PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1977, WHITBY FREE P 'Brooklinites! Countrymen! Lend me your eyes!' Have you seen ail the work that has been going on in the Kinsmen Park? It looks like a différent place. Just last week they laid the final grade of sod and planted trees around the sign. Things are really shaping up. 1 was speaking the other day to someone in charge of 'Transportation and Highways' in the Municipality of Whitby, in regards to re-routing transport. 1 have seen and heard of many transpôrts going through Brooklin. Somneone saiW that Thickson Road was built to take these transports. Not so! Apparently, Thickson is a regional road and Highway 12 is a government highway. The transportsýp4y taxes to use this highway as well as the auto uses. The only way we could do anything about having Thick- son as a Truck Route is to make a By-law. And that is not possible. The Municipal Offices have tried to have a by-pass put in through Whitby, but failcd. THere is no way the government wili budge. We know thus transports aren't ail slowing down to the designated speeds. They are causing noise and air pollution ini our town, e3pecially the diesel trucks. Some obey the laws; why can't they ail! In Toronto, the only waV a road wvas changed to suit the IRESS people;, was to have somneone hurt or unfortunately kilied. We don't want to see anythlng like that. There must be a better way around this. I'm sure something could be done to compensatelthe people and the truckers, andof course, the governrnent. Several guests helped the lst Brooklin Cubs and Scouts celebrate thejr Sth anniversary on October 4. Amnoung the guests were Mayor Gartshore, Pr esident of Whitby Scouting, Audrey Parker, District Commissioner Marcel Brunelle, Assistant, D. C. for Cubs Roy Parker and Assistant 0.0. for Scouts John Warci. Congratulations to STeven Hainer, Stcven Ervine and Ronnie Wagg who swamn from Beavers to Cubs, and to AnTdy, Prout, John Ormiston, Darryl H-iscocks, Michali Gores Tim Oke, Michael Wieranga and Patrick Marten who be- came Scouts frorn Cubs. Newcomers to the cub pack on this ripecial night were Divan Parrott, David Campbell, David Owen and Thomas Gores. To comme morale the anniversary everyone ate a piece of cake with green and brown icing. the colouirs of the lst. Brooklin Cubs and Scouts! Hope everyone bought an apple on Apple Day last weekend. 1 did! The Great Candy Cotinting Contest is on again at the Brooklin Public Library! The object is to guess tiow many jelly beans are in the jar. One guess per person - or should i say kid since us aduits can't paly-guess they figure we don't need the candy-Anywav the one who euesses closet to flhe actual arnount wins the jar of jelly beansi Prizes wiil also be given to the close 'guessers'. So go andi put in your guess Winner will be annouticed onHallowe'en Night, October 31. Let's get countlng!! ';<N t On f-the préttiest, -éasisf1 ah'e'o ue o on1ys it nippy in theérnornin~, Jack Frost does his nipping, in the evenig. The trees are going ail out tcà look'their best!, Mother Nature has tippedý her bucket of paint and let the, whnd swirl her colours. Beauty like this could only be by Mother Nature.- Sweet smells of autumn clinging in the, air awaiting the time when the ice puts thern' to sieep once more. Enjoy nature while you can, as winter cornesc and nature takes a rest. On Wednesday, November 2 at 7:30 p.m. Co uncil is having anotherj.1"meetinlg. Be sure to attend! These meetings are held for your (our) benefit. Corne out and see what your Council is or isn't doing for you and your comrnunitY. Professor Pinker will be ini attendance. For ail you Sunday afternoon skaters, there is good news for you. Through alot of help fr om you the Parks and Recr- eation Department were able to have it re-instated. Good skating to ail! The leaves in this town aren't the oniy thing changing colour! Check the post. office--is that the same colour as last week? Did you notice? Remnember that mouth watering roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes,. and peas and, carrots - not to mention those homemade pies, 'Mom' used to make on Sundays. Wei next week Sunday falîs on a Wednesday. Wednesday November 2. That's right! you can have that 'Old Fashion- cd Roast Beef Dinner just like Mom used to r-ake. The prices are just where you want them - low- So corne to the Brooklin United Church between 4:30 and 6:30 or 6:30 and 8:30 and have a meal worth waiting for. Better move fast though tickets are selling like '1Hot Cakes'. Don't forget there is just a few days left for you people who have overdue books-to take thern back to the Brooklin Public Library free of charge - Ater Moilday, they'il11Ai' taking your mone y once azaînt MSo hurry emnback.! IBROWN'SFOOMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHUTBY Pl DELIVERY AT NOMINAL 3 .BIG DAYS CHARGE Thurs. Oct. 27 to Oct. eHOME 655-4521 STORE FIOURS 8:30 a.mi. - 6 p.n. EXU'-PI TIRS & 1-RI 29 NI C 1 i 'IL 9pi e .. m RED (, WHITE LNILKEN L»> MTender ST Canada Grade "A" AppEPWITEs Fresh Cut Testydr fQn ii n .Backsc s.;:;T~~ CHI24-oz RhDES acn$1.69 [~R 7 L Si. ' CHICKEN Breasts CN EIEIST 79 c1 ~N* TL -AL FOR ROASTING Fresh Cut SCNNEIOEAKES pe- Backs 8 nSOKIS o.sin 95 c EVISCERATED 212 to 3-Lb avg.PokSpareribs$1. î9, lbABtaced 89 AUNT JENM¶ &go ACKAGI PANCAKE MIX 85c PANCAKE Synup $1 .19 BLUE SONNET MARGARINE 2xg-or. 89C ACIC TozCONIAINKI BAKING POWDER 99C DRY YEAST Plcg. of 3 49c BAKINCUCHPS s1.49 DESSERT TOPPlINOI&oz PACKAGE DREM WHIP $1.29 IMILSI mmi, Chiquita Brand No. 1 -nma 23", lb. Ontarlo No. 1 Small Yellow Onions 10IM. bug $1.09 Ontarlo Home Grown No. i Canrots 6% l. adu 2 ID. W. Are Alents For PUINA CAT C10W 24-100oz. Diet - 2.29 24-10 oz. ReguBir- 2.57 12-30 or. Repalr- 2.99 f undahis9»0,"t- CHINA LILY IeFLOZ YIN CHOP SUEY Vegetabtes 59C SOYASAUCE 3Ã9c KOOL-mAUD 10for $ CHlRISllIl$ CHEDERS or CHEDDAR LINGS SNACKS 15m pki. 2Ii ~89c SPAGNEfTN14 f. or. 3 9c FLORIENT " I AIR FRESHENER 49C FLUFFO Shortening I-LB PACKAGE 59C DELSEY IAUIOOM USSUE 2-MOLL PACKAG 55 c GOLD SEAL SALMON 1.69 I &c5siup BUDGET DOG FOOD 13-M TIN White Swan TOWELS 9 9c Cake Uxe 15.5..PACKAGE 73c so mL 69 c 500~ L59C UQUUD Dtr.t99C METPIES 2w 79c OANfARYP*c"£ '" 1 hm d ItOR. b i . 5 KOTIXNAPIINSS89c AN6O i519 8 p.m. - Brooklin United Church- Brooklin Hortic- ultural Socîety's regular meeting Guest Speaker - Doreen Henry. Monday, O)ctjb"w 31 - Brooklin Public Library, Announce ment of 'Jellv Bean Wednesday, November 2. Brooklin United Church - 4:30 6:30 p.m. and 6-30 - 8:30 p.m - Good Old Roast Beef Dinner. Tickets ana' infor mation from Ray Hodson 655-3358.11 Wednesday November 2, 7:30 p.m. -B3rooklin Town Council meeting with. Proffessor Pinker- Re sure to be there! Smile at your neighbour -ltIs the best way to beat lonliness. Marie 655-3061 Poetry book COnilng soon John Roberts, owner of Plum Hollow Books, says a poetry anthology hie has been compiling since early summer will be ready for publication in Decemiber. The book is called County Town Poets, contain- ing 17 poems, most of which are by Whitby residents rang- ing in age from teen-agers to older aduits. *Each contributor has two to five pages of poems, a brief biographical sketch and a general introduction by Mr. Roberts Mr. Roberts says hie is impressed with the works, and finds a variety of styles but mostly free and blank verse. The anthology wiil be published by Pium HollmN Press in an edition of at leasi 500 copies, and wiil be avail. able at Plumi Holiow Books, Brock Street South. Mr. Roberts intends tc copies to major publishers te see if they are interested in the work of - any of the -writers. If the anthology is suc. cessful, It 14l' possibi> becorne an arinual project says Mr. Roberts, e c Fmcm@&G&d@ ,," oi SIRLOUN T- BONE WING STEAKS $1 .99 MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 8911b. _____ Vagetablo or Tomato AYLMER LEAN GROUND BEEF SOUP S t. BONELESS STEWING $1 .09B- MOARH ST. LAWMIIE r.swkk FLOUR CORN OI SAÀRNES 1.359 9c 4as RUM RO - FIOZ N .PI liFE 20 PGEG COS FISH & CHIPS $1 .49 & WHITE MEAT BUYSI 1, BL) YS OF THE WEEK ! S zlr