Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1977, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Fre*eý AUTOMOBILES E7. FOR SALE 75 Mercury Wagon Marquis - well' equipped with extras, lu good cond.certif ied. $4,000 -725-3637. 1975 TRIUMPH SPITF IRE - low mileage, rustpronfed, will certify, $3,000 or best offer. 'Coti 723-9180. 1974ý FORD F100 PICK-UP-red, A-i condition, original paint, ex- plorer back with accessories, $3,500. or best offer. 668-0134 1974 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE - new radiais, starter motor, tape deck, and radio, tuned up and ready to go, engine A-1, $1 ,250; chrome 14" mags, $50 for four. Cati 723-7405. 1974 Vega - Good Condition $5.-catI 666-1255. 1973 Dodge Swinger 318 A-1 Condition $1 500. or best offer 1973 FORD CORTINA - GT - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial tires, good condition, $1,100 Cati 668-6319. 1972 HONDA CB 350 - excellent condition, $550, certified, must self. Cal Peter 655-3253 after 4:30 p.m. 72 Pontiac Station Wagon, 350, P/S,P/B. needs some minor work to certify, as is $450. or best offer 655-3481 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,000 miles, new parts, $450 or best offer. Cal 668-5704. ' 1971 PONTIAC CATELINA - 2 door hardtop, running condi- tion, $750 or besr offer; 1971 TOYOTA, running condition, $300 or best offer. Cati 668-7279. 1971 RENAULT '- Good condition, $270. CatI1668-0744. 1971 MAVERICK - P mechanically sound, new tires, plus 2 snows, needs new fender, some body work, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s,.p/b, $200 as is. Calit 668-8698. 1970 FORD TRUCK - red, crewcab, far condition, great miteage, $600 as is. Cal 655-3545. 1970 CADILLAC- needs some work, good buy, $1200; 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; Cal579-5451. 1969 MUSTANG FASTBACK - 302, automatic, headers, chrome trac bars, mags, tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, $900. Cati 668-4654 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - good condition, well kept, snows and rims inctuded, $850 or best offer. Must selI. Cal 668-7028. 1969 DODGE BELVEDERE STATIONWAGON - rebuili motor, (easy ro certify), $500. Cati 668-9124. 1969 FORD CORTINA - a is, $110. Cal 668-6216. 1969 Haif ton Camper $1,000 668-1490 1969 TOYOTA - unregîstered, ideal for ;pare parts, $100 or best offer. Cal 668-3675. 69 Chevy Station Wagon P/SP/B 283 auto. crome rims. ex. cond certified $500. 655-3481. 1968PONTIACPARISI ENNE 327, 2 door hardtop, $400. Cal 655-3006. 1968 Ford L.T.D. station wagon p/s, p/b, radie, V-8 aûtomatic. Good reliable transportatior $400. uncertified 655-3607. 1970 Chevelle Malibu 2dr.hrtp. p/s p/b, new tires, good cond $850. certified 579-8106. miles bit new motor,'needs bod) workvnicortifîect $300. 576-6592 Press Em porium U~Q~FA. A-A Ir 283 CHEV ENGINE - 3,000 mites, complete with carburetor, Si $20. Cati 655-3006. 2. Stereo SilvertorteFM AM $60. CaI 668-4042 EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBi ECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Advertise FREE in the FREE, PR-ESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel Therso will flot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item Is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if price is stated with best offer. Alil advertisemnents must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if flot sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE : Sold item advertised for $50.00 . commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.'50) Private advertising onjy! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press irnmediately when item is sold so that we may delete it froin the following issues. Ahl ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre-paid basis su ch a s: services, hclp wanted, clothing, real estate, rnnd personal message type ads, or ads flot quoting price or quantity. Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If lu doubt, eall 668-61 11 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby LIN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE MONDAY PREVIOIJS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1966 - Mustang - showroom cond. automatic console, Regnegade Belted tires, white wheels, 289 engine - FIRM $1,300. Cal 579-9236. 1963 International truck, 3 -ton model No. .150. $350.; 1969 Nordic Skidoo, 1971 Skidoo, double trailer,$650.655-4776. 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - S2,000 miles, factory body and paint, best of fer, $200. Caii 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1957 CHEV - 2 dr. ndtp., Kentucky car, compteteiy'rebu!it 327, 300 hp motor, 3 sp. auto transmission, new brakes, tires, shocks, exheust, new carpet, custom seats, no rust, certif ied, asking $2,600 must selI. Cati 668-1 139 after 5:30 weekdays. Steel Disc Mag Wheels for Chev. Set of 4 Tornada Belted Tires G 70 14 New $360. Seil for $200. or best offer 668-2886. AUORTS BATTERY - 12 volt for VW,- one year old, $25. Calt 655-4995. rReese-type traiter Hitch, Heavy Duty-H Franie good for 3500 tbs. towing, will fit Coronot and Satel- lite from 68 and up. 1 yr. otd has 1 7/8 & 2 in. bai, each on it own inserting bar. $80. 668-5060 after 5 p.m. one 200 gai. used fuel oit tank $25. or best offer 725-8872. Webber CARBURETOR - 1for M.G.B.. tunabie for economy, $200. Cati 725-4339. EDELROCK TORKER 1ALUMtNUM HIGHRISER - $100; 600 hol1ley 4-barrel ;carburetor. $90; crane race cam 1for Ford 289, $70; ail new parts. Calil 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m.. WEEATIONAL VE1LES A-i l4tt. aluminium van with roll up door, side door and 2,000 pound tait gate loader. Like newi. $2,000. Cali 683-0141 betwveen 8am & 5 pm. 9.9 OUTBOARD MOTOR - used one sesson, inciuding gas tank, cost $700 sait for $350 firm. Cal 668-3112. DUNE BUGGY - running condition, fibre glass body, 1 iking $600. Cati 655-4479, ask for Henry '.For Sale 1 haif ton truck cap tA-1 cond. insutated, aluminium, .$300 or best offer 668-3776 or 649-5204. 1969 SKIDOO - with '71' motor, good condition, needs Isome motor work, best offer over $100. Cati 668-0744. 1 Maie 10, SPEED TOURIN' BIKE - 20" frame, generator lights, pack racks, $100; 11MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA, new parts and paint, certif ied, $500. Cati 668-0187. n 20" GIRLS BI KE - for ages 7-9, like new,$35. Cali 576-5261. n 1967 SUZUKI OLYMPIAN - .S-32, 150 cc twin, good running ,n. condition, $1 75. Cail1655-341 1. SUZUKI 350 - newv tirer new electrical system, $400. j..Cal and ask for Rob 668-5432. 15' MOLDED PLYWOOL' B OAT - with steering wheel, off er; Portabel 668-0744. TV, $50. Cati CONSOLE TV - S3 & W, good condition, $76; two aluminum doors, f ive basamant screen & storm windows, $50. Cail 668-5596. Italian Provincial 4 seater chestei- field and chair, Green Brocade $50. 668-6144. speakers, 2 mikes 655-3530. & stand $550. Air Conditioner G.S.W. 5,000 BTU's used one summer $150. Freezer - General Harvest Gold colour, 11lcu, ft. like brand new $200. 668-3810. 2 Natural gas space heaters in good working order can be con- verted to Propane $75. & $50. Phone 668-2528 or 668-1730. ibie AM FM Radio in good cor 85.00 668-8634. Ei-ectric Rangette S Cati 655 3768 FOR SALI'- Builtinii oven a counter top Burners (elenier %vithl a hood, crome cotoured excellent condition $V 728-6719. ii-i-i R.C.A. good for rec roi or cottage '$40. ;Browvn patteri, rug 10' x 8'6" $35. 655-36, i fridgedair refridgcrater A-i $200. Gatvanator auto. dish- et $185. 655-3972 after 6. Boys hockey SKATES CCM. size 12, $7; Jelnic, size1 $8; boys black f igure skates, CC size 4, $20; Bauer, size 1,$ ulack boot rouler skates, size $33. Cati 668-5227. Etectric Lawnmower with' catcher hardly uscd $48. 655-4627 after 7 p.m. p Fridgedair Dryer $10)0; L mapte wagon wvteei baby comnpiete & high chair Telephone Stand $8; WArdrobe. $8. 579-6786 Pizza oven Bakers Pride stiovet 21" x 21'/" x 17" or bcst offer; Pine wash st $75.; Figure skates girls siz( good cond. $5; garage door 8' x8' $70. 655-4822 Baby changing table with dra $15; 1-iigti Chair $15; very cond. ig.rocking horse-$lS. 655-4917 Tape Recorder - Reel type complete wine making kit, Etoor polisher $12. cail 668-ý Long suede winter coat, siz, $40. 668-3469. Girls white skates, size 1,3, $!? each pair. Caîtl 655-49, Off white rug 17' x 15' (api $200; coffee table & end t arborite topped, trimmed wl brass $100. caîl anytime 728 2 GARAGE DOORS, 8,11/2, x 7'(ht) $25.; 9'l' 7'(ht) $25.; alt hardware i alumninium screen door 3. 813/" $25. all hardware in( 668-9422 Baby Carniages, $25. & $40.; swing, $12.; Jolly Jumper High Chair., $7.; 2 Bathtubs each; Bottle sterilizctr, $3.;tra ,chair,$5.-Walker,$5.call 683-ý 2 Night Tables(not niatching each; 1 mans blue suit siz (new) $ 35; 1 pr. new ladies size 51/ $8; table model dryer $18; ladies suedej size 14 $8; mnans homnemade over sweater size L $20; 1 made afghans $25.each 683- Chrome KITCHEN SE 5 piece, $45; Chesterfield $10; both ideal for CO ,Caît 688-8267. cm, 10; il, grass cati Large crib $70. Steel and $220 ;tand, e13, steel awer.s good $95. $35. -6779 .e 16 48. )prox.) tables th 8-9017 used 2/z x incl. 31/21 x ICI. Baby $5.; ýs $2. aiig 8467 [e 42 shoes hair- jacket e pull- ho me- ý-9048. ET - chair, Dttage. coffee table & 2 end tables (solid %550.now asking $250. 655-3540' vorn 3nor14 times $30.'668-987 steepers, alt %izes, sweaters, tshirts' stacks, many other items for girls B and boys very reasonalbe.$25 s (for ttie lot) 655-3006t Bunk-beds for sale, good shiapeý $80. 728-9777 Medium size OAK DESK 1 large drawer, $49; lazq~ boy, $25; Singer treddle machine,i excellent condition, $50; Viking vvringer washer, $60; Cati 725-1211. White with gold trim 24"E BATHROOM VANITY - wvith countertop, $70. CatI 725-5753. :Girls coat size 10-12 aqua blue withi shecps wool trim. Worn f Twice $60. 668-3101t 18" COLECO CARTRIDGE 1 SWIMMING POOL FILTRE - w vith spare cartridge, $60; over the i watt skimmer,$iO;Iiew ladder for1 4' pool, $35; pool vacuum, $5. Cati l668-4804. BIKE TIRES - 26" x 11/", $1 each; Scaiectrix racing set, many extras, $1 2.50. Cati 968-5060. Electronic Piano -as new, 5 full 1octaves $500. or best offer. iwhite birch gas fireplace lgs, used one -winter $80. or best .offer 668-6319 Almost new pale green & palc, yelow mixed shag, approx. i1Ox 121/; plus heavy bubbe foamn underpad $190; 666-1851. Single STUDENT DESK $12. CatI1 725-1211. 2 full wals of shelving hardware brackets and standards black. less than half price $45. white pana- sonic colour T.V. amost new, matching pedestali mcl. $400; cail afternoofls & evenings 668-7415. MOFFAT GOURMET Stove, Gold colour like new $350. customn made antique white couch brand new. $450. Melo-sonic organ No. 465 & stool $350.,hardly usd 668-9234'or 683-9521. ýRug .9XI12, off wvhite excellent conitin ihuderpad $60 cail 668-8273 after 6 p.M; Star -drum 'set, 4 pýe. go'od coud. $60.11725-2243l<, B3rown Chesterfield Chaiè - Good shape $40. caîl 668-7145 5-DR-70-14 General Steel Radials Like New. Spare Neyer Used White raised letters. Mounted on* Sharp Sport Rims. $250.00 caîl after 6 p.m. 668-2455 E78x14 newv TIRE - on a Ford rim, $20; storm windows, 20Y% x 461/, $10; 21 1/8 x461/, $10; 421/ x 46/2, $1 5; casemnent windows, 20/4 x 461/, 6 at $10 each; poloroid camnera, square shooter 2, iike new, $20. Cali 728-6434. Womens Dark Grey Ring collar, fur trimmed coat, size 14, worn twice.$5O; 1 Auto Clave sterilizer for contact lenses $15;Girls Figure Skates size 3,44&5. $5. pr; Black tap shoes worn twice size 3 $5 .pr. Headboard, white for 30" bed $5.; Bookcase 3 shelves white suitable for childs- room $10; Royal Ironstorie bed chamber, Wheatston pattern $1 5.668-8432. Ladies faîl or winter coat, green with fur trim around cuffs & collar size 1.8-20 asking $35. or best offer. Chanille bedspread single, brand new asking $12. 725-6045. Wedding Dress size 7 $70. Brides- maid dress (Orange) size 9. $50. ,668-0638- Hockey equipment for 7-10 yr.old. shoulder pads, elbow & knee pads. and hockey pants, will seli on bloc foi $12. skates also availabie $5. Electric racing car set, made by SCALECTRIC' lap counter, CHICANESET, straight & corners 2 cars many extras $14. firm cati after 5 - 668-5060 Gft. (hristmnas Tree with decora- tions $40. 655-4194 after 6 p.m. PES&SUPPLIES 2 male toy poodles black, 12 wks. old, CKC registered, shots, excel- lent temperment $200. 579-3094. Hlorse for Sale - 5 year mare1 half apalosa half quarter horse,. excellent ridlng', likes to junpý Asklng $500. 'or best offer. Moviing, must sell 655-4163. MI1SC E L L AN EOU S GAS FURNACE - birnd- Odd foam CUSHIONS - foi new, 100,000 BTU, never been chesterf ietd or sofa seats, $5 a; used. $250. Cati 668-6950. one kitchen stool with swing out ELECTRONIC BREAK step, $5; vanity bench, $5; CONTROL - for traiter breaks, Cali 668-9009 asking $50. Cati 668-9260. York WEIGHT SET - 75 1bb, PEG OOL AM~ 4 c~splus 15 lb. bar, like new, askirig $4; leG FrenchAProvincial hai $20; Cox P-40 Warhaik gas- $25; offe eskro cllent rpowvered plane, unused gas, conditi, 75;snglexbelle$5; battery and instructions included conditpongtablesingyr. d, 5 or best offer. Cali ýp i g . o n t a l e 1 r . o ld , $ 5 0 ; 7 2 5 - 8 1 6 2 . corner arm chair, dark brown, ingle Divan Bed & Headboard '$10; 4 drawer dresser, $15, $40.; Red Bedspread & Short exercise bike, $40; 22 hp lawn- Lined Drapes $25.; Lined Base- mower, $35; 2 matching arm- ment Window drapes 30"x40" chairs, beige, $55. Cati 683-7788. $. pair; stainîess steel single sink AbovegroundPOOLLADDER- $8.; White Range Hood & Fan, brand new, $50. Cai 6680471. vented $10., Snow Tires 14" rims BSA 22 CalibrePellet RI FLE - $25.; 30" x 78" Cedar Door & very accurate, powerful, like glass & lock, painted $40.; 34" x new, wilI setI for $45; swing-set, 82' aoaysa x.or$0 good condition, $35. Cal. C" ati 668-4686 .Dor 20 668-9165. POL TABLE86 - Burrough& SKATES - 2 pair Bouwver,Watts, 4/2 x 8'. Cali 668-2425 size il, nearly new, $20; CCM before 1 2 noon. Junior Pro Size 12, $20 or best CHILDS POOL TABLE -- offer. atil 655-3117. 3' x 6', good condition, $7.50; ANTIQUE CHESTERFIELD also many assorted jigsaw SUITE - 4 pce., newty puzzles, 50 cents aach. Cai upholstered, green and rust 655-3411. brocade, $250 or best offer. 1 stereo - built in 8 tracc tape, Gall 728-4943. record player,- wooden cabinet GOLO WEDDING BAND - with door for storing records and neyer worn, $30. Cali in morning tapes with lock. Approx. 1 year 668-8623 old.$200,whirl-a-waýy dishwasher 3 OUTQOR LOOD $25; 1 blk. & white 23" T.V., LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitable console model $100-Call 668-3195, - for tighting patio or pool are a Adding machine, Remington, $50;1 $30 each. Cati 668-2832 after Singer tredle sewing machiie, urn- 5 p.m. working, $25; bird cage & stand rid. Three alumninum STORM $10; 2 pr. drapes, white size WINDOWS - complete with 48x94, $8. pr; 2 long eventng 6.00 scren,$25 each; boys bicycle, dresses, $5. ea; Imitation Borg gold colour, very good condition, $10; wit eofigre sklae, size 6, $20 <'atl 728-9732. _$5;2wrbhitefigrepsktabes, s$3.50 Fleetwood console STEREO e$5 a; roeiten ptable,&3.5 and $75; disptay cabinet, with glass e rm ice al nts) stiding doors, $75; ,.hallway chairs, good for a, cottage, $15. 1in x-minister carpet, 27"w x 45"t, 668-7000 ý 0. wth addng,$10; al iemsin Amost new paie green and' 05. wit padig, 100 al iemsinpale yettow MIXED SHAG -, excellent condition. Cali 666î847approximately 10 x 12/2 ft, plus oin n OeTi* odvle id heavy bubbte foam underpad, CUSTO O MAai DvElvRAESI- $190; amost new deep roset pink- CUTO07. DAES9 MIXED SHAG, approximatety very good condition siz 112 x92 15'8 - x 10'7", 4 1/' x 6 1/', plus cond. $145. cali 666-1958. bubbte foam underpad, $245. i-wash- Crib & mattress $35; good cond. Cali 666-1851. 668-4193 veîuxe Coronet Drumn Set, 5 Larg & înaî siýeu-qAuii vn ---.-c' drums, throne, highhat,2 symbols EA P1AN C E S WESTINGHOUSE WALL OVEN - in good condition, $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & FAN COMBINATION, four elements, 2-8", 2-6", in good condition, $100. Cali 294-1383. VIKING CLOTHES DRY ER - $80. Cali 668-9269, REFRIGERATOR & STOVE - excellent condition, Asking $175. Cali 668-9165. G.E. FLOOR POLISHER -* including brushes, and Iamb's wool pads, $15; Clairol Kndness instant hairsetter, including 20 roilers, 20 roller clips, Iightweight compact case, ideal for travel, like new, $1 5. Cali 725-9575. HEFRIGERATOR - single door, oid style, $40; stove, in good working condition, '435; dryer, automnatic, aIl temperature, $75. Cati 668-3889. O1 L SPACE HEATER - large $75; 2 heat dispenser, for fan, for If ireplace, $1 25. Cati 579-0757. G.E. etectric white STOVE - 2 yrs. oid, excellent condition, $175. Cati 668-3853 after 5 p.m. Cotdspot 10,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER - extended warranty; $300; Grolier Grow case bookshelf, 4 sheives, watnut, $35; wainut bookcase, 6 shelves, $35. Cali 668-2164. RANGETTE - good condi- tion, $1 5. Cali 668-5450. Sears Beattie Bar Detuxe VACUUM CLEANER - one year oid, $150. Cati 668-1819. AIR, CONDITIONER - one summer oid, fits watt or window, 8,000 BTU, $225. Cati 668-0050 af ter 6 p.m. 30" Westinghouse stove with window for sale good cond. $25. 655-3222. B & W TV - 33", in good condition, $60. Cal] 723-9068.

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