Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1977, p. 7

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WH-ITBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19,1 977, PAGE 7 &rian Wirnterî' H listorilcal ~$:Whi$tby C.P.R. STATION, '1913 One of the victinîs of progress this year, the disap- pearance of which may have gone unnoticcd, is the oid CPR station on Brock Street North. It was toril down ini 1977, cither a victini of the property standards byiaw or the plans to provide an underpass at the railway crossing. The station, which in its later days scrvied as ami express and freight office, was closed iin 1971 despite protest froni the town. The CPR is a new railway in the Whitby area comnpared to the "Nip and Tuck" mentioncd last week, or the CNR which was once called the Grand Trunk. In 1911, survcy crcws came throughi Whil by, iayitîgout the path of the lakeshore route of the CPR. Construction began in 191 2 (the date can be seen on sotie bridges and culverts), and On Ju ly 4. 1913, the first inspection train on the new line left Whitby for Toronto carrying the g-Capers 5TH Semi Annual Corridor Caes nce Corridor Capers, held at Heydenshore on FridJy eveningu was more thati its uisual succvss. 'Fli orchestra 'Loui's Friends', were superb auîd conîplir-ietîtec the excellent selection of platters spuui by our reguilar dis jockey, Franik Truli. Our Associatiotn had tic pleasure cf cutertainîing iiîany distinguished guests. Forty iietîbers of the Oshîawa Folk Arts Council jcincd cuir party after a dinner nmeetinig at the Ali Baba, Ouir tlîamks te the lPr esideuît, Wiilianmi Stace>'. and ho John and Sylvia DeH-ant, t'en fînaiiziîîg aIl the arrange- nients avJ gtidiiig out-of-tcsviers tcu hlevcienslîcre anîd the Corridor Capers. We xvere veny pleaseul te have Je Aldwinc.kîe jeiti us. Jo creve freiii Stratford te attend thte Oshawva Folk Council Ditîter andJ ecur danuce. Maiiy otiier gctests participate iniiithe 1huit evemîliîg. 0cmr Dunharm West M,P.P. Geuorge Asiîe andicl sively xsife Marge, Mayour Jimîu and Mayeress MIaujuinie Ca rîstieeri' and Betty Etîiuuî.Jee and Nami Drinuni, Christinie Tlictias, Pa uline-and Grant Be-ai, Brîniandat Pat WViic r. Vi andl I ack Mimne andi the Cornichon tenitiusand Juularaires - Lairry and Audrey Hall, along silî natiy.namiy fri euics ami( neighbeuîrs frein thie Corridor anea. My pensenai ulîauks gees lu) the deulicateul exective nuenben svio cleconated tuehl itiiàafaItlctie. Cmor- nucepia dnasings. mîaule by the gracie îhuneeciass aI Cieui Street Schooi gnactue sve als, Resensatiuît siguîs sene pumpkiîs nmade by ilie sanie ciass. (orni statk-, and uîtîîuuu- kins flanked the stage. Otîter uuenîîlers tiacle sandwsiics, arranged for the nefresiîmemts, scîlu tickets and i'suont,- took cane of evcnytîiîîgsvhile Isvas oeut of to-wi. Jini and Ev. Stevemiomi, Thicksumn RD. N., wvunithe draw pize. Othen pizes svcre gemerously dctîated hîy K-Niant antd Ex ýorer Restauranit. It is a Cuuniîiunity datnce, anud thue Corridor Busiîîessess, as sveii as the nesidemts, ail get iuivîfvedc. Johin Buchianan, the- M. C. for the eveîîiug ke1it tue BALI, railway's general inanager and other officials. The station, a rather plain brick, building was con- structed at a cost of $20,000 in the fiaîl of i191 3. 1'The station was oniy part of a complex of buiildings ai the Brock Street crossing, which inciuded a water tank and severai frcighit shecds. A 50,000 gallon water tank wascrected west of Brock Street and enclosed in wood. It stood in fronît of the Stokicy' Van Camip fiactory, and was demnoiished about 1962. Its octagonai concrete foundation still remains. The water tank was 25 feet iii diamecter, and was supplied by agreement with the town, witlî water from the m'unicipal water systemn. West of the water tower were the freight sheds, somne of which stili remain. A bridge was buit ovcr Dundas Street near Anderson in 1913., and 1931, a pedestrian underpass wass added to tle south side of the bridge. This bridge was dernolished in 1 965 and repficed with the existing nmodern bridge wheri Dundas Street was wide.ned. North of the DLmndas Street Bridge is another bridge wh-ich passcd over the tracks of the Toronto and Eastern Raiiway, built in 1913 but neyer compied. The Toronto and Eastcrn's story wiii be told in another of these coiumrns. In May 1914 a crew of dignitaries passed through Whitby on tlhe first inspection trip of the comipleted railway; The mayor, J. H. Wiliis and mnembers of council, were to nîcet the officiai train at the station on Brock Street, and several auitornobiles were provided to give the visilors a sight-seeing tour of Whitby. Like the proverbial "best laici planîs of mîice and mnen," evcryone who as§istcd in any way.1 Our next dance will be on Saturday, February i18, i1978 at Hieydenshore.. You'alI conie back. JURIÇEYINNE-R- Thle aniual Turkcy linner x\ill bc this Saturday, October 22. There are t\vo su tings. si) li sure te state your pref- crence Miîen rescrving youir ticket - 4:30 and 5:30. Previouis celîtîn uouted the price incorrect ly. The tickets are S4.00 for aduits. Childreiî i2 and under are S2.00 and pre- slicelers arc f'ree, i alni re-aIly Se rriy fer. anv conflusionî t bis errer rlas cauised i, t is eîi c Of i 1wesi St nrkey d in ne i s iiitflic area Se be surc te cailie eofitlie LU. C. W. inembers fer, yettif reservatieli (ie. catlIlle aidîcl \ Viii pass tIlle informnaitinaieng. Board of Nianagenient Meeting Sunday. Octeher 23. ('lac og f Date- Please nicte tIlie chiange e f date foi. thle Boeard cf îIîanageîieît Inice t ilng. Due te unie reseeni ci rcun istances, thle Bouar d ef'\l anaZgemien t mec t ing xviii be hieid TMIS StJNIAY NIG II T* (Icieher 23, 7:30 p.ni. i I tii Oslima a(Cutsis mec t Cadi Wedneschîv eveli iiitl a t i)i(eii iiuni s(Cntre a t 7 p .m1. ýksIl1Ilse'r13a;wr - Sa t rday. Noveilube i t1 Annîversar>' Sindav - \ovemnhcî1i., G nest ieacerwttlic t Ilie RM'0wci\iaggs, . (i; pl et, thte Osliiav. a (;cnral I lospital. l'eslie Siiios. uauglîter oetMr. :ind \lîs. I):îid Silis et lih lis hecîtmie etl Ille toi tuiate studelits te lie ciieseiltoteact as a Iaoe inithlicpieselît ( )îît ani egislitnre. il nSure Leslie xviii cu)JOy lirduties :ît Quecens Park.lit is trub ai] ppe tunlit and lîiteii tulaIt ew Chilidretî experienice. Besi tI' L~kiesiie. M-1r s . I Ian itit et) i i6 Nettliviîe\v Avenue xvii lic ieaiviliwtt 1 l Ie i tli (et'Novenîhber toi- liijua. Site wou.ld ikeC te rclit lier liiuse f'rin Illte 15 ofNevemîher tntil the 15 ci Ail. IIt wenid lie very' intiaml luit site xvetilui P ee a couplle svîtlt un chldi-cil i auJ nepets. 'fili es k tullî fturiiisled. iîctndiiig pliît tlitat witl iteemi wateriiii. Aie iiite restcd sue nid cal i lic i a t 7 __ -).X Puaits it folks,. have a good wee k. M. Mîilî i725-896î7. the officiai Visit to Whitby rail into difficulties. Word liadi corne that the train would arrive at 3:30 p.m.. buit îy 4:45 p.mi. it was discovered thiat the train was stoppcd ini Oshawa whiiethe council of thait commnunity was giving the dignitaries a gratnd tour. The town counicillors cooled their heels, inspccting the the station, but by the timie the train ïàrrived ini Whitby at 6 p.mi., 'it was too late for the officiai party to stop long enough to sec the town. A short inspection was Macle of the station, and the distinguishied ra,ýilway officiais headed off to make a rendezvous with a train for Chicago. Full freight and passenger service began on the CPR through Whitby in July 1914. In those days when there was passenger service on the CPR, trains for Toronto stopped at Whitby ai 9:50 a.m. and 5:42 p.m., and trains for Whitby from Toronto stopped at 9:15 a.m. and 7:38 p.m., the trip taking ane hour. and 10 minutes one way. Fares in 1914 were 90 cents single and $1.50 return. The CPR station had a brief moment of glory in ils history when In May 1939, the Royal train carrying King George VI and Queen Elizabeth stopped there for about 10 minutes. Once again the "best laid plans" went awry, for the locomiotive stopped in front of the station where the crowd was waiting, but the King was on the platform of the last car, several hundred yards down the track. Ail that Whitby people saw of himi was a fieeting glimpse as the train pulled away, heading for Toronto. Chaniber's information booth was suceessful Thli Whitby Chamber cf Conmnerce reperts titat its informiatien lieeth opened at the Four Corners Ilis soin- n1er's saIssuccess. "Response to the chanîiber- informiationiiboeth. that was inîtiatci this year lias been su rprisi ngiy geed." says Evelyn Siiar1ks. svlo cî1erated te lic ltti i n luly an d A uguis tfor. tue Cianîiber. -Not eniy lias it beeni usefuil ini assist iig 'tllie (ilnsis, 1bu1 thle ne lias aiso'[)eeii a niii ked imtetestin iii jiîeiiiîatiei On tue Townvi efWl i tiseli'." site said. Miiss Sjîarks reperts t luit iîew collierns te wtti tii>' are int er- estcd iii le-alI iing abliut Itue uaiou jisrecicatioetii i'ciiities. as, well as tue location et, schooîs, clii iclies andi varlois otillei services. Moest recluesteci sas d îialiîlielet oniitue tewit i- clîdittga tail1,11iister-V plus za list inig oet utsitiesses andcia sîtial limal). At tue ioeti t lus t y'pe i liii iliitoit decs liet exisi sa'vs Miss Sîiarks. "l'lie resideitts etf Wiitby seeired ho appreciate the fact that Ilic bootli was here," said Miss Sparks. "Sorte rernarked that it made a better inmpression ho visitors to have sucli a service. Wiiitario sales, which wenh reasonably well, and the bul- letinî board effeet of the out- sîde attracted people." Htmters charged TwvcîTcrotoîluîîers svîîe wVe not asvane of \Vliitby's finearnîs byiass' have liecti chiargeci by Durhiatî Regieiafl Police fer dis- ciagigfirearriîs seu tliicf dic tîtird conicessionî. Cluarged are Jeao Demnedeiros of 162 Euciid Ave. aiid Jese Soares of I121 Yarniieutl Road. Police said tie mîenî Wer1e cliargeul fer shloetilig clucks iii thic Ly îde Creek tua rsîî aI Victoîria Street-, Satiirday, atîid tsv gutus :ind tss'u ducks svere seizeci. Separate charges xviii be la idb hî icCcii triLake Onitario CeiîservaitîiiîAutîter- ity, becauise the inîcidlentoc- currecinii a coinservation area wvlere hiuîtiiig is bamîmed. AI & Lindo Russell RUSSELL TRAVEL 116 SRCK ST. Seo WHITBY 668-5000 HUURS Mon. - sot. 9-6 p.m.

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