PAGE I12, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free AUTOMOBILES FORSALE 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - good condition, wvett kept, snows and rims inctuded, $850 or best offer. Must seli. Cal 1974 Vega - Good Condition $650. - cal! 666-1255. 1967 CHEV - 283, good running car, new tires, exhaust system, radiator recon.. $300 or best off er. Cali 655-431 7. EDELROCK TOR KER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER - $100; 600 holley 4-barrel carburetor, $90; crane race cam for Ford 289, $70; ail new parts. Cali 655-3972 after 6 p.m. 1971 MAVERICK - p/b, mechanically sound, new tires, plus 2 snows, needs new fender, some body wvork, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s, p/b, $200 as is. Cati 668-8698. 1g68PONTIACPAR ISIENNE- 327, 2 door hardtop, $400. Cati 655-3006. 1968 AUSTIN 1100 - standard, good c ondition, $250; Cali 668-7470 attr 4 p.m. 1969 FORD CORTINA - as is, $110. Cail 668-621 6. 1973 CHEV IMPALA - 4 door hdtp., with pis, good condition, $1 500. Cati 668-9404. 1969 BUICK WILDCAT - good running condition, $300 or best of fer. Cati 666-1271. 1974 FORD F100'PICK-UP - red, A-i condition, original paint, explorer back with accessories, $3,800 or best off er. Cali 668-01 34. - 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition, 1500 miles, asking $1,.350. Cati 655-4238. 1969 DODGE BELVEDERE STATIONWAGON - rebuilt motor, (easy to certify), $500. Cati 668-9124. 1974 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE - new radiais, starter motor, tape deck, and radio, tunod up and ready ta go, ongine A-1. $1 ,250; chrome 14" mags, $50 for four. Cali 723-7405. 1970 CHEVELLE MALI BU - good condition, pis, pib, no body work needed, $1 ir0 or best offer,as is. Cati 668-3495 ask for Steve. 1969 MUSTANG FASTBACK - 302, automnatic, headers, chrome trac bars, magr., tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, $900. Cali 668-4654. 1970 CADîL LAC - need,, some wark, good boy, $1200; 1967 CHEV, 6 cyt., auto, $150; Cali 579-5451. 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,000 miles, new parts, $450 or best off or. Cal 668-5704.' 1973 FORD CORTINA - GT - 4 speed. AM/FM, radial tires, good condition, $1,100 Cali 668-6319. 1973 GRANDE TORINO .! WAGON -- Low mileagO. Cali 668-1819. 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, ideat for r.ipare parts, $1 00 or best offer. Cali 668-3675. 1969 PONTIAC - 350 engine, no plates, $275; Cali 668-1763. 1968 VOLKSWAGON - rLn- ning condition, good for parts, $100. Cati 683-8467. 1967 VW 9600 FASTBACK- .-~$250; caiso 1500 VW engino, $1 50; eiectric brass f ireplace, $50. Calîl 668-0010. 1957 CHEV - 2 dr. hdtp., Kentucky car, compse!ety rebujît 327, 300 hp moto*', 3 Sp. auto transmnission, new Crakes, tires, shocks, exhaust, Aew carpet, cUstomr seats, no rust, certif ied; asking $2,600 must soul. Cali 668-1139 after 5:30 wveekdays. 11967 WAGON- bestoffer. 6p.m. - FORD STATION- .4 dr., 8 cyt., $300 or Cati 655-4441 after 972 CHEV ,om, - whi)W icdark bro*n' IMPALA vinvi over *-350 four Rý ,8troek.ý Press Eporiu cli 688-f611i_______ 1967 MUSTANG - 289 with three speed f loor shif t, good dlean condition, $400 or bost off or. Cati 668-3889. 1976 FORD COM ET - 6 cyt., auto stoering, 1,700 miles, white single bed, padded head- board, Cati 668-2514. 1971 PONTIAC CATELINA - 2 door hardtop, running condi- tion, $750 or bost offor; 1971 TOYOTA, running condition, $300 or best of foer. Cal!1 668-7 279. 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - 62,000 miles. facrory body and paint, best offer, $200. Cali 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1974 MERCURY - 2 door hdtp., 351 V-2 motor, 4 ncw radial tires, immaculate condition, Calil 668-1 588. 9.9 OUTBOARD MOTOR - used one season, includinggas tank, cost $700 setI for $350 firm. Cati 668-3112. 1970 FORD TRUCK - red, crewcab, fair condition, tpeat mileage, $600 as is. Cati 655-3545. 1966 BUICK LASABRE - good running, condition, uncer- tif ied, $1 50. Cali 728-0642. 1975 ASTR E - gooci condition, $2,000. Cali 576-7942. 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - low mileage, rustpro)ofetd, wit! certify, $3,000 or best of fer. Cati 723-9180. 1971 RENAULT - Good condition, $270. CaiI668-0744. 1971 FIREBIRD - Now brakes, new shocks, new muf f er systemn, new paint, $1500. Cal 668-6-;91. 283 CHEV ENGINE -- 3,000 Smiles. completcJ with carburotor, $1 20. Cati 655-3006. Continued on next page REATIONAL VEHCLES 2 - 1971 Snowvmobîles Double Bed Trailer Good Condition $650. or best of fer - 728-6424 973 -1/ Ton Deluxe Camper TRUCK Special - p/s, p/b, dual gtis tanks, & batteries, 60,000 miles, excellent con- dition. Cail after 5 P.n11. 655 - 3090 1971 NORDIC SKI-DOO - 24 hp., used veiy littie, excellent condition, $425. Cai 725-0444. DUNE BUGGY - running condition, fibre glass body, ia!:king $600. Cali 655-4479, ask for Henry. TENT TRAILER-EmpOror, was recanvassed last year, used one vveek af fer, Coleman tantern. stove wvater pack, heater pots & pans and cupboards. $600. 668-2164. 1969 SKIDOO -- wîth '71 motor, good condition. neecîs some motor work, best offer over $100. Cal! 668-0744. MaIe 10 SPEED TOURINO BIKE - 20" frame, generator ights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA, new parts and paint, certif ied, $500. Cati 668-01 87. 20" GIRLS BIKE - for ages 7-9, li ke new, $35. Cati1 576-5261. Girls 3 spdl. B ICYC LE - w/24" wheeis, neariy new, $45; Box tradler, 43 x 62 x 10"d, drop tait gate, $100. Cali 668-8432. 1976 SUZUKI RMVI 125 - comipetition bike. good condition, Cali 579-6763 anlytime. 1972 HONDA CB 350 - excellent condition,- $550, certif ied, must soit. Cati Peter 655-3253 af ter 4:30 p. m. 1967 SUZUKI OLYMPIAN - S-32, 150 cc twin, good running condition, $1 75. Cali 655-3411. SUZUKI 350 - new tircf' new electricat system, $400. CatI and ask for Rob 668-5432. 1977 >HONDA- >XL75 DR Bt KE wývith he4met'and'rilinq alov,% t,ýike. new, only used three EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS1- PLEASE READ: Adveitise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel There will not bc any charge ta advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUJM unless the item advertised is sotd. Whcn the advertised item is sold, you pay a commissîofl based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if price is stated with best of fer. AIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WIiITBY FREE PRESS and run at toast ane month if not sold. RATE'S (if article is sold): 5% of advertiscd price up to $400.00 2%,/( of balance over $400.00 E'XAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum comission is $1 .50) Private advertising ontl'! Please notify us if you find a retaiîcr liste.dtas a priv.ite advertiser. Picase notify the Whitby lrue Press immediateîy wilen itcm is sold so that wc may delete it from the foîhiwing issues. Ait ads not fitting thceml-iporium guideIincs wiîi bc treatecl anI cJiarged per week as regular classified ads on a prc-paid basis su ch a s: services, helli wantcd, ciothing, ruai estate, :ind persona] mcs-.ige type a,,ds, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the I'mporiumn section under appropriafe hecadings. If in daubt, cati 668-6111l MAIL ADS TO: FRFF PRE.SS EMPOTRlUN P.O. Box 206, Whitby LI N 5SI TI 1 FD F'AILINIEFOR EMP>ORIUJM ASI)S 1 ~l' MONDAY PlRI VIOJS T( PUBLICATION AT NOON. EA PICES WESTINGHOUSE WALL OVEN - in good condition. $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & FAN COMBINATION, four elements, 2-8-, 2-6". in good condition. $100. Cati 294-1383. VIKING CLOTHESDRYER. $80. Cal! 668-9269. REFRIGERATOR & STOVE -- excellent cnitionl, Asking $175. Cal! 668-9165. Woodbtirrinig Acîrr FIRE- PLACE - orange colour. $200. Cati 668-4660. PORTABLE DISHWASHER - excellent caurditïon, $110; Stove, good working order, ideat for cottage, $50; diyer, good condition, $90. Cal! 623-5715. O1 L SPACE HEATER -- largo $75; 2 heat dispenteî , for fan, for f ireplace, $1 25. Cal! 579-0757. G.E. electrîc white STOVE - 2 yrs. old, excellent condition, $175. Cal!1668-3853 allter 5 1)-m- 22" FINDLAY STOVE - $35. Cati 655-4948. . OIderGEREFRIGERATOR - $30; four burnor Moffat electnic stove & hood, $30; propane space heater, $30. Ali suitabie for cottage, $75 for ail three items. Cali 655-41 25 evenint'>. RANGETTE - gaod condi- t ion, $1 5. Caîl 668-5450. Sears Beattie Bar Deluxe VACUUM CLEANER - one year oid, $150. Cal11668-1819. REFRIGERATOR - single door. old style, $40; stove, in good working condition, $35; dryer, aultomatic, ail temperattire, $75. Cal! 668-3889. AIR CONDITIONER - one summer otd,' fits wall or wif;dovv, 8,000 BT U, $225. Catl 668-0050 af ter 6 p.m. FIREPLACE - imitation, ideal for roc room, $35. Cati 668-6537. Sears Solid State COLOUF TV - l'Y2 veers o Id, 12", $275 Cati 655-3287. B & W TV - 33", in goor - cond.ition, $60. Cali 723-9068. B & W TV off or; Portabet 668-0744. TV, $50. Cai Huron wood COC (STOVt - $1 35. Cati 668-4885 after 6 p.m. LOi.NSOLE TV - B & ,W. goocl condition, $75, two atuminUn'ldoors, f ive basement acreen & tr indows, -$BC. Coti 668-5596.- - 1 swlvel ROCKER uphaisteredi ti greenvinyl.- $35. 579-1094. goo"i codition $35. al! 668-3190 af ter 9 p.m. PEG POOL GAME. - 4 cu..s, $45; blue French Provincilal chair $25; office desk, excellent condition, $75; single bcd, $5; ping pong table, 1 yr. old, $50; corner arm chair. dark brown, $10; 4 drawer dresser. $15; exercïst? bike, $40; 2112 hi) lavvn- mower, $35; 2 mnatching army- chairs, beige, $55. Cail 683-7788. lawn sweeper, $20; aid ice cl;est, rio door, $35; Singer treddle sewiny machine, $25; pair Aqua f loor lengi h lind 8' drapes. $13; poirtable twîin launriy tubs. with caver. $8; 2 shell utility table. $5; pïnk bath sel, complele with 2 mats, shower curtain and seat caver. $15; 10 rock albums. good condition. $2.50 each; qrey persian larnb coat, size 14, $50; Caîl 1668-0096. York WEIGHT SET --75 lbs., plus 15S lb. bar, like new, askir.g $20î; Cox P-40 Warhalk gas- powered plane. unusecd gas, batte: y and instructions included $15 or best of fer. Cali 725-81 62. ADDING MACHINE - Remington, $50; Bell & Howvell movie camera with case, $25, Sincer tredle sewving machine. working, $25; heavy duty sewing machine. working, $25; antique phonograph (floor model), $25; bird cage and stand. $10; 2 pair drapes. white, size 48 x 94, $8 pr, f loral, sizo'18 x 94, $8 pr, tvvo long evening dresses, $5; imitation borg coat with leopard collar, sîze 12, $10; white figure skates, size 6, $5; aul , îatic rifle, vvorking, $1 5; gun rack with drawer, hold< 4 guns. $10; office desk, wooden needs varnishing, $25; 2 arborite stop tables, $3.50 each. Cali 668-7000 TAP'E RECORDER (Reel Type), $95; complote wÎne making kit, $35; bathroom sînk with vanity including taps, $15; bathroomn mirror cabinet, $5. Cal! 668-6779. Aboveground POOL LADDEF brand new, $50. Cali 668-0471. SKATES - 2 Pair Bouwer sizo 11t, nearty new, $20; CCN Junior Pro Sizo 12, $20 or bes offer. Ca1t1655-3117. DRAPES - orange burlar untined, 150 x 95", $1( 1detachable liners for drapes, $. Diefenbacciia (housepant), tati, $10. Ca11 668-2301. GUITAR AMPLIFIER- simitar to fonder super revit $300. CatIl666-1271. GENDRON STROLLER - 1with sun canopy., $16; ptaypE needs 'new pad, $6; hot stea vaporizor, $2.50;, Fischerý met skis, $25. Cati 668-1473.> B&W KITCHEN SET almost ~h~pcded .,'side table extenlsion, and-fâur paddi cha.irs,, cost $299 asking $10 I.Cali 6.823 1 -- .. Singîè'- STÛJENT DE 1SK $12. Cali 725-1211i. 2fivegtonWUNSARBOE Boys hockey SKATES -, CCM, size 12, $7; Jelnic, size il, $8; boys black figure skates, CCM, size 4, $20; Bauer, size 1, $10; black boot rot 1er skates, sîze 11, $33. Cali 668-5227. %4 ct. DIAMOND RING - white gold sotitare setting, appraised value $650, witt sacrifice at $500. Cati 570.3094. CHILDS POOL TABLE -- 3' x 6', good condition, $7.50; also many assorted jigsaw puzzles, 50 cents each. Cati 655-3411. Weatherized STROLLER- $25; child's red car, $3; airplane mobile, $3; blonde wig & stand, synthetic short, $2; circus baby tamp, $4; teddy bear night iight, $3; hand made quilt, crib size, $5; wooi hand made carrnage cover, white, $3; mist set curlers, $5; make up mirror with lights, $4; curity plastic and glass baby bottles, 14 for $2; turquois boys snowsuit, 24 month size, $10; G.E. floor poisher, $15; complte aquarium set, $1 5; sleep & snooze, $10. Cali 668-6087. 15' MOLDED PLYWOOD BOAT - wth steering whee, needs few repairs. $75. Cati 668-9860. 13SA 22Caiibre Petiot RIFLE very accurate, powerfuî, like new, wiil soit for $45; swing-set, 900d condition, $35. Cali 668-9165. Odd foamn CUSKIONS ' foi chesterfield or sofa seats, $5 (t, one kitchen stoot mîvth swing oui step, $5; vanity bench, $5; Cati 668-9009. GOLD WEDDING BNND - nver worn, $30. Cali in morning 668-8623. 18" COLECO CARTRIDGE SWIMMING POOL FILTRE - with spare cartridge, $60; over the wail skimmer, $10; new ladder for 4' Pool. $35; pool vacuum, $5. Cali 668-4804. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitablE for lighting patio or pool area $30 each. Cali 668-2832 af tei 5 p. m. Three alumînum STORIl WINDOWS - complete witi screen, $25 each; boys bicycle aold colour, very good conditian $20. Cali 728-9732. Oria pair gold volvet miec CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - vory good condition, size 112 x 92. $130; Light Blondi DRESSER & MIRROR, gooc conçiition, $35. Cali 666-1958. PROPANE FURNACE - complote with tanks, regulaior, stove pipe, $300. Cal! 655-3488. 1 OAS FURNACE - branc nevv, 100,000 BTU, nover beor used, $250. Cali 668-6950. POOL TABLE -- Burrough Watts, 41/2 x 8. Cati 668-2421 bof are 12 noon. Coldspot 10,000 BTU AIF CONDITIONER - extendeî 1warranty, $300; Grolier Gro% scase bookshelf, 4 shelves, wvanul $35; walnut bookcase, 6 shoves $35. Cali 668-2164. Adding machine. Remington, $5( Singer tredle sevving machie 11working, $25; bird cage & staný $10; 2 pr. diapes. white siz( 48x94, $8. Pr; 2 long evenîni ;dresses, $5. ea; Imitation Bor' . coat with teopard collar, size 1, $10; white figure skates, sizo $5; 2 arborite $5top tables, $3.50 WITH BUNGS - $8; 2 interior door s, 72" x 32", $1 0; combina- tion high chair and play table, $20; one swing-o-matic, $5; play- pen, $12; baby car, $1.50; Cati 668-9605. G.E. FLOOR POLISHER - inctuding brushes, and iamb"s vvoo! pads, $15; Clairot Kindness instant hairsetter, inctuding 20 roliers, 20 roller clips, tightweight compact case, ideai for travel, ike nevv, $1 5, Cal! 725-9575. E78x14 new TIRE - on a Ford rim, $20; storm windows, 20%/ x 46%/, $10; 21 1 /8 x 461/4, $10; 421/. x 461/, $15; casoment windowvs, 20V% x 461/4, 6 at $10 each; poloroid camera, square shooter 2, like new, $20. Cali 728-6434. Fleetwood console STEREO - $75; disptay cabinet, with glass stiding doors, $75; , .hallway x-minister carpet, 27"w x 45"t, with padding, $100; ait items in excellent condition. Cali 666-1847.1 MATTRESS & BOX SPRtNt.j - good condition, $50; STEREO, igood condition, $85. Cait. 668-4042. Marx oiectric TRAIN SET - engine and f ive cars, transformer and .027 gauge teack, number >of accessories, ait in goodi condition, $50; earth-tone double bed sproad, $20. Cal! 668-2479. BiI<E TIRES -- 26" X'1/, $1 each; Scatectrix racing set, many extras, $12.50. Cail 668-5060. Almost now pale green and -pale yeîlow MIXED SHAG - I approx imatety, 10 x 12% ft, plus heavy bubbIe faam underpad, $190; atmost new deep roset pin k MIXEO SHAG, approxîmato!y 15'8" x 10'7", 4Yz' x 64', plus bubbie foamn underpad, $245. rCali 666-1851. Single CONTINENTALBEO - $25. Cali 668-3136 before 2 p.m. Chromo KITCHEN SET- r5 pioce, $45; Chesterfield chair, $10; both ideal for cottage. M~' Cali668-8267. h e, 6' CHRISTMAS TREE - with decorations, $40; Haif- beer barrel tiquor bar, vvith 1 wrought iron trim, $100 or best -offor. Cal! 6554194 after 6 p.m. ANTIQUE CHESTERFIELD SUITE - 4 pce., newly uphoistered. green and rust brocade, $250 or best offer. Cali 728-4943. Medium size OAK DESK - d1 large drawer, $49; lazy boy, n$25; Singer treddlo machine, excellent condition, $50; Viking wringer washer, $60; Cali &725-1211. !5 R GUIDE UNIFORM - size 10, ýd $12; tap shoos, ladies size 71/2, W $1 5; aluminum storm doors, $35; tinterior wooden door, $8; shampstor cage with wheeI and bouse, $5; sewing machine white, $35; chord organ, schaol desk, $10; 8 bentwood chairs, $75. Cali 728-2327. d emnale Samoyedj - 1 yr. oîd O Obedience trained, registered g $75. 655-4356. 2 5, C pc. sec. sofa, like new, built ýin end tables & storage. Re- r 1 1 S C E L