Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977, PAGE 5 Development strategyr will put Whitby on the industrial map. By BRIAN WINTER- Staff Writer The 1 ,000 ýacres of indus- trial land south of Highwvay *~401 and east of Tliickson Road is one of the most im- portant industrial sites in the Region of Durham, but a developmnent strategy is re- quired to put this landl into a marketable position, says Richard Spence, Regional Development Officer for Whitby. There is not much activity in this area now because the lands are flot visible from Highway 401, the major comn- mercial traffic artery in the province, says Mr. Spence. This is a significant prob- lem, for "unseen is unsold," he says. "We don't have the exposure we would like." To rectify this situation, the regional planning and developmient departmient is taking several critical steps to open up this seemingly hidden industrial land resource. The announicement by the -Provincial Government in March'that it would build a Liquor Control Board ware- house in the industrial park provided the necessary im- petus for the completion of Wentworth Street as a major east-west artery in the 2,000 acre Oshawa-Whitby industrial basin, says Mr. Spence. "Wentworth Street is the key to the whole situation, as far as Whitby is concerned," says Mr. Spence. "Opening Wentworth Street will pro- vide a major arterial link to the Thickson-401 interchange( (the central interchange of the region according to Mr. Spence.) Thickson-401 is the industrial mnain street of the Region of Durham. Went- worth Street will give us the exposure we need to show what we have." The construction of Went- worth Street from Thornton Road in Oshawa to Thickson Road in Whitby will bring pressure to bear on the pro- vincial government to take the next important step, the reconstruction of the Thick- son-401 interchange, says Mr. Spence. Wentworth street will cause the province to reorganize its j priorities regarding this inter- change and thereby shorten the time when it will be developed to its optimum standard, he says. "Once this is done, it is the first step to bringing the right kind of development to this area," said Mr. Spence. At the present time Mr'. Spence e xpects the recon- struction of the interchange LCBO Iast spring, Ieaving 6C acres on the north. side ai -Wentwotth Street under regional ownership. The potential of these nom vacant lands can bc seen when Mr.* Spence explains that plans cal,for a density of 18 jobs pei acre ini the Thickson Road Industrial Park.. With 1,000 'acres of that land in Whitby it meanis there will be ultimnately 1 8,000 jobs there, he says. Already 15,000 people are ernployed at General Motors in Oshawa and its varlous freighit transportation pattern to serve this number of jobs (32,000 in 2,000 acres), says Mr. Spence. Thus the importance placed on Wentworth Street and the Thickson-401 interchange. The last phase of the trans- portation pattern, according to Mr. Spence is the boundary road between Whitby and Oshawa which will link the lands on the north and south sides of Highway 401. This will not be constructed until the demands of industry re- quire it, he says. Once Wentworthi Street is cornpleted the next task of the regional developmient de- partrnent will be to bring in large commiercial office users to start a developmnent trend in the Oshawa-Whitby indus- trial basin. There wilI also be a need to concentrate on perifery and service industries says Mr. Spence. Current activity in this area involves finding clients to fMI the General Motors parts warehouse which was vacated in the late sumnmer when GM's lease ran out. Mr. Spence expects more buildings to be constructed in the Lakeview Estates in the next 12 to 18 months be- cause lots and portions of land are already being sold to ,( private builders who are pre- pared to put up inventory type buildings conditional on sale. The region lias an inventory of land and buildings available for industry and with the money for industrial pro- motion announced by the »provincial governmnent at thc 1end of Septenmber, a strong 1program can be put into yaction. Mr. Spence stresses that industrial developmnent ini the >Durham Region is a team -effort by a group of dvlp ment officers employed by the region. The officers are assigned local areas (M r. Spence is in charge of Whitby) but they work together show- ing sites in the various muni- cipalities to prospective clients. Each officer has expertise This aerial view of the Oshawa-Whitby Industrial Basin shows the 2,000 acres of land whicb will someday by the in- dtistrial centre of the Duîrham Region. At left is Thickson Road, with the lands to the east and west labelled with the names of their owners. To the right is the Oshawa Steven- son Industrial Park and the General Miotors plant. An in- dustrial strateev lias been develoved bv the region to ink they can woik together onl special problern, says Mr. Spence. The five mienibers of the teamn are Director Bob Nicol and fouir devclopmnlt office rs,Mon dea u leaticlha mp, Richard Speiice, Kcnncthi Rowe and Jack Richards. Mr. Spence says hielias received "tremn(1tis co- operatiolii froin the Towni of Whiitby, anid Mayor ui Gartshiorc and Couîîcillor JOY Thompsorn have part icipate(l conisidcrably ,iid taken a great in terest ini the region 's industrial devclopimcnit s tra teg~ Valuable member L-eonard Kirby, of I138 Buirchier Road in Ajax wvas recently presenited witil the Jack Miller Award as the miost valuable miember of the Whitby Yacht Club. The award was presenited at a special awards night for the 320-member club. E Thornton and Thickson Roads by the Wentworth Street extension, wbich will lead to the reconstruction of the Thickson Road-Highway 401 interchange. Once these transportation links are conipleted the land will -be in a marketable position, say the regional development officers. Durham Region Photo. 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Deluxe wheel covers, etc. Seriat No. 110493 $457895-f $1 77 GRAND FURY BROUGHAM 1 Silver cloud metallic. Blue cluth & vinyl bench seat with arm rest HR78Xl5 steel belted white walls, power steering, power brakes, 360 V-8 autumatic, electric heated rear window, tinted glass, remote mirror, stripes, AM radio, deluxe wheel covers. Serial No. 145784 $5155 + 1 77 GRAND FURY BROUGHAM Vintage red metallic, cloth & vinyl bench seat with armn rest, 360 V-8 automatic, steel belted radial white walls, electric heated rear window, remote mirror, dual <hurns, AM radio, deluxe wheel covers. power steering, power brakes. Serial No. 150977 $5070.704 Si 77 CH RYSLER NEWPOBT 4 OR' Muondust metallic, cluth & vinvl bench seat, V-8 a utomatic, power 'steerina. Power Brakes, HR78-15 steel belted radiais, electric,tieated rear window, facto.ry air, tin ted glass, side moldings,,electronic fuel-pacerî automnatic s peed control,ý power windows, AM/FM- radio, vinyl rouf and much rie. 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