WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1977, PAGE 9 Area municipalities in the Region of Durham should issue identified tax bis to set out the dollar amount for local, regional and eduction taxes, Durham Region Chair- man Walter Beath said at a meeting of the Whîtby Town The final Whitby Red Cross blood donor clinic of the year. Nov. 1 6, was a resouinding success, with nearly I1,000 units of blood given. Clinic Cliairmian Joyce Cox reports that 344 donors con- tribut'ed 998 units of blood and only 13 people could A propane tank cauglit fire at Bathurst Contairi 'ers Ltd. Tliursday, causing $300 da- mage. The Whitbv Fire Depart- Council last week. Mr. Beath said this would hlp the taxpayers identify what they were paying for, but stressed that there should not be separate tax bis for each item as they would be Self serve gas bars anger local councillors Somne mernbers of Witby t Council are flot happy about ( the increased number of self- serve gas stations in this town. According to Councillor1 Joy Thonipson, they add to( the unemiployment problem1 because they do flot require' staff, and as a woman she resents having to pump gaso- line. Councillor Bob Carson ag- rees that women who are dressed up do not want to get dirty at gas bars, and feels that the oil corupanies are forcing self service on their custoners. Councillor Tom Edwards at a recent couincil meeting expressed concern about the self-serve trend and stated the counicîl had tried to seek legal action to stop the conversion of two gas stations in Whitby. However, the legal opinion presented to council said a municipal couincil does not have the riglit to say how a gasoline compafly serves gas, lie said. "Our lawyer very clearly said we didn't have the right to resist theni,"said, Councillor Edwards. Both Mayor Jim Gartshore and Councillor Carson said tliey did not use sefi-serve outlets, and Councillor Thorn- pson said it was untenable and obnoxious that a town coun- cil could, not control thern. Shie cô'ntended that citi- zens are " &becoming puppets on a string to the big business interests," and that. ôil com panies are only seeking in- creased profits with self-serve stations. Councillor Edwards said lie had been assured that the' oul companies would not con- vert ahl their operations to self-serve "because they rec- ognize that if self-service be- carne too big a part of their operation it wouId be self- defeating." Despite the protests, council approved site plan agreements for two service stations at TIiickson Road anc Dundas Street planned for conversion to self-serve op- eratio ns. not be accepted as donors. Contributing to the sticcess of thie ciniic were the students of Denis O'Connor I lighi Schiool wvho Came out in large numbers. Next year's clinics at the Legion I ll %vill bc e Fc. 12, May 1-4, Aug. 24 and I)ec.I13. tnrit reports the tank xa being loaded onto a lift truck while the notor was running. Thiere werc no injuries as a re- suit of the fire. Whitby men sentenced A 17-year-old Whitby youth was sent to jail for five months last week on a charge of criminal negligence resulting from a higli-speed chase in April. Peter Keînceth Lauber of 1137 Brock Street also got two years' probation and sus- pended sentences after plead- ing guilty to two counts of car thêft. His licence was sus-, pended for 18 montlis. Manfred Bernhard Bludea,, 26, of 124 Dundas Street * West, has been sentenced to eight mon ths in jail and three years' probation for shooting an Ajax man in the leg. The cour, -çwas tnld that on Sept. 28, 1976, Bludeýun shot the man with a shotgmn after an argument. A charge of atternpted mnurder was dis- missed and Bludeau was con- victed on a charge of wound- ing. Youth charged A 1 7-year-old Whitby youtli las been cliarged with possession of an offensive weapon, following an argu- ment at a pool hall whicli in- volved a nine-incli-long knife . David Wayne Buss, of 176 Thicksofl Road will appear in proviniciâl court Dec. 2 to an- swer to the charge. NOW OPEN d VINCE'FS MEN'S HAURSTYLING aid Barberiflg 762 Simcoe St. S. 579-6798 Oshawa Just south of 401 closed Monday. VINCE BAR RESE f')r,rmerIy of WhitbY'. to costly. He also said that the dollar anount and flot a percentage figure should appear on the tax bis. Mr. Beath also infornied the counicil that there wilI be no regional grants next year except the manditory ones. This lie said would give, Whit- by an opportunity to piovide a grahit to the Whitby Arts Station Gallery, whiclh the region neyer did.' The regioîîal chairman ex- pressed concern about making better use of educational faci- lities sucli as Durhain College, and establishing an identity and credibility for the region. He praised W~hitby for its twinning with Longueuil Que- bec, and spoke of the recent citizenship court held in the regional council chambers. FROM THE BEST SELLER LIST PL~M 135 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY, ONT)ý 668-1 221 MON' - FRI. 9AM- 9Pi SATURDAY 9AM -OR FROM N9venlbtî 14 UNTIL Decernber 24 mI Beath asks for i*dentified tax buils region could show somne leadership in its energy con- servation programi, and save as mucli as 10 percent in, costs. Couincillor Joe Drumm asked Mr. Beath what could be done about the region de- claring the special study area near the Oshawa airport as a residential area when the town wanted it for industry and desperately needed industry. Councillor Bob Attersley asked for better protection at regional road intersections such as Road 23 and Hlighway 7 wlhere a fatality occurred Nov. 7. Mr. Beath said the matter had already been re- solved and lighits are installed. I Whitby's Christmas Wonderland Store e' Gourmet Gadgetry e Bar Accessories 0 Çookware e Furniture " Gtassware " Lighling 0 Plantr, a shover GOIfS e.ToleTop 0 Wooden.vare A D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundus St. E. WhitbY 668 >7797 Hours Mon-Sat. & Evenings by Appointmeiit OnIy Hol iday mnon ey- get yours here Whether you nieeci a lot of money or just a littie, Victoria and Grey now has a Iower initerest, easy-to-pay-back- plani that fuls the needs of m-ost people. You canl get moniey quickly too and you cani pay back any amount, any time, without penalty. people sin VICTORI£A 7ce 1889 . GREY KEITH LAWES 308 Dundas St. W., Wlhitby 668-9324__ f28et1*L. DRAPERIES For The Qf0 od0k For pour convenience w, have Our specialized decorator fold cleoniaug Prooess on our premases. We take special cure with your' delicate sheers . WhibyCleaners 104 Coiborne St E. Whitby. Ont. 668-2345 Blood elinie a success $300 fire at Bathurst -Imm 1 1