Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1977, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB3ER 9, 1977, PAGE 19 Conu*ng Events CHILDREN'S BOOK FESTIVAL WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY Cana da is embarking on a celebration of its great Can- adian childrens bocks. These books, written and illustrated. by Canadians. are te becminro- duced te Caniadian children and, their parents durieg Children's Beok Festival \Veek - Neveniber 13 te Novenber 19. W'hi tby Public Library xviii be planning activities te help celebrate ibis festival wcek and also xil be holding a cnpetiticn fer schioel children te design a bockmark carryieg out the thenie aRead Canadian iBooks". Copies cf the xinnieg design will be * made and distributed ai the * Library during festival week. The bock imark must be 21/', by 81/4-; design must be black and white only. Entries mutsi be submitted te Children's Depariment, Whitby Public Library by November 9, 1977. One winner will bc chesen from each cf three categories; Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6 and Grades 7 & 8. C hildren may help cele- braIe by entering the Bock- mark Competiticn, by pick- ing Up a booklist cf special Canadian Children's bocks te read, and by entering into the fun cf the special pregrams wiih puppet plays and films cf stary book characters. SENIOR CITIZENS There is lots cf activity ai the Whtby Seniors Acti- * vity Centre this month. On Nov . 19 from il a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be a bazaar at the centre. There will be a draw for an Afgan and Pillow at 1:30 p.m. Home baking will be available and luinch will be served for 35 cents. Also on Nov.19 there is a Hallowe'en Dance Party at 7:30 p.mi. at the centre, witti miciii by a disc jockey. Any- ene xishing te xear a cos- turnie is encourageci te do se. A general meeting of iiemibers of the activity cetre will bce held Nov. 26 ai 2 pi.. One of the mnatters te be dis- cuised is a proposed increcase ie mieînibershiip fees le $1 .50 iie Januîary i1978, and $12 in 1979. Thie board report s tia t risinig expenses fer tie cetre require an increase lei meibler- ship fees. Anothier point f'or discussion will be a nominal charge tcr inistrtictîial courses which are presently free cf charge. Ail members are uirged 4CYLS 1 ' xr 6CYLS 8Lpar Your action une is 668-8858 the Whitby Public Library Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Reg- istration is limited and there 1 will be a charge for materials, only.1 PAPER DRIVE The Whitby I)istrîct Boy Scouts will have their monthly paper drive Saturday Nov. 12. Be sure te leave LIBRARY FILMS iIwspapeIa >aaÂy, LIULi For Professional Dev- bundies outside your homne elopment Day, Nov. 30, the re for pick-up. This paper drive will be films for children at is the major fiind-raising pro- the XVitby Puiblic Library ject fer Scout activities and starting at 2:30 p.m. and deserves cernmuniîy sup- JAYCETTE DANCE Tlie Wliitby JayceLtes are holding a dance ai tie MaIsoici Hllu on Cochiranc Strecet. Nov. Il- at 8 p.rn., with dcoor and spo~t prizes and a cold buffet. Tickets arc SI). a couple by ca Il ieg Liia Taitchell ai 668-9912. NATIVE ART LECTUJRE Elizabeth McLuhan. ci, x- .ecutive assistaet for die liael Coeiieiiueity Secretariat :ît the Niistry of C'ulture and Rec- reatien. xvîll give a special lecture on native art ai the1 Wliitby Arts Station Gallery Nov. 16 ai 8 p.m. Shie re- ceived lier M.A. iii North te attend this important mneet. Aeiericae i ndian Art xvth a ing. special study cf thc Cree and Seme cf the curreni ac- Ojibway painters cf 0Ontario. tivities ai the centre include The film "Paradox cf Norval a nutrition course the firsi Morrisseau" will be shown.I Friday cf each menth ai 7:30 '- pma fun and fitnless club, WIIITBY GARDEN CLUB macrame and xeaving, The Novemiber Meetingi pettery classes and bus trips. cf the Garden Club xiii be Registratien for a bus held in the King St. School trip te the Greenwocd race on Nov. 10 ai 8 p.m. The track Nov. 23 willbe on Nov. roorn xiii be opetn for exhi- 21 frcm 10 a.m. to 4 p.n. bitions ai 7:30 p.m. Please There wili be rcom for 48 cerne and bring a friend. peeple on one bus. The bus Guest speaker for the evcning leaves the centre ai 10: 30 a. tr. xiiibe Mrs. Juidy Morgan, a.m. Nov. 23 who will demonstrate the imaking cf artificial floxvcr for CHRISTMNAS DECORATIONS Christis aed othier ,ccasio-ns A demionsiraition of Samples of lier haedi\vork hoxv 10 make Christemas table iay be seenie i the Greeniery decorations xiii be held ut viejdoxv. port. DANCE The Whitby District Boy Scout dance will be hcld ai 8:30 p.m. Nov. 26 ai the Masonic H all on Cochrane Strect. Tickets arc 'available at $10. a couple by callieg 668-4925. GROWERS 0F FINE EVERGREENS PHIONE 668-9454 FOR FREE ESTIMATES 1~ LnLT \John Brouwer ~ 1~ INURSERY LTD, n -ar 4LANDSCAPING S.W. CORNER 0F DURHAM ROAD 23 and BAYLY EAST -,, e4 cees BINGO -'sv 00 Site4 s Whitby Conimunity Bingo NO WBIG GER' AND BE TTER!0 We've added FIVE more games to be played on regular cards NOW PLAY 2 Early Birds 20 Regular Games Share the Wealth 5 Late Games 2 m $500 JACKPOTS with increasing numbers. This Week 7:15 p.ni lst jackpot at 52 2nd Jackpot at 58 No children, under 16 adnii'tted < 4 ADMISSION CHARGE! HEX DENSHORE 'PAVILlýON, (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) OUR FALLTUNE-UP USYOUR WUINTER MONEY- SAVER.- àmàuà »rtrP> y Let us fine-tu ne your engine flOW: " instailinew points, plugs, condenser " Set ignition timing " Check speed and fuel mixture " Replace PCV valve " Check voltage regulator, starter circuits and fuel pump " inspect fiiters " lnspect manifold heat control valve m

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