Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1977, p. 7

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B>' George Ashq, M.P.P. A lot of society's juls or misfortunes are often reflected in humour to either ligliten the severity of the situation or to make a point. One such humourous note caughit ny eye the other day in a newspaper cartoon. An overseer on an Broo'klin development will not cover ail lands Five alternative growth areas for Brooklin, which will see homnes built on good agri- cultural land, were presented by consultant Donovan Pinker te a public meeting on Brootcnn developmient last Wednesday. -Mr. Pinker explained that Brooklin presently lias a population of 1,800 resi- dents living on 310 acres of land. The growvth proposals embrace a further 570 to 630 acres. only a sniall portion of the land surrounding the haniet whichi is owned by developers. Currently, Consolidated Building Corporation lis 1,200 acres and Ontario Housing Corporation lias 2,700 acres to the west. Mr. Pinker.'s proposals did not extend any develop- mient east of Thickson Road. Thev did flot include any re- ferenice to land east of* Thick- son Road owned by Mark- borough Properties. Alti ough the Markbor- ougli land, are not included in the Pinker study. Couincillor Gerry Emmii said that the re- Dr. Ruddy Hospital conduets During the montfl of November, Whitby residents are being asked by means cf mail survey what they tflink ~of the Dr. J. Cfl. Ruddy Gneral H-ospital., The survey wvas comn- missioned by the hospital's Board cf Governors. and is being conducted by Curn Comn- munications, a Whitby cein- pay operated by *Ted Curi. Hospital Administrator John Kunetsky says the survey is designed te gel input from the cemjnunity on the opera- tien cf the hospitai and the services it offers. Hie feels the hospital lias grexvn and inproved siîîce il opened in Decemiber 1 969, and lie wants te know what the people of the town think about their 'ospital. "We want te find out if there ai. areas where wc miglit improve eut service te you," says '.4r. Kunetsky in a letter wFhch accompanies the survey. "You also may discover in geing through thie survey that there are services availabie that you didn't know about." lie says. "If that is the case we urge you te take advantage of these facilities." Accerding te Mr. Kunetsky, the liospital board wili review the resuits of the survey in a couple of weeks and will consider ail sugges- tiens for action. This is the first cern- muntîy-wide survey done eut- side the hospîtai. Prevîous surveys had been conducted aniong the hospital's patients. gional officiai plan lias a growth figure for Brooklin of 25,000, rather than the 10,000 prbjected figure in the Pinker stuidy. Local residents attend- ing the meeting asked thaýt the main street bc kept as the business section of Brookîju and rejccted mnajor shoppinig centre proposais for the west side of Tfickson Road. Mr. Piniker said there is enough land aling Baldwvin Street (Brooklin's mnaini st reet) 10 increase the existinig comi- miercial activity four tirnes. This shouild bc enouigl to serve 10,000 residents,fie saiid. Mr. Pinker cxpressed concern that shopping phIvis wvouid kili the core of Brook- lin. ancient galley ship approached lis capta' "Excuse me sir," he said, "but we have a our rower iust fainted."' WIIITI3Y FREE1 ain withi a problern. àfuel crisis. Five of 1 suppose like a lot of us, this man was just overtaxing his energy resources. Fortunately for us, we have Ontario Hydro to suggcst conservation mneasures which miake the most efficient economic use of our resources. 1-ere are a few tips on conservation which you rnighit find useful with winter just arouind the corner. '"Let there be ight" - fan.ous words but which now must be used in moderation. Hydro points out that the bathroom and the kitchen are two areas ini a dweiiing which often consuime too mnudl encrgy. Many bathroomns have fixtures installed by the vanity that use three or four bulbs when one or two will do. And speaking of buibs, although thcre's no much difference in price between a 100, 60 or 40 watt bulb, there's a great dif- ference in the amount of power each uses. AIl too often we Luse a 100 watt bulb when 60 or even 40 would do. And just a rerninder to those of you who enjoy a "hot shave" in the niorning. Rather than levn h htwtr Safeway opens, Nov. 28 Latest indcicatîins are thai the Safeway food store on Brocl- Street Soutli will fie open by Nov. 28, accord- ing to a company spokesmani The store is the first the company lias built in the Whitby,-Ajax-Pickerinig arca, and lias a fluor space of' about 26,000 square feet. Lt is expected the store wiil have 25 fuîl-time cmn- pîcyces and 35 te 40 part- tinie workers. No manager lias been namcd yet. PRESS, WEDNESDAY ' NOVEMIBER 9, 1,977, PAGE 7 runni.ng to rinse the razor off, try'turnmng the hot water tap on and off as needed or fi11 the^ sink with hi'ot water. 'This will save on your water bis'as the.,amounit of energy wasted by letting the hot water run, is enough to power an electrie shave for a full year., In the, kitchen', replacing an incandescent light with fluorescent fixtures directly over. thé workareas will pro- vide both bette"r and cheaper lighting. Another' cause. of wasted el ectricity in the kitchen ,is using-the steve or the oven when a smaller counter top appliance could do the job. Don't forget to have the furnace checked to ensure that the fj1ter is clean and, that the thermostat is working properly. When the family goes to bed, set the thermostat down, and if you'1l be away for any Iengtlh of time,a, setting around 62 degrees wiil keep your home warm with a consid- erable saving to you. 1 have only been able to indicate a fe'w of the many energy conserving tips - if you would like more information, free bookiets cani be obtained by caliing my Riding Office. at Station Plaza, Ajax, 683-6707. FROM THE BUST SELLER LIST 135 BROOK STREET SOUTH, WH ITBY, ONT~ 668-1221 The fastest way to get your building stcarted and finis hed is to Coli us 655-3381 R. Bibeou Construction Ltd. Brooklin .w&>nP MW ban sNmmv FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized AMAMA dealer Save en.rgy whàh hlh efficioncy centrai air condiinhtg sues and instaIutiou Rtepais to oi mokes of freezers, refrigertors, ab condloners, dehwidfiers. W. dm & AservW .residenkulmd 200 Dundas Ste W@sf' ,hlt Ïyso"t~ 66~êê4S r A Division of Dominion Bridge Ltd.

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