Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1977, p. 1

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Youths charged for arena vandalis Thiree 1 6-year-old Wlitby youths have been charged by Durham Regional Police in connection with vandalism at the Iroquois Park arena and several other incidents of mischief. The vandalism at the arena uccurred Sept. 21 when several vending machines were smashed and enîptied of money and fine extingishers were sprayed around the building, Damage amounted to about $4,000. Charge s with two counts of breaking and enter- ing and une of theft uinder $200 is Kevin John Bissell, 16 of R. R. 2, Whitby, Charged with breaking and entering, mnisclhief and theft under $200 is Gary Franklin Arsenault, 16 of 361 Anderson St., Police said the saine youths are also facing charges stemming from a break-în at the VWtby Municipal Building, planting of an ùii- tation bomb at Anderson Collegiate, and damage to cars on Centre Street, alI of whicli occurred within the last six we eks. A third youth, Ronald Herbert Normian of 912 Rossland .Road East turned himself in to police over the weekend, and is charged with three counits of break, enîter and theft and two counts of misehief. Ail will appear in Whitby provincial Court, November 4. ABANDONED BUILDING BURNSTh Whitby fire fighters needed their oxygen masks and the cause and total loss for insurance purposes. h tanks as they made their way through dense srnoke at a fire building was filled with cans of varso 1 and paint thinners, in an abandoned auto body shop on Dundas STreet West and had been enipty for two or three months. Fire across fror-n the high rise apartments Thuirsday ilight. A fighters saved a large baril, buit offices and workshops demolition permit had been issued for the building the day were guFe Pes htebdik .res the fire broke out, and the fire department is investigatingFrePsshoo Y i( ltrgs. Council wants access iimproved The Town of Whitby is nequesting tlhc Region of Duhami to undentake a numnber of road improve- ments to provide better access to tlhe Otter Crcek subdivision ini the west end of town. The towvn is asking the region to reconstruict Rossianîl Road to a two lane urban arterial stanîdard froni Cochîranie Street to Brock Street, inicluding chaniiel- ization aîîd traft'ic signals at the Brock and Rosslaîîd Road interchiatge. The town is also asking for reconstruction of Cochrane Street to two lane (desirably four lane) urban arterial standard initially frorn Bonacord Avenuie nor- tlierly to Rosslauîd Road. Another request is for traffic lights at the intersec- tior. if Bonacord Ave. and Cochrane Street and McQuay Boulevard and Duiidas Street- The requests have been relferred to the region's public works conirnittee. Council votes to keep road open through park In a close vote last week couincil decided to main- tain a 28-foot road allowaîîce through Centennial Park, despite conccrn by area resîdents that leaving the road open would inake Burnis Street an eventual "speed- way.- Mayor Jîin Gartshore had to break a tie, wlich had councillors Tom EdwIýards,,ioe Drumin and Gerry Finîii wvanting the road allowancc closed, and CounIcîllors Bob Attersley , Bob Carson and Joy ilionpson wanitilîg 'il )PCi.Councillor Edwards asked that the road tlîroiigh the park bc closcd for six nmonths to detcrniinc its tisel olness tL) thle coinufiflitY. 1lie said tha t 1PlaiiîliZ, i)irector Kevin Twonev did Io()t SecI il to e l i tIle oaLl \Vas nieceýsIary irthle wll bcing utf, ir conîiiiiii ty be ca Lse lie wanited it as a local s Urce t .thNe ruad Ithib rogi flic park wa,,s uninîproved, and an arterial collector road for the Fotlîwest sector oftthe town \Vas thec fonction of anotlier street. Ashburn wi Tho Astlitbu ni liar k questîin wilîi lis beenl under debate t'or more tîan a year was set tled lasi. week as couincil voted mnaniiniosly t a ye ac oa building ors Stl reet ta builinCof Buns Parkce thvouli liC set ltloa Park oildiussion and andl Councillor Bob Cirson asked tlîat resurfacing of flic road tlîrougli the park tic con- sidcred iii the I1978 budget ('oLuncill0or Carson also said tlîat developnîient of an altcrnative route kîîowîî as lII get park Bob Atterslcy , cliairmaii of n-ecreatîin objected to tie lîrice. J le inifornlied council that about 45 per cenit of the land cao be uscd for active recreation and tlie renliaiiider will be for passive uses. North Ward Councillor Bolb Carson said the residents of Ashburn will participate fully* in the developilient of tdie park. Councillor Gerry Emni reported that tlîe cost of the land is conmparable to prices being paid for residential lots in downtown Wiitby. a beliîd thie commnunity cenître: Tlîe 8.1 acre parcel of land wvas the site favored by :Aslîburn residents at a recent public mieeting, over a site ai the west end of tlie hamlet. Tlîe cost of the propcrty will lie slightly more tlîan $32,000, or $4,000 an acre. Al1o~~vutiiîg fui the Brooktin girl in contest KID).LOVE M~D E TRUCKSdeoai92 Childrein îove oldfire enýpnes 'ant sehapyn a go achnc t REO at the main fire hall durîngJire Peveltio Week, Iast week, Promn left to right are Peter Bfruns, Panilo- Chiappe. Michael Biruns, Diane Wilson, Carmina Chiappe and Fire Fighter '-Ierb Edwards.,who show.s then' how the oid engine works. Pire Preventioti Week was a real success thîs year, with a record number of 1,343 people touring the fire hall to see varlous displays. The fire departmeflt thanks ail those who visited the hall for their interest. Free Press Photo. Miss Canadla. Nov. 7. Yvonnîe Foster, Miss Canada of 1977, will crownl Miss Oshawa when sue is selected, atI uic Genorail Sikorski til on StevelsO)l Road North. Sharon Rice, of Brook- lin, who was Miss Bruoklin Spring Fair and County Town Carnivai Queen ini 1975, will be a contestant ini the Miss Oshawa contest Oct. 28. The winer of the pageant wil go on to î'pa- Mliller St reet would cost tlîe owîi SI mîillion more than îuttiii- Burns Street througli lie park. Councillor Joy Tlîonp- ;oîi agreed that- the SI1 millioni vas too nîuch to pay, anid pointed out tlîat traffie countS on Botni s ,treet in- dicate -,ni east-wcst road is needed. She poiiitcd ouit tlîat 4 unfortunately iin our society so-nîebodly lias to lose.Growth is necessary or peuple couldn't afford to stay." Couincil indicatcd tlîat tlîe redevelopniit of the park flankinig the street will pro- vide soîne assurance to home- owners oii Burns Streoti that die road will not becomîe anl arterial route. Previously there lîad- beeîî suggestions that cobble- stones or bricks be tised to slow traffic througli the park. The Rotary Club. which plans to start develop- ment of a passive park on the site iii I1978, lbas beeni author- ized by council to inistall suit- able buffers alonig tlhe road througli the park to limit its use to local traffic. Also, to align it with Burmîs Street, the road allow- ance xvili be nîuoved a short distanlce south (if its present locatiol. The actuîal timing of Buriis St reet t br-ou: h t Nte park depcnds oi the 1197S budget di scuossionis. 1SI-1

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