Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 15

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Kitchen Talk. by Joan Fielden Hfome Economist Consultant Release # 1 - Canned Peaches and Pears - "A Good Summer Buy" There's a good supply of canned Canadian peaches and pears available right now that should have thrifty consumers taking a second look, Not only are they tasty, but their price makes theni ail the more appealing. It makes sense to use canned or frozen fruits pro-. cessed at the peak of quality, until the fresh pro- duce come into fuit supply. Canned Canada Choice grade peach and pear '-halves make wonderful 1summer eating combined with the fresh in-season fruit and berrnes. They're also convenient to have on hand in hot weather for camping and cottage living. Try one of these tips for mou th-wate ring summier desserts. Begin your salads or fruit cups by combin- ing canned peachçýs and pears, then add fresh plumns and cherries. For a delightful peachi melba top a peachi haîf wîth ice, creamn and raspberry jam. Pear Hélène can be just as easy - canned pear halves nestled on a scoop of creami with chocolate sauce. If you've neyer teamned Up canned fruit with yogurt, it's time- to start. Peach halves topped with lemon or other fruit-flavoured yogurt are hard tobeat..: The next.-tiîne you're passing the canned fruit sec- tion in the store- stock up on Canada Choice grade Canadian peaches or pears (especiallY the 14 ounce size) for delicious summer eating at reasonable prices. For further information write to: Joan Fielden, P.O. Box 35,,Station "W", Toronto, Ontario CLOCA dickers over priece of Eastbourne Beach lands whose land was being pur- chased by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autho- rity appealed for help to a memiber, of the Senate in Ottawa. CLOCA Chairman John Goodwin recently received a letter from the senator on be- haîf of the property owner who held a one4hird acre. Shores Conservation Area. Mr. Goodwin said that he considered the conservation authority's land purchase policy in the Lynde Shores area was more than equitable andf another member of CLOCA feit the $2,500 a- rn-ount offered for the site was too high. CLOCA owns land sur- rounding a number of roi- chase thie buildings from their present owners. No building; permits are being issued in the area. Mr. Goodwin said he was concerned that CLOCA had a public image to keep up and did not want to give the im- pression that it was trying to steal the sites from their owne rs. WJJITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY' the Durham West Progressive Association at the Wbitby Legion Hall Thursday, Mr. Ashe explained why he voted against the motion. "This universal approach regardiess ôt need bothers me," said Mr. Ashe, who stated that those citizens who need tax exemptions should be helped "but the E. P. Taylors of1 the province should pay,". Universai tax exemptions shift a tax from one personto another, said Mr. Ashe. "We don't need more unera type programS to put a bur- Sden on the mniddle classý taxpayerS." Mr. Ashe pointed out that he is flot against senior citizens, and last year 60 per cent of property taxes were returned to senior citizens, proportionately according to need. ]Free v AUTrOMOBILES FOR SALE _____ 75 Mercury Wagon Marquis - well equipped with extras, in good cond.certified. $4,000 -725-3637. 1975 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - iow mileage, rustproofad, vvll certify, $3,000 or best offer. Col723-9180. 1974 FORD F100 PICK-UP-red, A-i condition, original paint, ex- plorer back with accessories, $3,500. or best offer. 668-0134 1374 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE- new radiais, starter motor, tape deck, and radio, tuned up and ready to go, engine A-i, $1 ,250; chrome 14" mags, $50 for four. Cati 723-7405. 1974 Vega - Good Condition $650. - cai 666-1 255. 1973 Dodge Swiniger 318 A-i Condition $1 500. or best offer 683-8634. 1973 FORD CORTINA- GT - 4 speed, AM/FM, radiai tires, good condition, $1 ,100 Calt1668-6319. 1972 HONDA CB 350 - excellent condition, $550, certified, must seli. Cali Peter 655-3253 after 4:30 p.m. 72 Pontiac Station Wagon, 350, P/S,P/B. needs somce minor work to certify, as is S-450. or best offer 655-3481, 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,00(; miles, new Parts, $450 or best off er. Cal 668-5704. 1971 PONTIAC CATELI NA - 2 door hardtop, running condi- tion, $750 or best offer; 1971 TOYOTA, rp.nning condition, $300 or best offer. Cali 668-7279. 1971 RENAULT - Gooci condition., $270. 'Calt1668-0744- 1971 MAVERICK - Ph. mechanicatty sound, new tires, plus 2 snows, needs new fender, some body work, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, pis, ýp/b, $200 as is. Cal1 668-8698. 1970 FORD TRUCK - red, crewcab, fair condition, great miteage, $600 as is. Cati 655-3545. 1970 CADILLAC - needs somne work, good buy, $12C0; 1967 CHEV, 6 cyt., auto, $150; Calil579-5451. 1969 MUSTANG FASTBAÇK - 302, automatic, headers, chrome trac bars, mags, tinted windows, 8 track stereo, good condition, $900. Cati 668-4654. 1969 BUICi< SKYLARK - good condition, weil kept, snows and rimns inciuded, $850 or best offer. Must seil. Cati 668-7028. 1969 DOOGE BELVEDERE. STATIONWAGON - rebuiit motor, (easy to certifyt, $500. Cati1668-91 24. 1969 FORD CORTINA - ab is,ellO. Caîl 668-6216. 1969 Hiaîf ton Camper $1,000 668-1490 1969 TOYOTA - unregistei-ed, ideal for rpare parts , $100 or best offer. Cal 668-3675. 69 Chevy Station Wagon P/S,PI B 283 auto. crome rims. ex. cond. certified $500. 655-3481. 1 968PONTIACPAR ISIENNE- 327, 2 door hardtop, $400. Cati L 655-3006. 11968 F-or'd Fetura 2 dr, 6 cyl, auto. radio, good cond. $350. or best offer, uncertifksd 655-4498. PressiEmp orium Call 868-6111 16-mutn-shwomcd EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBi ECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Advertisc FREE in the FRIEE PRESS EMPORIUM1, pay ONLY when you seil! Therc will not bc any charge to advertisers in the FRESE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When thc advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustratcd below, regardless if price is stated with best offer. Ail advertisemeflts must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WIIITBY FRESE PRESS and run at luast one month if flot sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $5 0.00 -- commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.;50) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Wlitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delote it from the following issues. AlI ads flot fitting the Emporium guidelines wiîi be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services,. help wanted, clothing, reai estate, nnd personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity. Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, cali 668,611il MAIL ADS TO: FRIE PRESS EMPORIUMI P.O. Box 206, Whitby LIN SS1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TUE MONDAY PRISVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. p/s, p/brdie, V-8satoagion Good /braeiaV-8tansortatio. $400. uncertificd 655-3607. WAGON- best offer. 6 p.m. 4 dr.,8 cVI., $3000or Cati 655-4441 after 1967 VW 9600 FASTBACK- $250; also 1500 VW engine, $150; electric brass f ireplace, $50. Cati 668-0010. three speed f loor shift, good ciean condition, $400 or best of fer. Caîl 668-3889. 1967 Ford F-aicon standard, in good running cond. asking $200. or best offer. 1967 Ford Galaxie 500, auto. asking $100. or best offer. 725-6045. 1967 Plymouth Fury 1l, 20,000 miles on flew motor, needs body work,uflcertified $300. 576-6592. Belted tires, white ývheeIs, 289 engine - FIRM $1,300. Cali 579-9236.A 1963 International truck, 3 ton niodel No. 150. $350.; 1969 r rN.ordic Skidoo, 1971 Skidoo, $ double trailer,$650.65S-4776. 8 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - 62,000 miles, factorv body and Paint, best offer, $200. Caît 655-3972 after 6 p.m. 1957 CHEV - 2 dr. hdtp., Kentucky car, cQmpietety rebuiit 327, 300 hp motor, 3 sp. auto transmissionl new brakes, tires, shocks, exhaust, new carpet, customn seats, no rust, certified, asking $2,600 must seil. Cati 668-1139 after 5:30 weekdays. Steel Disc Mag Whcels for Chev. Set of 4 Tornada Beited Tires G 70 14 New $360. Seli for $200. or best offer 668-2886. L UT ARTS BATTERY - 12 volt for VW, one year oid, $25. Catil655-4995. Reese-type traiter H-itch, Heavy Duty-Ii lF'ame good for 3500 lbs. towing, will fit Coronot and Satel- lite froin 68 and up; 1ý, yr. old lias i 7/8 & 2 in. bail, each oni it uwn inserting bar. $80. 668-5060 after 5 p.ni. one 200 gai. uscd fuel oul tank $25. or best offer 725-8872. Webber CARBURETOR - for M.G.B., tunable for economy, $200. Cali 725-4339. EDELROCK TORKER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER - $100O; 600 holiey 4-barrel carburetor, $90; crane race com for Ford 289, $70; ait .new parts. Cati 655-3972 after 6 p.m. VELES A-1 l4ft. aluminium van with ro up door, side door and 2,000 pound tait gate loader. Like new. $2,000, Cali 683-0141 between 8arn & 5 pm. 9.9 QUIBOARD MOTOR -- used one1 season, including gas tank, cost $700 seil for $350 firm. Cat 668-3112. DUNE BUGGY - running condition, f ibre glass body, ~i!king $600. Cali 655-4479, ask for Henry. For Sale i haif ton truck cap ~A-1 cond. insuiated, alumniniumn, $300 or best offer 668-3776 or 649-5204. 1969 SKIDOO - with '71 motor, good condition, needs some motor work, best offer over $100. Cati1668-0744. Male 10 SPEED TOURIN:,ý1 BIKE - 20" frame, generator iights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 19,71 350 HONDA, new parts 'and paint, certif ied, $500. Cali 668-0187. 20" GIRLS Bi KE - for ages 7-9, tike nevv,$35. cati 576-5261. 1967 SUZUKI OLYMPIAN - S-32, 150 cc twin, good runnrlg condition, $1 75. Ca1t1655-341 1. SUZUKI 350 - newvtie new electricai system, $400. CailI and ask for Rob 668-5432.-' 15' MOLDED PLYWOOE' BOAT - with steering wheel, needs few repairs, $75. Cali 668-9860. 68 Voikswvagefl Station Wagon 1600 motor, radio, gas heater $250.00 6684962. 1975 Yarnaha motocrosser, 400. 1C.C.'s just rebuilt, nliany extras $,800. 6554733. NOVEMBER 30, 1977, PAGE 15 A she opposes un ive rsal policy Ojpposition to universal across.the-board legisiatiofi le d Durham West MPP George Ashe to be the only dissenter in a recent vote in the Ontario Legisiature. The Legisiature voted 74 to one on a private memnber's motion to exempt senior citizens and handicapped S persons from paying property * . or education taxes. TRSIS TUE KEY TO INDUSTRLAL GROWTH This barren stretch of graded road is the key to opening up the Oshawa-Whitby indus- trial basin for developinent, says Regional Deveiopmeflt Officer Richard Spence. This view shows Wentworth Street looking east from the Thickson Road Industrial Park to- wards Oshawa. Completion of Wentworth Street is expected by the spring or summer of 1 978, and will provide a major traffic artery to service the industrial centre of the Durham Region.11 Kree Press Photo m ý%W qwm ý ý - - - m lý ý Al

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