WHITBY FRL 'PRI"SS, Wljl11)NIl"Sl)AY, O(TOIIUR 26,19<77. IA; Emotional drama, The, Rope Dancers, is firsi play of season, Nov. 10- 12 The Whitby Theatre Cornpany "s siate of piays for st the new season indicates theyR are determiined to miaintain le thieir place as front-runners S ln presenting the best inL theatre. 'T Three great piays haive ti been schiednied for the season, Is beginning with The Rope g' Dancers by Morton Wiseni- garde, Nov. 10 to 12 at the Centennial Building. The ' second production xviii be, t4 Aifie, by Bill Nanglton. The f ,%,=son will wind Up xithi Neilc Sirnon's GodI's Faîvorite. The Rope Dancers ist iii the final staîge of rehersaîl, under the direction of Terrilit Stewart. Whitby theatre-gocts xiii reinember lus port rayaîl of Jiînniii. thie efferninate 1 friend, in Tite Gingerbread i Lady, une of the Theaitre Cumipiny\l* top piays of last season. The Repe Daiucers tells the story ut dhe îixed ernu- tiensoet an i risli couple and thieir daughlter xvhu live lna a New 'York. tcneincit. Mairgaret 1liyland lias lived the twelve years of lier daughiter's ife wvith ain overpuxverinig sense of guilit for hatving g iveli birthi to a deformed child. A deeply religiously woin ni argaret view the deferiiity as God's punisinent t'or haîving "'coti- ceived a chiild, in siin" Her hutsband, Jaines is the fatlieî of thie cliild. James outxvardiy is ai crifter xx'ho could have maide mure eut of his life, had lie set biis mini 10t it. As the play progresses. we discover a deeply sensitive man, who worships his xife, and dangliter, Lizzie. Reading is a passion with Ibim. Hîs many quotes througbiout the play' reveal a wide. storehouse of knux- ledge rangiiîg froin i istory and geograp1i thirougli poet ry an di plays. te iniedicitie. Jaunies bias tutereci Lzzic. as evidenceci bx'thie knexvledge slie dispiay'tr the benefit of ai Truant Ot'ticer who ceies tlu theIlla s ofinid eut \vlUizzie huasi nu been attenclimg schoI Jakiies Hyland's warnith aindi senisi- i1 ivity is rnatched by thie culer- fui tenan t frun)ii ciexvîstaiiis, Mrs. Farro,------. -CalIie ) Sparruxv, If youu ike. but l'Il coi-ne runiniig. if vouu îeed nie"----------- The assernbiing of a more recently as ïlenry VIIî1 Ltrong cast for this unusuai play 11, "Mali For Ail Season§g". wim~t have been a real chai- Dave' teacheý at Oshawa lege for director Terril] Central Collegiate, and lias Stewart, but lielias achieved it. studîed ait U. of T. Draina Licky indeed are the regular Centre. Theatre Cornippny Subscrip- A recant arrivai froin tion Memlbers. Their place Engiand and a welcome ad- iassuced for witnessing this ýdition to the Theatre Comi- great season opener with its pany rziiks is Marjurie Rose surprise ending. Suttoni who plays Margaret Possibly, Mr. Stewart Hyland. Marjorie biiîigs withi viii do more thian other direc- lier a very imipressive back- torý in bringing out a sensitive grouind of theaîtrc experience. portrayal of' the principal Shie- trained ail the Londoni characters ila this plaîy, be- Acaîdeiy of Muisic aind cause of bis own literary Draimatic Art, \wliere she Woni tailLnts ais a publislied poet two gold inedaîls xviti ii oors; as well ais ail anthor of a sonOOfiOe for The Spaîiîig ol Vers to be'publishled novel. andi Prose, aiud aniother l'or The Whit by, Theatre Aetinlg. Anotifier aîwaîrd vaîs Comnpany is plaised tu a silver miedal for l'lie Speaikit xvelcomne sume first timçi5tU tf) l Verse aiid Prose. Sieoailsoi its first prod uction uof' the eumpleted ai Post Gradidîae seasoii. couirse ait the Welsh ('ullege ot James I ylaînd is plaiyed Mujsic anid Draina.Miss hy 1)ave I lliday. Dave is nu Suit tue Ilas plaiyccl îriain mies st ranger te that re aiudicuices illciuiulg C0('leup, t1îa . i la the Regioni. le liais apeie utuy& CepiIa Rîti. iii aninher ut Oshiwaî ,tLittle Bilythe Sp)irit: auid Misa css Theaitre prý(Iictiu",lisit(liflig1aige, iii erry Wivcs ut 'Abelaird & i leleise", "Strec t \indsor. Appearainces ur car Nanied 1)esire". iicl Edticaitiuual T. V. is alsu or ber list of credits. The part of Lizzie is portraîyed by Alison Speece, se student ait R.S. Mcl,,Lugllinl, and gets invoived lun ianiy sncb as stamlp anid coin cllec- Cont'd on P. 5 GROWERS 0F FINE EVERGREENS PHONE 668-9454 FOR FREE ESTIMÂTES iT4 onBrue ~ flHINURSER1YLTD. ,..4ANDSCAPING ~1TlLr~ 717Tt~t-I S.W. CORNER 0F DURHAM ROAD 23 and BAYLY EAST Proper home inisulation and hea conservation wllSave yumny This iswhat Ontario suggests to help you eut your home energy costs. What are soetotf the wavýs te cuit yeur heatieg costs? Whaît ty-pes ef iesulatiî me are on the market? liew sheîuld yeu cheese an insulation centractî)r. What dues "R-valuie" ineaun? What is a VaPer barrier? These are just a f ew (if the imîportant questions you'll fied answered ie f*rce publications now availahie fremn the Ontarie Ni istry ef Con sum ner and ( îîiniercial Relations aned the Oetaîrio Mieistry (if Energy. The two miinistries are ceoperating to ieferniC)nta rie resideets about how~ preper home jesulatien can hielp offset. ieicreastýiiig eeiergy c(ists, andt t point eut other ways ef coeservieg energy. Facts aibtitt instulation aire iecluded in the Ministry of Ceestimer and Ceînmnerc iaîl Relations' ieteresting bulletin "Insulation: Heat in Your House, Money le Your Pocket." It covers such iitters ais: 0 the nieanieg of R-value aned vapor Ka rr er 0 preper \ventilautioe 0 types of insuilaien ttateriall e hew te check your homie fer existing insu lat ion e finding a reliable cent ractor a lefernîntien te hcelp you tuederstand the custonmer- installer contr-act e hew te check the completed job, For a free copy. of the bulletin, write to:- Consumier and Commercial Relations/Home Insulation, Q ueen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 Other ideas on how te save energy and îney aire included in the Ministry of Energy's buekiet "Energy Conservation: The Choice is Youirs. " Among the rnoney-saving suggestions: " lowering daytime and night-.timne temperatures " installing storrn doors and windows " replacing air filters on warm air heating systemns once a month " closing window drapes on winter nights For your free copy, write to: Ontario Energy Conservation Prograni Ministry of Energy 56 Wellesley Street - i 2th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2B7 James Taylor, Ministerôf Energy William Davis, Premnier Province of Ontario Larry Grossman, Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations Alià on is a aged 14 yrs.