Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1977, p. 11

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WHFY FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1977 PAGE il M De. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 DundosS.I.Wlb 668- 7797 HoursMon--Sat. & Evenngs iy Apparntrneut Onty CHINESE FOOD TAVERN GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT AND TAVERN CHINESE & CANADIAN FOOD 103-107 IROCK Si. S. WHITSY (JUS? SOUTH 0F 4 CORNERS) FulIv Lcenced Under The LI I B O ÏN oc f DINE 1M OPNGATEWAY TO CTl' E OUT Mon. Thurs lA ýEl4 tit 2 A.M. FINE CUISINE WEODINÇ, xii. 3 A. M orHM IT Y iPARTIE titi x ýA. Io. HM I VERYAJ nX ANDI BROOKLN & OSHAWAÏ B60r< --CAL L rAKE 0OUT jER VI .ANj 668-8321 0) BIG ýNIC NOW OE 24 HOURS ALL THIS WEEK STEAK D11NNER W»i French Frios - Rol and Sahed "Thbursday Speil" HAMBURGER DELUXE CHICKEN DINNER *Also Special Breakfast Menuf rom 6a.m.tIo 11a.m. Da ily Steak & Eggs Bacon & Eggs Corn Beef & Eqqs Wheat Cakes Chopped Steak & Eggs French Toast Ham & Eggs our Coffee only 25 oents BIG NIC 1028.Brock St. S. WHI.TBY# ONTARIO 0 Anot ber b a ker. GUENNEL Specialty Store In Whitby NOW OPEN Saifeàway Centre European Bakery Meats Del icatessen Take Ouf Lunches It takes a trained rustproofing expert to give your new car the protection it needs. That's why every Ziebart Dealer is factory trained. It takes the right tools to get real rustproof i ng protection. That's why your Ziebart Dealer uses nine different patented spray tools to reach rust-profle areas.. And it takes an amazing rustproofing sealant to penetrate welded seams where rust can get a start. Thats what your Ziebart Dealer uses. So don't be f ast-talked CALI NOW AND SAVE $ 5O 0 ON Total Protection Plan ru THE CORPORATION 0F TI-E TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC MEETING ANO OPEN HOUSE, BROOKLJN SECONDARY PLAN SPECIAL STUDY AREA 8 (a) On Wednesday, Novernber 2nd, 1977 the first Public Meeting of [he Administrative Cominittee at 7:30 p.m., and an Open Flouse between the h-ours of 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.în., wilI be lîeld in the Brooklin Conmunity Centre, Cassels'Road East, Brooklin, Ontario. The purpo.se of the Open House and the Public Meeting is to permit the viewing of and to present the alternatives for the lanid utîlization requireinents, as prepared by the Town's Consultants, if Brooklin should grow to 10,000 persons. Any inquiries can be mrade by contacting the Director of Planning for the Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario - (668-5803). Chairnman,Administrative Comnrittee, Corporation of the Town of Whitby. 21Drector of Planning, @rporation of the Town of Whitby. Fight The Road Sait This Wuinter With Ziebart Is tUat car of' yours ready for ýthe ravages of anotlier Canatdiait winter? lit ouiier wordis, lias it be<.m rustproojc'd? Your exclusive Ziebart deiler ini the Pickering- Wiitby area is prepared ual wîly tw gel rid of t/le rust on your prescrit car, but to keep t/he rust away jfrom 1il as long as you have thle car. Ziebart on Brock Road are your exclusive dealers. No car dealer in t/le area sel/s Ziebart rustprooflflg. Ziebari is strict/y a retail ouf/eltofat/le public. Zieburling your car is not ant expensiv3 operatioti. but whe,î you go to trade it in, youil/ be g/ad you liac it rusîproojèd. A c/eau car wi/l brin g you several hundred dollars more aht rade lime. And t/le increas- ed allowance by thc dealer is far more than it will cost you to have your car. rustproofed. Ontario as you kiow in recenzt years has had long, drawn-out winters wit/î ramn, snow and ice. T/iousands of tons of sand and sait are poured on our lîighkvays ever-y iwùîer. Thle sa/t is sp/aîtered on your car anîd start%Io eat mb o e rmetal. You'î'e seen the white fi/tniq/ sa/t on thec side of your ear Iini winler, even ou yourJoohwear. I budget, and ià should be looked after to get t/he most fro i i. Ziehart in Pickering doesn 't ha/f do t/he job, which is next to useless, th.ey do a complete job and they know just how it should be doue 10 give your automobile maximum protection from rust. There is also the safety factor in rustproofing. Ini recenh years there has been conceru over cor- rosion to body frames. steerage linkages, and brake lunes. Ziebart i Pickering on Brock Road, South, has a factory-trained crew waiting to do your car. Ziebart has a name to protect as well as your car, and t/lis guarantees that vou won 't be back with complaints about lia/fajob hein g done. W/z cmit/iinkimîg about rustprooftg, remember the one ine - Ziebart. Ziebart people are rust- proofi,îg specialists. They don 't just claim to be best at the? job - hey are bes, because they have to he. Just think rustproofing, Ziehart; rustproofitig. Ziebart anîd you can 't go wrong. The price wilI p/case.you îoo. Ca/I îhem todav, a 839-8061. into accepting something Iess just because it's convenient. Buy your new car from your favorite car dealer. Then take it to the real rustproof ing people -Ziebart. IT[Su OR ROSI. j Ziebart "uo Truck Rustpmfi lg 973 BROCK. RD. PICKERING (ONE BLOCK'SOUTH 0F THE 401) 839.8061l (0 1976 ZI ES»? INTERNATIONAL CORP. YODS ZIEBART DEALER DOESN'T SEIL NEW CARS ANO... YOURNEW CAR DEALER DOESN'T SELL ZIEBAT RUSTPROOFINO!1 m $lu $24 MRRý .8

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