Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,,1997, WHIT] Howdy Folks! Many people feel that if expansion does corne to Brook- lin, ail the housing will be for single families. Not so. It has been stated that row housing, town bouises and apartnients are comning. Sorne aiso feel that the houses are going to be large luxurious and be what is know as the bosses house's! Now do you want to look up and see apartments instead of the sun? You know that you can't just have one ro w of bouses. t would have to be a whole section of town. Big houses or 'bosses bouses' wouldn't work either. The bosses wouid be segragated frorn the rest of the town, because. their homes are so large and on such large lots. People just wouldn't be as friendiy. If you want a comrnunity with ail the houses the sarne cost, (meaning that housés could be affordable but for sin- gle families, as niow), go out to the meetings. Tell Council what you want. They are flot mind readers. They can flot say things for you, or even speak for you, if you do not say bow you f eel. Maybe 1 amn wrong. Maybe everyone wants town bouses and apartments. Even so, still corne out and let everyone know. Remnember if someone is leaving the big city tocorne out here to live, bow many are going to want to live in an apartment?,___. BY FREE PRESS To me town houses and apartments are for city dwellers. Brooklin is a village in the country. If we start putting .up hgh r!se apartmients the country becomes the city and the cit bcmes congested, poliuted and scary. The only way to keep Brooklifl warmn and 'country like' keep out city dweliings. Keep reading the papers and go out to the meetings. If you have questions ýabout expansion ealu Counsil, rnaybe they can help, but the best way is to attend ail the meetings. Remember we have to live here, if not us our children. What kind of community and atmosphere do we wish to live in? When 1 say this 1 mean that 1 arn not against housing for the aged. But how many people are there that would use themn. Sniall one story grouped apartrnents 1 think wouid be fine. Maybe no one wants Senior Citizen 'garden'.apartment,( A reminder to those mothers who wanted to have their children enrolled in 'Kinder Kraft' the YMCA are providîng, the programn starts 'Saturday December 3: which is this Saturday, at 10:15 a.m. Hurry! There are only a few openings left. Cali the YMCA at 668-6868. An open house is being held by Mrs. Verna Hodson in honour of Mrs. Ruby Sonley to celebrate her 8th birthday. Ail friends and acquaintances are weicomne to attend the celebration. It is to be held on Sunday, December 4 from 3 to 5 p.m. then again frorn 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Hodson is holding the affair in ber homne at 144 Baldwin St. Having been to the Jolly Hoily Mart on Saturday, I.feel that it was a great suceess. 1 arrived at only 2:1 5 p.m. and a lot of things had been sold. By about 3;00 n-ost of Mrs. Santa's goodies were gone. There wasn't even starnding rooi-n at the Elf's Eatery. I'm sure we were ail there and bought soine good erafts from our Brooklin United Chureh Womnen. From What 1 understand the next Public Town Council meeting will be either Monday, December 5 or Wedncsdy 1)ecernber 7. So keep both days open. Unfortunately 1 have not been able to find out the exact date., Be sure to-, corne out. This meeting could be the one tht stops development and expansion. Who knows; the only way to fnd out is to come to the meetings and voice your opinions. Remember no one can do it for you. The more noise people make, thie better. Be sure to be on the 1lookout for the Town Crie rs. They'll be here really soofl Mri 655-3061 HAPPENING S Friday December 2,8 p.m. -Ashburn Community Centre - Eucre, Night - Adults 50c students 25ecLadies don't forget the goodies! Friday December 2, 8:30 p.rn. - Brooklin United Cburch present Candlenight Buffet with the Couples Club - tickets are $7.00/couple - 655-4878. Mrs. Jackson. Saturday December 3 - Meadowcrest Sebool - Kinder Kraft- by the YMCA. Only a few openings eall 668-6868 for regi- stration. Sunday December 4, 3-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. - Open House for Ruby Sonley - 144 Baldwin in Brooklin - frinds and âcquaintances welcome. Friday December 16, 7:30 p.m. - Asbburn Comrnunity Centre - A Christmas Concert witb plays and fun! Sunday December 18, 2-4 p.m. - Brooklin Community Centre - Group '74 presents 'Olde Tyme Christmas'. Airport decision in 1978 - s - s - e SUNSINEPROUiO

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