Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS si ~7j~whi«tby Voice of the Cou nty Town Miki ERVUNG OVER 28,000 READERS[ ,,e Burgess, Publîsher-Managîng Editor Community Editor Published every Wednesday Contributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promotionai by MW.B.M. Publishingi Manager and Photography 'flC.1 Classi fied Ad-Manager Phone 668-6111 circulation Manager Mailing Permit The Free Press Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu. P.O. Box 206& Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chambero -Brian Wlflter -Jlm Quail -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyonl -Mariefle BYroml -Sharon Lyot' t No. 460 r of the: ureau of Toronto of Comerce Elvis singing cheap;i not spiritual mnusic Dear Sir: 1 Elvis Presley's singing was essentially entertain- ment, mostly of a cheap kind. Thus it cannot be classified as "spiritual", let alone "esthetic", as one writer to a Toronto newspaper stated. Lack- ing sentiment and depth, it was characterized by sentimentality and super- fieiality. For everything genuine there's so rething couinterfeit. As someone has said, "We'd rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticismn". Somebody also wrote to that paper that Elvis was "the greatest singer of ahl time!" This would indicate that Caruso, Robeson, Marian Ander- son, Lois Marshall, etc., etc., didn't really 'make it!' Dise jockeys are con- tînnually m-isLlsing adjec- tives like "good" or "4great" or even "1fine"l music - an obvious case of brainwashiflg a gulflible public. Natturally, people have the righit to their opinions But saying, "I like so-and- Sos singing and lyrics" doesnfot necessarily prove irntch or even anything. For a change, why not let sonmý of tlie experts at Toronto 's Royal Conserva- tory of Muisic render an OBJECTIVE critiquie. 0f course, timie will likely put the mutsie of Elvis, the Beatles et ai in its rightfuil place. John Knott 17 Quebec St. Oshawa a WestLynde Associa'tion wants a 100 % membership pools. an ollier taI ters o Lynde nwslettr.in suficien Th-c West Lynde Cen. A Il munity Association is trying representa for 100 per cent membership day te ci from families in the subdi. ship camp: vision titis year Mr. Membership Chairman the memlb Gerry Hill reported thatin~ per farnily 1976, 72 per cent of the withif W( West Lynde farnilies were the servic mpmbers of the association. associatîi McHappy Day nhceeing of street atives was hield Tues- jrgani/.c a iuieilibl>r- paign. 1.1 ii Points outi tuai bership mioney at S2 ly. is uisect for services est Lyndle. Onle of ýcs is a coiiniiiy in niewslciter whmii 1assists is distributcd toecvcry houme in WVest Lynde ona glr basis. Nir. 11111 lias tannotitccd ti lifter Illis Imontli. the nlewslticr \vill be dclivercd 10 Imcmhc brson ly. Thuis îili- clu.des about I1,000 liommes. The newsleiter cfl'ers information aou ay sitting service. day care. car mntierest to West Lynde resi- New iieinuhers of' West I ynde have immde arrange - mients %wîtil * a large inistirance cOmlpanly 10 give a discoun t to associa tijonli mc nuers on anid auto insur-ance. C tir r-e nt pla ns a re t have ia professiolia l'y rffiind cover for til(' West qtiaitities for 1 2 issues a year Te association is also holding a contest for a logo 01r cI*CSt Io 1puton Itle ne\vs- le tter. The COU test iS Openi 1o childr-en - of Wcst Lynde. LagC(l six to 1 6. The con test closes Nov 1 I1, with entries Io be mailcd 10 AI Longficld Box 422. Whitby lp~ its league this year, in its first year of formation. The teai won 11 out Of I15 gines. There is still rooni for interested residents to join thle ladies' sports nighit at West Lynde Public Schiool, Wedncesday nighits fromi 8:45 p.mi. to 10:45 p.m. local crippled children Crippled children in the Whitby area got a real boost1 from McDonald's Restaurant, at the Whitby Mail when il held it's "McHappy Day" last Wednesday. Proceeds frorn Big Mac sales, donation boxes and heliumn baloons amounted to $1,854.99, ail of which will aid crippled children. About 60 Whitby area residents and representatives of local organizatiens turned out to assist in serving Big Macs for the fundraising pro- ject. These included mnembers of the Rotary Club, which supports crippled children as one of its projectsComnillors Carsun, Emmi, Drunii-i îai-d Thompson; Fire *Chief Ed Crouch and bis deputy Ron Hawkins; and representatives of the Whitby Kinsmen, Red Cross, AjaixPickerirlg-Whitby School for the Hiandicapped, Branch 112 Royal Canadian Legion. Whitby Senior Citîzens, and Brownies and Girl Guides. School principals, Dwight Swerdfegger, Tom Park, Tom Fitzsimmons, Sister Moyle and Mrs. Davies of St . Leo's Sclîool in ýBrook- lin also helped out, along with CKLB radio broa-de'steis who liad a roniote unit bt?)àd- ,çpstilng frelin the site. McDonald's reports that the Whitby restaurant raised the miost mioney I*or crippled children in the a rea on Wednesday. A $ 1,000 Iboost The lDurham Region Participation Flouse for sev- erely handicapped Adults is reci-iving a big boost fromi Beethoven Lodge 1 65 of the Independent Order of, Odd- fellows in Brooklin. The 100F lodge has set a donation goal of $1 000 a year for Participation House, says J. H. Stroud, a mniber of the lodge's projeci commit- tee. Not cutoff date lias been set, and the lodge initenids t, continue ils donations until Participation House has met iLs goal of $350,000. A portion of this year's donation was reccntly pre. sented Lu the Participation Hlouse commnitte. i# 'Participation Ilbuse is a cornbined huone and educa- tîinal workshop for severely handicapped adults, which will be but in Newcastlc. The Beethovan Lodgc imss'iLs unds for.its dona- tin y providingpukn services at the Brooklin and Oshawa Fa irs. BROOKIJIN SCOUTS CELEBRATE 50 YEARS OfficiaIfs Of the Scouting movement ini Whitby and Brnokilin 'assembled Oct. 4 at Meadowcrest Scbool to celebrate the 50t1l anniversary of the First Brooklin Scouts. Taking part in a cake-cuttintg cereiotny arç (Ieft to yrkht) . Detipty District Commissioner enr i~d, iiistrict Conimissiollel Marcel Brunelle. Mayor him iartslîore, Assistant District Commissioner for CbF Roy Parker, and Wlîitbv District Scouts Prsidemu - Audrey Parkcr Cutting the cake are Scout Ducan Stewart an~d Cublr),B~'~~ Foree Press Photo M i-he oniy vviiïtby newspaper inaepenaenuy owneu aigu Upriatquu tpy TTRRR&qjy ated bv Whitbv residents for Whitby residents.

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