PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1Free Press iEmporiurn Cxli 88611l1 _______ FUOROBLE EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY B3E ACCEPTED FRSALE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 197 BE 250 - in A-i 1968 Ford L.T.D. station wagon L AER D-nv condition, 1500 miles, asking p/s, p/b, radie, V-8 attomnatic. Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY use( $1 ,350. Cali 655-4238. Good reliable transportation. when you seil! There will ot be any charge to advertisers in the 1 FOR SALE: 1976 Cheviflnipala $400. uncertified 655-3607. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. Co 4 dr. hrtp. Rust-pToofed & When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on ask vitalized, Iov niileage and a 1974 FORD F100 PICK-UP-red, THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if number of options, certified A-i condition, original paint, ex- price is stated with best offer. Ail advertisements must be placed $41 Phone 655-4683. plorer back with accessories, on an exclusive basis with the WIIITBY FREE PRESS and run $2o $3,500. or best offer. 668-0134 at toast one month if not 1e75 ASTRE - goud Cc$1 condition, $2,000. Cal 576-7942. 1966 - Mustang - showroomn cond. RATES (if article is sold):co 1975TRIMPH PITIRE automnatiC console, Reginegade 5% of advertised price up to $400-00 $ 195 RUMH PT -R Belted tires, white wheels, 289 i low mileage, rustpronfad, will egn - FIRM $1,300. Cali 2% of balance over $400.00 m certif y, $3,000 or best offer. 579-9236. EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50-00ch 1ai79 80. LSWAG~ON Reese-type trailer llitch, lIcavY- commission due $2.50 BETL97n4 rdiIsO sare Duty-l1 Frame good for 3500 lbs. (minimum commission is $150) bri moETor tape dc, radi o,re towing, will fit Coronot and Satl- mtrtaedcand radg, nine lite from 68 and uip. 1 yr. old has Private advertising only! Pîcase notify us if you find a retailer tuned uP adrayt o n i 1 7/8 &2 in . baîl, each on it own listcd as a private advertiser.5 A-1, $1 ,250; chrome 14- ag, insertiflg bar. $80. 668-5060 Please notify the Whitby Frce Press immediiitely when item is af ter 5 p.m. sold so that we may delete it from the foil1owing issues.C for7four.gaîl 723-740itionAIl ads not fitting the Emnporium guidelines will be treated and 19745e. - ca ool Condition charged per weck as regular classified ads on a pre-paid basis AUOPAT such as: services, hielp wanted, clothing, real estate, and 1973 Dodge Swinger 318 A-1 personal message type ads, or ads not quotirig price or quantity. Cniin$1500. or eofr Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section Conitin8634.ffe Steel Disc Mag Wheels for Chev. under appropriate headings. 683-834. Set of 4 Tornada Belted Tires 1973 FORD CORTINA G 70 14 New $360. Seli for If in doubt, call 6686IIl GT - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial $200. or best offer 668-2886. MAIL ADS TO: tires, good condition, $1,100 FREE PRESS EMPORIUNI Cal 668-6319- 283 CHEV ENGINE - 3,000 P.O. Box 206, Whitby 191 MAvERtCK - / miles, complete with carburetor, LIN 5S1 1971cal oud ewtrs $1 20. Cal 655-3006. TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE »plus 2 snows, needs new fender, one 200 gaI. used fuel oit tank MONDAI PREVIOIJS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. somne body work, $200 as is; $25. or es offer 725-8872. _______________________________ 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s, .plb, $200 as is. Cal 668-8698 BATTERY - 12 volt for VW, MTR fr wigrwse 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,»J0 one year oîd, $25. Cal 655-4995. driIAlESI OTOR for, rienerwas15. mls e pai,$5 orbest Wbe ABRT - A pP dN mn bicycle needs tube $5. offer. Cati 668-5704. f Webber C* uABUefr ETOR LI..'I..IiiiIsurnp pump, $10O. 668-0026. 1971 PONTIAC CATELINA - $200). Cali725-4339.OESN- nGOUS codtin, FR ALWALLUIIFE 2 door hardtop, runnifg condi- OE ngo odtoFRSL IMDFE tion, $750 or best offer 1971 EDELROCK TORKER $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & !rice $25.00 Phone 668-4780 TOYOTA, runnIflg condition, ALUMINUM HIGHRÎSER - FAN COMBINATION, fou FOR SALE - Buiît ini oven and $300 or best offer. Cali 668-7279. .$100; 600 hoIIey 4.barret elements, 2-8-, 2-61, in good couniter top Burriers (elements) 1971 RENAULT - Good ,caburetor, $90; crane race cam condition, $100. Cati 294-1383. with a hood, crome coloured irn condition, $270. Cali 668-0744. for Ford 289, $70; ail' new parts. VIKING CLOTHESD)RYER excellent condition $105. Ca1li 655-3972 after 6 p.rn. $80. Cal 668-9269, 728-67 19. 1970 FORD TRUCK - red, I REFRIGERATOR &Si î-Fi R.C.A. good for rec roorn crvcb ar odtogeat RISTOVE - excellent condition, or cottage $40.;Browfl patterned crlewae, $f0asr oniO CliECREATIONAL Asking $175. Cal668-9165. rul06x86"$565-07 mi55-35 604as5.EHCLS1 G.E. FLOOR POLISHER -- 1 stereo - built in 8 track tape; 4-A 'Ar)l LC - eedsA£ýincluding brushes, and Iamb's record player, wooden cabinet -n with --ni r-riq- $15 Clairol Kindnessi with doors for storing records and some work, goo u'V, 12O 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; Cali1579-5451.- FOR SALE- As is 1970 Ford Marquis Sedan, best offer, New Muffler systern recent1Y installed for more information please cal 668-1699 after 6 p.m.i 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - good condition, welI kepi, snows and rius included, $850 or best offer. Must selI. Cal 668-7028. 1969 DOOGE BELVEDEht ,STATIONWAGON - rebuilt motor, (easy to) cetify), $500. Cati 668-9124. 1969 FORD CORTINA - a is, $110). Caîl 668-6216. 1969 MUSTANG FASTB3ACK - 302, automatic, headers, chromne trac bars, mags, tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, $90o. Cati 668-4654. 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, ideal for &pare parts, $100 or best offer. Cali 668-3675. 1968 AUSTIN 1100 - standard, gcod condition, $250; Cal 668-7470 af ter 4 p.m. lîg68PONTriACPAR tSI ENNE- 327, 2 door hardtOp, $400. Cal 655-3-006. 1967 MUSTANG - 289 with îhree speed f loor shif t, good dlean condition, $400 or best of fer. Cali 668-3889. 1967 FOR D STATION- WAGON - 4 dr., 8 cyl., $300 or best offer. Cali 655-4441 after 6 p.m. 1967 CHEV -. 283, gooc running car, new tires, exhausI îystem. radiator recon., $3G00' beit of fer. Cati 655-4317. 19)67 VW 1600 FASTBACK- $250; aISO 1500 VW engine, $1 50; electrlc brais f ireplece, $50. Cali 668-0010. 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - 62,000 miles, factory body anc point, besi o!feor, $200. Cal 655-3972 of ter 6 p.m. 19)57 CHEV - 2 dr. hdtj Kentur.kY car, compIûeOy rebu 1177. 30C0 hP M0101, 3 sp. ai. roll up door, side door and 2,000 pound taîl gaie toader. Like new. $2,000. caîl 683.0141 beîweer Sam & 5Spm. 9.9 OUTBOARD MOTOR - ,,used one seeson, including gas tank, cosi $700 sei for $350 firm. Cali 668-3112. DUNE BUGGY - running condition, f ibre glass body, ,i!,king $600. Cali 655-4479, ask for Henry. For Sale 1 haif ton truck cap AK-i cond. insulated, aluminium, $300 or best offer 668-3776 or 649-5204. 1969 SKIDOO - wiîh '71' motor, good condition, needs some motor work, best offer over $100. Cal 668-0744. »Male 10 SPEED TOURIN-- BIKE - 20"~ frame, generati lights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA. new parts and paint certif ied, $500. Cal 668.0187 20" GIRLS BIKE - log> ages 7-9, li ke new, $35. CalI1576-5261. 74 KAWASAKI 400 - good col dition $700. 655-3805 1977 HONDA XL75 DIR- 1BI KE - with helmet and ridin gloves, like new, only used thre mon ths. $500. Cati 668-2379. 1967 SUZUKI OLYMPIAN 5S-32, 150 cc tyin, good runnir condition, $1 75. Cali 655-3411. SUZUKI 350 - new tir r new electrical systern, $4C1 Cal ad ak or ob668-5432. 15' MOLDED PLYWO( BOAT - with steering whei ;t needs few repairs, $75. C; )r 668-9860. 16 ft. Fibreglass Canoe wi Paddies, used very tiitle-$i( 668-7231 1972 HONDA CB 350 excellent condition, $55 certif ied, must sali. Cali Peti 655-3253 after 4:30 p.m. Boys hockey SKATES CCM, size 12, $7; Jelnic, size 1' $8; boys black figure skates, CCI uiIt size 4, $20; Bauer. size 1, $ ioblack boot roller skates, size1 r9$33. Cati 668-S227. ,),C nrIO ~- -f- i ow brikbs, ties hckehout, nnw carPet' l6ft. steel boat ideal for hunti cuî¶om Sts,~t no rusi, COUiled or construction camp.,5 oikîrI» $2,600 rmust sIt0 Cti 655-3879 668.11 31) ntter 5:30 okd8Yi. ncompact case, ideal for travel, 2 full walls of shelving hardware ri like new, $1 5. Cali 725-9575. brackets and standards black. less p REFRIGERATOR -, sinle than half price $45. whitc Pana- $ sdoor, old style, $40; stove, in sonic colour T. V. almost new, b Igood working condition, '35 matching pedestal inci. $400; v dryer, autornatic, ail temperature, 2 brand new Michelinl 165 SR 15 g$75. cail668-3889. tubeless tires. orig. $110. asking P, l0 L SPACE HEATER - large $80. wiII throw in one good spare k 1$75; ý heat dispenger, for fan, for 668-7415 afternoorls & evenings. Ifireplace $125. Cali 579-0757. Fridgedair Dryer $100; Large G.E. electric white STOX/E - 1ape agon wheel baby crib 2 yrs. old, excellent condition, copleete&hghcar $0 $15.Cît68-85 fir5 n.m. Telephone Stand $8; Steel Oider GE HEFRIG ERATOR - WArdrobe. $8. 579-67861 $30; four burner Mof fai eîectric V'acuum cleaner "Viking" good 1 stove & hood, $30; propane suction Recently overhauled $20. E space heater, $30. AIl suitabie Floor wax polisher Viking $10. % sfor ctage, $75 for ail three Movinp 668-2588. items. Cali 655-41 25 eveniflgs. pizza oven Bakers Pride and - Coldspot Wu,000 BTU AIR shovel 21" x 211/2" x 17" $220. r CONDITIONER - extended or best offer; Pine wash stand,E ); warranty, $300; Grolier Grow $75.; Figure skates girls size 13,c 0 case bookshelf, 4 sheives, walnut, good cond. $5 ;garage door steel i $35; walnut bookcase, 6 shelves, 8' x8' $70. 6554822 $35. Cali 668-2164. Baby changing table With drawers s RANGETTE - good condi- $15; Hligh Chair $15; very good . tion, $15. Cati 6685450. cond. lg.rocking horse$IS. )- Sears Beattie Bar Veluxe 655-4917 VAUU CLEANER - one For Sale Single Bed conilet year old, $150. Cali 668-1819. bospigatrS & hcadboard; Tg AIR CONDITIONER - one 4 drawer dresser $85. 668-6300 ee summrer old, lits wali or wvindow, 8,000 BT U, $225. Cali Long suede wijter coat, size 16 668-0050 af ter 6 p.m. .$40. 668-3469. ing bears Solid State COLOUR W ooden Tilter Swiyel Chair Office 1. TV - il/, years old, 12", $275. or home $25. 579-2939. Cali655-3287. 0. B & W TV - 33", in good Off white rug 17' x 15' (approx.) condition, $60. Cal) 723-9068. $200; coffee table & end tables arborite topped, trimmed with DD B & W TV -'$150 or bes brass $100. call anytime 728-9017 eel, .al offer- Portabel TV, 5.Cl ,al 668-0744. . 2 GARAGE DOORS, used 8'1½/2" x 7'(ht) $25.; 9'l1/2" x ith CONSOLE TV - & Vw, 7'(ht) $25.; ail hardware incl. 50- good condition, $7 ; tw 1 aluminium icreen door 331/" x aîuminum doors, f ive hasemnent 813/" $25. ail hardware incl. - screen & storm windows, $5C. 668-9422 50, Cal 668-5596. Baby Carniages, $25. & $40.; Baby er Swing, $12.; Jolly Jumper $5.; Huron wood COOKSTOVE - High Chair, $7.; 2 Bathtubs $2. $135. Cali 668-4885 after 6 p.m. each; Bottle sterilizer, $3.;trainiflg - ELL-ÇTRIC BROOM - $20. chair,$5.,walker.$5 call 683-8467 1 old ice chest,no door,$35Singer 2 Night Tables(flot matching)$lO M.treddle sewing machine, $25; c;imn lesi ie4 0; pair Aqua floor lenth lined 81 (ew) 3; p.ns ew laie sses 1, drapes, $13; pink bath set, sizew5½$$; 1tab lades hair- compiete with 2 mats, shoeNer drer5/2$8; tladesude jaket curtain and seat cover, $15; 10)sizer 1 8; madis homede pull-t ing rock albums, gooid condition, orswz e 8 aters zh $orneraepl- 00. 2.5 eac; gey ersiil amb made afghans $25.each 683-9048. coat, size 14, 6809. $10 Catl 31z( Jur Off su upt brc Cla1 ne% 661 Lt( foi $3, 5 1 gol sti e) T, bk c GAS FURNACE - bïan w, 100,000 BTU, neyer -been. ad, $250. Ca11 668-6950.. ELECTRONIO BREAK INTROL - for traiter breaks, king $50. Cali 668-9260. PEG POOL GAME - 4 cuips, 45; blue French Provincial chair 25; office desk, excellent ndition, $75; single bed, $5; ing. pong table, 1 yr. old, $50; mrer arm chair, dark brown,, 10; 4 drawer dresser, $1 5; :ercise bike, $40; 21/1 hp lawn- iower, $35; 2 matching arm- hairs, beige, $55. Caîl 683-7788. Aboveground POOL LADDER- rand new, $50. Cati 668-0471. I 668-8267. SKATES - 2 pair Bouwer, te 1l, neariy new, $20; CCM inior Pro Size 12, $20 or best fer . Cali 655-3117.-- ANTIQUE CHESTERIFIELD ITE - 4 pce., newly holstered, green and rust 'cade, $250 or best offer. ail 728-4943. GOLD WEDDING BAND - -er worn, $30. Cali in morning 8-8623. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD IGHTS - 1000 watt, suitable ýr Iightîng patio or pool area, 30 each. Cati 668-2832 after p.m. Three aîuminurn STORM INDOWS - complete with -reen, $25 each; boys bicycle, Id colour, very good condiîtion, 20. Cati 728-9732. Fleetwood console STEREO - '75; disptay cabinet, with glass iding doors, $75; . *hallway .minister carpet, 27-w x 45'l, vith padding, $100; ail items in ceIlent condition. Cali 666-184', TAPE RECORU)bH (Reel rype), $95; complete wine naking kit, $35; bathroom sin< ,ith vaniiy incîuding taps, $15 Dathroom mirror cabinet, $5 Cal l 668-6779. FOR SALE: Girls skates, SiZE 11 & 3 -'$5. each, girls whitE ain boots size 6 & 7 $2. each; îink ballet sîippers, size 13/2 $4. tap shoes size 1/2 $9. singli bed spread & drapes, yellow witt white kittens $15. 668-7614. Crib & maîtress $35; good con( 668-4193 Ladies Dominion ROLLEh- SKATIES - size 6, precision wheels, like new, $45. Cali 668-6574. Mediunm size OAK DESK - 1 large drawer, $49; lazy boý $25; Singer treddle machin( excellent condition, $50; VIkIn wringer washer, $60;' Ca 725-1211. White with gold trim 24' BATHROOM VANITY - wit countertop, $70. Cali 725-5753. :Girls coat size 10-12 aqua bi with sheeps wool trini. Wor' ,Twice $60. 668-3101 655-4627 after 7 p.m.- 181, COLECO CARTRIDGE' sWIMMING POOL FILTRE - with spare cartridge, $60; over the wval skimn'er, $10; new Iadder for 4' pool, $35; pool vacuum1, $5. CatI l668-4804. BIKE TIRES - 26" x 11/4",, $1 each; Scalectrix racing set, many extras, $1 2.50. Caîl 668-5060. Electronic Piano -as new, 5 full octaves $500. or best offer. white bîrch gas fireplace logs, used one - w!ûer $80. or best A_ lmtne,,Alegen&pl 121/; plus heavy bubble foamn underpad $190; 666-1851. GUIDE UNIFORM - si?.e 10, $12; tep shoes, ladies size 71/à , $1 5; atuminlirr storni doors, $35; interior wooden doori $8; hampster cage with wheel and house, $5; sewlînî machine white, $35;, chord organ, schooî desk, $0 8 bentwood chairs $75. Caîl 728-2327 tion, $35 or best offer. Cail 6687371. ANglE SuEN DEK cSerfieldo asTU Ets,$ $12. kichen tool25- hswinou step, $5; vanity bench, $5; CMI 668-9009., York WEIGjHT SET - 75 Ibs., plus 1 5 lb. bar, like new, askirig $20; Cox P-40 Warhal< gas- ipowered plane, unused gas, libattery and instructions included $15 or best of fer. Cati 725-8162. POOL TABLE - Burrougn& Watts, 4%/ x 8'. Caîl 668-2425 20aL/, x-i-/, $0;21- /B* 46/4 windows, 201/4 x 461/4, 6 at $10 each; poloroid camera, square shooter 2, like new, $20. Cali 728-643 4. CHILDS POOL TABLE -- 3' x 6', good condition, $7.50; also many assorted jigsaw puzzles, 50 cents each. CatI 655-3411 Cooper HOCKEY PANTS - size 28-30, red colour, $5; pair boys CCM hockey skates, size 5, $7; girl's figure skates, size 1%/, $5; pair shin pads, size small, $1 .50; pair eîbow pads, size smaîl, $1. Cal 668-7926. A'ddF"ng machine, Remington, $50; Singeïr tredîe sewing machinie, working, $25; bird cage & stand $10; 2 pr. drapes, white size 48x94, $8. pr; 2 long evenlng dresses, $5. ea; Imitation Borg' coat with leopard collar, size 1 2 $10; white figure skates, size 6, ;$5; 2 arborite %tep tables, $3.50 ea.; crome kitchen table & 4 ,chairs, good for a cottage, $1 5. 1668-700n 71 Aim-ost new pale green and, pale yelîow MIXED SHAG - 1approximatety 10 x 12% ft, plus, e heavy bubble f oam underpad, c $190; almost new deep roser pin k ;MIXED SHAG, appro'Cia-tately . 15'8" x 10'7", 4W' x 6W, plus I bubble foam underpad, $245. BCali 666-1851. B Single CONTINENTALBED - ;$25. Cal 668-3136 before-2 p.m. e,6' CHRISTMAS TREE - - tAin. - J..I4. MOVING - Chesterfield, mnatching chair and ottoman, (granite tweed colour>, excellent condition, $450; 2 octagonal Itables and matching 5' coffee table, $225. Cali 666-1716. One pair goid velvet liged CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - very good condition, size 112 x 92, $130; Light Blonde DRESSER & MIRROR, good condition, $35. Cail 666-1958. BSA 22 Calibre Pellet RIFLE - very accurate, powerful, like new, wilI seit for $45; swing-set, good condition, $35. Cati 668-9165. Single Divan Bed & Headboard $40.; Red Bedspread & Short Lined Drapes $25.; Lined Base- ment Window drapes 30" x40" $5. pair; stainless steel single sink $8.; White Range Hood & Fan, vented $10., Snow Tires 14" rims $25.; 30" x 78" Cedar Door & glass & iock, painted $40.; 34" x 82" Mahogany slab ex-it.Door $20. Caîl 668-4686 Browni Chesterfield Chaii - Good shpe $40. cail 668-7145 Girls ringette CCM skates, size 4 worn 3 or 4 times $30. 668-9817. PETS & SPLE Horse for Sale -5year mare. half apalosa haîf quarter horse, excellent ridlng, likes tb juînp. Asking $500. or bcst offcr. Moving, must sell 655-4163. 1Female Sainoyed - 1 yr. old Obedience traitied, regliqlet-td 1 $75. 655-4316. FOR SALE: 30 gaI. aquaîiluni, .complo3te with staild, tiitoi, . gravel, calnopy, oricii n i lti' .background.t Must yp ot% 1,(, 728-2763 tnftor 5 paii. I DESK - j 1 L - - - - - - . . A as r- É-% 1 1 0 a