe past few \ceks. Following is a brief sumniary cf stateîneuîts on two projects that could affect residents in the DurhianmWest Riding. On October l2-th, it was announced by thie Miuister cf Revenue thiat a total cf S63,267 li sales tax lias lîeeuî rebated during the first yeai of a special piogrami desiguîed to assist the pernîarîently plîysicalty hauîdicappcd. Tlhe program provides a rebate cf 7% prcvinîcial retail sales tax paid on aIl new or used motor vehicles specially adapted foi permanently physically lîandicappcd iriidividtuals livinîg iii Ontario, but unable to use public tranîsportationî. Non-' profit associations purchasiuig sucli velîlcies arc also eliLible for the rebate, but in botlî cases the primîary use cf the vehicle must be te transport the perîiîanently îliysically handicapped. The rebate nmust be applied for witlîiu twe years ef cf payment cf the sales tax, aîd nmust be aiccoîîîpaniied ly the vehicle purchase invoice indicating price and( tax paýid,at copy of the invoice fcr tlîe supply auîd installationî of tlhe special equipinent, and a staternent describiuîg tlîe disability cf the person Lising the vehicle. Applicants must aIse sLibinit a statement iiîdicatiiîg tlat the vehicle wili net be operatecl at a profit, and will lie Used mainly te transport the liandicapped. The Ontario Studenît Assistance Pîograuîî (OSAP) will be modified in the faIt of I1978 te distribute non-repaya blc e nrng Tickets are stili tavailable at $60 a couple. For further informnatiotn c al the Station at 668-41I 85.ý FAMILY LIFE SERIES A discussion of Stress and Distress cf Farnily Living wîll be held by Bob Finlay and Keith Marlowe of the Durhami Region Social Ser-vices Departinent, Farnily Couincilling Divisionî, at the Whitby Municipal Building Oct. 25 at 8 p.rn. Thiis is one cf a series cf preselita- tions in a Family Life series sponsored by the Regi 'on. Anyone interestcd is invited to attend. ROTARY "FALLIES" TMie popuilar Rotary Revue as been revived as the Rotary Fallies, te be held aît Anderson Collegziate Oct.28 and 29 at 8 p.rn. Special features are a variety shiow directed by Bert I-eaveî', the Whitby Rotary Chioir, and "The Whiistlers," tie iniost popular act cf thie eld Rotary Revues. Tickets arc available froin Rotary Club iîenibers andl at thie deer. KIRK BAZAAR St. Aîidiew's Presby. Events' teriaîî Chùrçh.,is holding -f Kirk Bazaar on Nov. 5 fromi 1:30 p.m. to4 p.M>'J A tea rooci will be open in the Clîurclî on Cochrane Street frein 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Arnong the itemis featured are pot pourri, faîîcy wcrk, aI bake table, white elephant sale, decorations and parcel check. SILENT AUCTION St. Mark's United Clîurch will be holding a Silent Auction and Country Store sale at the church Nov. 7. starting at 2 p.rn. For further information caîl Carole Mtîrkar at 668-3057. SOCCER MEETING The annual .general nmeting oif the Whitby Miner Soccer Association will be hielcl on No v. 5 at 1lOa.îu. in c(imittee rooîiî one at the new mnunicipal building on Rossland Road East. At this meetinig the executive fo r next year wilI be elertecl. SOCCER DANCE Thîe Wlitby Miîîer Soccer Asseciatien 's aîînuzal dlatîce will beliîeld Oct. 29 at 8 p.îî. at tlîe Kniglîts of Coltimunîs Hall on Breck gran ts more fairiv aînnccley )ost -seconclary st ud(ents.A new\ coniponeiit ef' OSAI3, tlie Oiit arie Sit dy Grant Plan, will cîiuble Stutdeîi ts te receive oru-e)aalcgan ts froi .tlîc province as the l*ictirst terni11 et assistanlce alid wilIl eli iimiate thle currenlt requin ienlt thli t St nit s ta ke on a S I 000 Ca îîadza Stidel t Loaaîi cdi y'ear hefere being eligible te receive a i on-repayable Ieaîi St udieuîts wvil I be e ligi bIc tfor graîîts tm-oi uly ciglît s "îlin- reiiewalîjle ,periods oe't' eîîte îîiiiîîetî weekS eaci. at a rate of two pciieds pe r y'ear. Bl3ca use tft lîcsc t iîîe iliits. thle Planî wilIl clea i. Iy tave rtiii t n dc itS l th Il course h xi (s aild e fficien t stu dy liaIhits . wvi clishti ii d servetIo ceji serve ltii I fi'uîds tiy encinragiiig st ndenlis[te Coplo lte te il rstundie s clickly. Palaimîîe s wcî ~il] ic ale te apîîly tor gralit assis- tanice, buit will have thie saîiîec ciglît 'eligitîility' îîerieds as ttilt-tiîuieSt(et. Needy pai t-tiiîc stideîits \witl aIse lic able te appt)' fero irepy blbirsarics fle i Ille Ontarile Specia I 13 tursa ry Pi Igralni. I loweve r. part -t 111e sttidlclits \Vill be exjiected ltehave earuings iii lperieiî te)lieiravailalîi' lity for pait-tiluie \vrk. D)uc tetflic time Unlits, is gradmate situdents %vitlnet tic e ligible fi' Onta rie Sit dy Grani ts. 'Fley wil . hwever, ce utic I oiÃ" beaubile tke aptpI)? l'er I ea iassistanice imiide r thli Canlada Studellit I.eiis ltani. iuîd will .aIsoe tcietit fi eii an expanîsion ofet'hle Onîtario Gradtiate Scliolarslîip Pregrani. Cenmplote deti s on thîe Sa les Tax Rebaute Pregrai for tilie Pliysica lly IIuunape, îd tlie Ouitarie Stndenit Asist anecc Piegiaii arc a vafila ble 'rein nii)R id iug Oft'tice hi tdie St atieon PI azo, Aja x. Ilt yen v nId l ke a Ce py eft thle Release State iint ls iîa iled te yen, tilease teelieuinc Ain Fitz-Gerald or Judy Moskalîk at 683-6707. Street North. Tickets îat $8 per couple are available frorn Don Mizen at 668-8506. SOCCER AWARDS TIhe Whitby Minci Soccer Association's annual awards day and banquet will bc hield Oct. 23 at Heydenshore Pavilion, where the players will receive their trophies and/or crests. The first sitting is a I p.îii. for Junior Girls, Squirts, Atoms and Mosquitos, The second sitting is at 3 p.îru. fo r Intermediate and Seu'ïkr Girls Pee-Wees, Bantanîs and Afl- Star teams. ADOPTIVE PARENTS The Adoptive Parenits Association cf Durhamr Regien will hold its Novemiber mneeting at the Consumers Gas Blue Flamne Roomi Nov. 2 at 8 p. m. Helen Aller). weIl- known cclumnist cf "Today's Child," and Vicky «Leach, Adoption Co-ordinator, Child Welfare Bran ch of the Ministry cf Community and- Social Services, will host a slide pie- seutation on childien present- ly available for adoption in Durham Region and through the National Desk. Everyone is welccme. You'ro Un For« e'~ oTreat!e q WE ARE. * NOW e * OPEN* * Soway Centre * Irockst. Sou* * Whiây 2-M AE FAw Whitby Commun ity BringoJacsKwns Kinsmen Optimists $500 JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT' Monday, Oct. 24 Lic. No .235401 FIRST JACKPOT AT 60.NLUNBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 55 NUMBERS 7:15 peine No childreii under 16 admitted NOADMISSION CHARGE! HEX DENSHORE-PAVILION (corner Water St. & Dunlop ,Dlr ,Witb ) <q DELOITTE,.HASKINS & SELIS LIMITED. Trustee in Bankruptcy Bell Canada Building Oshawa Ceitre, Oshawa Phone 579-8202* F. Alan Lawson, C.A. P.O. 83OX 800. Viçe-President Oshawa LlH 7N1 FOR ALL VOUR PRINTING NEEDS M.B.M. Publishing PhotograPhy mc. 121 -Brolck Si. N. 668-611il SGROWERS 0F FINE EVERGREENS PHONE 668-9454 FOR FREE ESTIMATES UT \4John Brouwer _ NUJRSERYLTD,. S.W. CORNER 0F »UflHAM'ROAD 23 "and -BAYLY ýEASTf qw :MLIL

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